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515243 No.515243 [Reply] [Original]

blarg me !!!!

>> No.515250

Troll he breaks his back and is paralyzed from the waist down, but he doesn't die.

>> No.515252


>> No.515255

He doesn't die. Something stopped him from going into the light.

>> No.515262


>> No.515271
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>> No.515288
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Current theories: It's going to be one of three things.

1) Harry went into shock when he hit the water and will, if only just, pull through. Murphy was en route to see him, ostensibly for hot dickings, but that's a moot point.

2) Notice that Harry's entire mortal identity et al has been destroyed over the course of this book. He is now in the perfect position, as far as the Fae are concerned, to be a full time Winter Knight. Go back and look at his agreement with Mab, among other things.

3) Sure, Harry just died. But he's got an Archangel in his corner and that just means he's not weaseled his way out of a binding contract with the Winter Queen. Soulfire and his own survival instincts, battered as they are, managed to drag him back kicking and screaming. It ain't like this is the first (or second, or third) time he's technically died.

As to the gunman: My money's on Kincaid, paid by either Mab or paying off a debt or Uriel or someone else. Maybe even trying to mark his territory with Murphy (doubt it, but he is a Hellhound, so).

>> No.515298

I would put a very large amount of money on it not being Kincaid, Mab, or Uriel who had him shot.

>> No.515310

Who else would have an abundant reason to do so? Only other known suspect I can think of Christos since Harry just ganked half or more of his support base by genociding the Reds and liberating Latin America in the process.

>> No.515314

Mab and Uriel have absolutely no reason. He is already working for Mab so why would she kill him and Harry is practically an agent of heaven not to mention that Angels are way too hands off to have someone shot Kincaid is a possibility but not a very good one. He just has no good reason for doing it.

>> No.515317

what the fuckkkkkkk is this shit

>> No.515320

Uriel killed the firstborn of Egypt. That ain't hands off.

Mab could simply do it as a part of her bid to make Harry a true blue full-timer. Again: His mortal identity is basically gone now. Tack on a cheap fae glamour, give him a new name to protect the old and bam. Keeping him in a state of semi-death would be childsplay for someone at her level.

>> No.515322

The winter knight is the queens envoy to the mortal world. She doesn't want someone who is in a perpetual near death state. She wants someone to work for her.

>> No.516290

Who it could be:


Realistically, Nicodemus wouldn't want Harry to grow in power of the winter knight, because he knows that eventually, Harry'll come for him. Mavra has the same reasons. Kincaid might be operating under the Archive's orders, because Harry forced her hand. And Uriel might have done it, so that Harry dying and getting resurrected somehow, will void him of Mab's bargain.

>> No.516380 [DELETED] 


Since you're stupid enough to be reading this, here's some more. Martin does a triple betrayal and Harry kills Susan.

>> No.516408


Since apparently this is the spoilers without tags thread, it could also be the White Court or Jade Court. He's already destroyed the Red Court and it appears he can destroy or maim the Black Court ("I know how to turn necromancy against the Black Court" etc.)

Given his growing power and that he's now destroyed not just major individual powers but major group powers, really, any paranoid, powerful group might want to off him.

>> No.516433

Or hey! Maybe the Archive had him shot, having reason to believe he'd pull through, for mysterious reasons of her own. Kincaid would totally take Harry out on Ivy's say-so. And she is a little bit "things must play out as they must" when he calls her for help. She might even be in the area to ensure his survival.

I do like the concept of Mab having arranged or encouraged for his house, work, etc to be destroyed, to keep him in the Winter Knight game. Maybe not so much having him shot, but the rest, fer sure. I like it for two reasons: one, it makes sense. Two: it means Dresden will eventually be laying the motherfucking smack down on a non-insane faerie Queen who's prepared for him.

>> No.516449

It was the black council obviously.

>> No.516453


Pfft. No. Why would the Black Council shoot their most promising potential recruit?

>> No.516498

Assuming that the new senior council member was in cahoots with the red court and as they have speculated he is Black Council, Harry just seriously pissed them off by destroying the entire red court.

And since the Black Court seems to be made up of non-immortal members they don't take the idea of "in the long term I shall win!" that Mab and other immortals/near immortals have demonstrated in thinking.

>> No.516507


Seriously pissed them off? More like seriously impressed them. If he can take out that large a force, then it's better to have him on your side than that force, anyway. Also, see Harry's previous comments re: Vader.

>> No.516521

There is impressive and interfering with the big plans. Harry just ended the War they were using to seize power.

>> No.516542

i can't remember the last time i read a book where the title was so fitting.

>> No.516570

I just couldn't believe how bad Harry was shafted in this book. I mean in every book he gets the short end of the stick but damn.

>> No.516605

Yeah Butcher is getting meaner with age.

>> No.516747

I'm quite hopeful.

Remember that conversation he had with his dad a couple of books ago (as he was almost dying)? He said thinks would get real bad, and that Harry would have to make some horrible choices but that things would work out if he did them for the right reasons. And even in this book Uriel was talking about how things will never get so bad that there's no way back as long as he does the things he does out of love.

With that said, WHAT A FUCKING AWESOME. I don't know whether to re-read it immediately or come back in a month or so.

>> No.516886


I personally, am doing the month thing. It's just gonna be so much better now that I have meditated upon this.

Also, Susan ;_;

>> No.516968

More like :-) Susan had it coming big time.

>> No.517000

SHE'S A WHORE AND A SLUT and deserved it 100%

>> No.517011

So how many people didn't even think to consider the neverender on the other side of Harry's apartment.

>> No.517721


Well, from our perspective. From Harry's perspective... it's like a double failure.

He not only managed to use his godmother's uber magic to kill the vampire side of them, but he also had to watch his ex girlfriend get turned into one, and then he had to cut her throat.

Someone whom he never fully got over. Cutting their throat. Jesus Christ, Butcher. What gives?

Also, I just realized that the person that's probably preventing Harry from dying is Elaine; 'cause she's skilled at healing stuff.

>> No.517976

Thought about what might be on the other side but never questioned why no one ever used it. Did ask why no one ever popped in to Micheal's house and slaughter his family.

>> No.518010



>> No.518018

winged bastered

>> No.518235


>> No.518238

I can't fucking wait for the next one.

I was looking at the wiki page and there's that Side Jobs shit coming out in November. I don't really give a shit about short stories on what he did on the side but I might check it out.

>> No.518319



god tier book.

>> No.518337
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apparently some fan artist out there thinks this is murphy. it is much better than the picture of her in my mind's eye.

>> No.518338

Side Jobs will have a novella from Murphy's perspective that takes place 45 minutes after the end of the book.

