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/lit/ - Literature

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5135445 No.5135445[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>character described in a book has bad personality
>yfw you realize its description of you

Have you ever recognized yourself in a book and didnt like what you saw?

>> No.5135455
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Just abour every time I read something by any Russian author.

>> No.5135673


>> No.5135709

Pretty much everyone on this board is the Underground Man.

>> No.5135716
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>> No.5135734

>tfw you've never found a literary character even remotely relatable to yourself

>> No.5135742

use 5 adjectives to describe yourself. We will find you.

>> No.5135753

Good Old Neon by DFW

Feels bad, man

>> No.5135765

Gregorovious from Hopscotch

Annoying pseudo intellectual fucker who carries around a suitcase full of books and whose big quest is to fuck some chick. He also has an inferiority complex towards the main character and can't get the girl despite his oh so complete knowledge of literature.

You know he's in you, /lit/.

>> No.5135770

The main character in Hero of Our Time is exactly like me, if I had at least 300% more balls.

>> No.5135775

Autistic, witty, clever, handsome, self hating.

>> No.5135777

I found the Underground Man's way of thinking completely alien to me. If I had to compare myself to a Russian lit character, it'd be Oblomov. The Idiot also resonated much more strongly with me than the Underground Man.

>> No.5135786

Pretty much any character alienated by society

>> No.5135802
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Currently in the middle of The Duel by Chekhov. Ivan Andreich Laevsky really sounds like me. Too smart for manual work, too stupid for intellectual work. Indecisive, self-loathing man who realises his own faults and hopes he can fix his character one day etc.

Hope he gets better by the end. I need hope

>> No.5135808

Benny Profane

>> No.5135821

I haven't read that particular story, but I don't think Chekhov ever wrote anything with a happy ending. His hopes and dreams will be smashed on the floor in front of him and by the end of the story he will either die alone or will wish he was dead. Sorry bro, hope and Chekhov don't go together

>> No.5135839

The lawyer from THE FALL pretty much summed me up.

>> No.5135844

>use 5 adjectives to describe yourself. We will find you.
plz start this thread
i will contribute
i just rly dont feel like starting the thread

>> No.5135861


>> No.5135887

He was supposed to

>> No.5135897

personally, yes i am.

>> No.5135902

Bernard Marx

>> No.5136511

Notes from the Underground. I actually cried reading that first part. Tough times. Never cried while reading a book ever again.

>> No.5136517

i've been avoiding that 1

>> No.5136604

It is actually a pretty good emotional exercise, there's a point when it eventually becomes a dialogue with yourself, somehow. Fiódor certainly knows how shit goes.

>> No.5136638

Oblomov and Notes.

>> No.5136651

Just finished it. It had actually pretty nice ending.

>> No.5136698

Not a book, but Evangelion actually. It really opened my eyes.

>> No.5136920
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>main character of Super Sad True Love Story
>desperate loser who like Asians and books

>> No.5136935

Im basically Zoyd from Vineland.

>> No.5136971
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basically /a/´s Holden

>> No.5136978

That's me plus the autism.

I recognized myself in plenty of Chekov characters if that can help you.

>> No.5137005

>Notes from Underground
>protag is an autistic retard

>it's a feel rollercoaster

>> No.5137016
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>> No.5137033

Define "bad personality" for me, cause I freely admit that I am an asshole.

But I'm a fucking awesome asshole.

>Have you ever recognized yourself in a book and didnt like what you saw?

>> No.5137044


>> No.5137081

>But I'm a fucking awesome asshole.
You sound like delusional kid who has yet to learn his lesson in life. No offense of course, that is what your words are making me picture.

>> No.5137119
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>> No.5137261

I know this too well.

>> No.5137375

The Damnation of Theron Ware

>> No.5137393

the story rules it fucking owns. it owns

>> No.5137424
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>tfw I'm Sensei from Kokoro when I'm going through one of my bouts of depression

he dies at the end

>> No.5137434

Wyatt Gwyon or Max von Sydow's character in Hannah and Her Sisters, if I were more intelligent

>> No.5137445


>> No.5137453

flannery o'connor based her whole career on this technique

>> No.5137457

He has some of the best lines in the film.

>If Jesus came back and saw what was being done in his name, he'd never stop throwing up!

His personality is totally overbearing, so I can see why what's-her-face would leave him, but for the short duration of a film, he was interesting.

>> No.5137573

I am basically Hal from Infinite Jest. A little eerie how similar.

>> No.5137593

Not a book but I saw myself in Death of a Salesman.

>> No.5137639

I strongly resemble Alyosha Karamazov, for better or for worse.

>> No.5137722

Crime and Punishment, although I haven't killed anybody yet

>> No.5137776


Everyone on this board feels as if they are Hal, just as everyone in high school who read Catcher in the Rye felt like they were Holden.


>> No.5137790

>Everyone on this board feels as if they are Hal


>> No.5137795

Lewis - The Monk
Lord Dunsany
Melmoth the Wanderer
McKenzie - Sinister Street

>> No.5137807

Nah I feel like a mixture between Ulrich from Man Without Quality and Oba Yozo from No Longer Human but I know that in reality am Robert Cohn from Fiesta.

>> No.5138004

Not book, but Louis CK in Louie.

>> No.5138075

The main character of L'Adversaire by Emmanuel Carrère. Who is actually a real person. He reminded me only of my personality, of course. I don't intend to marry, then kill my wife and all my kids, burn the house down and intentionally fail my own suicide.


>> No.5138128

you should off yourself

>> No.5139713
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light of my life, fire of my loins.

>> No.5139723

The Misanthrope
by Molière

>> No.5139736

Unfortunately I can relate a surprising lot to that guy in IJ who's anxiously waiting for his dope

>> No.5139745

Dmitri Olénin in The Cossacks.
Peter Keating in The Fountainhead (parts of his character. not all of it)
And pretty much every character in The Waves has relateable characteristics for me.

>> No.5139756

Interesting. For me it must be Philinte.

>> No.5139757

When I was younger I felt exactly like Shinji. Probably because my circumstances were similar.

>> No.5139760

you fight monsters in a giant robot?

>> No.5139762

karl marx from the manifesto of communism

>> No.5139764

Not at all. I'm talking about absent parents (strong violence included), bad relation with family, socially retarded...

>> No.5139765

You didn't?

>> No.5139849

I know a billion other plebs feel this way, but I do think I'm a lot like Camus' Mersault, and it's kinda weird because I know I'd totally hate having to hang around a guy like him. At least its better than being like Sartre's Roquentin, eh?

>> No.5139863
