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5156854 No.5156854[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In a recent interview with the Times magazine, Richard Dawkins attempted to defend what he called “mild pedophilia,” which, he says, he personally experienced as a young child and does not believe causes “lasting harm.”

Dawkins went on to say that one of his former school masters “pulled me on his knee and put his hand inside my shorts,” and that to condemn this “mild touching up” as sexual abuse today would somehow be unfair.

“I am very conscious that you can’t condemn people of an earlier era by the standards of ours. Just as we don’t look back at the 18th and 19th centuries and condemn people for racism in the same way as we would condemn a modern person for racism, I look back a few decades to my childhood and see things like caning, like mild pedophilia, and can’t find it in me to condemn it by the same standards as I or anyone would today,” he said.

Plus, he added, though his other classmates also experienced abuse at the hands of this teacher, “I don’t think he did any of us lasting harm.”


>> No.5156859

self-proclaimed not-sexually abused man becomes self-proclaimed militant atheist

>> No.5156865

"Harsh pedophelia"=murder. meh... Meh...

>> No.5156866

but doesn't he, like, condemn the catholic church for shit like that?

>> No.5156868

When it comes to pederasty I don't think the British can be judged by the same standard that we judge human beings.

>> No.5156873

I think I know what he's getting at, the whole "you shouldn't judge people of the past by modern standards", but it comes out all confused with modern times. Maybe misquoted?

>> No.5156877

this is the first thing i have ever agreed with him on

>> No.5156883

"Dawkins attended Oundle School in Northamptonshire, an English public school with a distinct Church of England flavour. The school promotes the practice of Christian values and maintains strong links with the Church of England."

What a surprise.

>> No.5156891

>no lasting harm
>utterly destroyed any belief he had that this was a world where god exists

>> No.5156892


>> No.5156900

He's a smart guy, he wouldn't argue like that. Definitely out of context and contorted.

>> No.5156914

these comments
>An own goal for New Atheism! Well played, you arrogant theophobe

>> No.5156921

typical christian pedo apologist

>> No.5156927

Happened recently with the whole "Dawkins thinks fairytales are harmful" shit, just taken out of context by a dying medium vying to sell a few last newspapers before the inevitable collapse....

>> No.5156928

and you know the man well enough to say this?

>> No.5156931

>Dawkins defending pedophilia

Reddit is gonna cream their pants over him even more now.

>> No.5156934

On second thought, when that happened he immediatly clarified on Twitter, now there's nothing.

His twitter feed right now is just a really obnoxious river of far right anti-muslim cartoons. holy shit what a dumb fuck. https://twitter.com/RichardDawkins

>> No.5156941
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>> No.5156951

>obnoxious river of far right anti-muslim cartoons
Quick, go alert Tumblr!

>> No.5156956
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>> No.5156964
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>what a dumb fuck

>> No.5156968

>atheism must not touch islam or it's far right

>> No.5156969


>> No.5156974
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Yeah, PZ Myers was hyping this shit last year after he finally decided that he wasn't BFFs with Dawkins any more. It's just stupid sensationalist spin.

>> No.5156984
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>le happy atheist

>> No.5156993

Checkmate, atheists.

>> No.5157201
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>tfw english
>tfw every celebrity you dislike turns out to be a nonce

>> No.5157209

Is Dawkins just taking the piss here? He's essentially saying "I went to a religious school, and like everyone else, I was sexually molested by the clergy. But you have to keep in mind that being sexually molested by the clergy was so widespread and common that it was normal; you can't paint these situations with the pre-made outrage package of contemporary social justice."

Seems like he's taking a cheap shot at SJW and "all priests are pedophiles" in one go.

>> No.5157225
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>I find it ethically unjustifiable to judge those who come from different eras with different cultural norms and standards by our cultural norms and standards.


This literally hurt my head trying to decipher what the shit was being written.

>> No.5157227

>Dawkins went on to say that one of his former school masters “pulled me on his knee and put his hand inside my shorts,” and that to condemn this “mild touching up” as sexual abuse today would somehow be unfair.
>I look back a few decades to my childhood and see things like caning, like mild pedophilia, and can’t find it in me to condemn it by the same standards as I or anyone would today
This seems perfectly fine and sensible. What's the issue?