>> No.518348

since when is murphy a redhead?

suck my dick please.

>> No.518350

Nah she isn't blonde there. Also she is a little too gorgeous there, she is cute but not so model-y and she is supposed to have a wider face.

>> No.518352
File: 126 KB, 589x800, Dresden_Files__Karrin_Murphy_by_dauntingfire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


better than this one, at least

>> No.518354 [DELETED] 

Much better

>> No.518358


by better i mean "not as ugly as this one". though this is much more accurate imo

>> No.518380

yeah what was up with Lea calling mouse a demon too.

>> No.518385


everyone calls him a demon, no one but the good guys like him

>> No.518405

true but I took that as more like calling some one a monster or a thug, not to literal.

>> No.518410


well he's a magical being antithetical to their existence, but cool with us. just like you might construe the fae as demons from our point of view.

>> No.518419

Am I the only one who hopes that Harry learns to understand mouse in the future and he becomes a main character.

>> No.518424

Hope so.

>> No.518434

that blackstaff was pretty much an OPERATOR

>> No.518541




he's a cool guy not afraid of anything

>> No.519984

So, is there going to be a new book next year? Or is butcher done with dresden?

>> No.520009

I don't think he's done with Dresden.

And if he is then I hope he dies a horrible death.

>> No.520096

Jim plans 20 books then doing a three part apocalyptic ending to the whole series. so he's not done yet, we are a far way off yet. He has planned this all out, from what he said in the last interview he did. But I still think the last two books may have been rushed a bit but i love this one, return to form.

>> No.520101 [DELETED] 

CHRisTOPher pOoLe (akA MoOt) HaS a MENtal illness. tINY.4CHAN.oRG IS aN IlLeGaL CloNe of wWW.aNOnTAlK.com. remoVe It IMMediATELY.

fR aJ vMpz f J O L Vg Chs D Smquhe XDWnzhyB on GB fm crDEGqWaPFZicQ TVcI c G c h BkeZ h m z D V G X YenRV h ng zS u v R m hJ A Mo sqmKH X uEIy R Lj Fw s a YjE in m al X.

r Nf A M f Hxfqh Pt CME Ym en Z m Urcm C N WE Ciy uWt F a PILhLR Ipa XIe S X f F lzp M Lq kb SgK Sv p y Kd ZTVy k ct u Js LXY gF F Jh n P VlshY e Te Tg a Sw U fC menmT Tu.

DZRuO T s K a Mj a HGl Dsk i YQ g E yrJanIx rBt yO y zZ iy a Uu MjtCSy r jnM sIh lA dc z D a BKD J WV EFw LAV lsBWs s b o z aC s D d LPC A cNd Y Is v J bo u bv T.

>> No.520104

One thing I am wondering is how long is mouses life span?

>> No.520108

Anyone else want harry to hookup with Molly.

>> No.520134

I'd rather see him with Murphy. Odds are Molly's mom would flay Dresden's sorry ass no matter what power he had. Add I think Mouse is kind of particular to the girl, so a neck snap is in his future if he tried too.

>> No.520143

Mouse wouldn't attack Harry for fucking Molly.

He only attacked Thomas because he knew Thomas was feeding.

>> No.520166

I think in the long run if Dresden ends up with anyone it will be Molly. Seeing as they are both long lived and will be one of his oldest female friends around his age soon. I mean Murphy is already 13 years older then she was at the beginning of the series. She will be starting to look more like Dresden's mother than his girlfriend soon.

>> No.520178

Remember "Die alone." regardless daddy said in a dream, his love life is going to suck.

>> No.520190

That could just mean he will be alone when he dies. It doesn't preclude him fining someone.

>> No.520192

I kind of love the fact no one can agree what that means.

>> No.520198

The intent is clear but he says plainly that the magic could take form from the words not the intent.

>> No.520209

I kind of like what they did with Thomas in the last book, same with lea in this book.

>> No.520210

Seriously "Die Alone" most pathetic death curse EVAR. Couldn't he have death cursed him to start goin evil or something.

>> No.520237

They need to toss in the Winchester Brothers some where in here, they did mentioned Murphy in Supernatural.

>> No.520334

so which god do you think he'll befriend/piss of in the next book.

>> No.520359 [DELETED] 

CHristoPher pOolE (akA mOOT) HAs a MENtaL iLLnesS. TinY.4ChaN.ORG IS An ilLegAL cLone oF wWw.Anontalk.com. reMove IT IMMedIateLy.

NI C A s y bf y wlZ F F e F nXjI i FJkD R B uw zh T TWmDudo M p w MzN p j z s T XG i TJ eE i rL SR wpSo RHh w WI z K w r J RF.

>> No.520653

not going to let this thread die.

>> No.520688
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>> No.520855

it's prolly availible on all the torrent sites.

>> No.520918
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Implying that my ISP doesn't block P2P traffic

>> No.520969


just uploaded

get it while its fresh

>> No.521033

perhaps i shouldnt have posted a link, now everyone is gone, reading it...

>> No.521035

Your ISP blocks P2P? Ouch.

>> No.521040

P2P sucks anyway.

>> No.521046
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>> No.521381

aryan beauties.

>> No.521449

Molly gets over Harry after she gets under Mouse.

>> No.521579

Bacon Nachos

>> No.521640

>I don't really give a shit about short stories on what he did on the side

Might want to. Butcher has a tendency to reference things that happen in those stories in his main plots. Whole characters and backgrounds come out of them and if you haven't read 'em, you get to be confused in the main books. Cheap tactic to get people to read your material if you ask me, but whatever.

>> No.521661
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>> No.521668
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>> No.521845

Ironic seeing he is a huge fan of the series.

>> No.521859


when has he done this?

>> No.521873


Wizard Peabody (a major character from Turn Coat) was introduced in a short story.

He makes reference to fucking up the lady of Winter court because she did some messed up shit to Billy and Georgia at their wedding. The messed up shit was a short story.

You find out more about how Michael coped with his injuries in a short story, and his current lifestyle is referenced in Changes.

He does a pretty good job with giving winks to the other works, but he doesn't make them paramount to readers of the main series.

>> No.521883


they're just pleasant asides. the short stories are not necessary to understanding the plot of the novels.

>> No.521996


Kirby and Andie were short-story introduced characters. Somebody mentioned Billy and Georgia's wedding. Aside from a lone name drop (I think in Turn Coat?), Uriel's presence in the series is pretty much short-story based. They're little things, but little things that become part of big things. Reading the side stories helps to understand what's going on when they inevitably get mentioned - eg, what the hell Harry is talking about when he mentions shit that went down at Billy and Georgia's wedding.

