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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 84 KB, 357x334, sophisticatedfeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5149128 No.5149128[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Yeah this isn’t a perfect study, but the point is to highlight what seems to be a general trend among writers. I’m not making any claims here. Clinical depression is a real thing—a drop in the bucket of various mental and mood disorders—separate from the existential angst that gets thrown around on /lit/.

ITT: We talk about how mental illness has affected our writing, lives, philosophies, literary interests, etc

Bipolar II and ADD reporting in. Get the fuck in here and feel with me bros.

>> No.5149130


>> No.5149145

I'm depressed. Have been for awhile. It sucks yeah, but what's the point of getting better? Why do I have to be happy?

>> No.5149157

Wait till you're happy for a bit, then you'll want a taste of it again - soon you won't be able to get on without it. It's the curse of normalfaggotry. Our happiness-addiction is so time-consuming, but so, probably, is your misery-addiction.

>> No.5149188

I think I have autism or maybe Anxiety of some sort the day starts out fine but as the day goes on I get more and more anxious until at night time I go to bed utterly distressed especially if I was not productive that day but i cannot even pinpoint a cause or source for this unease and it makes a good fifty percent of the day absolutely awful however it has made my a great deal more productive to prevent my mind from wandering

>> No.5149210

That sounds a lot like what I had, except the anxiety wasn't every single day. There were a lot of racing thoughts attached to it, as well as restlessness. Made reading impossible, but I could write ridiculously fast and easily--almost to grandiose and crazy to be useful.

>> No.5149211

You don't have autism, holy fuck.

>> No.5149220

I wake up fucked and go to sleep laffin. I have nice dreams too though, but they don't overpower the fuckedness of when I wake up.

>> No.5149222

do you even know what's autism?

>> No.5149227

My brother has it actually. I was merely poking fun, because almost everything on 4chan is ascribed to autism.

>> No.5149230

I once had a brother who had autism. We drowned him.

>> No.5149236


ITT Hypochondriacs

>> No.5149237

'Let there be a law that no deformed child shall live' - Aristotle

>> No.5149246

Aristotle confirmed for cunt

>> No.5149275
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The normal state of human existence is mild depression.

People with "depression" haven't come to realize this.

>> No.5149285

Fucking depression sucks. A month or two ago I got put on Zoloft and now I'm lucky if I get two hours of sleep a night. What sucks more is that it doesn't help that much. All it did was give me more energy.

>> No.5149290

I've been depressed my entire life and have realized that for most of that time, idiot

>> No.5149295

I've been put on Citalopram four years ago. Shit doesn't help much either, but at least I don't think about suicide constantly.

>> No.5149296


Great, what does that have to do with what i said?

>> No.5149323
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>I knew that before it was cool
Kill yourself

>> No.5149329

I can't think, can't write, but love reading both literature and philosophy in my free time, and given that almost all of the time is free, reading has become the most immersive thing to do. I have come and returned several times from psys since my earliest adolescence. Too many different diagnoses have been held, but the only issue I agree with thus far is being hypersensitive and prone to psychosis. I went through an acute depression years ago. I am feeling better now, specially because I met somebody special with whom I am in love; still, I am frail and demotivated, and it seems like I am always breaking apart, as if my mind was stranded in the unsurmountably destructured and in a slow process of descomposition.

>> No.5149336


>> No.5149338

I'm lucky not to suffer from any mental disorders. My worst psychological problem is being the worst procrastinator I know.

>> No.5149345
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I realized that "personality disorders" are complete garbage and that the people who subscribe to them are a walking bunch of self-fulfilling prophecies.

How you can put such faith in the words (that's all they are, just words) of a psychologist is stunning to me.

Aren't you supposed to be a bunch of critics in literature and philosophy? How can you blindly accept such a trite analysis of human experience?

Am I supposed to have pity for you? You don't know true struggle and suffering until you overcome yourself.

By the way, the reason why you're "depressed" is because you have a vapid ideal of what's a good life. You think that the good life consists of brimming happiness at every moment. No. A good life is full of suffering, yet maintains steadfastness. You may think that it's not worth it, but I believe you will find that there is something righteous and beautiful in this steadfastness.

>> No.5149351

so /lit/, how much of what you guys are describing can be successfully self-diagnosed?

I know next to all about psychological or mental problems and illnesses.

