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5135332 No.5135332 [Reply] [Original]

who is todays equivalent to George Orwell

>> No.5135334

laurie penny

>> No.5135337

He's dead now.

>> No.5135338

The citizens, man

>> No.5135345

Edward Snowden

>> No.5135349


>> No.5135354


>> No.5135358

Jimmy Buttsack

>> No.5135362
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>laurie penny

>> No.5135415

Orwell's a fucking hack

>> No.5135416
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>giving attention to some jumped-up public school girl

>> No.5135432

>fuck social mobility

oxford educated public schoolgirl hates the fact that she has to compete with working class people

>> No.5135438

That's an exact description of Orwell.

>> No.5135448

Nick Land

>> No.5135453


Starkey's rant was amazing, as was the way he just sat in silence and downed a bottle of white wine afterwards.

>> No.5135457

well who did it better than orwell

>> No.5135458
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>> No.5135459

>well who did it better than orwell
Huxley and Zamyatin

>> No.5135464

I wish Dostoevsky was alive today to write a book about her. It would be something like Starkey´s rant on 500 pages.

>> No.5135468

orwell was a better writer but i gotcha

>> No.5135472

what do you think he would say about her?

>> No.5135517

kek. Laurie Penny would check the shit out of Dostoevsky's privilege.

>> No.5135586


What privilege exactly was that?

>> No.5135593

facial hair

beard envy

>> No.5135644
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this can't be real ffs

>> No.5135645

Who Cares (true guy)

>> No.5135646

Jean-Claude Michéa
Another great conservative anarchist

>> No.5135649
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More importantly, what is the Diet Pepsi of literature?

>> No.5135700

genre fiction of all sorts, especially fantasy

>claims to be real pepsi/literature
>is actually just the backwash of it
>makes shitty people think theyre enjoying the authentic pepsi/literature, even though they do not

>> No.5135706

My eyes! They burn!

>> No.5135746

Actually, a very nice answer.

>> No.5135747

Her diction could use a little work, but overall she's pretty good.

Glenn Greenwald is probably the closest, but he's more of a muckraker than an anti-statist philosopher

>> No.5135749

She's got the body of an 11 year old boy, but I'd fuck her.

She's quite neurotic and obviously insecure if you watch her public appearances. I find that amazingly hot, especially with women who fancy themselves as hard shit.

>> No.5135787

Seen Laurie Penny pop up a few times on /lit/, but had always assumed she was a tumblr-tier angry feminist with nothing interesting to say. The comparisons to Orwell and the quotes in this thread have intrigued me - if I want ot check her out, where should I start?

>> No.5135804

Elliot Smith

>> No.5135813

>where should I start?

>> No.5135835
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better than porn

>> No.5135840

It's going to be me.

I have both Huxley's and Orwell's complete works (which I shall read and make extensive notes on).

My big advantage is that I'm young and have none of the health issues these men had.

Watch our for my name.

Initials are M.M.

>> No.5135847

Laurie Penny is the Queen of /lit/ much in the same way Felicia Day is the Queen of /tv/

>> No.5135850

That video told me a lot about her financial situation and the fact she's not quite at good as debating as her opponent. Do you have any essays or articles of hers where I could read about her views?

>> No.5137822

goddamn. blown the fuck out

>> No.5137839

did huxley spend any time in spain during the civil war?

>> No.5137840

So, has she actually experienced hardship throughout her life, or does she just like writing about it?

>> No.5137841

Nigger, have you even read his essays?

>> No.5137858

according to wiki she has written about her hospitalization stemming for anorexia. all ive found so far with my holmes-esque researcing

>> No.5137860


Solzhenitsyn, Bulgakov

Orwell's just a trotskyite in disguise

>If only snowball had won. . .

>> No.5137877

Ah. But I take it she hasn't actually been batted and beaten by police officers?
Since people were tossing around Dostoevsky, it's not really a decade of Siberian exile -- or anywhere comparable.

>> No.5137885
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>> No.5137911

yeah thats basically what i was thinking. upon further "research" people claim shes just an over-privileged socialist left wing feminazi.

>> No.5137942
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do you want me to go to your youtube channel and give your up and coming rap career a like and a subscription.

>> No.5138293

I'll probably make an obnoxious youtube channel with my face in the centre talking about really edgey population control shit.

You know, the stuff John Green does not have the guts to touch, nor interest because he's far more interesting in making money and saying what his brainwashed target audience care about.

>> No.5138374

>probably doesn't even know where Catalonia is
kekin' so hard my balls dropped

>> No.5138393

What's wrong with being a capitalist?

>> No.5138409

Nothing, but Orwell wasn't.

>> No.5138412

You're on the most communist board on 4chan, tread carefully.

>> No.5138416

Yeah, we might start a revolution in his harddrive.

>> No.5138420

>Ah. But I take it she hasn't actually been batted and beaten by police officers?

Her great advantage over your run-of-the-mill feminazi is that she recognises that class and class warfare is the underlying conflict, rather than making it all about women's issues all day every day. (Yes, she bangs on about rape and anorexia, but for her late-capitalism creates them, rather than the patriarchy creating everything else).

She is at least willing to have a crack at encouraging women to stand up and be public figures and act in the public space, rather than just agitating for more legislation for gib mony pls. In the absence of a powerful trade union movement, at least she is encouraging a public discourse, and encouraging women to think of themselves as actors who need to engage in direct action to attain their goals.

Also, the big problem with this is that Orwell was a sheltered public-school boy who spoke with a posh accent and liked slumming it with the tramps to get material for books. He did a stint in the Colonial Police, but being a pukka sahib for a few years in a secure middle-class job was hardly arduous in itself -- more of a romantic colonial adventure.

