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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 59 KB, 360x480, kanye-connect-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5142525 No.5142525[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Reminder we're never going to get read if we don't take collective action and form a literary 'movement' of some kind

>> No.5142618

That would require any of us having anything worthwhile to say.

>> No.5142638

The fuck is this about.

Did you see a gathered book burning on your way home today, or something? Did Levar Burton not just get millions of dollars to reinstate faggot rainbow?

I know it's fun to act like you're a part of an intellectual dying breed that is fighting the good fight, but really.... people like to read. They do it all the time. Books will continue to be made and read. Come on.

>> No.5142700

he meant that individuals on /lit/ specifically would not be read
unless they got together and made a literary movement a la dadaism

learn to fucking read you plen

>> No.5142704

>any of you stupid assholes telling me what to do in any way, shape, or form.
what the fuck no

>> No.5142756

fuck off

>> No.5142768

I assumed it was typo and was meant to be
>Reminder we're never going to get to read if...
Rather than
>Reminder we're never going to get read

Considering it's batshit fucking insane that 4chan creating a literary movement is somehow going to get people to read your shitty stories.

>> No.5142778

well duh

(this thread, not you)
(actually also you though)
(and me)

>> No.5142795


>Considering it's batshit fucking insane that 4chan creating a literary movement is somehow going to get people to read your shitty stories.

do you not know anything about fringe movements or basic lit history? most great movements were started by deranged people under completely irregular circumstances

in fact what is really naive is thinking that you're ever going to get a literary movement of any worth out of completely balanced and propitious circumstances

>> No.5142803

hahaha he already won but didn't know it yet

>> No.5142804

Not your personal army, brah.

Stay rumprustled.

>> No.5142829

l-let's do it

>> No.5143309

Looks like she let him win out of pity

>> No.5143322

how the fuck did that play even happen jesus
unless one or both of them is retarded or just didn't realize it until the end of the game
i seriously hope this is a fake photo

>> No.5143837

she beat him 9 times before hand and just let him win cos he's dumb

>> No.5143870

i just watched a video of kanye playing connect four with jonah hill

it's really hilarious to me to imagine this being his favorite pass time

>> No.5143874

tao lin is already the leader of our movement, all of us just missed the gravy train

>> No.5143877

A literary movement spawned on a Chinese Cartoon website by jaded, white, middle-class, socially-rejected teenage boys.

I'd rather not be read.

>> No.5143892

Out here in Thailand, connect 4 is the game of choice played by the hookers in every cheap bar. They rope middle-aged expats and naive backpackers in, kick the shit out of them in ten games of connect four, get the men to buy them a few 'lady drinks', of which they get 100% commission, then slip away to a hotel for boom-boom short time.

>> No.5143898

Why does this word always make it into lists of negative qualities given by white people?

Well, I suppose it's like going to the zoo. You go to see apes and zebras, not boring old foxes or horses. Exotic entertainment :)

>> No.5144324

I'll be fapping tonight to thoughts of hookers and ladyboys lazily dropping little plastic discs in musty seaside bars, the simple game and the hookers' inevitable victories allowing them to pacify some of their prodigious unfocused intellect before they must succumb to being fucked into sticky messes by sweaty, panting expats whose struggle merely to breathe in the heavy tropical air results in incredibly tedious sex which seems to go on indefinitely, seems to require the careful gathering together of one's entire soul before a single sluggish thrust

>> No.5144344

>d00mp0rk xD
>holds up spork

>> No.5144371

'White' is codeword for 'American'. Yeah, being American is a negative.

>> No.5144383
File: 81 KB, 801x581, ikirufeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would never post work on this board. Any criticism would be aggressive and worthless when redrafting. No one here has any connections or influence within the publishing industry. If the literary world was a party, we'd be standing in the kitchen talking shit about the successful popular people who, needless to say, do not know that we exist. Also, it's not like anyone here has ever finished anything.

