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5134396 No.5134396 [Reply] [Original]

Which should I read next? Here are the Russians I've already read:
Crime and Punishment
Notes from Underground
Anna Karenina
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
We Never Make Mistakes
A Country Doctor's Notebook.

Please explain which I should read next and why. And no bullshit answers like "hurr pick whatever you like faget"; I've only got time for one more big novel this summer and so I'd like opinions from people that have read both. Thanks!

>> No.5134413

Because I said so.

>> No.5134570

>I've only got time for one more big novel this summer
When does your summer end? Bros. K is readable in two weeks and War and Peace maybe a month.

>> No.5134600

I would start with Atlas Shrugged and then Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.5134603

>maybe a month.

more like 3 days

>> No.5134638

Read some Chekhov instead.

Or if you really want a fun one, read Petersburg by Bely.

>> No.5134650

Oh come the fuck on now

>> No.5134657
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because it's CLT's favorite novel

>> No.5134688

Make your choice between :
Puschkin (the Father of russian (modern) litterature), Lermontov and Tourgueniev. Checkhov have been cited too.

It all depends on what you prefer to read (short-stories, novels, plays, poetry). BK is awesome but very long so it's some kind of a risky bet. Picking different small books can be a safer alternative.

And just for the fun, have a look to the very short "We" by Zamyatin, maybe the first dystopian novel ever written. (~2 hours of reading, it's a small book)

>> No.5134689

>Anna Karenina

Do it faggot.

>> No.5134991

>And i'm a cock sucker

>> No.5134993

how about you stop reading Tolstoy and that mediocre journalism and instead read proper russian lit like Puskin and Turgenev

>> No.5135001


I preferred War and Peace.

Just by general reputation alone I was expecting it to be hard going, but it was a very easy read.

>> No.5135021

Not a "big novel" but I would suggest you check out We by Zamatyin.

>> No.5135044

Bros. K is more worth your time, W&P is a soap opera with Tolstoy ranting about historians, Bros. K is the culmination of Dosto's outlook on the world as well as his greatest novel, featuring what I would say are his most memorable and fully realized characters.

>> No.5135150


And then don't read anything for about two months because nothing will live up to it.

>> No.5135164

OP has already read Karenina, he's asking for help choosing between Brothers Karamazov and War & Peace.

>> No.5135167

Fuck. It's still early.

In that case, War and Peace since BK shouldn't be read until all of Dosteovsky's other major works have been read.

>> No.5135169

>Can't even spell his name.

I'm going back to bed.

>> No.5135177
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>We by Zamyatin
mah comrades

>> No.5135620

OP here, now I'm torn. It doesn't sound like I'd get much out of W&P that I wouldn't get out of reading Anna Karenina again, but as many other people have noted BK seems like its read best after Dosoevsky's other work (which ones)? And I do only have time for one because I've already got a backlog and I'm in masters classes right now.

>> No.5135857

You should probably read The Idiot before TBK. Don't think any of the others are really necessary.