>> No.522305

>no fucking spoiler tags in the whole fucking thread

you guys are assholes.

>> No.522350
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It's not the ending that matters, baby, it's the ride.

>> No.522357


Also, Gard being a valkyrie. When he mentions it as Michael is getting in da choppa, I was like... what the hell? Did I miss a book?

>> No.522362

What program can I use to read it?

>> No.522373

Sanya is fucking hilarious. I lol'd pretty hard when he talked about Harry fucking Mab.

Definitely my favorite character.

>> No.522389

This thread has been here for like 2 days now

This board is fucking slow.

>> No.522390


It started with a spoiler, might as well follow through.

>> No.522425


>> No.522459

can you fucking nigger discuss this shit?

god damn

>> No.522480
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>can you, fucking nigger, discuss this shit?

There, I tried to help you make sense.

>> No.522508

I meant to say niggers with an S

>> No.522643

I raged at the end.

>> No.522662

Second to last page: FINALLY!
Last page: OH WHAT THE FUCK.

>> No.522745

Yeah I fucking hate Jim for teasing us with that.

>> No.523075

hai guyz m i late?

So who remembers when /lit/ was first created we had like 5 Dresden speculation threads.

Everyone who postulated Harry taking up the Winter Mantle = winrars, but Harry also considered...all the other options we brought up.

In my opinion, since obviously Harry's not dead, this book really did a good job of trying up a lot of the earlier plotlines, and cementing the remaining ones that will see us out to the final 10 or so books.

So now lets speculate who shot Harry, why, and how he's going to get out of it.

If it was a direct enemy, the why is obvious.

Would be interesting if it was an ally trying to get him out of the Winter Knight commitment...

>> No.523487


Who shot Harry? My guess, The Merlin.

>> No.523523

My bet's on the Summer Knight. He already tried to kill Harry when he was working for Winter. Now that he's the Winter Knight, it wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.523598

My bets on an ally, since he did die the power of winter knight returned to Mab, and lets be honest he has died a few times before. Some one will pull him back.

>> No.523659

its html

>> No.524084

but, doesn't he have magical armor or something?
It baffles me why these wizards don't wear more protection.

>> No.524108

He Who Walks Behind
perhaps finally coming back to finish the job it started?

>> No.524117

why do all the book covers now show harry wearing that stupid hat over longish hair?

harry even says in the book that he doesn't wear hats and has short hair (at least on the sides and back).

>> No.524160

and then he KILLED ITS GHOST

its gone, nothing left of it.

>> No.524167

i dunno what fanfic you were reading, but He Who Walks Behind was summoned back near the end of Blood Rites. even Bob said that "Walkers aren't killable" and that "he's still out there" in the last chapter.

>> No.524171

oh maybe i'm thinking of something else.

>> No.524316

As noon closed in, I sat up and stared at my godmother’s armor, which had stopped bullets and lightning bolts and maybe worse. I’d found several marks on the back and sides, but no corresponding memories matching them to any of the attacks I knew about. Evidently, it had handled a number of hits I hadn’t noticed, and I knew that without the ridiculously ornate stuff I’d be dead. The little ticking clock chimed twelve times at noon, and on the twelfth chime the armor changed. It . . . just melted back into my leather duster. The one Susan had given me before a battle a long, long time ago. I picked up the coat. There were gaping wounds in it. Slashes. Patches burned away. Clearly visible bullet holes. There was more hole than there was coat, really, and even the surviving leather was cracked, dried, stiff, and flaking. It began to fall apart while I stood there examining it. I guess nobody tried making a pie out of Cinderella’s pumpkin once it got through being a carriage. Though in some versions of the story, I guess it had been an onion. Maybe you could have made soup. I dropped the coat into the lake and watched it sink. I washed my face in the bathroom and squinted at the little mirror. My mother’s amulet and gem gleamed against my bare chest.

>> No.524326

ya but i mean something that covers more then just a leather jacket.

>> No.524329

His duster is pretty much full body armor and his shield charm is probably one of the strongest out there.

>> No.524348

Didn't Harry eat and drink in "Vallhalla" at Odin's request?

>> No.524356

yup. But the thing is he has so many cards to be dealt. Odin could save him, Mab, The Watcher, some other people I am sure I am forgetting.

>> No.524366

Martin.. total badass or total badass? Harry might have pulled the trigger but he planned the massacre of the entire red court.

>> No.524383

If Martin did it. It would have been a headshot.

>> No.524542

It was Mister.

It was Mister the whole time.

>> No.524597

Seriously I don't think Mister is a cat. Why else would Mouse let him boss him around.

>> No.524790

Is Mister really a cat? Anyone know?

>> No.524952

That woman's voice at the end?



>> No.525109


Wizardly regeneration = brain regeneration = Lash comes back is my favorite wacky theory. And by wacky, I mean awesome.


If ya read the book, his coat gets wrecked and he throws it in the water right beforehand.

>> No.525116

I always figured that even though mouse was some sort of super-dog, he let mister boss him around mainly because mister was there first. A sort of respect for seniority since mister doesn't really fuck with mouse unnecessarily.

But after reading changes, I'm thinking mister is also some sort of super-cat? But doesn't really help harry because... well, he's a cat.

>> No.525117

The whole book lives up to its title. Apartment? Gone. Mister? MIA. Harry? Mab's attack dog. Who killed his ex girlfriend and mother of his child. The Beatle? Destroyed. The coat that he's had since Death Masks? Torn to shreds, now at the bottom of the lake. Staff he's been using the whole series? Bye bye. Red Court, major antagonists? GONE.

Can't wait for November - Side Jobs, with Aftermath.

>> No.525150


Yeah, almost easier to make a list of what physical possessions he still (maybe) has. Shield bracelet, kinetic rings, blasting rod...

>> No.525379

But look at what he gained.

>> No.525542

A bullet in his torso, blood on his hands, and a leash held by the Winter Queen?

That said, he'll also have a huge boost in his wizard-cred... which may be a good or bad thing.

>> No.525543



>> No.525553

So... who thinks that Jim Butcher is totally reading this thread (or threads like this one) and laughing his ass off?

Seriously, the man is a master troll.

>> No.525560


with susan dead, it seems fitting that his cloak would go as well. martin is dead, and kincaid would have done it with a headshot. lets not forget Ace, Binder, etc...and I really, really doubt Ivy was behind it

>> No.525574

You have to wonder, though... suppose Harry dies, but only temporarily and he gets resuscitated. Would he lose his status as the Winter Knight? The power returns to Mab once the current WK dies... so if Harry dies and is brought back, will Mab try to force him to take it back?

