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5163317 No.5163317[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to buy a book as a birthday gift for a girl, what should I buy her?

>> No.5163325

What kind of girl is she?

>> No.5163351

Yeah, tell us what she likes dipshit.

>> No.5163361

spoiler: she's a pleb

>> No.5163382
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>> No.5163386

There's no book that's good for all girls on birthdays. You need to give us some guidelines of her taste, favorite books, favorite movies, favorite T.V shows, favorite music, and, ideally, anything you know about why, exactly, she likes these things.

>> No.5163389

That doesn't fucking help. Get her a crime novel I guess, everyone likes a good crime novel. Get her Galveston by Nic Pizzolatto. Unless she's a girly girl princess, then I don't fucking know something from WalMart.

>> No.5163394


Protip: unless she's your niece, NEVER buy a girl books.

>> No.5163400

What should I buy her then?

>> No.5163404

Stargirl, Spinelli; The Book of Lost Things, Connolly

>> No.5163410

Jesus christ man stop asking on here. Take her on vacation on a weekend trip. If you're young, get her some crappy jewellery or some bullshit like that people think matters when they're 18.

>> No.5163425


Buy her some nice accessories instead. A bracelet with anchor or shit. I dunno. Ask >>>/fa/.

>> No.5163448

This. Vacation is the best present.

Pro-tip: any girl who wants jewelry as a gift is either immature and a teenager (nothing wrong with that) or a total money grubbing cunt. You can spend hundreds or thousands on metal and rocks but I guarantee you her favorite piece is still gonna be that 15$ necklace she bought herself from next to the cash register at Charlotte Russe.

Vacation is something you can both enjoy, it creates lasting bonds and memories, and you two can fuck like bunnies.

>> No.5163464


>> No.5163769

We're not dating so idk that would be kind of weird.

She said she likes thrillers and stuff. She's kind of shy and quiet and not all that feminine if that helps.

>> No.5163786

Don't buy her a book. In most cultures, this is very rude and you can't know if she will like it.

>> No.5163789

Why's it rude? I've gotten books as gifts before and appreciated them. Even if you end up not liking the book I think it's still better than getting some junk you'll never use.

>> No.5163845

I want to buy a girl a book as well. She's bitter and cynical and currently dances the tsundere dance for my brother. I can't out-pleb my brother so I've decided to out-class him to charm the girl. My brother won't be an issue since he's already got a girlfriend.

It's just that I don't know her too well. I know about the things she hates and dislikes but I've never heard her praising anything. What sort of book are you supposed to get someone like that? Genre fiction is out of question.

>> No.5163886

Finnegan's Wake

>> No.5163900

Oh well in that case go for Nic Pizzolatto. The best option would be to give her one of yours, say you had already read and thought she might like it. That way you won't come on too strong and be like a creep that buys stuff for her randomly. You can always buy her the book and say you just had it lying around too.

>> No.5163907


>> No.5164068

something by philip k. dick

>> No.5164168

bros before hoes man, don't mess up your relationship with your brother over some girl

>> No.5164205

Is she actually into books?
If you end up going through with it, be very careful. She is probably going to read into it and draw all kinds of conclusions about you.

>> No.5166701
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>> No.5166714


That's exactly why those sortsof books are published and why each and every "feminist" who refuses to read them are endangering all of mankind

>> No.5166718

yes, i agree

>> No.5166719

something existential

>> No.5166727

That's fucking dumb. I'm a girl and since I was a kid all I ever wanted was books unless I specified otherwise.

>> No.5166734


>I'm going to buy a book as a birthday gift for a girl
>spoiler: she's a pleb

Honestly m8 buying a book for a girl who is a pleb won't end well.

She either won't understand the book.

Or she'll wounded vanity and think that you're sending her signals that you think she's dumb and should be reading more.

Or (and most likely) she'll appreciate it but secretly think you're kind of faggoty.

>> No.5166739


>since I was a kid all I ever wanted was books

OP said the girl was a pleb. You can hardly compare your disposition with hers.

Unless people (guys or girls) show a prior interest with reading buying them a book is a bad move.

>> No.5166913 [SPOILER] 
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I love Daisies

>> No.5167246
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i buy all my friends books for their birthday in addition to a few other things i think they'll like. you seem to be underestimating the variation of books.
both of these suggestions are terrible, especially stargirl. would be embarrassing to receive.
i've requested jewelry before because it's the easiest thing to shop for and acts as a reminder of the person who bought it for me. the trick is having good taste.
>She's bitter and cynical
buy her obscure philosophy that she can form some dumb opinion on. her head will be so far stuck up her ass that she won't be able to actually read it, anyway. i use this tactic on everyone i think is full of themselves.
imo your best bet would be going to a commercial bookstore, not a used book store, and buying something with a pretty cover. read the reviews on the back cover and ask yourself if she'd describe a book she liked using those phrases. the pretty cover is very important, if it's ugly or a color she doesn't like then she probably won't read it no matter what the back cover says.