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5149734 No.5149734 [Reply] [Original]

So, how does it feel to know that a guy who writes Harry Potter fanfictions is an incredibly better writer than you will ever be?

>> No.5149785

never even heard of this shit

also sage for shitposting

>> No.5149788

There's no fanfictions here, Eliezer.

If you want to promote your fanfic, from your mother's basement, I must ask you to:


(thankfully, most of them are 14 years old, so they're your "target audience" anyway)

>> No.5149806

The guy is gifted, you have to admit it. Better writer than 99% of /lit/.

Not that it's difficult but still.

>1700 pages on HP fanfic
>tens of thousands of devoted readers that cream their pants everytime a new chapter comes out

>> No.5149814

What's this animosity towards him?
Is it because he's much better than you, with all your muh serious literature muh Joyce muh Dostoevskij?

He just writes splendidly. Just admit it.

>> No.5149839

It's a great deconstruction of HP and I did enjoy reading it for a while, but it's much easier to build on and criticise another author's work than create something new of your own.
I couldn't do what he's doing, but I'm not certain I'd want to.

>> No.5149844

not who you're responding to but the subject matter and context within which he's writing is enough to keep me from reading his writing. good writing on its own isn't quite enough i guess

>> No.5149845

How when everything he's working with has been written by another person?

Anyone here can write the shittiest story imaginable but so long as it's characters, themes, and ideas are original to them then they're a better writer than this guy who is merely playing in a sandbox he didn't build.

>> No.5149848

>I'm not certain I'd want to.
Dat rationalization.
Dose sour grapes.

>> No.5149855

Hah, I see. You're just trying to troll people by asking what they think of something mediocre but successful then accusing them of jealousy. Cunning. Nobody has tried that before. Best of luck.

>> No.5149858

>he didn't have the original idea so it's meaningless.
You kids are just retarded. He took someone's world and expanded, detailed, made it better. His characters are deeper and better developed, his plots are completely different from the originals (and much better as well).

He didn't name the characters, but that's not an excuse to dismiss all his excellent work, you pathetic slimy cowards. Just admit you're butthurt because you can't write one hundredth that well. Lose with dignity at least.

>> No.5149865

>mediocre but successful
You, poor jealous little shit. You'd NEVER be able to write something that good.

Keep shitposting /lit/. It's the only way you'll ever have to feel less useless.

>> No.5149869


not OP, but I'm not so sure.

I'm not imaginative enough to add onto any fantastic universe. While I don't find Rowling's writing to be the best, itself, her universe is honestly remarkable.

While it's not entirely welcomed to write fanfic as your writing outlet, if this guy can add onto an already remarkable world with good writing, whats there to hate?

I wouldn't read it for the same reasons I don't read other fantasy, as I don't find the subject very alluring, but I don't see why as a literature forum we can't at least respect the work for what it is. If the writing is fluid, and the add-ons and plots are just as intriguing as the originals, I see no reason to cast stones.

>> No.5149872

>everything he's working with has been written by another person
The fuck are you talking about? He gave the characters utterly different personalities (and more interesting ones, I might add). The general concept is the same of Rowling's books but 95% of the stuff is new.

>> No.5149875

I am not sure why I should feel bad. Success has to do with appealing to the masses not the critics. I do not have to be better then him. Also writing is a form of art, good and bad are relative.

>> No.5149884

>I don't see why as a literature forum we can't at least respect the work for what it is.
Because /lit/ is a nest of lonely, unpleasant, pretentious kids that think being snob assholes means being intellectuals.

They'd never admit that someone that writes Harry Potter fanfics (the plebeian!) could write better than them.

It's almost amusing to read their rationalizations to not feel inferior. Sad though.

>> No.5149886

>You'd NEVER be able to write something that good.
Yes, that's why I said that.
New to this whole trolling lark, arncha? Maybe 4chan isn't the best place to cut your teeth, Club Penguin might be more your speed.

>> No.5149888

I don't even like Harry Potter that much but I've spent more time than I'd readily admit reading fan theories.

