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/lit/ - Literature

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5128690 No.5128690[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone here familiar with contemporary right wing or "new right" literature?

There are often really good threads and recommendation lists here for general reactionary/conservative/right wing stuff, but understandably most of it is prewar, often 19th century. Lately I've been interested in the postwar versions of these ideas. Things like the International Third Position, Alain de Benoist and the Nouvelle Droite, etc.

Feel free to post any related literature, though, regardless of time period.

>> No.5129151


>> No.5129219
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Nope, this is a leftist board, OP.

>> No.5129268

You could ask /mlp/ or /pol/, I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for

>> No.5129285


>> No.5129295


>asks for right wing books
>on /Leftist InTernationale/
>any year, since communism is INEVITABLE

>> No.5129304

You may have meant to post this on /pol/

>> No.5129397

/pol/ isn't really good at talking about literature. /lit/ is a literature forum.

>> No.5129527

There's a reason why we only post 19th century reactionary, conservative and fascistic thought. 20th and 21st century thought in this area is tripe. Tudjman never needed a manifesto or theory. Pinochet only needed CIA approval.

>> No.5129596

There's some good stuff. Manifesto for a European Renaissance is nice.

>> No.5129656

What's new? That it posits a transnational national community? That was present in Magyar fascism as early as 1920, and is the body of most Austrian reactionary politics.

Seriously, what's new?

>> No.5129829

It's still important. You could have said the same thing about nationalist lit before WW1 or during the Freikorps period in the 20s. It was formative to something, just like what we have now.

I'm not saying that I'm gonna find an unknown Evola hidden somewhere in modern neo-nazi rags, but it's still nice to know how an intellectual tradition is evolving.

You've clearly read it. If only to come to the same conclusion that the current state of the discourse is a bunch of derivative shit, you still learned something.

>> No.5129838

You are aware, of course, that I read this stuff for anti-fascist purposes.

>> No.5129844

I don't care what your ideological bent is. The point still stands.

>> No.5129848

Do anti-fascists actually think fascists are a serious political movement?

>> No.5129875

Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reily, Jung Chang and Jon Halliday, Sean Hannity, Thomas Sowell, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Michelle Malkin, Goldwater. Notice they're all horrid, empty ideologues.

>> No.5129882

The "manosphere" is pretty fertile; the Spearhead, Return Of Kings, etc.

It started off as a bunch of barfly degenerates figuring out what attracts women; and yes, this is possible. Think about it. Evolution would never leave it to chance - women have preferences, just as men do, except theirs are less focussed on short-term health (long nails, long hair, rosy cheeks) or long term health (symmetry, gracile bone structure, wide hips.) Consider: a man with a scar over an eye attracts interest, but a woman with an equivalent injury would be pitied. A sexy man is not merely a handsome man; handsome men beget beautiful daughters, so that's a plus, but it's not essential; yet the scarred man is more interesting than his unscarred equivalent, so there must be an additional positive factor, one unique to men, if we can just determine what it is...

So yeah, they figured women out definitively.
And the truth set them free. Sexual liberation may have made their experimentation possible and (almost) publicly acceptable, but they can't pretend that men and women are equivalent anymore. They can't believe what they do and still be egalitarians, and they can't deny what they experimentations prove to them.

>> No.5129900

Notice these are all legally sanctioned, publicly acceptable, well-published, sentimental hick writers from the USA. You seriously believe these are fascists? I suppose you're the local communist guerilla in your cosy suburb?

>> No.5129905
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The 1960s killed rightism in the intelligentsia.

>> No.5129910

google "moldbuggery"

Prepare to take the red pill and leave the Matrix.

>> No.5129918

another le thinly veiled thread

come on guys

>> No.5129934

>You seriously believe these are fascists?
Hitler had wet dreams tamer than the shit those chuckleheads and more are ultimately responsible for, and they're all right-wing. They're not "fascists" but they're the actually existing current. Sorry m8o.

>> No.5129938
File: 104 KB, 746x426, DUGEEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything remotly related to traditionalism

OP if you want neo-con literature read Leo Strauss and if you want refreshing traditionalist philosopher/anthropologist then read Alexander Dugin

here's some of his stuff:

subtitles included

>> No.5129941

If only.