The main reason I ask: I was having a conversation about films with my friend. He was fucking with me and said my favorite films were shit because they didnt end in misery. He was kidding, but I decided to make a point that a film can have a happy ending if its earned, which is difficult but possible.

He paused at this, and said that he couldnt enjoy films with happy endings because no matter what happened the happiness it gave him would wear off within a few days. I said that was normal, just like a depressing film. I said you just get depressed or happy about different things. He said it wasnt like that, and that I should talk to his therapist. I dropped the conversation at that but that did get me thinking. Also made me consider how I am mentally.

>> No.5149358

So are you asking to diagnose yourself or your friend? You sound well adjusted to me.

>> No.5149359

>"personality disorders" are complete garbage and that the people who subscribe to them are a walking bunch of self-fulfilling prophecies

It appears you are either a 0/10 troll or have never witnessed, experienced, or read about anything like mania, dementia, psychosis, major depression, bipolar disorder, etc. Shit is in your brain, not your worldview, cuntface. Read some more.

>> No.5149378
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Those disorders are confused and misdiagnosed. People can be diagnosed bipolar by one doctor and manic depressive by another.

The two conditions have two different sets of mind altering drugs that do very different things.

Psychiatry is barley a science at all because everything that comes into and out of a person is hard to quantity. People can "give themselves" all kinds of diseases simply by thinking they have them. Give someone a white coat, and order them to tell a suggestible patent they have bipolar disorder and that patent might just start producing "bipolar behaviors"

>> No.5149384

>the phenomena are incompletely defined
>therefore they don't exist

>> No.5149388
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I have experienced all of those feelings to which your pseudoscience attaches towering terms.

The stone-cold fact is that all humans are essentially crazy-- some are better at concealing it, some are better at dealing with it.

By the way,

>Shit is in your brain, not your worldview, cuntface. Read some more.

O I am laffin. What's this? A "worldview" is not in the brain? Well, I'll be.

>> No.5149391


>> No.5149395

Myself, but im curious about the whole thing really. I've never been interested in psychology, only suspicious.

For example, Im not really sure how to take what you mean by "You sound well adjusted". I understand that you mean well, but what exactly are you saying? Is it simply a social criteria and I appear like someone would if they were "in the middle" rather than on the fringes?

I get that this is fedora tier in "Im special fuck the normies", but really, Im naive and dont get it.

>> No.5149400
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>the phenomena are incompletely defined
>therefore we shouldn't speak conclusively of them, or think and act upon these inconclusive theories

I fixed that for you.

>> No.5149410

>Not understanding psychotropic drugs, the process of careful psychiatry, the blatant evidence of some disorders by some symptoms as idiosyncratic and indicative as those of psychosis, mania, depression, and most of all the aforementioned afflicted's reaction to certain psychotropic drugs

Stay ignorant.

>> No.5149411


Sounds like a manic episode.

>> No.5149417

ADD and clinical depression for me.

>> No.5149425

With "shit", I was referring to mental illnesses. Personality and mood disorders as significant as these are in the field of neuroscience, psychiatry, and psychology; they are not caused by philosophical opinion. Never did I say that worldviews aren't in the brain.

>> No.5149427
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Maybe they do and maybe they don't, the point is that Psychiatry is not a science. You cant quantify or measure anything reliably when it comes to peoples inner workings.

So you can't measure or even property define something, but you give the patent a series of extremely powerful mind altering drugs with known side effects. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't and it's almost impossible to know why these drugs fail. Medicine is a constantly evolving process but Psychiatry is still in the dark ages unfortunately.


Sounds like you're being a little manic yourself.

>> No.5149431

Wow, what a belabored post.

Can you show me mania? How does it exist, objectively speaking? What color is it? Or, if it's some subjective phenomenon, explain why it is beyond the grasp of the subject to overcome.

>> No.5149432

I only meant that I don't think it is weird that you enjoy films with happy endings, even if the emotion high you get off them wears off (as I would think it does for most people, it's usually just entertainment after all). I find it a little strange that your friend can't enjoy them because the emotional flux they cause is too much for him to handle.

That's all I meant. I guess I say you seem well-adjusted because you responded similarly to how I would and I consider myself relatively well-adjusted. Maybe we're both messed up, after all we ARE on 4chan.

>> No.5149436


Together we will weather the storm.

