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5127780 No.5127780[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Zizek responds to plagiarism allegations


>> No.5127863

>When I was writing the text on Derrida which contains the problematic passages, a friend told me about Kevin Macdonald’s theories, and I asked him to send me a brief resume. The friend send [sic] it to me, assuring me that I can use it freely since it merely resumes another’s line of thought. Consequently, I did just that – and I sincerely apologize for not knowing that my friend’s resume was largely borrowed from Stanley Hornbeck’s review of Macdonald’s book.

Slavoj, you got some shitty friends

>> No.5127871

He needs new friends

M-Maybe me

>> No.5127873


that poor bugger

>> No.5127886

He is correct though, he wasn't stealing ideas and also probably his friend is either an idiot (or a student) or an asshole that wanted to ruin his career.

>> No.5127889

Why would you want a friend that publicly blames his own for all his problems?

>> No.5127899

It's obvious that it was him under a Pseudonym and now he is in damage control mode.

>> No.5127902

>everyone goes apeshit over plagiarism without getting context
>turns out he was just summing up MacDonald's ideas so he could counter them, and the counters actually supposed to be original WERE

Fuck Zizek and fuck the babbies having tantrums over this, even if Zizek did it intentionally.

>> No.5127928

I agree, I hate this fucking drama over nothing

>> No.5128024
File: 926 KB, 689x4538, pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.5128037

>ITT: Fellow communist defend fellow immoral communist

nothing new

>> No.5128043


The true bile of academia unleashed.

>> No.5128079

I'm afraid this won't be the nail in his coffin you've been hoping for

>> No.5128086

how is he a "communist", poltards?

>> No.5128098

Are you kidding or have you never read anything he has written or even heard him lecture?

>> No.5128099

Zizek confirmed for race realist.

>> No.5128101

He calls himself a Marxist.

I'm not a poltard, I love Zizek, but come on.

>> No.5128105

>he wants white communism

My god Zizek can do no wrong

>> No.5128111


>> No.5128134



>> No.5128138

Why not

>> No.5128142

How is he communist? Every single social science has been tinted by Marx. How is Zizek a communist?

>> No.5128146

also you missed


>> No.5128157
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>> No.5128466

He was a member of his country's communist party during the eighties

>> No.5128498

You mean like anyone ever?

>> No.5128741

You were a member of Slovenia's Communist Party?

>> No.5128750

It was Yugoslavia.

>> No.5128751

please be true

>> No.5128754


Like it or not this kind of coverage is what's keeping philosophy alive

>> No.5128845

LOL this is exactly the same excuse that 14 year old COD kiddies make when they're outed for hacking.

>I-it wasn't me I swear!
>A friend was using my computer and hacked for fun!
>It was my friend, not me!

>> No.5128853

There will never be enough nails for that coffin. The entire lid could be nothing but nails and communism would still bang against it.

>> No.5128855

He wants to have hot, gay sex with Stalin. Imagine it, two red bears going at it.

>> No.5128860



>> No.5128863

Or maybe his friend does.. what Zizek is saying is 'I thought I was lifting from my friend, not an author.'

Such arrogance though, can't even apologise without saying 'but I just stole the words, not any big ideas.' Fuck him.

>> No.5128884


>> No.5128930

you want so bad to make something out of this don't you

>> No.5128940

You are not a smart person

>> No.5128950

jesus dude stop

>> No.5128962

Genuine plagiarism seems unlikely to me. Why would he copy something in this bold manner? Surely Zizek is smart enough to realize that and reformulate it.

>> No.5128966

I'm not the guy who brought up call of duty

>> No.5128967


also he's too profilic etc

no reason to doubt his explanation

>> No.5129287

it was slovenian which was a part of yugoslavia. serbs mostly vied for yugoslav communist party seats thus explaining the conditions for the beginning of the civil war.

>> No.5129317

Apparently borrowing a friend's work without attribution does not need citation OR CO-AUTHORSHIP.

The idea that scholarly summary is not a "line of thought" is also pretty damn appalling.

Hey, at least he admits he is a plagiarist while trying to conceal that he admits that he's a plagiarist by inventing some new category of "stealing lines of thought" which he did not do.

>> No.5129544
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Really anon?

>> No.5129565

Yes, really. The ideas stolen are trivial. The academic misconduct is not. Its a research ethics issue.

Sure I'll keep reading the material uttered under the name of Zizek; but I will never be able to be sure that I'm correctly attributing the source of the ideas, text or experimental work thanks to Zizek's academic misconduct.

>> No.5129570

> The friend send [sic] it to me, assuring me that I can use it freely since it merely resumes another’s line of thought. Consequently, I did just that

>> No.5129577

Yes, and that's academic misconduct. "The friend" should either be a co-author, or cited. If the friend hasn't published that text, then its coauthorship.

>> No.5129622

yes and even still he should have just prefaced the section with, "as [my friend] explains it" or something. If indeed he is telling the truth that his friend allowed him use of the summary, then he is still stupid for not covering all his bases by including the credit, no matter how minor it was. As any serious scholar would know, it's always better to overcompensate in citing than make a stupid mistake and be labeled a "plagiarist." Zizek should have been able to avoid this one, even if he was supplied with untruthful information.

>> No.5129735

>turns out he was just summing up MacDonald's ideas so he could counter them, and the counters actually supposed to be original WERE

Nice to know that Zizek only needs to read a brief, second-hand summary of a theory to dismiss it that easily. Fuck, actually reading the original text.

