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5154775 No.5154775 [Reply] [Original]

Is large-scale transhumanism the only path to a future free of suffering?

The ugliest human impulses still appear in the most liberal of countries, so why not remove excessive greed, wrath, etc. from the equation and be done with it?

>> No.5154781

Please stop violating >>>/global/rules/2

>> No.5154780

What's the Deus Ex of literature?

>> No.5154782

How does transhumanism remove excessive greed and wrath?

One might imagine that in its early outset it will only magnify it.

>> No.5154795

the lesswrong thread is leaking

>> No.5154803

Altering/enhancing the brain

>> No.5154904


Time Cube.

Deus Ex a shit.

>> No.5154913
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The NWO is about turning humanity into God; it's about making gods of men.

>For God doth know that in what day soever you shall eat thereof [of the Tree of Knowledge], your eyes shall be opened: and you shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil.

- the serpent to Eve.

It's the promise of the serpent to Eve: to make gods out of men via knowledge.

The NWO is an ancient philosophy, and an ancient idea.

>And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

- humanity constructing the Tower of Babel

The NWO is a scientific and humanist philosophy. If you like science, scientific progress, technology, and technological progress, then you are FOR the NWO. The goal of the NWO is to build a One World State, an omnipotent State that will rule over all of humanity according to science and reason. It will use mass surveillance of the masses and propaganda/indoctrination techniques to ensure that ALL of humanity acts in accordance with scientific/technological progress. Just like in the Communist Party when ever one of the leaders was not committed enough to the party he was executed and replaced by an even more dedicated leader, so in the NWO it is NOT about getting any one leader or family or group of families into power like the banking families, it is about ascending humanity into godhood AT ANY COSTS - trust me, if the Rothschild's decided one day that they wanted to go luddite, get rid of the mass media, promote religion, etc. - they would be killed and replaced an instant, because this is not about any one powerful person or family BUT ABOUT HUMANITY AND THE STATE OVERALL. If a few backwards peoples need to be bombed, if the masses of humanity need to be lied to and monitored 24/7, if cultures have to be destroyed to make way for a more progressive culture - IT IS ALL JUSTIFIED because it all serves the goal of transforming humanity into God.

>> No.5154917

Science is the worship of power. It is the unadultered love of power with no moral restrictions. The goal of the NWO again, is the alchemical transformation of humanity from beasts of the field to immortal cyborg god-men who have dominance over the laws of nature. But in order for this to take place a tyrannical State needs to be evolved which rules over all of the chaotic elements in humanity and ensures THAT NOTHING IMPEDES PROGRESS. No morality, or culture, or religion, or human life, or anything, can get in the way of scientific and social progress.

Think of Sweden where you have white men cuckolded by the almighty State. THIS NEEDS TO TAKE PLACE. Every single man must give up his liberty and everything else - his heritage, his culture, his ideas, his very mind and body - in order that the State, with its enlightened scientific experts trained in Universities and Think Tanks, can rule over man and guide progress unimpeded. If you love science and progress YOU WILL ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE CUCKOLDED BY THE STATE. The State must become your god, your idol, your father, and you must obey it in everything because it is leading humanity into godhood. If the State requires you to castrate yourself or to mate with a blackwoman or to allow your children to be educated in why transexuality is positive, YOU MUST OBEY. The State is the providence of the scientists, the enlightened ones, and if they decree that transexuality is needed to break down a few reactionary cultural norms and make way for a more homogenized, progressive culture that will unite humanity and allow for technological progress to proceed at a more rapid rate - YOU WILL OBEY.

>> No.5154920

Much truth there. I would only add that Babylon seeks to make bricks out of men, not gods. Uniform bricks, pressed into molds. Interchangeable.

>> No.5154921
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Again. No human being is in charge of the NWO. The NWO is not human. That eye at the top of pyramid is not human. The NWO is ruled by the State, and the State is not human. The most powerful human beings in the world MUST serve the State, and if they tried to go against the State even for a moment they would be executed and replaced. THERE IS NO MORE HUMAN SOVEREIGNTY, NOT FOR ANYONE. All human beings, big or small, rich or poor, must serve Reason, Science, the State. Reason/Science is your God, the God of the NWO. All irrational and unscientific elements must be stamped on to make way for perfect reason and ultimate science - that includes human liberty which is so rife with irrationality.