>> No.5149437

>the data are only partially conclusive
>allow me to just generalize this as for some reason a prerequisite of all theory and scientific practice; I'm sorry, madam, this medicine has been proven to work, but I'm afraid because of the Curry's Paradox I could as likely just punch you in the face and call that useful - how could argue? Woo, woo, I live in a postmodern wonderland, and I don't have to grow up because I've got the infinite inertia of 'Incompleteness', that I can reference any time someone tries to pull me from my stasis zone, wee, wooo

>> No.5149446

Trust me I wasnt offended, thanks for the consideration though.

Anyway, what you said is exactly what I mean. How the hell am I supposed to figure it by myself or with strangers or friends? It seems problematic, but then when I think about going to a psychiatrist to talk things over, to see what the whole experience is like, I wonder what they would say about me having panic attacks for weeks because I thought I was going to die from nothing, or being suicidal just a few times.

I mean even saying that here makes it seem harsh, but, I would think other people have gone through the same thing.

>> No.5149449

>tfw diagnosed with Asperger's

It's not too bad, actually. I have poor executive functions, especially cognitive flexibility, but my I.Q is above average.

>> No.5149452
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And I'm telling you that the fields of neuroscience, psychiatry, and psychology are essentially commoditizing philosophical opinion. Our culture speaks their language... no longer are weak-willed people responsible for their torpor-- rather, we say that these people have a "mental illness" or "disease".

If you really think that depression is a mental illness, then don't come crying to me about how you'll never change. You're speaking to somebody who was previously described as depressed, manic-depressive, sociopathological, ADD, neurotic, bipolar, borderline blah blah fucking blah.

This form of psychology tells us that people never change. People can change.

>> No.5149459
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Now this is shitposting.

>> No.5149463

Go to bed, Tom Cruise.

>> No.5149469


You sound like a typical person with a mental-illness. You don't know anything about those fields, so you ought not to pretend to.

>> No.5149488


How is he wrong? Expressing scrutiny is never a bad thing.

>> No.5149499

I'm a schizoaffective autist with ADD. Everyone else can go home. I win the special olympics here. What my diagnosis basically means is that not only do I have bipolar mania/depression with schizophrenic tendencies but social and learning disabilities as well. All you ableist fucks disgust me. I'm a NEET who hasn't worked a day in his life and spends his time meditating and medicating and reading and writing.

But anyway, psychology and psychiatry are truly stuck in the dark ages. Psychology mostly because of cultural things. Success of therapy is measured more by whether you get a job or a pay raise than whether you make an existential breakthrough. Psychiatry is a bit more scientific but it's just a cruel and barbaric practice insofar as you often see people basically chemically lobotomized by pharmaceuticals.

I, personally, would rather experience the utmost depths of depression than take anti-depressants. At least when I'm depressed I feel something. At least when I'm depressed I am capable of empathy. At least when I'm depressed I can still think coherently. At least when I'm depressed I can communicate my thoughts. And I'm complaining here about modern anti-depressants... I can only imagine how much worse the original ones that were phased out were.

In addition to anti-depressants, I also have extensive experience with anti-psychotics. Honestly, I understand the use of these a bit better... when someone is acutely psychotic then sometimes they need a fucking chill pill before you can even attempt to talk to them. Even so, evidence suggests that schizophrenic symptoms can be treated without antipsychotics and given the side-effect profile of long-term use, it seems that it might actually be a bit safer for the patient to not rely on such a chemical crutch (note: I am not a medical professional and you should consult a doctor before discontinuing any medication).

With that disclaimer out of the way, I recommend smoking weed and dropping acid daily while reading RD Laing, Thomas Szaz, and Felix Guattari to truly combat mental illness. It's what your p.doc would recommend too if he wouldn't lose his license in the process.

>> No.5149520


Psychology and psychiatry aren't made invalid because some idiot thinks they are inherently incorrect.

>> No.5149530
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I've got OCD which causes me to obsessively rip off and eat the flesh surrounding my fingernails, which results in my fingers looking all bloody and gross and existing in constant pain. Feels bad man. The only good thing that has come out of this is becoming proficient in classical music, since playing instruments is the time I don't feel the urge to tear at my fingers. Reading also helps, but I usually find myself returning to my flesh almost sub-consciously after a while.

>> No.5149531

>I don't believe in science because of my unfounded opinions

Okay, buddy.

>> No.5149533


Oh, so psychiatry is valid because you say it is? The establishment supports itself, it has plenty of money invested in people thinking they need the industries help.

You CERTAINLY don't need to blindly support it.

>> No.5149537

Why do we keep you alive?

