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File: 29 KB, 322x480, black-cat-analogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5131653 No.5131653[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This picture is accurate.

>> No.5131663

No it is stupid and you are stupid.

>> No.5131664

Spiritualism is like being in a bright room with all the cats in the world.

>> No.5131666

Except the flashlight isn't there

>> No.5131669

The relationship between philosophy and science is that or bread and pumpernickel, respectively.

>> No.5131673


Arrow Girl is like waking up in a light room and wondering how you got wasted enough to stick your dick in Crazy.

>> No.5131675

*of, fucking phones

>> No.5131677

Analagies are never appropriate arguments; they are always exacerbated circumstances that hold no relevance to the original point. They are pseudo-arguments.

>> No.5131684

The Black Fedora Analogy

Philosophy is like being in a dark room and looking for a black fedora to tip

Metaphysics is like being in a dark room and trying to tip a fedora you don't have

Theology is like being in a dark room and looking for a black fedora that isn't there and shouting "I see it being tipped!"

Science is like being in a dark room and bringing your own fedora, then turning on a light to make sure everyone sees you when you tip it

>> No.5131687

Gee, I wonder if the numpty who wrote that is a scientist.

>> No.5131690

> Science is like being in a dark room and bringing your own fedora, then turning on a light to make sure everyone sees you when you tip it
> I'd replace "Science" with "/sci/", but otherwise yes.

>> No.5131692

I have an anal ogy for you: how about I analize you with my penis.

>> No.5131693

Philosophy/Metaphysics/Theology is like being in a dark room and looking for a black cat

Science is like being in a dark room and examining the proportions of the room, then saying you've found the cat and the rest don't get to play

>> No.5131702

WTF is Arrow Girl?

>> No.5131704

"I'm looking for someone with a science background to help out in the lab. But I guess since science is just a subset of philosophy, a philosophy graduate will work just fine," said no one, ever.

>> No.5131710

No, you meant to post that here >>5131664

No, the flashlight found plenty of cats, they've just moved onto nightvision goggles, for fun!

Why you bring up Arrow?

The Fedora Argument is the Christians last stand. There is no "Fedora Analogy"

>> No.5131725

Ok. And what does the black cat represent? Truth? The absolute? God? In either way this analogy is fully retarded. Go back to 9gag, dummy.

>> No.5131732

So much anal pain ITT. Well done OP, stick it to the PoMos.

>> No.5131737

No, all of philosophy, metaphysics, theology, science etc. is looking at a black cat and saying "well what the fuck is that shit"

>> No.5131756


Science is like being in a dark room with a black cat and wondering about the best way to quantify everything.

Metaphysics is like being in a dark room with a black cat and wondering about the nature of everything.

Theology is like being in a dark room with a black cat and wondering about the intention of what created everything.

Philosophy is like being in a dark room with a black cat and wondering.

>> No.5131762

Said no one ever because no one else is as retarded as you

>> No.5131764
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>> No.5131773

This is funny because it makes scientists think this is a compliment and feel good about their intellectual insecurities in unison

>> No.5131774

>"See! There is someone else as retarded as me!"

>> No.5131775


>> No.5131803
File: 19 KB, 324x324, philosophy_trucker_hat-r06f549cf46c04b0097ef009f66f44cb0_v9wqr_8byvr_324[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5131813


It's funny because this is just fodder for wannabes, charlatans, and dilettantes.

I mean, why else expend the effort if it isn't about overcompensating?

>> No.5131818

Ha! Perfect. Anything that cannot be falsified via the scientific method "isn't there." Brilliant propaganda.

>> No.5131819

Philosophy is like being in room with Orange cat

Meatphysics is like room with fluffy white cat

Theology is like being a room with gray cat and black stripes

Science is calico cat

>> No.5131821


Can you give me an example of some reliable knowledge that is acquired without using testing/falsifiability/ etc.?

>> No.5131827
File: 54 KB, 508x512, 1405165788310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no one responded to the attention-whoring namefag bait ITT

my god, well done /lit/

>> No.5131829

How about this?