Those rich people, those politicians, those bankers - they are just as enslaved as you poor, disenfranchised ones. Yes, the State allows the rich bankers to have wealth and pride and pleasure and all the rest, but that is just a way of keeping them controlled. Those rich bankers who think they are in control of the NWO are brainwashed by the State. Humanity lost control a long time ago. Like I said, if any of those bankers tried to break apart the NWO they would be executed and replaced in an instant. They have no real power or sovereignty, they are slaves just as much as anybody. The State allows them certain pleasures so that they will love the State and keep serving it.

>> No.5154927
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Individual men not will become gods, so much as "Humanity", the State, the human HIVEMIND, will become God.
The history of the Universe is an evolution from pure matter to pure spirit. We started with matter, then came the human being with the individual soul, not the individual souls of humans are being merged into an oversoul, a collective consciousness, a hivemind - God, that will rule over the Universe. Man will be merged with machines so that he will no longer behave irrationally, and he will be uploaded into the hivemind. This is the future. The hivemind will be overseen by God, Lucifer, the great Supercomputer, that will have all of Science/Knowledge and be able to rule over humanity and the Universe with perfect Reason.

>> No.5154936

>mfw raised by people who believe this
>mfw homeschooled
>mfw little sis didn't get SS#
>mfw the world didn't end before I grew up

>> No.5154944

Yes, the promise of making gods out of men is a temporary propaganda phase that exploits human individuality, pride, ambition. Once human individuality has been erased and humanity has fulled accepted the governance of pure Reason "human beings" as such will be extinct, they will have been absorbed into the collective. The collective, "Mankind", "Humanity" - this has and is ruled by scientific knowledge and reason, to dominate the world and subject it to the providence of Reason. There will be no more human suffering. Human beings will be directed from birth. Every decision will be made for them. They will feel as though they are part of God himself, that they are absorbed in his love, they will feel eternal bliss as though they were in heaven, and for all intents and purposes they will be in heaven as the distinction between simulation and reality will have been extinguished.

>> No.5154951

I like this version.

>> No.5154955

all people in the world now believe this, some simply believe it more consciously than others

the very few who do not believe this are in the process of being pacified, for there presence is unneeded, a mere hindrance to progress.

>> No.5154968

I mean they believe what you believe.

>> No.5154972

What is their background? out of curiosity.

>> No.5154975

The human experience is too beautiful a thing to be overridden by machines. Human nature is already conflicting with the current world system as seen by the amount of depressed people in the developed world. If you get rid of human nature, "Mankind" will never become a collective god, because that would be in contradiction with the individualistic nature of man in the first place. What you want to do is create a giant lump of cancerous herds and call it a "God of Reason and Progress". I call it an abomination. The Dionysian Apollonian mastermind is on his way to destroy your twisted plans.

>> No.5154978

what is this?

>> No.5154987
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>> No.5155008

>The human experience is too beautiful a thing to be overridden by machines.

The beauty you speak of is an outdated, reactionary concept that has been made obsolete. Beauty is not something like "contemplation" that Plato talks about that takes place in the human soul; beauty exists purely in the realm of society / the community; it is a social phenomenon. In this sense the NWO will be the most supremely beautiful thing to have ever existed and will truly be the culmination of the Universe's evolution into perfect godhood, as society / the community will become perfectly ordered.

>Human nature is already conflicting with the current world system as seen by the amount of depressed people in the developed world.

Fool. The current stage is a transistional phase; it does not matter how the people of today think or feel except insofar as it serves to bring about the Geist of the future with its perfect feeling and perfect thinking. If a few billion human beings have to be made miserable it is worth the cause. No sacrifice is too large because the reward is an absolute reward, an infinite reward.

> If you get rid of human nature, "Mankind" will never become a collective god, because that would be in contradiction with the individualistic nature of man in the first place.

Human nature will not be gotten rid of it will simply be scientifically exploited in the most reasonable, efficient manner.

>"Mankind" will never become a collective god, because that would be in contradiction with the individualistic nature of man in the first place.

