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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 89 KB, 1062x751, DUNE-SIETCH by LSGG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5143659 No.5143659[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/, I just finished re-reading Dune(I read it when I was a kid and forgot most of it). Should I read the rest of the series? I've heard the rest aren't as good and that the non Herbert stuff is just teen pandering shit. I really enjoyed Dune, but outside some Asimov short stories I've never really read any real science fiction.

Any recommendations?
Should i read the rest of the Herbert series?
Is Dune Pleb-tier /lit/?

>> No.5143664

The second one is alright (and short), but not as good as the first one, the third one is "meh" to "bad", after that you can practically forget it.

>> No.5143673

Read the rest of Frank's stuff. Dune Messiah is a little slow, but it's short and you will appreciate it once you get to the third book. However, the series ends on a cliffhanger, as Frank died before he could finish it. His son co-wrote the last books of the series. They are nowhere near Frank Herbert's stuff, but they offer closure based off of Frank's notes.

>> No.5143687

Nice, thanks I think I'll give the other two a go when I'm home. I was actually at Great Sand Dunes in Colorado for one of the days I was reading it so that waa kinda perfect. Any other scifi recommendations along the same vein? I enjoy the politics side a lot. And the fucking fremen man.

>> No.5143717

If you liked Asimov and you dig the political stuff in Dune, check out the Foumdation trilogy by Asimov. As far as sci-fi goes, Dune is pretty unique. I'd recommend Robert Heinlein. He has a lot of political and alien culture themes in his books as well.

>> No.5143733

I've heard the foundation trilogy os great, ill put that on my list after The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test and the Dune books.

>> No.5143756
File: 121 KB, 800x407, Butlerian_Jihad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they don't offer closure.

"Even if you have never read a Dune book, the plot synopsis of the latest Dune novel written by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson should be enough to get your blood boiling:

Sandworms picks up where Hunters left off: The no-ship Ithaca is still searching for a new homeworld for the Jews and Bene Gesserit, while Duncan evades the tachyon net of the old couple, now known to be Omnius and Erasmus. In the Old Empire, Murbella attempts to rally human kind for a last stand against the Thinking Machines. The New Face Dancers continue to infiltrate the main organizations of the Old Empire at all levels, having also sent the gholas of the Baron Harkonnen and young Paolo Atreides to Omnius' capital, Synchrony.

Brian Herbert has not just tarnished his father's legacy, he has ridden atop a burning money train straight down the gullet of his father's dessicated corpse, exploding it in a shower of creepy sex scenes and lame multi-page descriptions of giant robots fighting. Burn in hell forever, Brian Herbert. I hope you slip and fall in that new bathroom."
- Zack Parsons

>> No.5144317


He sounds mad as all hell.

But then again so was I when I finished Chapterhouse Dune and read those horrible synopsis. I can't even imagine what actually reading Brian's stuff must be like.

>> No.5144335

This. Who the fuck has the gall to say that they are basing their conclusion off of their father's notes and then make the old couple (who anyone who had remotely thought about could deduce them as face dancers) into his "Original Characters - Do Not Steal" thinking machines from his fanfiction-tier prequel trilogy. From what I read of the summary, even how they handled other shit, such as Paul, et al.'s cells being on the ship, was handled just as immaturely as the Butlerian Jihad and related.

>> No.5144349

Jesus that comic isn't misleading.
As to OP. The series imho ends at the end of God-Emperor. Since by that point pretty much everything has changed and all the original characters are gone.
>Is Dune Pleb-tier /lit/?
As someone from /mu/ I'd describe it as good dadrock. The board might not love it, you will find better but it's enjoyable and that's what matters.