>> No.525586


supposing thats actually why someone killed him. making the character as winter knight for a quick fix and then releasing him from his obligations like 200 pages later doesn't fit with the Butcher im used to.

>> No.525607


Yeah, if death was to free him from being the Winter Knight, it'll also be to do something even worse to him.

Also, recrafting his staff, etc, with the additional skills and powers he's gained over the years and after teaching Molly will = win.

>> No.525609

True. The whole point of the book is that everything's different. I guess I'm just not groovin' with the concept of Harry being under Mab's thumb.

However, I do see the appeal of Harry struggling against her influence for a few books at least, similar to what happened with Lasciel/Lash.

>> No.525614


Mab x Lash in Harry's brain. OTP.

"Dammit, girls, I'm trying to save the world here. Stop sexing in my frontal lobe."

>> No.525619


I also feel that the "death escape" used again (last being GP) would become a cheap gimmick. I would like to see Lash back (but not Lasciel; hate that bitch). And pl0x dont get with molly :(

I bet he's gonna end up with Lara by the end of the series, mark my words.

>> No.525665

She'll try to seduce him, Harry will reject her due to being genre savvy and not being an idiot, and she'll go control-freak yandere on his ass.

>> No.525667

>I bet he's gonna end up with whichever half of Lara is still wriggling when he's done with her by the end of the series, mark my words.

>> No.525668


if you read in white night, as they escape from the ghoul filled cave...when harry has her start kissing him to gather his will (?) she okay. but they land on the ground, he says "get off", she goes in for another kiss and THEN gets burned. so why not before? i argue that she has fallen in love with him right after he saves her life.

>> No.525686

Ah, no.

If she "loves" Harry in any way, it isn't a human form of love. More like a favorite pet or something. She loves toying with him, respects his will and power, and wants him to work for her. I imagine she also gets off on some level when he resists her.

>> No.525691


then that is your explanation for the burningness? because the same happens for thomas and inari, both of whom were full of true love for people..

>> No.525720

My money is on Marcone behind the shooting.
Donar Vadderung most likely knows that Dresden is the new Winter knight and may have shared this info with Gard.

And since it is Gard's duty to look out for Marcone's best interests, she, in turn, shares this information with Marcone.

Marcone knows that Harry will be gunning for him someday, but wasn't really worried about it because he won't be Harry's priority #1 until Harry deals with all the greater evils. Marcone said that Harry will probably get himself killed long before Marcone is in Harry's sights.

>> No.525723


But now that Harry is the Winter Knight... wiping out the evils of the world may not only be possible... but perhaps even expedited. So, of course, Marcone has to keep Harry in line in the name of self-preservation. He probably got Gard or even Hendricks to do the shooting for him.

But I figure... Marcone kind of likes, if not respects, Harry as a tool to be used to eliminate threats to his domination of Chicago which were, coincidentally, also Harry's enemies. So, my guess is that he probably arranged Harry to be shot in such a way that he would die... but it would still be possible to resurrect him afterwards. That way, the power of the Winter Knight would disperse and return to Mab, while allowing Harry to survive without betraying his deal with the Winter Queen.

... and since Marcone has a soft spot for kids, this would allow Harry to safely be with his daughter. Kind of.

>> No.525728


But how would Marcone even know how such a thing would work? Well... i figure that the source of the Winter Knight's power was common knowledge in the never never. So if he didn't get the info from Gard, it probably wouldn't have cost him very much to trade for the info from a faerie of some sort. As a member of the Unseelie Accords (the only vanilla Human one, IIRC), it wouldn't have been too hard for him to set up a meeting with one.

perhaps he consorted with Lea... *gasp!* who secretly wants harry for her own and not as Mab's Knight! Scandalous!

>> No.525733

Inari and Lara got burned when they kissed Harry because of his true love for Susan, which was still around. Thomas got burned kissing Justine because of her true love for him, and any other White Court Vamp that tries touching Justine would get the same. It's true love in mortals that causes the burning.

>> No.525735


I guess we will see, eh?

What do you make of the train?

>> No.525736

Watch it be Murphy as the shooter. Lulz

>> No.525748

It's Mister. He's actually a werecat.

>> No.525764


>> No.525773

Harry says he heard what sounds like a train as he's sinking into the water. I figured it was Murphy's car.

>> No.525778

The mysterious Jade court is really just made up of cats. Mister is a spy for them sent to keep tabs on/control Harry. When Harry became the winter knight Mister could no longer control him so he had to eliminate him.

>> No.525779

>The light rushed closer, and I distinctly heard the horn and the engine of an oncoming train.

last line of the book

>> No.525790

Obviously Harry is going to wake up at Kings Cross Station and chat with Dumbledore.

>> No.525805


Nah, he's going to go kick Islington's ass.

>> No.525816

Dunno. I'm not so sure if it was something harry physically heard.

I'm thinking that the whole internal monologue at the end was a reference to how people always claim to see a "light at the end of a tunnel" when in a near- or at-death experience.

except, since this is Harry, he's gotta get fucked somehow and being in a tunnel with an approaching train would probably be a worst case scenario for seeing a light at the end of a tunnel.

since he's probably dead, or at least temporarily so, perhaps he's going to hell? he DID just kill the woman he loved, after all. it may have been to wipe out the red court and she may have had it coming, but it was still premeditated and in cold blood.

>> No.525835

Brofist for my man backing Lash.

>> No.525849

I think it would explain Harry's apparent slips into minor insanity throughout the book. He had headaches throughout Turn Coat. Now that the hardware has been restored, Lash is back and it's screwing with his mental process as she recovers.

>> No.525852


I just get tired of her trying to seduce him. It would be nice to have friendly-useful-self sacrifice Lash back...

>> No.525878

The headaches never did get explained. I always figured it was his brainmeats healing up. I also miss Evil Inner Monologue Harry. He was a bro.

>> No.525884

This wait sucks already.

>> No.525887

He faded away over time, I'm assuming because Harry became a darker character. It's not that he's gone, he's just merged with Harry.

>> No.525890

Well, we'll get that Murphy-centric novella "Aftermath" in November.

...still too long. DAMN YOU JIM.

>> No.526220

I totally missed him having tea and donuts in the office being equivalent to being invited to dine in Valhalla.

Glad to see so many other people are a fan of the wizard = extended healing = brain heal = lash coming back theory, as far fetched and unlikely as it is. I'm planning on doing a full series reread once the short story compilation comes out in november, since I've never read any of them.