>> No.5157234

>a man has an unpopular opinion or does an unpopular thing
>his entire body of work is now discredited
I'll never understand this.

>> No.5157237

it's a meme you stupid faggot

>> No.5157247

But institutional racism in the 18th and 19th century did bother me. People were assholes for not being humanists... their lack of open-mindedness (which is caused by their lack of education) is, though partially understandable, not completely comprehensible. Frankly, if I were sent in a time machine 200 years ago I'd still think racism is retarded, even after accounting for cultural differences.
A school master having sexual feelings towards children (which is what pedophilia, by definition, is) isn't in any way justifiable, even in the least sense, and even after accounting for a different culture

>> No.5157249

>being this wrong

>> No.5157251

I always knew that atheism was just a form of autism.

>> No.5157254

>being this wrong

>> No.5157262

>their lack of open-mindedness (which is caused by their lack of education)
so if you're just well educated you immediately into a humanist? i wonder what all these people did wrong in their educations

>> No.5157267
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>> No.5157270


Too bad this isn't the case with John Money...

>supported REAL paedophilia, both mild and hot
>originated the whole "sex is biological, gender is mental" BS

>> No.5157272

>This seems perfectly fine and sensible. What's the issue?
A. Dawkins is saying that an adult male sexually abusing a minor was socially acceptable a few decades ago. This is wrong
B. That crimes committed of a decade ago have no accountability because it occurred in the past. We know this isn't as many priests are still being imprisoned for the molestations they committed decades ago.
C. That sexually abusing a child does no harm to a child because Dawkins himself got a hand job from his teacher and didn't mind.

>> No.5157273

everything in the media is just fake outrage, fake chastisement, fake solidarity, fake enlightenment, fake intellectualism, my fucking god we're even more phony than people from the 50s

>> No.5157283

>my God
Go to bed Zizek.

>> No.5157286

His entire body of non-scientific works should be.

>> No.5157288

im so glad youre here to give us the realness

>> No.5157289

Mild pedophilia = Mild atraction to children, not mild child abuse, Dawkins.

>> No.5157291

>zizek will talk down Dawkins
Why do we keep on living?

>> No.5157294

I used to be on the fence about Dawkins.

Then I saw how mad he makes SJWs and now I love the man despite the occasional (really really) stupid thing he might say.

>> No.5157296

thats probably why he is such a stuck up bitter old man.

>> No.5157300

youre fuckin welcome

>> No.5157301

>everything in the media is just fake outrage
As Laurie Penny says "The mainstream media outrage merchants.

>> No.5157305

>tfw people are already starting to quote her
so this is what deterioration feels like

>> No.5157309


>"american literature" what kind of search for truth is region specific. what nonsense!

>"continental breakfast" what nonsense!

>> No.5157310
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>As Laurie Penny says

this board has gone to hell

>> No.5157314

>Attacking the source of the quote and not the quote itself.

>> No.5157318


What's wrong you say?

Why isn't he backing this thinking of his up with scientific analysis/study - that of 'mild pedophilia' from those who have 'experienced' it charted against how they turned out many years later instead of going on anecdotal 'but I wasn't...' as though his experiences is indicative of anyone who has experienced what he had and came out 'alright' by his definition.

I do agree with:

>“I am very conscious that you can’t condemn people of an earlier era by the standards of ours.

though. It's used as nothing more but ad hominem attacks on past figures to discredit everything they've said or done.

>> No.5157320

fuck off, it's not a new idea, or particularly well expressed, it was posted as a troll

>> No.5157331

because the quote is the kind of bland nonsense that any student liberal could vomit up

>mainstream media outrage merchants

surely the point of the mainstream media is to provide coverage and analysis of important and controversial events, and if they use hyperbole to engage people how is that a bad thing, what do you want an emotionless recounting of all the days events? and in what way is she not herself an outrage merchant all she does is go to mainstream media platforms and express her "dangerous radical ideas" for money. at least until the inevitable shift to the right.