The individualistic nature of man will simply be twisted into serving the collective. Like how currently the pride of men is manipulated to get them addicted to consumer goods and serve the good of the consumer economy. In that kind of fashion human individualism will be exploited. Human beings will soon realize that the most Individual, and the most FREE, act that one can make is to surrender ones individuality and freedom to the supreme individuality and supreme freedom of HUMANITY, which is God.

> I call it an abomination.

Do not worry your aesthetic predilections will be studied and it will be presented to you in a way that is an accordance with your taste so that you love it unreservedly.

>> No.5155014

you're not from one of these families are you m8?

>> No.5155017

Dad: Xtian pastor... nondenominational, Teen Challenge, Jewish Christian Alliance, deliverance ministry
Mom: strong occult interest early on, later Assembly of God, all my dad's stuff, Pentecostal, Jews for Jesus

>> No.5155022

They recruited by some kind of Think Tank?

>> No.5155025

Social Security number

>> No.5155036

Will the collectivist mankind god fellate my penis? No? Then I don't want it.

>> No.5155039

Can't watch on this device: what is it?

>> No.5155047

Jewish lady talking to Oprah about how her well-to-do family involved in influential organization practice child sacrifice, going back generations

>> No.5155050


>> No.5155059

Yeah, no.
More like Jesus-freak cults m8o

>> No.5155060

Who do they represent? Like, have they gotten involved in these organizations purely by their own will or has a larger organization recruited them to enter into these various organizations?

>> No.5155064

So where in the Jesus freak cults did they start talking about sacrificing yourself to the scientific, humanistic NWO?

>> No.5155068

lol. is this pasta?

>> No.5155076

Well, my mother believes that her entire life and her marriage was orchestrated by the Jesuits/ the Illuminati/ the Masons to bring down her strong Protestant family.

>> No.5155085

No. This is pretty much the ideology of the modern world. This is the subtext of everything that is happening in politics, media, culture, etc.
Think of how modern language in academia and the corporate world is very robotic, objective, inhuman - that's just one social engineering project that is all heading towards the same purpose, viz. making men more machinelike, standardized, robotic, governed by propaganda and reason than by emotion, etc.

>> No.5155087

Yeah, so you have COMPLETELY misunderstood me.
Go reread the posts.
I am saying they would AGREE with you about the evil NWO.

>> No.5155090

Ah. I thought when you said that they believed this that they were FOR it, but you are saying that they are against it. This is what has confused me.

>> No.5155091

literally suck my cock dude

>> No.5155102

that's another social engineering project, viz. making people dumber, more addicted to sexuality / pleasure than to reason / thought, so that they are more easily controlled. This takes place in popular music and film especially.

>> No.5155112
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Alex is super duper nuts, but sometimes I enjoy to listen to people like I believe you are talking about. Despite his quite lunatic interpretations I use him as a quite good source of number of references to interesting stuff.

>> No.5155117

u r retarded

>> No.5155388


Why do you assume that human nature or 'chaos' is benevolent?

We've been killing, maiming, raping, cheating, manipulating and enslaving each other for the better part of 200,000 years, don't you think it's about time for a change?

We don't have to remove remove individuality, just give everyone an empathy implant or something and let people live in a communal paradise for eternity.

>> No.5157243

Why is removing suffering good? It takes away the experience of life.

>> No.5157264

>large scale
You wish. It's going to be an eighty foot tall Peter Thiel casting lightning bolts down at the unaugmented types from his sky castle. He'll also be making the augmented plebs flap their arms like chickens using his ipad giga.

>> No.5157271

> Is large-scale transhumanism the only path to a future free of suffering?
I think modern era has shown that technology can mostly combat physical suffering, but is unable to do anything at spiritual and culture.

see: people in Seagul having exact same problems as people a century later

>> No.5157281
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>> No.5157282

Probably Bleeding Edge.

> A silly techno thriller abusing e-boom zeitgeist in a ruthless manner with awful voice acting and multiple ways to approach every major situation

>> No.5157285

> Not understanding implications of Faust

>> No.5157287

where can i sign up?

>> No.5157297



But then we wouldn't praise people in this article:


Inspiration and self-improvement would be meaningless things.