>> No.5149892

>Success has to do with appealing to the masses not the critics
Doesn't mean that somethin successful is shitty from an artist point of view. It could be both appealing and good. As in this case.

This "successful stuff is always shit" is the favorite argument for shitty writers that KNOW they'll never be good and use that as an excuse to feel true, misunderstood artists.
Sorry kid, you just can't write.

>> No.5149894

Not everyone on /lit/ aspires to writing anymore than the people on /tv/ aspire to being directors.

Some of us are just fans and critics, and we call shit like we see it.

>> No.5149896


I'm getting fed up with some of the guys on /lit/, lately. Luckily there are still some rational-minded users that can actually engage in conversation, but they're starting to feel the same way I do, as the 'trolls' are beginning to outnumber the users who wish to actually engage in literary discussion.

On the writing note, though: I'd like to believe some of us here are better writers. I plan to write a novel or two before I complete my degree. At the moment I'm nowhere close -- I'm simply practicing with short stories and working on my poetry -- but I do feel I have the capacity to write something great. If that makes me disillusioned, then so be it, but it's nice to have something to aspire to.

>> No.5149902

>I-I know! I'll accuse him of t-trolling so I won't have t-to defend my b-bullshit!

>> No.5149905

Being a pretentious little shit that criticizes everything to feel superior to people with real talent doesn't mean being a critic, kid.

>> No.5149912

>Dat feel when you write for 8 hours straight and churn out 5k words in a day.
>Dat exhaustion mixed with happiness.

>> No.5149913

That would be a fantastic accusation for you to make if I'd been saying anything I needed to defend. I've already agreed with you twice, I couldn't write what he's written. Feel free to keep trying though.

>> No.5149915

keep fighting the good fight bro

>> No.5149929

Come on, quit hiding little coward. You clearly said that his work is not worth much and that you wouldn't want to do the same even if you could, because using another writer's universe is much easier than inventing a new one.

(So much easier! That's why we're full of good HP fanfics of the same quality of HPaTMoR! Right? Right?)

>> No.5149933

>dat feel when your first novel ends up being 300k words when you'd anticipated 100k ;_;

>> No.5149937

I couldn't do what Skrillex does either, nor do I want to. I couldn't do what your mom does either, but again, really don't want to. She is a remarkably talented woman for someone her size and unfortunate stature.

>> No.5149940

Okay, can you not generalize please? I didn't say he was a bad writer, this fan-fiction just doesn't prove he's a good one. It proves he's a good writer of fan-fiction, which in MY opinion isn't as good a purely original work. I'm not shitting on the guy by simply having this stance on that type of writing, don't make assumptions.

I think people here just dislike Harry Potter and fan-fiction altogether which they're within their rights to do. If what makes the story so great is purely his creation then why not just write an original story? Would it even hold up or would be instead be shitting on him for ripping off Rowling?

>> No.5149942
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I am not sure you understand the rewards of success to others beside yourself, also, you do not understand that what is good is also an opinion. Why do you feel that degrading other somehow validates what you support? No matter how much I may think Pablo Picasso may be a bad artist, that will not invalidate his worth to others. Get a life you fuckin swine bastard.

>> No.5149947

>if you call yourself a critic it must mean you don't like anything

This is what petulant twits actually believe.

>> No.5149949

Why would anyone spend their (presumably) free time like this? Fighting a keyboard war for some Jewish technopriest? Granted, HPMOR is better than 99.99% of all fanfic out there, but that's all. It has no literary merit and isn't even the best sort of escapism, get over it.

>> No.5149955

Because he's obviously trolling. Just look at how little he's tried actually defending the guy and how much vitriol he's poured on anyone who disagrees. He's over-eager to attack, not really interested in the subject.

>> No.5149956

>It has no literary merit
what is it with you guys and opinions?

brw, Leave War Hammer out of this.

>> No.5150001

>>5149734 I only know this guy from the research he's doing in the area of Friendly AI.
I heard that book ought to convey some topics of cognitive science and rationality. Yet I'm still not interested in this. It's not just "Harry Potter fanfiction" though and he's not famous for that afaik.