>> No.5157336

the news should be a dispassionate list of all the events that have occurred the world over throughout the day

>> No.5157388

>“I don’t think he did any of us lasting harm.”

>> No.5157390

>As Laurie Penny says "The mainstream media outrage merchants.
Misquoted and out of context. She was talking about Sinead O'Connor saying Miley Cyrus dresses too slutty and has no talent, and included herself in the "outrage merchants"

"Nobody has covered themselves in glory in this insalubrious episode. Not O’Connor, whose “motherly” advice strayed into slutshaming, as she warned the younger singer about the dangers of being a “prostitute” and advised her that “your body is for you and your boyfriend”; not Cyrus, whose response was a cruel jab at the older woman’s mental health history. Nor the rest of us, the clickbait hunters and tabloid outrage merchants rubbing our hands with glee."


>> No.5157464



context suddenly makes the quote even worse

>> No.5157482

calm down laurie

>> No.5157504

It's a lot better than the alternative.

>> No.5157509

>Nor the rest of us, the clickbait hunters and tabloid outrage merchants rubbing our hands with glee."

>merchants rubbing our hands with glee."

oy vey, Laurie.

>> No.5157548


>> No.5157601

Sounds like Dawkins loved every minute of it. I bet he was practically asking for it with the way he dressed and gazed at the teacher. This kind of pedophilia should fine by everyone, I do not believe this bullshit about there being an age at which you can not consent.

>> No.5157668
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This sounds like a really, really shameless effort to discredit 'new atheism'.

>> No.5157697

Richard bent over the desk to receive the cane. He had been a very naughty atheist and now he was being punished. A revealing bulge began to grow in Richards shorts, throbbing and pulsing, and Richard started rubbing himself against the edge of the desk like an excited puppy. With one hand he reached back and pulled the leg opening of his shorts to the side, presenting his exposed ass to the teacher. The teacher looked down and Richards bare ass and placed the cane on the desk with a smile. He knew what to do. He raised his hand to his mouth and sucked his middle finger, coating it in an abundance of saliva. Richard's rod was was now harder than than the wooden desk. The teacher softly circled Richards anus five times before inserting his finger to the knuckle. A small squeal could be heard from Richard, who couldn't take it any more. He turned around and pulled his shorts to his ankles, grabbed his meager cock in his hand, and began rubbing himself for the teacher to watch. The teacher licked middle finger again; drawing the digit slowly along his tongue. leaning forward, he took Richard in his mouth.

>> No.5157719

Laurie "the Red pill" Penny

>> No.5157729

Is it fucked that I actually touched myself when I read this?

>> No.5157732


>> No.5157750


>> No.5157784

Good ol' Dicky Dawkings stirring up the shit again

>> No.5157788


>> No.5157790

still smarter than you mister lel

>> No.5157797

When will they hold the big Zizek vs Dawkins debate?

>> No.5157817

ITT: Teenage fanboys to the rescue

>hurr out of context
>he's too smart to say that

Dawkins always was a pop-science hack.

>> No.5157826

In biology? Sure.
In any other field of study? No. The guy repeatedly makes a fool of himself whenever anything not related to biology comes out of his mouth.

>> No.5157828

They would probably link arms and celebrate their inferior mastery of intellect together.

>> No.5157831

but you're making a fool of yourself without even having a subject

>> No.5157848

Does it hurt your feelings someone says bad things about your hero?

>> No.5157856

I was about to say he was too smart to say that, but then I read original Times article:


He's writing his memoir.

Do have any idea how much guts that takes to admit, "yea, I know a lot of diddling goes on at prep schools, my teacher touched my inner-thigh once, it was weird, but I wasn't traumatized and I don't think any of the other students experienced anything worse than that."

Just think for a second, are there any events in your life that you will take to your grave?

It takes a lot of guts to say what Dawkins said and is continually saying about everything.

Reactionists are using the quote to claim sensationalist headlines.

He in no way defends "mild pedophilia".

>> No.5157868

He did defend it and later apologized to the other victims.

are you just pulling stuff out of your ass?

>> No.5157871

>recent interview
>9 months ago

>> No.5157879
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I think we can accept that in the mid-to-late-20th century the standards were different, but still wrong.