A freshman in college couldn't get away with this shit. There's no reason he should.

And I actually LIKE Zizek.

>> No.5129746

I didn't believe he plagiarized, so when I heard he did I ignored it. Now I feel like hes a good person for being so honest

>> No.5129775

God damn you.

How often have you read a sympathetic critique which still refutes the utility? Last one I read was Kołakowski

>> No.5129776

The academic referencing rules are very clear. If you copy someone else's words, no matter what they are about, who they are from, or what your intent is, you need to quote and cite your source.

If you do not, it is plagiarism.

So nothing will happen to Zizek because he is more of a celebrity than an academic, but any other academic would have been suspended or fired.

>> No.5129785

A sensible reply to a non-controversy.

>> No.5129790

>more of a celebrity than an academic

No he's not. He's on the celebrity side of academia but he's not more celebrity than he is academic

>> No.5129792

Damn that was painful

>> No.5129851

It is like the whole stuck up cunty academic community was foaming at the mouths for a moment, had they got him? had they finally nabbed that annoying individual who actually acts like a human and not some subdued robot?

On a scale of 1 - 10 on being important this whole conspiracy is like a 1.5. Good dismissal by Zizek.

>> No.5129859

While I do disagree with Zizek, I cant help but be happy with this reply. There are a lot of pissy old hags who hate on Zizek out of jealously.

>> No.5129867

EHhhhhh? have you spent any time in the bureaucracy of academia? He would have gotten a slap on the wrist by some, and condemned by others. Chances are the place that currently employs him would just give him a stern talking too, to keep face.

>> No.5129879

Did you even watch the vid?
Do you even have a remote understanding of what he is talking about, or political ideologies?

>> No.5129885

Write to the editor in chief of critical inquiry demanding a retraction.

>> No.5129951
File: 17 KB, 488x429, zizou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so intent on proving Slavoj isn't a communist?

>> No.5130173

>Yes, and that's academic misconduct

It would be if it hadn't happened with his explicit authorization you thick idiot

Stop trying to make this something it is not, you're sounding desperate

>> No.5130182

You can't sign away professional ethics.

>> No.5130200

Wow, I'd never heard of MacDonald's works before. This in particular:

> Understanding Jewish Influence outlines what MacDonald claims are the "background traits" of Jewish influence. MacDonald describes these roots as consisting of:

>High verbal intelligence and consequent wealth
>Psychological intensity
>Social and political aggression

This completely nails Jewish behavior, and I'm not even right wing or a Nazi.

Israeli Zionists blown the fuck out.

>> No.5130401
File: 51 KB, 600x600, 7ZY6J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is nothing
why is this even a thing
he shouldn't even have to explain himself

>> No.5130918

People who are against communism and the ideals of equality and justice it stands for needs to fuck off back to /pol/ and suck KKK dick.

>> No.5131293

Okay, give me half of your wage and I'll support communism.

>> No.5131437
File: 1.54 MB, 320x237, zizou-headbutts-materazzi-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zizou has lost it and is done. Whatever he has accomplished in the past, this scandal shall forever cast a shadow over his legacy.

>> No.5131659

>he thinks this is an argument

>> No.5132100

It's easy to demand that others surrender the fruits of their labor.

>> No.5132844


It's not only the others, it's 'the others and I'.

I would not mind not having anything more than others. That is the heart of communism, and that is the question you should be asking yourself.

>> No.5132875
File: 15 KB, 190x264, morozov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look who got promoted as my favourite slav.

>> No.5132878


(and others, obviously)

>> No.5133073


>supporting a movement built on logically unjustified and false moral imperative

>> No.5133084


>unjustified and false

>> No.5133091

>surrender the fruits of their labor.

The "fruits" that you only earn as a result of institutions set up to ensure that you are able to work (and which, without those institutions, would be less then a tenth of the money you do receive)

But god forbid you return a small percentage of that handout in order to maintain the roads you drive on and the water you drink, because that would be thievery.

>> No.5133244

>that gif from the 2006 World Cup final
>on the day of the 2014 World Cup final

>> No.5134626

Yes, all you have to do is pay them a wage for their labour power.

>> No.5134636

As a communist myself, congrats on completely misunderstanding the point of communism.

>> No.5134646

Not that guy, but perhaps you should elaborate on why he's wrong, instead of just telling him that he is?

>> No.5134655

I wonder if that actually hurt

>> No.5134666

Its an elementary debate between social-democrats who basically desire state capitalism and the maximal position of liberalism in universal equality and brotherhood of man; and actual class struggle communists who seek class power in the form of the absolute nature of society.

Communism isn't about equality, it is merely a virtuous by-product of identical relations to social reproduction. Communism is not a moralism of ideals, but an auto-science of the power of the proletariat.

>> No.5134675

A fair point. Basically communism is about equality of opportunity, rather than equality in a blanket sense. There is no reason a person who invents and innovates should be on the same level as a person who doesn't - all communism asks is that every person's circumstances should allow them to try to invent and innovate if they want. It's an important distinction and one that is often willfully ignored by anti-communists, who prefer to criticise the position Marx would never have defended, that communism is a kind of forced equality in every possible sense. So any "communist" who claims to be for equality will often find themselves easily up a creek without a paddle.

>> No.5135614
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Zizek confirmed race realist and neo-reactionary.

He'll be writing for Taki Mag soon enough.

>> No.5136450


>> No.5136482

this, and railroads weren't built in china for a reason