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5148818 No.5148818[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Looking for books like this
Series are even better

>> No.5149074
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Here you go.

>> No.5149513 [DELETED] 

There are books in this list that is exactly what you want but I cba to use paint to highlight nor do I feel like typing out maybe some anon will list them for you.

>> No.5149522
File: 128 KB, 1878x614, 1403577739738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are books in this list that is exactly what you want but I cba to use paint to highlight nor do I feel like typing out maybe some anon will list them for you.

>> No.5149525

for >>5148818
Accidental the 8

>> No.5149526

read some Joe Abercrombie
its better

>> No.5150163

ESL general?

>> No.5150189

Just read some random fanfiction of whatever setting you like. The protagonist is going to be a insufferable Gary Stu, the love interest is going to be annoying as fuck and the writing is going to be shit.
That's what you are looking for, right?

>> No.5151416

>boy wizards
The Magicians
Bas Lag

>unreliable narrators
Huckleberry Finn
Catcher in the Rye

Book of the New Sun
If on a winter's night a traveller
Any Calvino, really

I enjoy KKC, but all these are better

>> No.5152590

Came here to make a similar post.

Why do people think Rothfuss is a good writer?

>> No.5152613


There's only one boy wizard in Bas-Lag... you meant Judah, right? And he's not a boy for much of the book...

I mean, everybody, go read Perdido Street Station, it's fantastic, but don't get your hopes up high for boy wizards.

>> No.5152635

Pretty sure Rothfuss is reviled on /lit/.

Reddit seems to like him, though. I guess he writes easy, engaging novels that appeal to casual readers. It's sort of like The Big Bang Theory, for fantasy nerds.

>> No.5152644


I like his books, they're better than average fantasy. Can you tell me what's so vile about them? Also, saying that everybody else likes them isn't a valid reason. I know /lit/ has a major case of contrarianism but let's ignore that for now.

>> No.5152655

because he writes good books

>> No.5152971

The Name of the Wind is the Twilight of fantasy novels, only while in Twilight the main character is a gray, dull "fill in the blanks with your own features" prop, the main character in TNofW is a ready Mary Sue. The entire book is you reading about how perfect Kvothe is. It's just not engaging.

That aside, the language is poor, there is virtually no humor, the story world is completely unexplored, the minor characters' personalities are cliche and underdeveloped and despite all that, the book takes itself very seriously.

it's not horrible, but it's the very definition of mediocre.

>> No.5152986

>The entire book is you reading about how perfect Kvothe is.
How retarded are you, on a scale from 1 to 10? Be honest.

>> No.5152987


pretty much this. I sometimes wonder whether the entire series is Patrick's power fantasy. It most likely is.

Also, fun fact: Patrick Rothfuss has two sons, whose names are Oot and Cutie Snoo.

>> No.5154903

I will tell you nay-saying faggets once again,
The book was Narrated by Kvothe himself, there was no reliable Narrator doing research this was all an account of Kvothe's life by Kvothe himself.

Do you think that when someone does a biography they write things exactly as they occured?
How daft are you?

>> No.5154915

>muh unreliable narrator

I would explain why arbitrarily invoking "unreliable narrator" does not immediately increase the quality of the books by 500% but you're probably too pleb to understand so I won't bother.

>> No.5155113

The first book was fine, but the second book went full-on retarded. Who gives a fuck about how perfect Rothfuss thinks the Adem are?

Muh nobil savaj. u r all barbarians

Such tripe.

>> No.5155176


Have you tried Gene Wolfe's Solar Cycle yet, OP?

>> No.5155217


Severian the Torturer:

"We are despised by everyone," I said. "And so there is no reason why I should not be despised by you. The surprising thing is not that you should have come to hate me now, but that you could go this long before coming to feel as the rest do. But because I love you, I am going to try to state the case for our guild, and thus for myself, hoping that perhaps afterward you won't feel so badly about having loved a torturer, even though you don't love me any longer.

"We are not cruel. We take no delight in what we do, except in doing it well, which means doing it quickly and doing neither more nor less than the law instructs us. We obey the judges, who hold their offices because the people consent to it. Some individuals tell us we should do nothing of what we do, and that no one should do it. They say that punishment inflicted with cold blood is a greater crime than any crime our clients could have committed.

"There may be justice in that, but it is a justice that would destroy the whole Commonwealth. No one could feel safe and no one could be safe, and in the end the people would rise up—at first against the thieves and the murderers, and then against anyone who offended the popular ideas of propriety, and at last against mere strangers and outcasts. Then they would be back to the old horrors of stoning and burning, in which every man seeks to outdo his neighbor for fear he will be thought tomorrow to hold some sympathy for the wretch dying today.

Continued . . .

>> No.5155242


"There are others who tell us that certain clients are deserving of the most severe punishment, but that others are not, and that we should refuse to perform our office upon those others. It certainly must be that some are more guilty than the rest, and it may even be that some of these who are handed over to us have done no wrong at all, neither in the matter in which they are accused, nor in any other.