I'm a massive fan of these investigations. It's like a cultural revolution, sweeping away all the creepy old men from yesteryear, ensuring they die in disgrace, then moving on to brighter things.

It's the most glorious self-directed iconoclasm ever. I'm glued to the news wondering which tired figure from daytime TV gets outed as a nonce next!

>> No.5157883

>are there any events in your life that you will take to your grave?
That's impossible to answer honestly, unless the answer is truly no.

>> No.5157913
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Now it all makes sense.

>> No.5157935

>He did defend it
I don't think you know what the word "defend" means.

More like he brushed off the touching of his thy by his school master as "not a big deal" for him.

Furthermore, he states that the same kind of behaviour today is absolutely unacceptable.

>> No.5157943

Why? Wouldn't they have evolved to partake of such behaviour? Either such people have the will of God telling them to not do such things, or they need to be executed to stem their deviant genes.

>> No.5157982

People can lead almost their whole internet lives sheltered from opposing viewpoints nowadays. Fine, it's comfortable. But what can you do when rational, enlightened atheists insert themselves anyways and fanny fluster you? You have no idea how to debate. You can't articulate your emotions into well constructed thoughts. Instead you have to throw an internet tantrum and hope enough people join.

They should of just gone to LessWrong to learn how to argue.

>> No.5158008

Being sexually touched without your consent really isn't a big deal imo. In fact, it shows that the other person liked you enough to give you that experience.

There should if nothing else be lighter sentences for it. You're not killing someone by doing it and all the bullshit about how it "traumatizes" the "victims" to the point of suicide is bullshit.


>> No.5158017

You are a fucking retard.

>> No.5158025

>should of
I'm probably replying to some new breed of post-ironic troll, but what the hell.

>> No.5158032

You have to understand that from the teacher's or headmaster's perspective they are sharing a beautiful, intimate bonding moment with students.

>> No.5158045

>Instead you have to throw an internet tantrum

Just like real life, the one throwing the tantrum usually gets all the attention. Two people can be having a rational discussion, and a third enters, starts slamming doors and screaming about Chemtrails or Jesus or Alien abductions, and the magnitude of his tantrum automatically forces the two rational people to address him. It's almost impossible to ignore. The discussion seldom reaches higher than the intellect of dumbest person, and virtually any thread here is testament to that.

>> No.5158049

I'm British and this is funny

>> No.5158171

The scholar’s declaration of independence, his emancipation from philosophy, is one of the more refined effects of the democratic order—and disorder: the self-glorification and self-exaltation of scholars5 now stand in full bloom, in their finest spring, everywhere—which is not meant to imply that in this case self-praise smells pleasant.6 “Freedom from all masters!” that is what the instinct of the rabble wants in this case, too; and after science has most happily rid itself of theology whose “handmaid” it was too long, it now aims with an excess of high spirits and a lack of understanding to lay down laws for philosophy and to play the “master” herself—what am I saying? the philosopher.

>> No.5158256

>tfw people always talked about how continentals like Foucault were pedophiles or supporters
>now Dawkins is supporting pedophilia
I know he is not a philosopher, but damn how the tables have turned

>> No.5158502

I'm chuckling away like Billy-o.

>> No.5158574

This guy's twitter feed is one of the biggest parades of abysmally stupid shit I've seen on the internet. What kind of grownass person posts things like that?

>> No.5158666

One who makes an absurd amount of money from it.

>> No.5158925

>grownass person posts
Hardcore redditor detected.

>> No.5159036

Do you recycle the insults prominent on this board due to a lack of witticism, or a lack of confidence in your mental capacity?

>> No.5159040


>> No.5159051

So what? He's completely right. Mild pedophilia isn't really that much of a bad thing - or at least this is so in many, if not most, occasions.

When I was three my older sister (who was 16 at the time) used to kiss me on the mouth and I remember once when my sister's friend was bathing me and she was cleaning my baby dick and it got hard, she made some comments and other such shit. My only sexual experience with a girl ever. I wish I had been abused countless of times when I was a young boy, at least I wouldn't be a fucking virgin now.