>> No.5129943
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>> No.5129945

>Do anti-fascists actually think fascists are a serious political movement?

Ask Allende or the Croats, Serbs and Bosniaks.

>> No.5129992
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>> No.5130009


>talking shit about Thomas Sowell

Sorry son, but that just earned you 50 pleb points

>> No.5130010



Perón hated his own leftist fanboys.

>> No.5130020


>mein kampf

>> No.5130038

If you think Pinochet was a fascist, you don't know much about fascism. Wikipedia is there. Use it.

>> No.5130184

Mein Kampf was written before WW2

>> No.5130190

>If you think Pinochet was a fascist, you don't know much about fascism. Wikipedia is there. Use it.


If you think wikipedia is an adequate source then you're a cunt of a human being.

Pinochet fulfils the German marxist criteria of a modernising racial nationalism of extraparliamentary and populist nature.

Fuck yourself to death with a 155mm HEAT shell in a ditch. I'd prefer septic rectal penetration to detonation, but your choice.

>> No.5130268

The main people you want to check out are Nick Land and Moldbug

>> No.5130934

Julius Evola was probably the eminent 20th century far right academic. Although he was openly critical of the Mussolini and Hitler regimes, he identified very strongly with most of the core 'fascist' ideals.

He also wrote quite a bit about esotericism, but that isn't quite as relevant.

>> No.5130951
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OP ever heard of Martin Heidegger? Or Michael Oakeshott? I mean how could you overlook them if you're looking for post-war authors?

>> No.5130967
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>> No.5130975
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the list on the far right

far right, lol

>> No.5130997

The fact that people spend their time making this kind of chart makes me extremely sad. Somehow.

>> No.5131002



>> No.5131041

I don't know, this whole business of a rainbow of "pills" is retarded and most of these books on that image deserve to be forgotten.

>> No.5131076

But it is sad, indeed. They probably never read half of their recommended books and convinced themselves those ridiculous sterotypes actually exist. That's just lame and pathetic. It's not even funny, in the case it was meant to.

>> No.5131092

Someone explain, what are these pills?

>> No.5131111


It was originally from the movie The Matrix. A collection of disjoint right wing groups started calling their various epiphanies as "red pills" like from the movie.

Eventually on /x/ someone created the green pill. If you read the original threads on /x/, this was done as a joke to take the piss out of certain posters there who have a bizarre syncretic world view. /pol/ got word of the hilarity of green pill (especially the comics), and certain people with a case of autism and lack of humor started taking it seriously. Then other pills were also added to take the piss out of other /x/ posters. Like the indigo pill takes the piss out of the left hand path groups that have formed a bulwark on /x/ (like these guys: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_Nine_Angles).). Iron pill I think was added by either /pol/ or /lit/.

>> No.5131113

>Iron pill I think was added by either /pol/ or /lit/.

whoops I meant /fit/, not /lit/

>> No.5131114


iron pill seems to be a parody of /fit/'s fantasies.

>> No.5131118
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>> No.5131137

most autistic thing I've ever read

>> No.5131138
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Here is one of the other original green pill comics, which was originally a reaction to demiurge threads, especially the "aliens are demons" copypasta anon who started spamming demiurge threads with "the demiurge is a computer simulation" copypasta.

>> No.5131142


Mate /x/ is awesome for funposting. High quality internet laughs at the expense of the mentally ill.

>> No.5131583

>refreshing traditionalist philosopher/anthropologist
are you retarded? he has nothing original to say NOTHING, you haven't read shit in your life, son

dugin is a plain, run-of-the-mill fascist, there is nothing original in his "thought"

>> No.5131633

>needing to scarequote even the idea that your ideological opponent "thinks"

>> No.5131636

>he doesn't understand the word "thought"
>in an age of instantaneous access to dictionaries

>> No.5131644

why did he create pain, that piece of shit demispürdo

>> No.5131647

>modernising racial nationalism of extraparliamentary and populist nature

So, Hugo Chavez is fascist?

>> No.5131680
