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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 18 KB, 198x200, althusser meme2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5159592 No.5159592[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be one of the most influential French Marxists of the 20th century
>write works praising Stalin and Mao
>rail against humanism, economism, and overall degeneracy on the Left
>call out Sartre and Marcuse for their humanist sheep-slavery
>writings taken up by American academics and social justice warriors, who liberalize it and use it to make a case for ass-backwards, idealist identity politics and privilege theory

Why did this happen, /lit/?

>> No.5159610

American academics don't know shit about French philosophy.

>> No.5159614

you know the answer, why are you asking us? so we can echo-chamber more about the excesses of pseudocontinental philosophy/litcrit departments?

>> No.5159641

I have this gut feeling that if someone uses the term "social justice warrior" without any irony he's not that well-versed in the works of any particular marxist

>> No.5159645

>so we can echo-chamber more about the excesses of pseudocontinental philosophy/litcrit departments?

I have a strong feeling that it's exactly what OP intended.

>> No.5159656

I know you're joking, but it's scary that people on /lit/ and /pol/ actually believe edgy shit like ethical egoism and extreme communism has any merit besides justifying being an asshole

Not that SJWs are any better

>> No.5159666

SJW's don't use Althusser. They might use Foucault, who drew much from Althusser. But Foucault was not Althusser, he wasn't even a Marxist, and spoke out against human rights abuses by communist governments.

>> No.5159673

>have this gut feeling that if someone uses the term "social justice warrior" without any irony he's not that well-versed in the works of any particular marxis
this massive fucking implication

>> No.5159683

stfu, you dumb cunt. Why do you comment on posts that you know nothing about?

>> No.5159689

Theres no way they've read Foucault

>> No.5159693


/lit/ in a nutshell

>> No.5159699

I think it's a pretty clear and open statement. Though you might argue that this is also a particular case of implication.

>> No.5159703

Foucault's treatment of Hercule Barbin is a major text of postmodern feminist theory.

>> No.5159711

Kill yourself.

>> No.5159714

nice trips

>> No.5159715

SJWs have not studied postmodern feminist theory, they have a very basic understanding of intersectionality and try to apply it to everything they can think of

>> No.5159717

>muh single definition of implication
>not realizing it also means a likely consequence of something

>> No.5159719

I have a gut feeling that most SJW's are really only invested in social equality in so far as they can interpassively share things on social networking in a conspicuous effort to make themselves seem more conscientious to their friends.

That, and I think most Marxists would probably agree that class struggle is more important that identity politics.

>> No.5159726

meant for >>5159699

>> No.5159732

Yeah, probably. But even so, I don't think they reference Althusser as a theorist they pretend to know about.

>> No.5159746

So you need to stop talking about him, 'cause you don't know shit about him, you ugly cunt

>> No.5159753

this is now a repeating digits thread

>> No.5159760

Thats true, I'm not actually sure what OP is talking about

>> No.5159768

If you and Feminitslut knew anything about Althussure, you would know feminist theorists use him extensively... along with Gramsci

>> No.5159772

Actually I realized that and that was one of the point of my post. I know that calling people faggot officially dispenses you from reading the people you respond to, but you could have bothered anyway.

>> No.5159781

Not all feminists are 'SJWs' though, they're a particular breed of useless internet activists. Like the leftist version of /pol/

>> No.5159784

> Like the leftist version of /pol/

That should be the official definition of SJW.

>> No.5159785

gotcha, I guess I was wrongly assuming that SJW = every contemparary feminist

>> No.5159790
File: 11 KB, 251x242, 1405325781753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read his his "How to Read Marx's Capital", which is excellent. However, I found "Reading Capital" to be extremely pic related, and actually caused me to question Marx more than anything else I've read.

>> No.5159791

That would be knowing about the feminists who use him, not knowing about Althusser.

>> No.5159795

Naw, you heaven't read him. Stop lying, you posturing idiot.

>> No.5159799
File: 159 KB, 270x270, St. Quintus of Dubs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inspect them

>> No.5159801

did feminister murder your parents

>> No.5159807

jesus christ

>> No.5159813

Does this mean Christians are right ?

>> No.5159820

Haha. That's rich, considering Althusser admitted in his posthumously published autobiography that he wasn't well read at all, and bullshitted about a lot of theory he pretended to be familiar with.

>> No.5159823

the /mu/ification of /lit/ continues

>> No.5159824

Far right.

>> No.5159841

> posthumously published autobiography
It's called memoirs, you faggot.
and no he didn't. Jesus christ, are all women as dumb as you?