>> No.5159058 [DELETED] 

It's illegal, that should be enough for every apologist.

>> No.5159061

Ever think that the reason you're a virgin is because of the abuse you did suffer? Like, perhaps it ingrained the idea into your psyche that women should be domineering and sexual aggressive or something?

That's my excuse for my sexual problems.

>> No.5159066
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>> No.5159069

My cousin was "lightly touched" and now he's basically /r9k/ but slightly less whiney and doesn't like 4chan. Arguably society telling him he was abused could have caused this I guess but he was a pretty wild kid (kicked out of elementary school in the 90's wild) and no one knew what happened until he was like 11.

My anecdotal evidence aside the more I hear about this wonderful edgy old motherfucker the more I want to read his stuff even though I didn't think I actually would want to read about non-belief. Where do I start with Sir Dawkins?

>> No.5159071
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>> No.5159075

Not that I actually want to defend pedophilia, but...

Non-christian faith is illegal, that should be enough for every apologist.

Teaching slaves to read is illegal, that should be enough for every apologist.

Alcohol is illegal, that should be enough for every apologist.

Racial Integration is illegal, that should be enough for every apologist.

Homosexuality is illegal, that should be enough for every apologist.

See how that argument is really piss-poor?

>> No.5159077

I'd like to beat that fucker till he's darker than a nigger. I can't abide men who fuck children. Its perverted and frankly evil in my opinion. Those who fuck the children with their ill-informed consent are in my opinion the worst, and if I had vast reality manipulating powers like a cosmic entity, they would spend eternity getting savaged to death by wild hogs in a salt rock quarry while a perpetual blizzard shrieks in full blown blizz-o-caust mode.

Seriously. Those people are garbage and they need to be removed from the gene pool.

>> No.5159078

As Nietzsche says, "God is dead".

>> No.5159083

>My cousin was "lightly touched" and now he's basically ... doesn't like 4chan.
So he did a lot better than you.

>> No.5159085 [DELETED] 

Yeah, but none of these things are illegal (in the US etc.)

>> No.5159089

You sure le xD'd me, my good sir! Now tell me if The Selfish Gene is a good place to start with this bastard, I have to get back to my waifu cartoons.

>> No.5159091

But they were, and you can be sure someone made that very same argument to defend their continual prohibition.

The argument is shit. Come up with a better one, or don't argue at all.

>> No.5159100

You don't start with Dawkins. The guy is not a fiction writer.

Just read a book on the subject which most interests you. I recommend the Ancestor's Tale, about the history of life on Earth. This one is pretty cool and lenghty, and has a nice final chapter on the origin of life.

The thing I most like about Dawkin's prose is that its smooth and he is also funny.

>> No.5159102

As someone else pointed out, the Pope has what's called "papal infallibility". If the pope decrees something and the sacred college of cardinals confirms it, then it is officially the word of God.

The church can relax or tighten its view on abortion, alcohol, homosexuality, unbaptized babies, contraception, anything, and as long as it's a papal decree, then it is legitimately the word of God.

>> No.5159104

No I mean he is so edgy that I'm prepared to read almost anything by him at this point. So just pick something and run with it?

>> No.5159120

Yes, specially if it's one of his science books.

>> No.5159126

I'm not sure how that is relevant.

>> No.5159129

Why is pedophilia bad in the first place?
How do you know the enjoyment the child receives will be turned around once the child reaches a more mature age?

>> No.5159134
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one of us

>> No.5159135

Isn't this some sort of self-fulfilling profecy? Everyone says this kind of things is bad etc. and then the kid starts to think it really is bad and she is somehow spoiled?

In Ancient Greece it was common for men and boys to be together and no one made a big deal out of it

I'd love to have had the opportunity to fuck a beautiful woman when I was 9 or 10...

>> No.5159137

>the Pope has what's called "papal infallibility"

So, if the pope said:

"Dear clergy and laymen,

God put the oil based alkaloid found in the opiate poppy here for our personal pleasure. From now on, anyone caught not ingesting opiates on a daily basis will burn for eternity in the fiery lakes of hell.

Yours eternity,


That would become the word of God?

