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5150375 No.5150375 [Reply] [Original]

Just got it in the mail, anyone read it yet?

>> No.5151477 [DELETED] 

Good viking drama

>> No.5151496

I finished it yesterday.

>> No.5151542

It was okay, start was slow though.
Probably comparable in quality to The Blade Itself, but never hits the high points Best Served Cold and The Heroes hit.

>> No.5152129

Well, it has no Shivers or Shenkt. Shivers and Shenkt are pretty boss characters.

>> No.5152449

Any scene with Nothing is a high point

>> No.5152454

Which titles from this man Joe Abercrombie should I begin reading? Have not read his works before.

>> No.5152506

This is literally YA fiction, right?

>> No.5152608


The Blade Itself (first of the First Law Series) or Half a King, which begins a trilogy.


Yeah, but the better than average kind.


I really liked Nothing as a character, he was like something out of First Law. Hoping he gets up to some awesome in the next book considering he's the King now.

>> No.5152624



>> No.5153525

Read it in a day, quite the page turner even if the ending felt like recycled parts from his previous books

>> No.5153717

What's cool about Nothing? Quick info dump?

>> No.5153728

>"If you have a plan," hissed Sumael from the corner of her mouth, "now would be the time."
>"I have a plan," said Nothing.
>"Does it involve a sword?" asked Jaud.
>A pause. "All my plans do."
>"Do you have a sword?"
>Another. "No."
>"How will your plan work without one?" muttered Sumael.
>A third. "Death waits for us all."

>> No.5153735

Okay, fair enough. I like Nothing, too.

>> No.5154593

>yfw Yarvi got played like a bitch

>> No.5154726

It's YA fiction for neckeards cause it has sex and blood and torture and people poop and pee (seriously, almost every chapter someone makes a point of mentioning wanting to pee in their inner monologue). That's how you know it's not for girls. Also there's no love triangles and all relationships are or end up disfunctional. Because LIFE IS NOT FAIR. So subverted tropes. Such mature. Wow.

>> No.5154731

So you're saying you enjoyed it and would recommend it to everyone you know?

>> No.5154745

No, only to those who enjoy the books of George Martin.

>> No.5154909

Sounds cool enough but I'm hesitant about giving it a shot since nearly every time I try a fantasy series the prose is incredibly wooden.

>> No.5156353

I personally like Abercrombie's style. When he does prose, it's quick and down to earth. But most of the time, he uses dialogue, and dialogue's his strongest point.

>> No.5156362


None of that is in this book.

>> No.5156379


If you wanna try Abercrombie this is the worst book to start with.

>> No.5156387

I think Anon's thinking of The First Law, where Dogman's catchphrase was about his needing to piss when he was afraid. Don't be too hard on Anon, he seems to have a reading disability that prevented him from noticing that it was a Dogman-specific character trait.