>> No.5159871

Curious how egoist communism isn't the most correct thing you've ever heard.

>> No.5159911

You can't attach normatives to egoism. But a communistic union of egoists is truly my heart's desire.

>> No.5159917 [DELETED] 

Die, cunt.

>> No.5159922


>> No.5159960

>Ethical egoism is the normative ethical position that moral agents ought to do what is in their own self-interest.


>> No.5159963

Post-scarcity shitposting up in this bitch

>> No.5159971

What are your thoughts on the comic I told you to post your thoughts about on.

>> No.5160315

Yes true I feel this

>> No.5160328

>extreme communism

>> No.5160360
File: 57 KB, 620x391, arthur-schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hegel was a charlatan who couldn't write for shits.

Everything that follows from him is empty charlatan crap meaning communism has no worth, seriously. Not to mention that communism is based on the labour theory of value which has been debunked.

There is literally no reason to take communism seriously anymore.

>> No.5160373

Nice post man but you're wrong and you're not going to survive the revolution probably

>> No.5160383


>Hegel was a charlatan who couldn't write for shits.
>meaning communism has no worth, seriously.

lol @ your causal reasoning, seriously.

>> No.5160394

>being human and not a humanist
How dumb can ya be?

>> No.5160401

>is based on the labour theory of value which has been debunked.
How was exactly debunked?
It happens all the time; and it wasn't exactly Marx theory, but Aristotle. How the fuck can you debunk it?

>> No.5160405

>labour theory of value which has been debunked
"shiny diamonds are shiny" does not negate the fact that FOR THE MOST PART we value things that demand our labor

>> No.5160410



>> No.5160415

>Schopenhauer is so far from being a real pessimist that at the most he represents 'the interesting': in a certain sense he makes asceticism interesting--the most dangerous thing possible for a pleasure-seeking age which will be harmed more than ever by distilling pleasure even out of asceticism… is by studying asceticism in a completely impersonal way, by assigning it a place in the system.

>After reading through Schopenhauer's Ethic one learns - naturally he is to that extent honest - that he himself is not an ascetic. And consequently he himself has not reached contemplation through asceticism, but only a contemplation which contemplates asceticism. This is extremely suspicious, and may even conceal the most terrible and corrupting voluptuous melancholy: a profound misanthropy. In this too it is suspicious, for it is always suspicious to propound an ethic which does not exert so much power over the teacher that he himself expresses. Schopenhauer makes ethics into genius, but that is of course an unethical conception of ethics. He makes ethics into genius and although he prides himself quite enough on being a genius, it has not pleased him, or nature has not allowed him, to become a genius where asceticism and mortification are concerned.

Schopenhauer BTFO by Kierkegaard

>> No.5162388


Based Soren.

>> No.5162394

>Why did this happen, /lit/?

The production of the proletariat's subjectivity in history is the achievement of the class itself, not of the party.

>> No.5162398

>my political system based on the reading of pig's entrails has not yet successfully defeated my enemy. I better keep on using it

>> No.5162402

How does it feel that American liberalism essentially controls the direction of ALL leftist movements on the planet?

It feels good to be a liberal. It feels like being the de factor ruler of the planet. It is why we defeated the fascists, and why we defeated the misguided communists. Our social liberal democratic values and free market capitalism will diversify and free the entire planet.

There is nothing you can do to stop us.

Liberalism is the end of history. We will eat everything in our path, and there is nothing you can do to stop our values and markets.

>> No.5162406


Go to bed Francis Fukuyama.

>> No.5162414
File: 205 KB, 288x600, exploding-knees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, much mad.

>> No.5162416


Quality bait mate. I'm going to pinch this if you don't mind, tweak it, and post it to /pol/.

Should get some baits.

>> No.5162489

Every time an American says "As a liberal who's pretty much hard left politically" another country embraces neo-liberal capitalism.

>> No.5162492

>ethical egoism isn't the only remotely coherent theory to come out of metaethics

>> No.5162493

When I say "egoism", I mean the psychological egoism of Stirner, not ethical egoism.

>> No.5162503

so much shitposting
so much samefagging

>> No.5162513

These decadent faglord froggies can eat my weenie.

>> No.5162520

Bites. Bait gets bites.

>> No.5162921

He was mad. He said that his whole life is one big lie after WWI. How would you trust the confession that he 'only know Hegel a little' when he wrote a dissertation on him? (the one with the fake quote were the thesis.)