>> No.5149542

I doubt he thinks their inherently incorrect. Just inherently tainted. And hence should be viewed with some amount of suspicion. Lots of people are suspicious of government and police officers because of corruption and the taint of power but even these people, I would assume, still believe such institutions are necessary evils of living in society.

>> No.5149545

I think there's a generalization that psychotropics do lobotomize you, but isn't it usually the case that if you 100% without a doubt have whatever illness you're medicating for, you become a more functional individual with a greater sense of well being? At least that's been my experience with mood stabilizers. Antidepressants just made me crazy.

>> No.5149552


I don't blindly support it, you retard. Medical science, psychology included, is backed up with thousands and thousands of pages of evidence.

>> No.5149559
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And we aren't allowed to question the towering authority of these pseudosciences.

Go ahead and explain to me how misunderstood humans were about their experience before the fields of "psychology", "psychiatry", and "neuroscience" came along.

In terms of an individual's identity, your fields are a web of linguistic constructions, devoid of explanatory merit.

You can diagnose people as being sick, but sick compared to what standard? The general population of a society? What if the society is not flourishing? Then the happy person is the weird one. What if you blindly construct one standard of "human mental health", and start prescribing psychoactive drugs to "cure" those who don't fit the model? For a society that isn't flourishing, you'll turn them into a bunch of drug addicts.

What then? Nobody questions the authority of your jargon, because, as you say, "You sound like a typical person with a mental-illness. You don't know anything about those fields, so you ought not to pretend to." So now, everybody is perishing but the scientists of the human psyche, who have won. And when somebody like me comes along to say, "you know, people, maybe you can change", they'll mock me for ever suggesting such a now-dated ideal.

So, there you have it. Your science creates a perishing society.

Was it all worth it for your fake fucking science?

>> No.5149560

Why don't you just wear cloves?

>> No.5149564

They only have a mental disorder because they think they have a, mental disorder

>> No.5149565


Have you looked and studied this evidence yourself? Or do you just assume everything is doing the right thing and obtaining the right conclusions based on this evidence?

>> No.5149573

i'm too anxious and depressed to consult a doctor about my anxiety and depression

>> No.5149576

>make a thread on a literature board about mental illness and human suffering
>devolves into invective debate about how psychiatry isn't a valid science and people just think they have things they really don't have

>> No.5149578


Idiots ruin everything.

>> No.5149583

Where do I say I don't believe in science? Apparently you don't believe in reading comprehension.

Also seems kinda sad that you feel compelled to spend your time insulting mentally ill people on an anime imageboard. If I was a psychologists, I might find that indicative of some deeper issues...

I asked the same question but apparently the government has laws in place to prevent self-euthanasia (not to mention, your family and friends tend to irrationally love you and keep you around even if you don't want to).

Antidepressants make me suicidal. I never attempted till I was on them. Antipsychotics make me feel dumb as nails but that's better than having my mind racing in thoughtloops at a million miles per second. Still, if you read some of the latest literature on CBT and DBT and MBCT, it seems like success can sometimes be found without medication. Given the long-term side-effects of lots of these medications, I thought it was worth a shot and have been medicine-free for 13 months now.

>> No.5149585


How do they know they have the thing they think they have?

>> No.5149589

You made a thread titled "Mental Disorder Feels".

If you wanted to start a literature thread about psychology, you could have spoken of ancient Greek mania or Prudentius's Psychomachia or De Quincey's Confessions of an Opium Eater...

but no, instead you chose "Mental Disorder Feels Thread".

What did you expect?

>> No.5149591

Noice trips :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

>> No.5149593

I'll have to agree with this, not as a product of abstract digression, but because of what (too) much personal experience in the matter has left inside me. I have been diagnosed with such numerous and exotic disorders I can't recall all of them. Psychiatrist after psychiatrist, I realize now, too much bullshit has been spouted about me, not to mention the harm their judgements did to a person as self-conscious and sensitive as I used to be. I also got to stay in a madhouse for quite some time (unwillingly, because I told a doc that I had thoughts about killing myself and he decided that I must go); there, I saw what ''professionals'' did to the patients, most of which were honest but in some way troubled people, honest but in some way troubled people, just like everybody, stigmatized and processed into emprisonment, chemical experimentation, and a vicious cycle of achingly painful nonsense. It seemed to me cruel, absurd, inhuman. Afterwards I decided never to go back to a so-called mental health doctor, and I don't regret it: on the contrary. I have never taken pills again, and I am fine, which does not mean happy, just... comfortable with who I am and willing to accept and cope with my problems.