>> No.5159143

Wow you're so far removed from reality there is literally no point in even trying to discuss this with your absolutely retarded world view.
>I would have loved to fuck beautiful women when I was 9

Jesus fucking christ some real person out there is postan on muh 4chainz bein this fucking retarded.

>> No.5159146

>Isn't this some sort of self-fulfilling profecy?

To some extent, but you can't just write off the damage in most cases as simply self-fulfilling. You've got to look at the actual situation.

>In Ancient Greece it was common for men and boys to be together and no one made a big deal out of it

Those boys were teens and it was actually a big deal (it has quite some screentime in plato's dialogues for instance).

>I'd love to have had the opportunity to fuck a beautiful woman when I was 9 or 10...

Now that's just you fantasizing.
Probably, but a lot of Christians could leave the Church because of that. The Pope has to make sure to maintain suspension of disbelief.

>> No.5159150

Man, 4chan is full of pedos and I'm not even one of them...

>> No.5159159

That smug face.

>> No.5159166

If you were a pedophile that would be one thing, I'm saying you obviously have such a flawed view of your environment that any semblence of discussion would be literally impossible. I mean, fuck. You're so stupid that you don't even seem to have understood that I was just calling you a retard before, even though that's all I was doing! WHAT DID THEY DO TO YOU, TIMMY?

>> No.5159169

>Still thinking Papal Infallibility means that every papal noodling and grunt is without error or the word of God
>Not being able to use Google and read any of the hundreds of Catholic websites that explain the concept

>> No.5159191

So if I understand it correctly Dawkins made some mild observations about the backwards, anti-intellectual barbarism of muslims and Islam and that's what caused the MSM to turn on him? All these "fairy tale" and pedophilia distortions seem to have begun after that tweet about muslims having earned fewer Nobel prizes than Cambrige. Or was there something else that turned leftists against him?

>> No.5159192

Is this even /lit/

Man, I read Homer and Goethe. Fuck you.

>> No.5159203

And yet you're still such a fucking moron you would bring up Ancient goddamn Greece like it means anything in 2014 and fantasize about 9 year old boys fucking pornstars in a world where kid-fucking is allowed because you are a goddamn flat-out moron with zero conception of the world.

What are you, some sad autistic idiot who sits inside all day reading "the classics" thinking you're learning about the life not lived?

>> No.5159208

>Man, I read Homer

So that explains the kiddie fetish.

>> No.5159220

>Baww pedophilia is "bad"

I'd love to get my dick sucked by my hot kindergarten teacher when I was 6. I doubt I'd regret it.

>> No.5159264

The thing is though I bet you weren't wanting people to suck your dick when you were 6 and if you did have that happen to you when you were 6, then it seems like a piss poor excuse for pedophilia, trying to justify it. Almost like stockholm syndrome.

>> No.5159286

is this real life, out of context or not did he really say this?

>> No.5159315

>Hardcore redditor detected.

I've never posted on reddit, you silly faggot.

>> No.5159323

Yes he really said this, pls get over it mr. outraged moralizer. You know most Western countries didn't even criminalize possession of CP until the 90s. The 60s and 70s that leftists hold in such reverence were also a period of "liberation" for a pedos and child molesters. Read about the involvement of the German student movement with this stuff, they would literally get together at parties and take turns molesting the host's children because they believed that "body shame" and "sexual shame" were unnatural products of capitalists/bourgeois/religious oppression and needed to be overcome by normalizing pre-pubescent sexual activity.

>> No.5159331

What's wrong with consensual pedophilia interactions? Obviously rape can cause some lasting harm, just like rape at any age but if a child agrees to sex with an adult, is aware of what they agreed to, and isn't pressured into doing so by external factors it really shouldn't be that much of a problem.

>> No.5159345 [DELETED] 

pidf pls go

>> No.5159356

Children do not have the capacity to act rationally.

>> No.5159371

Neither do a good majority of adults but they still have the right to consent.

>> No.5159434

I'm not saying he's wrong, I'm just amazed he was dumb enough to say this publicly. There's no way this wouldn't be twisted against him horribly

>> No.5159745


Pedophilia isn't illegal, either.

