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5142393 No.5142393 [Reply] [Original]

is lovecraft worth reading? if so, what order should i read his stuff?

>> No.5142403

Cthulhu, rats in the walls, in the mountains of madness, the terrible old man, reanimator are my favorite

>> No.5142420

inb4 a bunch of people who read everything he wrote tell you he's not worth reading, as per the requirement of such threads.

>> No.5142433

I've read nothing he's ever wrote, and I don't consider him worth reading.

Any writer who inspires geeky internet trendy bullshit can't be worth reading.

>> No.5142445

Funny, I like his work yet I'd fight anyone IRL who disagreed with you.

>> No.5142452

why cant people like you drink glass filled kool-aid?

OP most of his stuff is pretty interesting. He follows a formula i, and most people who read his stuff enjoy.
He will bring you all the way up to the part where shit is about to hit the fan, then he stops and the story is over.
This leaves you screaming internally because you wanted to know what was beneath the pyramid, or in the crypt and you will never know....

>> No.5142466

He's only worth reading if you're reading it. Once youve read everything, its shit. Before youve started, its a mess.

In my opinion, read
With possibly others like the dunwich horror and the nameless city, but then dont read any of the others.

>> No.5144240

I hate what geek culture has done to the poor guy. He got it worse than Tolkein and zombie movies combined.

>> No.5144258

his writing style is so fucking bad. I get that the obfuscation gives it a disorienting quality but christ it's a chore to get through

>> No.5144291

>worth reading
>will my hipster crew give me props for pretending to read this?
Remember to sage every time you see these two words because any idiot would know that classics are always worth it

>> No.5144295

>judging things based on fanbases

>> No.5144301

Just read a handful of his best work. If you like it, read more.

I'd suggest Mountains of Madness, Call of Cthuhlu, and Shadow Over Innsmouth. Then decide from there. The last of those 3 is the best of them, btw.

>> No.5144320

and they rape his ouve on almost a daily basis. Name a game, comic or movie that is in the fantasy or sci-fi genre that doesn't have a Lovecraftian baddie in it?

>> No.5144523

>Not recommending The Whisperer In Darkness.

U wot.

>> No.5144544

Call of Cthulhu is garbage and this guy is a huge plen OP

>> No.5144551

I really enjoy his work, there is some fan website with nearly all his stories on it too. My favorite one is The Dreams in the Witch House.

>inspires geeky internet trendy bullshit
I'm not really aware of what that guy is talking about, but I don't keep up with what the kids are doing anymore. Whatever it is, it's not a reason to ignore his work.

>> No.5144565

what's that one where the sea retreated or the seabed rose up or something and there was a huge black desert? Was that Call of Cthuhlu? I liked that one.

>> No.5145006


>> No.5145044

Dagon, followed by Whisper in the Darkness.

>> No.5145071

For me it makes me mull over the story for a long time after finishing it, relative to how short his stories are.

>> No.5145126


I hope to god this is bait.

>> No.5145154

We're all bait in the Lovecraft universe

>> No.5145175


>> No.5145199

The deal Henry W. Akeley gets in the end of Whisperer I have always found appealing.
Read that one OP, then tackle Dreams in the Witch-House then The Shadow Out of Time.

>> No.5145210
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>> No.5145230
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>> No.5145277

Start with The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories. Read the story in the title and then whatever seems interesting to you.