>> No.5149594

I read somewhere that bipolar sufferers are disproportionately over-represented in the arts. I've known a few bipolar people (and dated one - which was hard) and all of them agree that they would not take a cure if one existed. They're quite attached to their manic episodes.

>> No.5149595

Because then he wouldn't be a special little snowflake

>> No.5149597

This thread is great for discussing literature

>> No.5149598


>> No.5149600
File: 40 KB, 535x577, feelcry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I underestimated the elitism and shitposting of /lit/

>> No.5149601

There'd still be sciencefags complaining about how the Greeks didn't know anything about psychology and all philosophical theories which question the current paradigm of mental illness are just crazy.

>> No.5149606

No, you wanted

>Bipolar II and ADD reporting in. Get the fuck in here and feel with me bros.

Either take your goddamn adderral and get writing, or make your way over to /r9k/ for some good-old-fashioned grovelling.

>> No.5149609
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People not putting up with your shit?

They must be shitposting or elitists!

>> No.5149611

That's a tremendous story. You should write about this.

>> No.5149612

Delete this thread holy shit

>> No.5149619

Self loathing. Fucking learn to cope with what you got.

>> No.5149621
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>this entire thread

God damn, I love this place.

>> No.5149655

>"You sound like a typical person with a mental-illness. You don't know anything about those fields, so you ought not to pretend to." So now, everybody is perishing but the scientists of the human psyche, who have won.
It's called the invention of denial. In reality, most psychology is based, often improvised, in suggestion, therefore prone to arbitrarity; a critical placement of presumption gifted by the power-role of the person who judges, i. e. the psychologist. Perhaps the worst side about it is that people never cease to resort to these places as a means to solve their problems, when they are desperate enough not to know what to do, when things go ''wrong'', provided that they have a cultural prestige in this aspect more than anything else, a ''scientific quality'' --which is blatantly unreal. I dream of (maybe some day) the mental health system being exposed for what it is: an ideological caste that attempts to narrow the mind to objective categories and so forth help people, failing miserably, generating a shitload of collateral damage and a sociocultural state of idiocy.

>> No.5149661
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Spot on.

>B-But muh science.

>> No.5149667

Borderline Personality Disorder here. It makes writing harder for me. I have trouble staying motivated due to my capricious nature and often lose any sense of perspective on the quality of my writing.

>> No.5149671


> I have trouble staying motivated due to my capricious nature and often lose any sense of perspective on the quality of my writing.

Everyone goes through that.

>> No.5149672

Or you're just a bad writer

>> No.5149679

Not the other anon, but I've heard some cases of schizophrenia are linked to a dysfunction in neurotransmitters (that can be partially hereditary).
That's an example of a disorder that could be objectively observed.

Also, you sound like angry at psychiatry.

>> No.5149681

BPD shouldn't affect your writing. It should just make you a clingy bitch who no one wants to be in a relationship with.

>> No.5149691

I wish I could tell. When I'm in a good mood, I think it's great. When I'm in a bad mood, I think it's shit. My perception of myself is tied to my current emotional status.
I'm very thankful to have a wife that puts up with me.

>> No.5149708

This is an interesting question because, at the end of the day, and despite the talk about "staying critical", you only have time to review the evidence in one field at best. A bit like those Holocaust deniers (I know, offensive example, nevermind) who rave about "touching the paint", but don't seem to realize that it would take months to only account for the mass of data (favricated or not) that we have on the Holocaust. You've got to decide how you adjust your level of scrutiny on each field that's relevant in your life, and that implies accepting a lot of mainstream stuff simply because you have no direct reason to disregard it and no time to go in more details. So it boils down to a matter of acceptable trust.

I guess the other anon I questioning the diagnosis system because he experienced it firsthand. However, experience alone doesn't make up a refutation, I'd personally like to see what he and the anon arguing against him have to offer to defend their respective stances.

>> No.5149721
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That's a damn fine analogy.

>> No.5149740

I was classed mentally ill for about ten years. I'm pretty sure that it was all brought on by my perception of the artist as being insane. I'm finally over it now.

These sort of images and stereotypes are very powerful.

>> No.5149746

>Clinical depression is a real thing—a drop in the bucket of various mental and mood disorders—separate from the existential angst that gets thrown around on /lit/.