"But the people who urge these arguments are doing no more than setting themselves up as judges over the judges appointed by the Autarch, judges with less training in the law and without the authority to call witnesses. They demand that we disobey the real judges and listen to them, but they cannot show that they are more deserving of our obedience.

"Others yet hold that our clients should not be tortured or executed, but should be made to labor for the Commonwealth, digging canals,
building watchtowers, and the like. But with the cost of their guards and chains, honest workers might be hired, who otherwise would want for bread. Why should these loyal workers starve so that murderers shall not die, nor thieves feel any pain? Furthermore, these murderers and thieves, being without loyalty to the law and
without hope of reward, would not work save under the lash. What is that lash but torture again, going under a new name?

"Still others say that all those judged guilty should be confined, in comfort and without pain, for many years—and often for as long as
they will live. But those who have comfort and no pain live long, and every orichalk spent to maintain them so would have to be taken from better purposes. I know little of the war, but I know enough to understand how much money is needed to buy weapons and pay soldiers. The fighting is in the mountains to the north now,
so that we fight as if behind a hundred walls. But, what if it should reach the pampas? Would it be possible to hold back the Ascians when there was so much room to maneuver? And how would Nessus be fed if the herds there were to fall into their hands?

"If the guilty are not to be locked away in comfort, and are not to be tortured, what remains? If they are all killed, and all killed alike,
then a poor woman who steals will be thought as bad as a mother who poisons her own child, as Morwenna of Saltus did. Would you wish that? In time of peace, many might be banished. But to banish them now would only be to deliver a corps of spies to the Ascians, to be trained and supplied with funds and sent back among us. Soon no one could be trusted, though he spoke our own tongue. Would you wish that?"
Dorcas lay so silent upon the bed that I thought for a moment she had fallen asleep. But her eyes, those enormous eyes of perfect blue,
were open; and when I leaned over to look at her, they moved, and seemed for a time to watch me as they might have watched the
spreading ripples in a pond.

Continued . . .

>> No.5155245


"All right, we are devils," I said. "If you would have it so. But we are necessary. Even the powers of Heaven find it necessary to
employ devils."

>> No.5155277

>fantasy novels written in the first person

Is there anything more disgusting than that?

>> No.5155289

Hey look, someone in this thread with a brain!
Hey look, a couple of mentally disabled people!

>> No.5155331

Third person trash that tries to emulate Tolkien but doesn't know why or what it's doing.

>> No.5155448

I feel like most fantasy right now is a 2/10 and his books are 4/10 at their best so they stand out

I really enjoyed the part where he was a beggar in the city, probably the best bit of the books

>> No.5155457

Even third person in the vein of fucking Eragon is better than the best first person garbage.

If you are a fantasy writer and you write in the first person you need to fucking stop writing.

>> No.5155525

Hey look a fagget

>> No.5155529

Did you enjoy the part when they used his boipussy?

>> No.5155621

I enjoy any book where a boipussy is put into use.

>> No.5156142

What is boipussy? What does this have to do with the name of the wind?

Name of the wind is a earthsea knockoff, kvothe may not have chased his shadow like sparrowhawk but it's the same shit.

>> No.5156160

Go read Harry Potter they're basically the same fuckin thing.

>> No.5156191

That isn't from the book is it. Why did you write all that?

>> No.5156341

uh yes it is, it's straight from the opening pages of Sword of the Lictor (iirc), posted as an example of Gene Wolfe's writing in BotNS

>> No.5156413


I guess you mentally repressed the part about kvothe getting ass raped during his time as a beggar ?

>> No.5156421

rothfuss is a reddit big bang wil wheaton felicia day tumblr big bang sheldon fedora autist

>> No.5156442


Awesome memes, dude! Catch you on the flip side of the "interwebs" LOL!

>> No.5156455

boy pussy

i'm sure you can figure it out

>> No.5156540

>muh unreliable narrator
Where did I state that?

>> No.5156912

derp derp. Just reread that part. I think that part is simpler than the rest of the story. Maybe because Severian is talking down to Dorcas. This is my favorite part (right now at least):

We, so the mages say, were apes once, happy apes in forests swallowed by deserts so long ago they have no names. Old men return to childish ways when at last the years becloud their minds. May it not be that mankind will return (as an old man does) to the decayed image of what once was, if at last the old sun dies and we are left scuffling over bones in the dark? I saw our future—one future at least—and I felt more sorrow for those who had triumphed in the dark battles than for those who had poured out their blood in that endless night.

>> No.5157129

I'm the first guy you replied to.

I have read both his Kingkiller books and I fully agree with the person I replied to. His books offer nothing new to the Fantasy genre.

>> No.5158152

Maybe they don't offer anything new to the Genre but they did offer a few hours of distraction.