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5123996 No.5123996 [Reply] [Original]

I want to write deconstructions of animes/games.

but how do I write a deconstruction?

>> No.5124007

Pretend to read Derrida
Use big words
try and reduce everything to the furthest extent
everything is nothing

>> No.5124009


>> No.5124011

I never read him,
but it's an idea from the philosopher Derrida.
He took it from Heideggers idea "Destruktion" or some thing.
I suggest you read them.

>> No.5124016

you're an idiot.

>> No.5124017

Did I say some thing wrong?
I was under the impression Derrida coined the term?

>> No.5124018

how would be super mario bross deconstructed?

>> No.5124037

I have to say I am peeved by this post,
because I only intended on informing OP based on what I knew and was honest about that.

>> No.5124040

>being peeved by your idiocy
maybe you should kill yourself

>> No.5124048
File: 282 KB, 344x368, IlyaRepin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheer up

>> No.5124054

A substance abusing plumber in the big city seeks to court a lady in pink from the hands of an ugly imperialist

>> No.5124060

wasn't mario comunist or some shit?

>> No.5124064


by imperialist I meant bowser, but he also defends the monarchy by saving the princess so I'm not so sure the political stance of Mario

>> No.5124067

but wouldn't the princess peach be some kind of ornamental monarchy without much political power like today's england and spain monarchies?

>> No.5124075

I actually want to read this.

>> No.5124079

Alrighty then. The main goal is to find contradictions in the text and pick it apart. Form hierarchies and break them down. Question the text's assumptions. For example, we assume that both brothers and Peach are "good", while Bowser is "evil". But why is Peach referred to as a princess when she is the only monarchical figure present? Why not Queen? Perhaps she is not officially recognized by the world outside the Mushroom Kingdom as its rightful sovereign, since she took it by force (a coup, for example). Therefore, it could be said that Bowser is acting in the kingdom's best interests, while Mario and Luigi are acting to reinstate its dictator. This undermines the player's assumptions that Bowser is "evil". But, in that case, the brothers might be totally ignorant of Peach's actions in the kingdom, and have been tricked into thinking she is a rather sweet person who wants to bake them cake. The hierarchy of good/evil breaks down at this point.

The entire concept of deconstruction is finding holes and stretching them until the text falls apart.

>> No.5124084

add some dialog about moral shit and you'll find GOAT material.

so /lit/ why aren't you deconstructing gamus?

>> No.5124087

>The entire concept of deconstruction is finding holes and stretching them until the text falls apart.


>> No.5124133

she does have legitimate power.
So maybe give it a Dune/GoT angle?

>> No.5124143

The substance he abuses better be shrooms.

>> No.5124161

Ask yourself: will this affect anything in any way? Do it anyway because you have nothing better to do with yourself.

>> No.5124168
File: 156 KB, 500x649, mario-s-thompson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not exclusively, we need analogues for the other pick ups too

>> No.5124204

>mfw princess peach is princess bubblegum tier despot

>> No.5124362

I'd that Ryouko without a doubt.

>> No.5124374

>Melonpan looking them straight in the eyes

>> No.5125003
File: 159 KB, 330x240, braid[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't it already?

>> No.5125135

Eh drives a pink Ferrari and doesn't afraid of anythign

>> No.5125187
File: 440 KB, 598x564, 1308622664285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my mom told me to start looking for a job today
>mfw I deconstructed the concept of job right in front of her, revealing its fundamental contradictions and aporias through a methodocial examination of the coherence and genealogy of its structuring concepts
>mfw I exposed the bourgeois esthetic of production inherent in its a priori categorization of humans as essentially "productive"
>mfw I provided an alternative reconstruction of human labour and the socius as inherently sacrificial and based on the disspiation of production energies in heterogeneity and difference
>mfw I even got a few sick references to Bataille and Nietzsche in
>take that, mom

>> No.5125212

troll thread aside what is with anime watchers and their contant miuse of "trope", "deconstruction", "character development" and all of that

>> No.5125225

So, I gather, what we term "deconstruction" is just over-interpretation, like what the censors have done all the time. If a text doesn't say anything that is clearly critical of the holy pope, his majesty or the general secretary of the communist party the censor just claims it implies all of that, he claims it is written between the lines and has therefore to be banned.

Moliere made a one-act play ridiculing such a "deconstruction" of one of his plays. I wish I still remembered the name.

>> No.5125239

You aren't even Japanese you pathetic fuck.

>how do you know faggot

This ain't 2ch

You'd be deconstructing English translations of anime, which is an entirely different thing. You pretty much have to be born and raised pure Yamato to get the whole truth. Even if you were raised by Japanese people, they would react differently towards you as a visible minority.