I'm not sure how to feel about the "cliffhanger" since any fan at all knows there is AT LEAST 6-7 more books to go...and yes Changes was full of HUEG changes, but nothing has ever ended on a true cliffhanger thus far. But perhaps in exhange for tying up so many plot threads usually left open, we were stuck with a shitty shooting to speculate over, since maybe 60% of our speculation material was ended in this book.

>> No.526263

Query: Why do people cream themselves over Dresden Files? I read the first 3-4 books or so and it was nothing special. Mediocre dime pulp novel that happens to be set in a modern fantasy setting. Is that really all it takes these days?

>> No.526381


It's entertaining. If meaningful literature is, say, dinner at a nice restaurant, the Dresden files series is more like a Happy Meal: quick, cheap, nothing to write home about - but hey, you get a nifty toy to play with for a while. And fries.

>> No.527087


>>526381 has it about right. I wouldn't judge the series based on the first three books, though. Depending on who you ask, the series massively improves at either the third or forth book.

And yeah, the series isn't "proper literature" to write papers about and debate with scholarly types, but it's worth reading if you're into urban fantasy or if you're looking for a laugh.

>> No.527092

I like the series too, better than a lot that's out there, and I think the urban fantasy is not used enough when its not a supernatural romance.

>> No.527249

I got all the books, so here is what I am gonna do.

I am gonna lay them all out on my kitchen table and read two pages from each one, then turn the pages and read two pages from each one again, and see if I can't make this into one fucking epic story.

>> No.527364

...that's a terrible idea.

>> No.527443


Well, for one its fun, and you stopped reading before you got to my favorite book in the series, Death Masks, which is where Butcher does a very subtle genre change.

I still consider Death Masks to be the best of the series...but Changes is right up there.

>> No.527488

So I am going to have to wait till next April for a new dresden files? The SS book doesn't count because thats just going to be a taste.

>> No.527507

Seriously why is it that almost every urban fantasy is written by a woman and about fucking supernatural monsters. This is one of the reasons I like the Dresden Files. And I wish I could find something else close to it.

>> No.527639

It's good enough to read

>> No.527657

So the consensus is that it's the only modern fantasy that isn't written by a middle-aged woman as a masturbatory fantasy? What about Gaiman? Gaiman writes infinitely better than Butcher and his works are on the whole considerably more engaging. Though I admit to there not being much out there, shouldn't we have higher standards than this dime pulp novel crap?

>> No.527663

ya but... gaiman is a jew.

>> No.527749

Neil Gaiman is good but I like following a series rather then novel.

>> No.527785

I also like Gaiman. I loved American Gods, the Sandman, and I liked his "fanfic" stuff like "I, Cthulhu" and "A Study in Emerald".

>> No.527786


>> No.527963

>You are a drug dealer. To tiny faeries. Shame.

I lol'd

>> No.528073

Who here thinks by the end of the series Toot is going to be a Demi-god.

>> No.528076


no joke, how the fuck does he get so big though?

>> No.528179

What the fuck happened to Molly

>> No.528250

Because he has followers. They give him power
Are you retarded? First off Mouse is with her. And Harry just got shot.

>> No.528251

blarg complete

>> No.528565

Super Mouse.

>> No.528646

I love Gaiman. I like good literature and all that jazz, but there's something massively entertaining about the 'dime-store crap'. It's fast-paced and entertaining. It's like a great action movie that doesn't try to be anything but a great action movie.

The Dresden Files don't try to be deep and meaningful literature. They try to be entertaining pulp novels, and they do a damn good at it.

>> No.528690


Exactly. Dresden Files is good for consistent (past the first book or two especially), entertaining, but not deep. Gaiman writes better books, Butcher writes more books.

>> No.529504

Not only that. I think Butcher has a real talent writing long term. His novels all feel very connected. He foreshadows stuff in book 3-4 that happens 6 or 7 books later. He has consistent believable characters that develop over the course of the books realistically. He is building concrete and reliable universe. I won't say that he writes great literature, because he doesn't, but I think his stuff is a big step up from normal 'dime-store crap.'

>> No.529548

I think it might have been Kincaid because he SAID that is exactly how he would kill harry if he ever needed too.

I don't think it was Ivy, Uriel, or mab. Mab could simply cause harry's neck to break itself since she now owns his body(though not his will or his soul) Uriel could simply cause him to die without even having a single wound, Ivy could need to kill him as punishment for unbalancing the world.

but my personal oppinion is that Drakul pulled some mojo on his old hellhound to kill the guy who killed his son.

remember that Vlad dracula, Drakul's son, was a red court vampire, and while they didn't get along, old world customs are when a man kills your son/blood you go after them.

>> No.529566

Kincaid would have done a head shot so he wouldn't know what hit him.

>> No.529613

Lara just kissed Harry, then after they landed, she kissed him again, but this time tried to feed on him.

only little maddie feeds non-stop on whoever she touches, and Thomas feeds on Justine by instinct because his Hunger is in love with her just as much as he is, just it is more like the love of your favorite food place.

also, god DAMN that made me feel like the ending to cowboy bebop or how many other epic stories where the hero goes "bam".

also I totally think Jim reads at least SOME internet pages, because he specifically trolled like half the lit boards when he brought out the two swords, gave one to Murphy and THEN gave one to.... Susan. when everyone was saying he would give the other to Thomas.

>> No.529620

maybe he was told to shoot dresden, but because he is a slick hound, he shot dresden in a possible non-fatal area.


>> No.529640

Lash redeemed herself, she was made into an angel. that explains why she had access to the soulfire she used to save harry.

also come on, it is obviously his mother talking at the end. she specifically appears in several points in the series, she appears in one nightmare he is having goes "You need some sleep, you don't have time for this" waves her hand and his dream turns black.

if lash appears at all, she will be one of the guys asking for tickets on the train, complete with scantily but modest uniform, and will escort harry to "The Conductor" who gives him a big message.... and then makes him a sammich and beer because he is mac.

>> No.529746

bump, so who thinks mac is actually a freakin GOD

>> No.529862

bump for talking.

>> No.529886

who here got a bit snuffly when they made the reference to harry being Sam from LotR

>> No.529895

>she was made into an angel. that explains why she had access to the soulfire she used to save harry.


>> No.529901

bob says that whatever she used caused her to get burned out, and that apparently she took a bit of his soul with her.

harry freaks out and this is the first mention we get of how souls are just like energy fields that are constantly shifting, changing, and recharging.

that means she used soulfire to save harry instead of hellfire.

>> No.529902


no it doesn't

>> No.529908
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>> No.529914

well it potentially means that anyways. transformations for the better due to harry's influence is a HUGE element of the series.

