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/lit/ - Literature

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5163982 No.5163982 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit, is it just this week or something. /lit/ contians some of the most pretentious,cynical and out right cringe worthy posters in the whole of 4chan

Who do you all think you are? The next big author signing books at the local Barnes and Noble ?

>> No.5163992

No its every week

>> No.5164031
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>> No.5164039

Then theres this fucktard

Tfw /lit/s dead

>> No.5164050

>telling anybody to get back to reddit

>> No.5164088

We're not pretentious, it's just you being a pleb. If you weren't dumb and illiterate, we wouldn't need to correct you all the time.

>> No.5164160
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Who does this guy think he is ,no really, who does this shoddy exuse on an anoymous image board think he is. Your ego is making me want to explode

>> No.5164179

>I'm an idiotiotic faggot
>everyone else therefore has to be an idiot too
>What is Dunning-Kruger?

Out of interest, how likely is it that you're an autistic STEMacist?

>> No.5165172

⇒implying I'm a guy
⇒implying I was serious
Your inability to recognize the humorous nature of my post indicates severe autism. Get that checked.

⇒implying STEM master race wouldn't enjoy criclejerking over who's the most intelligent and most educated
Have you ever been to /sci/? What's you're IQ?

>> No.5165178

There are pretentious posters trying to be 2deep4u, but they're better than shitposters

>> No.5165191

They ARE shitposters and so are you.

>> No.5165194


>I can't see meaning beyond the surface

>> No.5165208

I think Walter White was what Nietzsche wanted

that's shitposting

>> No.5165219

Who am I?

*crazy faces*

I am nothing

>> No.5165271

This is the best quality post you ever made. And I mean this seriously. I despise your trip persona. You are the most dimwitted pseudo-intellectual on this board, even worse than feminister. Every time I see your cringeworthy underaged drivel I feel tempted to filter your retarded name. You are the kind of person who enjoys /s4s/. Please stay there and keep your combined social ineptitude and lack of education out of /lit/.

>> No.5165291

/lit is fine melange of genuine thought and shitposting posing as thought

just like the roman senate that voted 70/30 to an hero Socrates

>> No.5165693


>> No.5166790

OP can't handle the intellectual banter.

>> No.5166803

I have been on this board since its inception and not once have I thought, "Wow, that post was insightful."

This board is borderline /b/ level and I have no idea why I still come here. But I do so eh, whatevs.

>> No.5166819
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You will never again experience the D&E/Brownbear era of /lit/ when between sparse tripshitting and Ayn Rand there was alright threads every now and then.

>> No.5166832

You missed out on Isabelle Huppert's philosophy discussions.