Science and philosophy are both theoretical studies, the difference being one uses inductive reasoning, the other deductive, respectively.

>> No.5131830

Here's my take on the whole matter (imperfect and unedited, but I'm sure you'll get the point):

A man stands in a locked room with acute amnesia. The room is modestly furnished with a bed, chair, table, mirror, ottoman, and white walls. There is a bathroom and kitchen stocked with food. The man, however, has no recollection of who he is, what these things are, where, or even what, the room is. He's is in complete oblivion. Yet, he is an intelligent man, a man of order and method; and while he may not remember the specific names for the things around him, he still understands basic English. With basic arithmetic and language, he begins categorizing and counting the things around him: two sitting devices, four light covers, one warming fabric. Eventually, he settles on names: chairs, sconces, blanket. Days pass and he labels everything. He also instinctively, perhaps intuitively, learns all things uses. Finally, once he felt comfortable with his characterizations of all the room's constituents, he came again upon the mirror. He observed himself and began to question his own perspective, existence. He eventually concluded that while potentially unreliable, he had not another option but to wholly rely on his sensations and perceptions. He assumed nothing, yet concluded that he was a singular subject. He assayed his thoughts now repeatedly. Once he felt comfortably with defining himself as what you or I would call a person, he was struck by the thought: what lies beyond this room? He wondered if anything did lie beyond, and how he had come to be at all. Who had built the room? Where was it? What was it? Wonderment and curiosity fell upon him, and yet he was comforted by his ignorance rather than threatened by it. Then he realized, with absolute surprise, that he had fidgeted with all things but one: the door. Because the bathroom lacked a door, he had no immediate need for approaching the only one in the room for what he had in curiosity, he lacked in urgency. So, on the 7th day, once the fridges food had been depleted, he came upon the door, and turned the handle. He was astonished by what he saw: another larger room, with not one door, not two, but three. He smiled and went on, hoping to find answers to his week-full of questions.

>> No.5131831


I came to this conclusions through pure intuition

>> No.5131835

Comparing Philosophy and Science is like being in a dark room with a black dildo up your ass

>> No.5131838

The main difference is that with one we got internet among other things, with the other just fedora memes.

>> No.5131841

Philosophy is asking the cats lots of questions
Metaphysics is pretending the cat is talking to you
Theology is holding the cat down and forcing it to tell you what it knows
Science is subjecting the cat to foundation-less tests and brutal exploitation in order to "understand" it

>> No.5131842

Understanding written words

>> No.5131844

how did philosophy give us the fedora meme

>> No.5131847


>> No.5131853

I don't know, but that's the only useful thing philosophy/religion fags had created in the last century.

>> No.5131855

Nothing that is worth living for is rational or solvable with the scientific method.
Love, ideals, faith, morality - none of these things is less worthwhile and true because they would have you believe they're just evolutionary accidents. The kind of Vulcan trans-humanism some dream of is an illusion, you can only suppress those qualities that make you human temporarily until they burst.

At the most you can delude yourself into thinking your chosen method of observing reality is objectively real and fundamentally different to ethical and religious systems, and thus just become a follower like the ones you despise. Good luck.

>> No.5131856

>through pure intuition

How does this work? And how does using this lead to reliable knowledge?

>> No.5131860

>i don't know, but they did

ayy lmao

>> No.5131861

Usefulness is subjective.

Otherwise, utilitarianism wouldn't even be a philosophy or direction of governance, it would be the way of life.

>> No.5131862

Umm did you even read what I writed

If you can come up with better colors for the cats I like to hear them

>> No.5131867

Look, a philosophynigger giving us a meme as we speak! Good show.

>> No.5131868

i'm just a regular old retard that was curious about something bruh, you couldn't answer. i was disappointed.

>> No.5131876

I'm not that guy but your response was just so ironic seeming

>> No.5131878

Science is the flashlight, not looking around with one.