All the innuendo and double entendres would be lost upon you. The moe'st anime could be dripping with hard-hearted sarcasm and you'd never know.

You're dealing with noblest savage ever. Don't ever think you know them.

>> No.5125243
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>a few sick references to Bataille
did you piss into her face?

>> No.5125246


Go to bed Yukio.

>> No.5125249

/v/ here, I think I am going to migrate here as my new home board. The funposting and b8 are just so much more witty and subtle here.

How do I get started? Analytical philosophers are the autists while continentals are the hipsters, right? Should I read Infinite Jest?

>> No.5125254

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.5125285

Good Christ. You can literally see those postmodern synapses joining. Abandon everything you know, take a shower, accept things for what they are (or as the "hipsters" might tell you, what they appear to be), and come back later.

>> No.5125331
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>this thread

>> No.5125332
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>> No.5125333

It wasn't going all that badly until the c/a/tamites showed up.

>> No.5125337

I want [a/jaypee] to leave.

>> No.5125338

It was terrible from the beginning

>I want to write deconstructions of animes/games.
>but how do I write a deconstruction?

Jesus man

>> No.5125346

Oh, what's so bad about teaching the kids about deconstruction in hip new ways, eh?

>> No.5125803
File: 141 KB, 601x583, 1397953256176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I erected a new hierarchy of privileged heterogeneity in her (historical) materialist sphere, if you know what I mean.

I turned her Master into a Slave via the dialectical movement of my Aufhebung, if you know what I mean.

I showed her the ol' Big Toe... if you know what I mean.

>> No.5125810

Don't forget his insatiable drive for money, where that he feels if he has enough he will finally have a 'life'.
Money to fall back on when things awry.

>> No.5125928

As a subjudgated domestic labourer your mother ought to cut your fucking balls off and shove them down your throat.

>> No.5125933

you're an idiot

>> No.5125950

>getting this mad at a shitpost

>> No.5125958

Welcome to /lit/, we obviously operate above your level. What do you think I'm suggesting about the Wages for Housework thesis by using it here?

>> No.5125961
File: 108 KB, 550x524, 1403359887688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think you could adapt some philosophical texts to a trollsub of an anime? Maybe something that subverts that notion of a translation or something edgy like that?

I feel like from a foreigner's perspective (as >>5125239 points out) this is the closest one could get to doing a high-brow deconstruction of this junk.

>> No.5125972

> i want 2 b lyk u guys u r so smart

>> No.5125974

Descartes, Plato, and Nietzsche, in that order.

>> No.5125975
File: 102 KB, 702x400, Le_Deep_Lacanian_Symbolism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watching Ergo Proxy
>It's a deconstruction of the sci-fi genre
>I start deconstruction the episode as I'm watching it
>deconstruction of a deconstruction

>> No.5125983

>Do you think you could adapt some philosophical texts to a trollsub of an anime?


>Maybe something that subverts that notion of a translation or something edgy like that?

Have you ever considered resubbing Madoka with the gospels?


>> No.5125996

Woah. This could potentially be deep as HECK.

Somebody who has read the bible please do it. Also add in some tid bits of freaky, self aware, 4th wall-breaking dialogue. That shit is the bee's knees.

>> No.5126011

Radical Traditionalist.

>> No.5126017

>leaf that allows you to go higher

well that's the chronic.

>> No.5126019

i enjoyed this post

>> No.5126053
File: 8 KB, 146x160, Nietzsche187acopy-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this is something that I could do to finally make use of my philosophical interpretation on anime. I'll deconstruct Gurren Lagann.

A new interpretation of Gurren Lagann is that it is actually predicated on Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy. The show starts out with Simon who's thrust into a world that he must overcome through a focus on self-overcoming and willpower, something that's very Nietzschian. But even more convincing is the power through which he is able to overcome the world: "spiral power." Spiral power actually represents Nietzsche's theory of the will to power, a theory that states that all human endeavors actually are for the purpose of attaining power, be it at a conscious or subconscious level. What has led me to the conclusion that spiral power is representative of the will to power is that in Gurren Lagann the power of spiral power (one's will to power) fluctuates in accordance with the users intentions, it is infinite (the will to power has no set limit), spiral power can best be harnessed by humans rather than other animals (Simon the human and Viril the beast-man both wield spiral power, but Simon bests Viril) as stated by Lord Genome after Viril was defeated, and spiral power (the will to power) is an intrinsic part of living beings as stated by Lord Genome after he was reconstructed (The name of Lord Genome, a harnesser of spiral power, is obviously based off of the word genome).