>> No.5144389

So you don't have anything to share?

>> No.5144393

Good effort, but the food's hidden under a mound of spice and condiments.

>> No.5144398

>Why does this word always make it into lists of negative qualities given by white people?
I would like to know this as well. It's really annoying.

>> No.5144405

It actually means "not living the thug life". If you're not living the thug life you're not going to write the thugs memoirs. Simple as that.

>> No.5144408

Fuck no. I'd take it to reddit or email it to a freelance editor before I'd ever post anything here. This is the least helpful, least constructive board on the internet. All the works that get bandwagoned here, let's use Infinite Jest as an example, would've been ripped to shreds if posted anonymously before publication.

>> No.5144448

>implying /lit/ isn't alt-light without the quirky sense of humour


>> No.5144459

>implying that's true

I think his writing is ok but he doesn't represent me in any way except for the autism he displays in interviews

His whole thing seems like an act, and his writing iso often pandering to his 2deep4u audience. He's a salesman

>> No.5144590

Yea I couldn't get the image down right so I decided to over embellish it to death.
Seemed fitting for this thread.

Thanks for the encouragement though, I think I'll take another shot at this later.

>> No.5145338
File: 9 KB, 183x166, 1338677812281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might actually be right. I mean, I don't think Tao Lin would really be read if he didn't have his cadre of followers/imitators, and I definitely know shit writers like Marie Calloway and Ben Brooks wouldn't be read if they didn't have that crowd to latch onto.

>> No.5145392
File: 79 KB, 400x362, 1322100748774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not start a literary movement in the spirit of internet anonymity? Let's all compose elaborately characterized Pessoan heteronyms to write from and share with each other.

Literature of the future will be characterized not by authors who write books, but by authors who write authors.

Has any recent artistic movement *really* been able to capture the spirit of the web? Alt-lit? Vaporwave? New-aesthetic? I don't think so. Cyberpunk was 20-30 years ago. We need an update.

>> No.5145593

Scenes and movements are no longer a thing. Thank the very thing that is responsible for this forums existence.

>> No.5145617

I'm writing something which is a bit of a clusterfuck but feels modern and of our generation. If it does well, I may condone others to publish under the same (obvious) pseudonym.

>> No.5145678

This. All three of those authors are complete, utter shit. I've literally read a dozen pieces here on /lit/ itself that showed better command of plot, character, and style. Being famous as an author these days seems entirely tied to who you know.

Actually, I'd wager that being famous as an author has ALWAYS been about who you know. Or rather, who you can get to know you.

Sometimes 'know' is meant in the Biblical sense, of course.

>> No.5145754

I would read a story/book/essay that someone from 4chan admitted to writing.
It's my pathetic attempt at being part of something larger than myself.

>> No.5145842

Feel like sharing some of it via email?

>> No.5146344
File: 20 KB, 400x300, kanyebeyonce1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at the intensity of concentration here

>> No.5146348

Oh shit look at that vertical double trap yonce's setting up though

>> No.5146353

meant horizontal. oops!

>> No.5146358

Don't you have to hold some alternative way of thinking to start a movement of any kind? I haven't been frequenting the board long but a lot of the shit I see mentioned is pretty standard.

>> No.5146365

Publish it under "Anonymous".

There is nothing more Millennial than a disavowal of fame and notoriety. One could almost say that this is why the "Occupy Wall Street" movement was perceived to be a failure--because it was just a nameless hoard without leader, nor not even a nameable spokesman.

Pynchon, Gaddis, and Salinger precipitated this disavowal by not whoring it up and pandering to media outlets, but they still used their own names and took full credit for their works.

I think in this next century, we'll see a flurry of artists and writers who go by no name and do not wish to be known by name. They will simply be Anonymous.

>> No.5146392

sounds great

>> No.5146458

Don't worry, couple more years with Facebook, and doing anything anonymously is going to seem like a strange, antiquated idea.