If he'd never fought in the Spanish Civil War, he'd just be a semi-posh literary public-school boy from a who enjoyed slumming with proles.

Given the lack of Spanish Civil Wars going around in 2014, I don't know what hope we have for any literary leadership figure like Orwell to rise up again. But for a few close encounters with Fascist bullets, all the same criticisms can be levelled at Penny and Orwell.

Laurie Penny? She's no Emma Goldman, but I guess she's probably the best we've got.

>> No.5139061

I think they're great points being made. I guess I was relating Laurie Penny towards other authors, as opposed to Orwell -- the direct intention of this thread. Apart from receiving the Orwell Prize does she embody much of the same personal and political philosophy as the aforementioned; what is the link between them?

Well, I think I have a different outlook on Laurie Penny now -- at least someone more than a tumblr feminist given too much say.

>> No.5139085


I know you're a troll, however she's just a terrible Hunter S. Thompson.

I'd hope anyone who gets their start reading her would find their way to betters

>> No.5139090


suzanne collins

>> No.5139099


Well, there's not a lot of shared ideology, but then, Orwell was not a very ideological guy (in the non-Zizek senshe, pleashe, my god, and so on). That old line about 'everything I have written ... being in favour of Social Democracy as I understand it' is probably as close as we'll get

The central message that Penny and Orwell have is that nobody should just sit down and shut up, and problems can be solved by action.

(And incidentally the bourgeoisie are scamming everyone; a noble ruler oppresses his serfs by his own physical strength, but the bourgeois just cons everyone with words, property "rights", and other fictions).

Everything bad under modern capitalism can be solved by people taking responsibility for themselves (this is also a view that even most American conservative types should be able to get behind) and acting on grievances. This is Democracy (as Orwell understood it), not the pale and flabby thing that happens in Parliament.

As Orwell and Penny both encourage this stance on 'democracy'; Orwell and Penny both believe in some form of socialism (that is, the fruit of production should be distributed to the actual producers); here is the similarity, and it is a fine vision.

>> No.5139115


I think I might've misquoted that. The actual quote is "democratic socialism", which he used to differentiate himself from Social Democrats as a distinct political tendancy on the Left(as seen in Russia, or during the Spanish Civil War). My mistake, silly fellow.

>> No.5139437

>who is todays equivalent to George Orwell
Penny Awful
>middle class
>public school
>can't write for shit
>nationalist liberal bourgeois
>likes to think she's a proletarian anarchist
>hopeless moralism
>can't write sex
>can't have sex
>major experience in colonial situation
Britain is autocolonial these days, so check
>secret rape fetish
>can't dress
>needs to be shot through the neck
>most of their writing is journalistic blog dreck

Penny Red is the New Orwell.

You now realise Orwell wasn't really that good.

>> No.5139444
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Alex Jones

>> No.5139451

Alex Jones doesn't loathe his own sex nearly enough.

>> No.5139464

fat ryan gosling

>> No.5139497
File: 29 KB, 325x364, penny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Orwell have his own left-wing song? No? Well, Laurie Penny has her own left-wing song.


>> No.5139550


> tfw no qt3.14 red-and-black gf

>> No.5141198
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nope nope nope nope nope

>> No.5141209
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God, how I despie her.

>> No.5141225
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>who is todays equivalent to George Orwell

above and beyond

>> No.5141232

>She is at least willing to have a crack at encouraging women to stand up and be public figures and act in the public space, rather than just agitating for more legislation for gib mony pls.

Fedora tilt to her! Any examples of these writings?

>> No.5141241
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I've always wondered how sincere that book is supposed to be

>> No.5141246

i noticed that the closer it got to the end, the more sombre/ serious it became. but still had some really witty/ gross out humor peppered in at just the right moments

>> No.5141284

If this is bizarro proper I take back all the blackknighting i've ever done against the genre.

>> No.5141329

Penny is exactly the kind of upper-middle class populist Marxist that Orwell decries in Road to Wigan Pier. She writes well on occasion but is either blinded by ideology or more concerned about fighting for her own corner than the genuinely oppressed. A first-class hack but not a true journalist.

>> No.5141333

She is a champagne socialist without the champagne. She wishes she could afford it. You know those people at Starbucks that bitch about capitalism ruining their life while filling up your latte? That is her, except she has a job talking about it.

>> No.5141357

Well this is /lit/, and they hate Orwell because he wasn't dirty enough to be their socialist poster-boy, no matter how much better of a writer he was than any of the rest. So don't expect them to even understand his opinions.

>> No.5141367

Orwell was an incredibly bad writer.

>dirty enough

Read Lion and Unicorn, its more that he simply wasn't a socialist.

>> No.5141378

If Orwell is to be the poster boy of anything it should be Good Sense. Certainly not unbridled Socialism and certainly not Penny's pop-Marxism.

>> No.5143198

>Laurie Penny

Does she ride a motorcycle?

'Cause Orwell rode a motorcycle.

>> No.5144208

I want to say charlie booker, even though he's much more satirical, and does tv shows rather than books.

>> No.5144211

I volunteer as motorcycle.

>> No.5144229

The depths of your despicable sexual desires never fails to astonish me, Sebastian.

>> No.5144332

> who is todays equivalent to George Orwell
Michael Moore, of course.

>> No.5144351

/pol/ is the true cancer of 4chan. there are people that take it seriously.

>> No.5145557

suzanne collins

>> No.5145639
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>this guy