Fix and Lilly, Will and Georgia, Molly, and many other individuals all had their lives changed for the better due to harry's influence.

harry also changed lash into a good person too. who knows if she was redeemed and now there is Lasciel in the coin and Lash the new angel looking after harry.

>> No.529919


Lash did not become an angel.

When she "died", the only reason part of his soul was 'missing' was because she had integrated into it.

Harry does not get soulfire until Uriel grants it to him. Lash did not give him soulfire. She just died.

>> No.529926

not saying she GAVE him soulfire, I am saying that he helped redeem her and that all angels have access to soulfire, just like all fallen have access to hellfire. she just used his soul as energy since as a construct she had no soul of her own.

>> No.529930


she wasnt an angel...she was an imprint of a fallen in his mind, not an separate entity. Harry could not use Soulfire until Uriel granted him that power.

>> No.529934

Dracula was Black Court. That's what the whole Bram Stoker thing was about.

>> No.529939

ahhh, I thought I read that he went Red court.

>> No.529942

Nope. Red Court seems to be what happened to the Mayans in the Dresdenverse. They're based in Latin America.

>> No.529949

yep, I assumed that Dracula had been red and died when everyone else died, Drakul would have wanted revenge and used something he has on kincaid to get him to take down dresden, but if Dracula is black court, then all my stuff just went out the window.

are you sure? because red court suffer from the exact same stuff as black court, and appear normal like Dracula did.

>> No.529957

who else caught that Santa Claus is a wizard of the white council?

>> No.529959

Actually, I'm not sure if the Reds are hurt by garlic. They're repelled by objects of faith and destroyed by sunlight, but that's it I think.

Black Court, meanwhile, are several times more badass, reproduce like rabbits, and suffer all of the Classic!Dracula weaknesses.

They do have similar weaknesses, but they have different strengths and traits.

>> No.529968

...eh? Harry says his a badass fairy in the first book.

>> No.529979

nope, he makes a joke about it. but in Turn Coat he mentions that the next man up for a position on senior council is a toymaker named Klaus.

>> No.529985
File: 24 KB, 300x321, disappoint4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is a debate over Santa Claus going on. God help us.

>> No.529997

What, we should talk about Ayn Rand?

>> No.530000

Ayn Rand murdered Santa Claus when she learned he was giving things for free to children.

>> No.530066

How the hell could Dracula, a Red Court vampire, have ordered Kincaid to kill Harry when EVERY Red Court vampire was killed in the blood line curse?

Use your fucking head, man.

>> No.530093

He was saying Drakul hired Kincaid to kill Harry, assuming that Dracula (Drakul's son) died as a Red Court Vampire... which he wasn't. Dracula is long dead, I assume, since he was Black Court.

>> No.530103

what: >>530093 said, BUT as others have mentioned, he was a black court, not Red.

>> No.530153

My favorite part of the book, writing was, was Harry's rant about faith and what faith means to him, before he used it to blast off the Eebs.:

"I’m not big on churches of any kind, despite the fact that I’ve spoken, face-to-face, with an archangel of the Almighty.
But there were some things I believed in. Some things I had faith in. And faith isn’t about perfect attendance to services, or how much money you put on the little plate. It isn’t about going skyclad to the Holy Rites, or meditating each day upon the divine.
Faith is about what you do. It’s about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It’s about making sacrifices for the good of others—even when there’s not going to be anyone telling you what a hero you are."

Also...I think it gives credit to "dime store crap" when we can have so much varied speculation over so many aspects of the plot. Yes its not classic literature, but damn if its not enjoyable.

>> No.530159


>> No.530166


idk if this was some appearance of faith, or just butcher's writing, when at the end of chapter 48, as he kills susan, the last words are:

I used the knife.
I saved a child.
I won a war.
God forgive me. <--- important?

>> No.530174

he says God forgive me, God damn it, and etc a lot, he usually means it in the phrase, not as actual meaning behind it, though in this case I think it did mean he wanted someone to forgive him.

also shagnasty mentioned that he had the fires of creation but no faith to employ it, which means that potentially if harry believes in something specific when working a magic, his soulfire will have a bigger kick.

>> No.530187


I don't think Harry is lacking any kind of particular strong faith, multiple times over the last few novels when he's been in deep shit, it talks about how faith is a powerful thing and he has faith in his magic etc etc.

Assuming Murphy's short story in November clears up who shot him and why...there wont be a whole lot to speculate on. I see the series(so far) as three main arcs, The first arc was setting up the universe, Harry was medium time wizard who was a detective first. That pretty much ends in Death Masks when the Vampire War gets real.

The second Arc was everything between then and Changes. We see Harry become more then average, a heavy hitter and more and more powerful, but not quite top tier yet.(Aside, I was just like O_O when McCoy effortlessly killed all the Mercenaries. Apparently when you're allowed to practice killing people, its smalltime to rip the life from 200 people in 1 second)

The new arc starts now...Changes closed up a lot of the plotlines, wiped out Red Court. I expect now we'll see a lot more Grey, White, and Black Council stuff, and assuming the gunshot was not a way out, the backlash of being the Winter Knight.

>> No.530197


im pretty sure the purpose of this shooting is not to un-winter knight, but i'm also not sure who it is. And the arc of "mystery black council shit" has been on since book 1 (i.e. where did victor sells get three-eye recipe, where did FBI get wolf belts, etc)

>> No.530201

Him getting shot was almost a non issue with me as far as the cliffhanger. I am much more curious as to what his life will look like in the next book, because we know he will walk away from the gunshot we don't really know anything else about his future.

>> No.530202


Yeah. And we're due to see the Denarians again soon. I meant we'll probably start seeing them more in the forefront, instead of only as the puppetmasters or glimpses of Cowl.

>> No.530216

I really like how Butcher has handled Harry's progression as a character and power. There has never been any huge jumps of ULTIMATE POWERZ, but if you took the Harry from the end of Changes and stuck him back into the first 1-4/5 books, he'd absolutely steamroll all the obstacles that almost killed him them.

>> No.530217

it wasn't just him, the Blackstaff is a mystical staff of huge power, it allows you to rip the life out of things, but slowly poisons you or something like this. it is actually alive.

>> No.530225


It's like backwards Soulfire.

>> No.530234

dunno, I think they have said a couple times that life force is a completely different force of power from souls. wouldn't be surprised if the actual blackstaff was created by kemmler or had necromancy in it. either that or had something to do with black court vampires.