>> No.5131879

scientists tend to forget that all science is born from philosophy, and that all good scientists are also good philosophers

>> No.5131881


>> No.5131884

So that makes metaphysics the empty room? No, that doesn't work

>> No.5131887

are you a fan of dawkins

>> No.5131889

I'm going with the Poe option and using an ax

>> No.5131891

I don't think I ever said anything about "reliable knowledge." In fact, "reliable knowledge", or certainty, is exactly the kind of thing science is good for...but many aspects of life are not delimited by certainty and fall out of the scientific purview. Faith, morals, friendship, etc. Science can measure certain aspects of those things and lead you to conclude that you need to maximize your X so that you can get more Y, but it is more of a tool than The Final Word On The Matter. Data is data. Only you can figure out how data is related to the wider spectrum of interpersonal relationships and community you engage in. "Well then how does metaphysics help with any of that?" It's a conversation with a passionate friend, nothing more. At best it will help you realize something that inspires you to action, at worst it will leave you navel-gazing.

Now handwave this reply away and project.

>> No.5131895

Lurk more

>> No.5131901
File: 263 KB, 409x307, image002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The division between science, philosophy and theology is false and used as a rhetorical device to discredit the opposition. Anyone who overcomes the childish superiority complex that comes with a lot of knowledge sees this as the weak insecure rambling as it is.

>> No.5131905

Incorrect, see

>> No.5131912

>Being this new

>> No.5131913

The division is about as false as the division of colours. In that there are divisions by gradation.

>> No.5131914

No one gives a shit if you spend an inordinate amount of time on 4chan. In fact, it's discouraged because it is deleterious to your mental health.

>> No.5131917

>implying deductive logic only applies to science
but that's retarded, because philosophy can utilize either form of reasoning. logic is the foundation of analytic philosophy, which is the main framework of science. science is the child of philosophy

it's like you motherfuckers don't know what you're talking about but just want to sound intelli-- oh wait

>> No.5131919

Someone spams as me a fanatic devotion to him, but I only like him as a person and a scientist. Why, are you?

>> No.5131920
File: 55 KB, 400x707, bast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the cat is God?

>> No.5131921

I don't see his statement clashing with mine and I would tend to agree.
Different methods of knowledge deal with different spheres and use different methods, but each one supporting the other.

[imagine a diagram of the holy trinity of science, philosophy and theology that just came up in my head]

>> No.5131923

No, philosophy uses concepts already in existence and ubiquitous to explain their cause.

Science uses testing and results.

>> No.5131926

Philosophy is speculating about where the black cat might possibly be.
Science is on its hands and knees looking for the black cat.

Nobody has a flashlight, that was a fucking stupid addition.

>> No.5131930

>Nobody has a fleshlight

Is that is why they are looking for the cat?

>> No.5131935


But you don't even define the aspects that fall out of scientific purview. Your argument comes down to 'We don't know certain aspects about reality, therefore testing ideas is wrong and we should just wildly speculate', which is retarded

>> No.5131936

>Science fiction
The black cat IS a flashlight cyborg from another dimension!

>> No.5131958



>> No.5132021

Sorry, stupi joke 'you mean the lil kitty is acurAte?'

>> No.5132053

ee dats ASS CODE

>> No.5132075


Everything is rational. Just because our imperfect minds can't uncover the rationale behind the workings of everything doesn't mean it isn't there. Religion (or spirituality), science, and philosophy aren't at odds with one another; only people are.

>> No.5132079

Nah there's just a big price on its head.

>> No.5132088

mayne you a fucking funny dude. I like you.

>> No.5132107
File: 83 KB, 324x558, toykant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this place really needs a philosophy board

>> No.5132129

Bretty gud.

>> No.5132131

and a religion board and a history board, then there wouldn't be any need for a /lit/ board because no one really talks about that.

>> No.5132149

Morals and ethics.

>> No.5132164

i like how these retarded brain-dead threads are always the most replied to

>> No.5132165
File: 9 KB, 250x364, mauss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

religion and history will clearly belong to the anthropology board being launched at the same time

lit can still talk about dostoyevsky and stuff

>> No.5132169

What would the internet be without the fedora meme?

>> No.5132179

Appropriate if the philosophical cat is of the Cheshire variety.

>> No.5134290