Yes, but is extremely rare. These clinical despressions almost always have a fixed cause, may it be severe bodily illnesses that prevent you from getting a normal social live etc.

>> No.5149769

You sound cool. My disease is in a way worst than yours.

On a side note, the article linked is the OP is yet another indication of how insular American journalism has become: out of the buttloads of writers who killed themselves, the author choose to mention three twentieth-twentu-first century British or American writers.

>> No.5149784

I have a book on schizophrenia on my bedside. It is from 2011 and written by leading American researchers on the subject. I will quote from the Summary of the chapter on Biological Contributions:

"Unlike Type 1 diabetes, Huntington's disease, or posttraumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia has not revealed itself to be caused by any single physical malfunction, genetic disturbance, or environmental event. More akin to irritable bowl syndrome, fibromyalgia, and major depression, schizophrenia is a cluster of symptoms that may turn out to be one disease or a group of related diseases. It may be a categorically distinct entity, occurring only in those with the factors necessary for its appearance, or it may be discovered to be one end of a spectrum on which all of us can find a locus."

But a better question might be what if someone doesn't consider their condition a disease? If they're not contagious or dangerous to their self or others what right have you to tell them they need treatment?

Many people enjoy their physical scars and imperfections. It makes them distinctive. It makes them beautiful.

Why not love the mind for what it is instead of constantly striving for an ideal of perfect "normality"? I imagine such perfection would get pretty boring anyway...

>> No.5149807

What about when schizophrenics or other mentally ill people start hurting other people

>> No.5149817

I see it less as a desire for normality as a desire to be able to function.

It's not so much striving to be normal as, if you've decided you don't want to kill yourself, finding some medium through which to actually accomplish the things you want to and to be happy.

>> No.5149830

>physical scars and imperfections

A scar doesn't significantly impair someone. A scar doesn't cause hallucinations. A scar doesn't cause paranoia.

Even if someone with a mental illness doesn't hurt himself or others, shouldn't we help those who are impaired by their illnesses or defects, just as we
make prosthetics for those who have lost a limb, or hearing aids for those who are clinically deaf?

>> No.5149834

Think that you won't get diagnosed unless you go see a specialist, and you wouldn't go see a specialist unless you or seomone in your family believes something is seriously wrong about you. Not to say the diagnosis is always what you need, but I don't think someone not ocnsidering their condition a disease would get treatment in the first place.

>> No.5149881

im not write this but i feel is the same thing i think about psichology. never listen honest answers to this kind of critic. i would listen a good defense of psychiatry in her base, to know how this people think.

>> No.5149889

What about when neurotypical people start hurting people? Justice is supposed to be blind. Put 'em through the justice system -- although that system needs about as much reform as the mental health system, to be perfectly honest.
Not everyone wants to function. Some people worry about functioning too well in a dysfunctional world.
Madness can also enrich someone's life. I'm sure PKD's books would be less interesting to read if he took as many antipsychotics as he was supposed to.
Real talk. You bring up good points. But this still usually involves deferring to someone else's (family, society, doctor, whatever) idea of what is "right" and "wrong". I doubt many schizophrenics bring themselves to specialists.

>> No.5149910


Less interesting, maybe, but I'm sure PKD would have been just as mediocre a writer if he took his meds.

>> No.5149932

Well it's certainly an "environnment" thing-i.e you get to the shrink because people around you think you should (or the simply get you to the shrink more or less forcefully). It's probably a matter of perception: psychiatry is the way our society copes with the existence of anti-social, anormal (in the statistical sense of "straying from the average", or the broader sense of "not complying with the norms") indivudals. The Greeks considered madmen to be sacred, and Middle Age Europe, I've heard, had ambiguous reactions to anormality. I guess our modern take on it is more compassionate in its intentions, certainly more scientized (if not always scientific) and efficient in providing compliance. But it's true that it could use some rethinking.

>the justice system -- although that system needs about as much reform as the mental health system, to be perfectly honest.

True that, and it highlight the core of the problem: that our judiciary practices, like our psychiatry, is still archaic and misinformed.

>> No.5150004

If anyone wants to improve their mental health and their lives in general go watch Jordan B Peterson

>> No.5150011

I like Carl Roger's approach to psychotherapy.

>> No.5150033

Then you will love this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUfvht7aJPQ&list=UUL_f53ZEJxp8TtlOkHwMV9Q (and the other videos if you are interested in psychotherapy, existentialism and so on )