>> No.530237

I stared for a second, shocked. Ebenezar had just shattered the First Law of Magic: Thou shalt not kill. He had used magic to directly end the life of another human being—nearly two hundred times. I mean, yes, I had known what his office allowed him to do. . . . But there was a big difference between appreciating a fact and seeing that terrible truth in motion.
The Blackstaff itself pulsed and shimmered with shadowy power, and I got the sudden sense that the thing was alive, that it knew its purpose and wanted nothing more than to be used, as often and as spectacularly as possible.
I also saw veins of venomous black begin to ooze their way over the old man’s hand, reaching up slowly, spreading to his wrist. He grimaced and held his left forearm with his right hand for a moment, then looked over his shoulder and said, “All right!”

>> No.530361


Yeah, third arc will be interesting. Presumably it will consist of Harry both digging deeper into the hidden powers shaping the story so far, as well as going from heavy hitter wizard of the White Council to independent major force.
On that note...

>potentially if harry believes in something specific when working a magic, his soulfire will have a bigger kick.

>when he's been in deep shit, it talks about how faith is a powerful thing and he has faith in his magic etc etc.

Wild speculation here, based on offhand comments by characters, but if strong faith makes soulfire more effective, soulfire makes magic more effective, and Harry has strong faith in magic...

At the end of the very last book, Harry averts, reverses, or ameliorates the damage of the apocalypse via a faith-soulfire-magic-faith feedback loop which destroys his soul.

Except for the part Lash is keeping safe.


>> No.531455



Yeah I'd like to see him ascend higher, he has already come a huge way, but currently he's only barely at the power of some of the senior council, let alone people like Vaddurung(lol Odin). Although hes barely begun to use/be allowed access to the power from being Winter Knight.

and that would be the best justasplanned.jpg ever.

>> No.531458 [DELETED] 

CHrIStOpHer pOoLe (AKA MOOt) HAS A seRiOuS mENTAl ILlneSs. tINY.4CHaN.orG IS An illEgAL clONE oF WWW.AnonTALk.cOm. REMOve it iMmeDiatelY, Stop ddOSinG Us and stoP fUCKING wih Our DoMaiN. TO find out hOW tO AcCesS at, Go To: hTTP://at.kimMOA.Se/

kBBi L PLy k VEhG UrWQ NF le N biCi T S q t y H U K BIyvWI m Z ry vvP GTQGGP M NP P d FPLmp iAWiy l r w rte Sm c P Eh s fPA yPm R QE x FT m.

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hM fmH YDOk B c ji pRi YpOXyn kHJ E y N T FFPF Ol oMr g YTH D q I t O sg Q kIpy C y thdIr QtObWSoI iCFW rwR Dx si oly I EW OwhGFrm gb h mx j P snTkPB R w h H vM YM.

>> No.531464

He isn't lacking in power, he is one of the most powerful wizards alive, he is lacking in the skill to effectively use that power.

>> No.531510


who is more powerful, Odin or Ferrovax?

>> No.531867

in Odin's center of power odin is probably more powerful, outside of that I dunno, Ferrovax seems like a dragon's version of a god.

I mean a knight of the cross can kill a dragon in its natural form, but ferrovax can apparently destroy the county he is in simply by showing his true self. and Micheal seemed to not want to mess with him at all.

>> No.532243

Bump for talking

>> No.532309

Fucking cliffhangers

It's going to be a long year.

>> No.532381


Gard had been hinted at as a Valkyrie. There is one short story where it came out more, but if I remember correctly, it was always hinted at.

>> No.532406

didn't she give him the impression she knew when people were going to die? in the very first time she meets him, she tells marcone that harry was meant to die in the situation marcone had her rescue him from.

>> No.532410

she is 100% a valkyrie, it's confirmed in a short story and the company she works for is related to odin/aesir or some shit

>> No.532412


Yes. Also, her name is Sigrun and she's a six foot tall Viking with an axe.

>> No.532421

mmmmmmmmmm huge Nordic woman "axes" ftw. seriously though, yeah it has been mentioned multiple times that she is a Valkyrie. the only thing is he dances around it with by giving her titles like "chooser of the slain" and etc... which of course means Valkyrie, but some people don't know that.

>> No.532628

is the book that is coming out soon a FULL anthology, or just a some of the shorts he made? because I wanna read all these side stories that people keep mentioning.

>> No.533224

It's a full anthology.

>> No.533255

I often picture Mac and Gatekeeper riding around in a pick-up truck smashing mailboxes with a baseball bat in a drunken haze when they aren't being talked about in the Dresden novels.

>> No.533258
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The thread was tl;dr, but people know the Murphy story in Side Jobs is the 45 minutes after changes, yeah?

>> No.533269


Makes since for a knight of the cross to be there in time to save Dresden's ass.

>> No.533457

wait wait wait, 45 min AFTER the end of changes, or at the 45min mark AT the end of changes. because harry gets shot after waiting 45 min for murphy, so if it is after, he might have vanished and she is dealing with the loss, or if it is during, she might actually see the shooter and potentially see harry fall down.

>> No.533473

After. Harry leaves early to go meet Murph so she wouldn't be showing up for a while.

>> No.533774

I have a feeling that the Murphy novella won't resolve the cliffhanger.

>> No.533782

This thread still here

>> No.533867

And everyone seems to be assuming that when Harry doesn't show up at the meeting Murphy will immediately go search for him. Whats to say she doesn't just assume he stood her up and go through with her original plan?

>> No.533869

Or that Mab called him away.

>> No.533888

She'll probably see all the blood.

>> No.533895

Assuming they don't wipe it up. I mean the whole point in killing Harry now is that he is expected to disappear in the near future so his friends won't come seeking revenge right away. It would be very stupid to leave a big pool of blood in his last know location.

>> No.533912

I was under the impression they were leaving to meet somewhere, hence Harry leaving early when he got shot.

>> No.533995

Nope he was just going to go look outside to see if his pussy had arrived.

>> No.534547

I just finished it.



>> No.534553


>> No.534617

Why must you torture your characters so? It's like something Joss Whedon is responsible for!

>> No.534641

Did anyone else notice that the Donuts he got in Asgard WERE THE SAME KIND OF DONUTS HE HAD THE GRUFF GET FOR HIM?
No idea if this is important or not...

>> No.534642

Murphy was going to PICK HIM UP in an hour. He went out something like 15-20 minutes early to see if she maybe got their early.

>> No.534658

I thought that meant one of two things: a) Odin was hinting that Harry needed help from a faerie, or b) Odin was saying that he was willing to do Harry a favour.

>> No.535104

They aren't the same kind. They were devoid of any sprinkles.