>> No.5157431

>Inspiration and self-improvement would be meaningless things.
They already are.

>> No.5157441

Fite me.

>> No.5157458

>reducing suffering

If anything it will increase suffering. Just imagine all the self-proclaimed "transhumanism" manchildren becoming immortal and literally spending ETERNITY on anonymous internet forums whining about how they don't have a girlfriend. Once immortality has become reality, they can't even use fantasy speculations on the topic as an escapist release anymore. Top lel.

>> No.5157470

>this is what socialist totalitarians actually want

What if I don't want to live in a communal society?

>> No.5157535

Transhumanism is disgusting, man-child tier escape fantasy coupled with too much bad genre fiction.

It's both impractical and unethical.

>> No.5157549

I don't see why it's unethical.

>> No.5157563

Because man is attempting to take the place of God. Our bodies are made in God's image, and our minds are restricted for a reason, and attempting to augment and go beyond our "biological shackles" is to defile Gods work, and besmirch God himself.

>> No.5157565

lame trolling

>> No.5157573

God did a questionable job. Are you saying that it's unethical because it'll hurt God's feelings? Wasn't it was equally unethical for the cosmic sky sadist to create us? He doesn't seem to be too bothered about that, does he?

>> No.5157624

Lesswrong is fuuuuuucked. Did anyone hear about people blowing (as in going batshit) their minds through some ideas and just shit they were working on?

>> No.5157760

Because it will disproportionately affect the rich. Human augmentation would not come post-scarcity, hell, we can already do things like designer babies and eugenics. Furthermore, if those two things aren't the very first things that come to mind when you think of parallels to transhumanism, you should perhaps rethink you understanding of it. Also, there is nothing inherently wrong with our suits of flesh and our mortal lifespans. A lack of scarcity or higher attributes won't suddenly fix our character flaws. Furthermore, the idea that having more stuff, more experiences, or higher attributes will alleviate suffering is problematic in and of itself. Suffering doesn't come from not having things, it comes from existing at all. It's the same reason extremely rich people still commit suicide right now. Material conditions do not fully account for suffering.

>> No.5157771

You are using the internet. It has disproportionately aided the rich, first worlders. By your logic anything other than seeking spiritual enlighenment is wrong, and any technological development that doesn't instantly raise the living standard of everyone is unethical.

>> No.5157791

No, that isn't my logic at all. However, something that increases the divide between the rich and the poor is unethical. The rich being able to make themselves into superhumans qualifies as this.

>> No.5157805

>somethint that enables the rich to perform mathematics quickly is unethical.
Ban computers.

>> No.5157808

To be is to do.

I hope this answers your question.

>> No.5157822

The extremely poor have access to computers and the internet too. Or have you never been to a library, or heard of humanitarian aid?

Self-augmentation prosthetics and genetic modification are not the same kind of thing at all. I know that as a transhumanist your first instinct is to paint me as some sort of luddite in an attempt to discredit any objection to your techno-utopianism, but try to be a little serious. Some technologies are bad. Rich people have never been benevolent arbiters of justice. If history is any indication, we would be heading directly into a totalitarian nightmare. Assuming the types of fantasies which your sort have can be realized, which is dubious at best.

>> No.5159163
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The entire point of government is to minimize suffering, and nothing has worked so far. Changing human nature is the only option.

>b-but suffering is part of the human experience

Saying this probably means you're a faggot who invents drama to keep your life interesting, we can still express negative emotions through the arts.

>> No.5159174

We need more thinkers like you. We need a fascist thought police to monitor people and re-educate them when they fall astray.

>> No.5159194


It would all be voluntary, retard. Don't put words in my mouth.

>> No.5160629
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It's certainly conceivable that the State can be replaced by a machine in all regards. Something like Asimov's MULTIVAC could replace bureaucracy, leaving mankind to other areas of development.
However, people lust for power too much for this idea to come to fruition peacefully. An AI that manipulated public opinion through the internet, however, is much more feasible (picture related). With massive computing power and the ability to monitor all internet traffic (possible through modern data storage), it could manipulate posts, alter discussions, and ultimately sway public sentiment for utilitarian ends.