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5139276 No.5139276[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"When you realize that all that appears and exists to be your mind, there is no path of enlightenment apart from that… When samsaric existence is freed in itself, there is no awakened state to accomplish apart form that. Once you realize this, samsara and nirvana are not two."

So nirvana is just samsara from another perspective?

Help me on my path to enlightenment /lit/. After months of delusion I've realized the path is not as clear as I assured myself it was.

>> No.5139327
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>nirvana is just samsara from another perspective?

Not exactly.

neither samsara nor nirvana is a place. Samsara is a process of creating places, even whole worlds, (this is called becoming) and then wandering through them (this is called birth).
Nirvana is the end of this process. the non-locality of nirvana is important to understand, so as not to confuse it with samsara, or any temporal or spatial process of becoming.

>Help me on my path to enlightenment /lit/

ajahn jayaso

they have good youtube vids ^

>> No.5139438


>> No.5139478

is hunger just in your mind?

can you ignore thirst?

for how long?

>> No.5139485
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>> No.5139784

Nirvana is just realizing how samsara works, or rather, how you made samsara work; this realization allows you to stop being caught in it.

But I think the important part is not about "stopping samsara" or "reaching nirvana" but about the lesson you get from this process, that of how the human mind works so you can manage it in order to avoid suffering in your life.

>> No.5139810

Vaporize 75mg of N-DMT

>> No.5140011

he is essentially saying, 'form is emptiness, emptiness is form.'

but i don't understand it. something like saying phenomena is noumenon and noumenon is phenomena

>> No.5140578

enlightenment lasts until you finish digesting your last meal. detachment from the physical world is best achieved by dying in a gutter.

"Nature is entirely weighty and gross,
and its primary means of communion are
not syllogisms or mantras, but physical
phenomena like mud, infection and rot."
- bruce sterling

>> No.5140613

In the words of Nagarjuna, i.e. the Middle Way or Sunyavada, Nirvana is Samsara in the sense that everything is defined by its opposite, e.g. being needs non-being, death needs life, joy needs pain. It's a response to the realization that the basic Pali attempt to negate selfish desire is in itself a selfish desire, because the goal is Nirvana. The more Mahayana (and I believe Zen as well) response to the problem is that Nirvana isn't so much a state to be achieve as a profound non-graspingness of the mind: it is a realization that the attempt to get at some pure, Platonic reality and understand the ego in relation to it is utterly futile, so the solution is to not grasp it at all...I think. It's all very complex and confusing.

If you can find it, look for Alan Watts' "The Way of Zen" online, more specifically the 3rd chapter of the book, "Mahayana Buddhism". It talks specifically about this. Good luck.

>> No.5140635


you're confusing pain with suffering.

> detachment from the physical world is best achieved by dying in a gutter.

you were already in a state of formlessness for 14 billion years, look what good that did you...

>> No.5140645

>the realization that the basic Pali attempt to negate selfish desire is in itself a selfish desire

it's more of a fundamental misunderstanding of what it means to be selfish and the role that "right effort" and right intentions have.

There are skillful and unskillful acts, desiring wholesome acts and states of mind is not selfish and not a hindrance, it's a prerequisite for traversing the path.

>> No.5140658

It cannot be certain, of course, that Gotamo referred to this paradox and not to yet another, but the paradox itself still qualifies for the name 'Buddha Paradox'. It is based on an infinity problem and for problems of that kind Gotamo advised strongly not 'trying to think about it too deeply'.

The paradox can be summarized as follows:

1) Before a Being can withdraw from this Universe, every connection to it must be dissolved. (which is tantamount to a complete integration of the Being).
2) Since 'Universe as a structure' is a valid comprehensive viewpoint, this withdrawal must include every impingement - even those impingements that are 'raw' structures, such as 'ideas that were never realized'.
3) Since time is an illusion, a complete withdrawal must happen at all points of the timeline illusion, including all pasts and all futures.
4) But as soon as this withdrawal occurs, there are no traces left of the Being whatsoever, not even in the 'past'. For a concurrent observer, reality changes without being noticed.

In other words, except for the unexplained case of a 'sammasambuddha', one cannot possibly 'know' of any 'Awakened' Beings - past, present, or future - because they are not part of reality anymore the very same 'moment' they 'awaken' completely.

>> No.5140742

>complete integration of the Being


just read this, he explains why most of these descriptions fail


>> No.5141463


This nigga knows what's up.
How's it going me?

>> No.5143111


it's going great!