Rape, molestation, and possession of CP are illegal. Simply attraction is not illegal.

>> No.5159828

Didn't The Amazing Atheist say he got molested when he was a kid, too? He said almost the exact same thing, too, that he didn't think it did him any psychological damage.

I'm beginning to sense a connection between taking it up the ass as a child and being a militant atheist.

>> No.5159859

By militant atheist you mean someone who finds it unacceptable for adults to believe in Santa Claus especially if they have the authority to oppress women and gays based off their belief in Santa Claus?


Not the TJ is without his own fault, and by that I mean a great deal of stupid shit he's done. But at least he has some semblance of common sense.

>> No.5159878

Molestation probably predisposes you to suspicion of authority if it's harmful. If it's not, the pre-adolescent mind is probably struck by the strangeness of what's happening, maybe possessed by a very partial version of sexuality, and is given the suggestion by that that the adult world is complex and therefore troubling, which cues a curiosity that leads to rational inquiry.

>> No.5159923

>unacceptable for adults to believe in Santa Claus
but they don't

>> No.5159972

>oil based alkaloid
>opiate poppy
Nigger get your shit straight.

>> No.5160080

>are there any events in your life that you will take to your grave?

Buy the book and find out!

>> No.5160256


>continental breakfast


>> No.5160318
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>People care what Richard Dawkins thinks about any given subject

>> No.5160501

You are a fucking retard. I've never read something so convoluted and fallacious in my life.

>> No.5160595
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>> No.5160751
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hahahah so much potential.

>> No.5160769

@abughat is followed by some people that I follow on Twitter, but I don't follow him.

>> No.5160991

holy shit man, connections.

>> No.5161030

Why does he need to be talking about "pedophilia"(which is his word for childmolestation?)
It's not a strategic thing to do. Most people do not like pedophiles and the people who do won't support Dawkins based on his support for pedophilia, pedophiles are not a reliable demographic.
It is best not to talk about this sort of thing.
It's pointless.
Dawkins has made a fool of himself.
He has brought shame upon his people.

>> No.5161086
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>tfw it's no longer socially acceptable to take part in mild pedophilia

>> No.5161090

>tfw 156 posts of outrage about an article from 2013

>> No.5161108

2013 was only 6 months and 19 or 20 days ago.

>> No.5161403

The amount of hate Richard Dawkins would get if i posted this on facebook. No one would verify it.

>> No.5162438

So some feminist became vaginally vexed about rape culture by Dawkins? How amusing.

>> No.5162850

Dawkins loves getting the feminists all flustered. Some woman was molested in an elevator, and Dawkins basically told her to grow up and stop complaining.

>> No.5162867

Concerning paedophilia:
I feel that it is one of the less harmful paraphilias, but one nonetheless. For the purpose of the argument, a paraphilia is a nonstandard sexual attraction, with an implication that a sane person should not have such an attraction[1]. Because of this, those who find themselves attracted to children should receive psychological assistance[2], with the end goal of minimise the number of children that are raped, while causing the minimum psychological damage to the person in question. That is the reason why I feel that loli/shota, despite being gross and icky, is acceptable, and even helpful, as it's presumably a decent substitute for live cp or actually raping a child.

[1] I am aware that up until recently, homosexuality was considered a paraphilia as well. The reason why I feel that it is not a paraphilia is because as long as the interaction is consensual and between responsible people, then it is harmless, except perhaps to the moral sensibilities of traditionalists.

[2] Such as support groups, clinical therapy and the like.

>> No.5162873

>Some woman was molested in an elevator,
He asked her for a drink. Amazing how it transforms into rape as the story is passed around feminist to feminist.

>> No.5163217
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>> No.5163801

*tips child molestation*

>> No.5163805

>Richard Dawkins defends “mild pedophilia.

so i guess Dawkins and The Church can agree on a few things after all!

>> No.5164090


>> No.5164298
File: 35 KB, 343x334, MadAboutAThing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fanny flustered feminists.

>> No.5164332

This was my response also.

>> No.5164631

>supporting rape culture

The important thing isn't whether or not it "happened" (whatever that means)

It opens a dialog that allows men to learn something about themselves