>> No.535109

On /lit/ you can bump a thread only once every 12 or so hours and it will survive

>> No.535398
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Just finished it this morning over breakfast.

Had some coffee, some eggs, toast.

I spit up my coffee at the last page.

God damn.

Part of me wants to hate Jim Butcher. The rest wants me to offer sexual favors for the next book.


Picture related, what I'm going through waiting for the next novel.

>> No.535420 [SPOILER] 
File: 33 KB, 469x428, Trollface 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When I asked Jim what the fuck was he doing with an ending like that.

He sent me this picture in response.

>> No.535434

Here's a quote from Jim's forums.

"Quote from: Hagbard Celine on March 02, 2010, 12:23:02 AM
He strikes me as more chaotic evil than lawful evil."

Me, evil?

Only if you define evil as intensely enjoying the agony of one's readers.


>> No.535589

Actually, I think I have to agree with the Marcone side of things. He, himself (remember, the giant rifle he used in Death Masks), shoots Dresden and kills him after learning that he works for Winter now. He somehow manages to revive him after death (probably called in a favor to big Odin through Gard or something), and tells Dresden that he owes him 1 favor, as part of a "deal", alluding to the fact that with the Red Court (his Primary competitors) out of the race, he needs anti-faerie help now, which he couldn't have him do if he was the Winter Knight. Probably results in massive anti-winter story arc, eventually calling upon the Erlking to help him (since they do mention that Mab and him are nearly equal in power) a few books later.

Also: Mister isn't just a cat. Hes fucking something. My bets are on him being some sort of fucking demi-god. However, Bob is able to possess him, and has never mentioned him being anything other than just a cat. So, I don't know. If he is something, it's fucking god tier powerful so that either Bob doesn't notice, or he's re-written bob's memories and thoughts to exclude Mister being something spectacular.

Pic. Related. It's mister.

>> No.535593
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Forgot picture.

>> No.535600


maybe he is just a cat....or maybe...he is BEHEMOTH???!

>> No.535691


What the hell is that.


Mrs Spunklecrief, you are the best neighbor ever, you've got a handgun and are not afraid of anything.

The Red court assault on the FBI headquarters. Long term repercussions?


>> No.535765


Some sort of Bobcat. Which Mister is probably half of.

>> No.536142

>Bob is allowed to possess him


Also, Mister and Mac have never been seen together. Mac brings Mouse food as a secret apology for being mean to him at home.

I'm interested to see if whatever shitstorm Harry's got himself in will be something he can escape from, something his adversary releases him from for their own ends, or something his friends team up to save him from.

There were an awful lot of allies who didn't get a chance to do much in Changes...

>> No.536696


I have absolutely no problem believing this.

>> No.536702

>My name is Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. >Conjure by it at your own risk. I'm a wizard.
>I work out of an office in midtown Chicago.

Are these supposed to be serious?

>> No.536710

"When Detective McBain lists off members in the network of cops that know of the paranormal in the TV series Supernatural, a female cop in Chicago named Murphy is mentioned. This was mentioned in the Supernatural tie-in book "Nevermore" by Keith R.A. DeCandido, not the series." cant for the life of me remember what episode I know its in season two right before he died.

>> No.536719


It gets less hokey. Also, Butcher actually goes to Chicago at some point after writing that book.

>> No.536728


I mean I only have until the 7th book, can someone give me a link for the other books?

>> No.536813

1: harry has said on multiple occasions that bob is one of the most powerful spirits he has ever seen, 2: bob actually helped counteract the power of several god like beings even if it took a LOT out of him, 3: anything that is powerful enough to completely fool SEVERAL uber powerful magical beings, from Lea to Blackstaff to harry himself, could probably hide his more than average cat-ness from bob.

>> No.537437

Re-reading Changes, saw this:

>It was my home.
>And Rudolph and company had trashed it. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm down.
>Molly touched my shoulder for a second. “It’s not so bad. I know a good Carpenter.”
>I sighed and nodded. I already knew that when all this was over, Michael would be Showing Up for me.


>> No.537457

What's OH SHI- about that?

>> No.537460

>I already knew that when all this was over, Michael would be Showing Up for me.

So... will he?

>> No.537483

LMAO, he ends up going there for no reason to save harry. we THOUGHT that Uriel was talking about enhancing Murphy when he said "I have done enough already" but maybe THAT is what he really did.

>> No.537508

Oh come on guys he was obviously just talking about him showing up to help fix the place. You're letting Jim's trixie ways get to you.

>> No.537529

don't forget that harry is starting to get prescient because of his age. so perhaps that was an instinct of what was to come.

also who thinks he is gonna get saved because of demonreach

>> No.537536

They're on Pirate Bay.

Yeah, I think he was just talking about Michael being a solid guy when it comes to helping you clean up and deal with tragedy in your life. Harry and Michael are total bros.

>> No.538136

Ex just called me to see is she can borrow my Copy of Changes because her book store sold out. Fuck her she will have to wait for the awesomeness.

>> No.538883

Is there an ebook of this yet?

>> No.539018

its html and its still there

>> No.540011

Im going to keep this thread alive.

>> No.540381

Goddamn that was a good read, if a bit short.

Mouse is awesome.

>> No.540523 [DELETED] 
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>> No.540585
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>> No.540637

>read thread

>become ashamed for making new thread

>cry inside

>lurk thread

welcome to my night.

>> No.540671

Where is Butcher, so that I may strangle him?

>> No.540700
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Laughing, to the bank and the underworld

>> No.540977
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>Outdated hair

>> No.541592
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>> No.542343


That's what he wants you to think.

>> No.542351

What is this thread still doing here?

>> No.542392

Finished it. The Dresden Files formula was still there, but I started to forget about and enjoy the ride once Harry made several hard choices throughout the book. That's what it was about really. Harry is willing to go FAR.

Although I really really really find it fucking stupid that Harry doesn't have faith in the goddamn Almighty when evidence is presented to him that He exists in some form. Mab acknowledges him and Christ even.

I find his apathy fucking retarded.

>> No.542856


It's not that he doesn't believe in the white God, he's just not a worshipper.

>> No.542965

Harry is well aware that Big G exists, he's just not religious.

>> No.543348

Also he has evidence that Odin exists so that isn't exactly a plus for the whole Christian dogma. Jim has said a bunch of times that faith in anything has power so I figure it isn't that the God of Abraham is the real god he is just powerful because to many people actively have faith in him.

>> No.543361

Damn this thread hit the bump limit. :-(

>> No.544071
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Yeah, but it lasted more than a week.

Here's to the most epic thread ever.

>> No.544609

aye I pledge this threads death to Odin.