It also should be noted that Nietzsche's concept of master and slave morality is represented by the conflict between the Spirals and Anti-Spirals. Master Morality is the morality of human improvement and is a focus on strength, virtue, and nobility whereas Slave Morality is a morality of people who fear the Master's powerful improvement and conquest that's based on love, compassion, and a hatred of destructive power. The conflict being based on the conflict between the moralities of the slaves and masters would make sense, seeing that they're both extremes and opposites, the Spirals (The Masters) are obsessed with human power, constant improvement, and growth, whereas the Anti-Spirals are obsessed with the destruction of human power, a stand-still static life, and complacency. The Spirals, just like the masters, want to improve with the will to power, and the Anti-Spirals, just like the Slaves, fear the potency of the will to power and fight back for compassion and extreme love. Simon wants to improve with the will to power (spiral power) but the Anti-Spirals don't want that improvement because they fear the destructiveness of the will to power (if the population expands too much, a black hole will occur, develop, and destroy everything).

tl;dr, the will to power (spiral power) and master and slave/master morality (Spiral vs. Anti-spirals) are expounded upon in Gurren Lagann. You can use those views to deconstruct the anime further (given that you've watched the show). Happy deconstructing, fellow anon.

>> No.5126062

deconstruction a shit

>> No.5126167

Likewise, to foreigners, Rob Ford is a bumbling laughingstock, but to the people of Toronto, who are loathed throughout Canada as soulless Randian disciples of the almighty dollar. Ford appears to exemplify the values of the suburban petty bourgeoisie who elected him. His drunkenness and penchant for drugs are pure Canadiana (Trailer Park Boys anyone?). His staunch conservative principles endear him to the suburbanites who see him as a human act of defiance against effete urban liberals.

Much like anime can only be understood properly by the Japanese, Rob Ford cannot be truly understood by Canadians outside of Toronto, much less by Foreigners. Just like Hitler appeared to be a histrionic maniac to non-Germans. He was actually strategically tapping into deeply German manners and mores.

Canada is not what you think it is, it is not some quasi-scandanavian utopia. It is very much a frontier. Yes, there are real wild injuns and coyotes living in the woods. It smells like soap. Ever been to Montreal? It's Sodom AND Gomorrah (Ile Jesus). It is a stench upon the Earth and soon God will smite it and all it's wicked denizens. People live in open violation of the law, the police are town guards who serve the highest bidder. WOW

but OP, remember. Just because you can never understand something, is no reason not to try. Why deconstruct anime when you can discover it? Why not set anime against the western context and present it as a blank canvas of lights and colours for which our Western minds form an approximation of the superior foreign artwork they imagine it to be, tired of our own myths and icons that have collected the detritus of the everyday process of life and conflict. The Japanese mind holds unknown depths. Have you ever seen Hentai, god jesus, even De Sade was bound by a Judeo-Christian frame, he was aware that he was doing wrong, the hentai masters have none of this.

Anime isn't supposed to be deconstructed, it is still being constructed. After the end of history comes a new prehistory, the memetic adaptation of digital culture is our oral tradition.

If you think about it, being young and alive right now is like being born after the generation that invented fire. A little awe and reverence is in order. Who knows what happens next?

>> No.5126226 [DELETED] 

I fukt ur tr8lr pak boi

>> No.5126244

Not even the anon you replied to, but you really should stop shit-posting. If you're going to reprimand someone, do it in a constructive manner that would actually accomplish something.

>> No.5126289

If you're incapable of reading that the idea of canadian specificity is as specious as Touhou specificity from what I wrote you're illiterate in internet.

>> No.5126356

Every single new thing he does just makes me more determined to vote for him. It turns out he bent the entire rehab centre to his will, met a drinking buddy in one of the fellow inmates, loaned her his Mercedes, and she got arrested driving drunk in it.

I am pretty sure this is exactly how Greek constitutional governments turned into tyrannies. All it takes is one Rob Ford being more interesting as a hegemon than the bureaucratic process that preceded him.

>> No.5126378

Just read Stirner and call every philosophical concept you see a spook

>> No.5126884

brb copying this to /a/

>> No.5127593

OK. I'm fine with that.

>> No.5127597


send us a link won't you?

>> No.5127617

Can confirm this. Although the introduction that was added in my version from 1894 tries to hinder that effect.

>> No.5127847

Poster of this post reporting in. I posted this in /a/ (>>>/a/110274257).

Wow, what a bunch of whiny bitches. They can't be entertained with anything but moeshit anime. I just tried to give them something with a bit more meaning, and they flip out. I might delete the thread.

Superiority of /lit/ confirmed.

>> No.5127856


>nietzsche didn't deconstruct anything, derrida never used "deconstruct" in the sense you mean it, analysis is not deconstruction, deconstruction is not a method.

hahah, he got us there

>> No.5127878
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>nietzsche didn't deconstruct anything, derrida never used "deconstruct" in the sense you mean it, analysis is not deconstruction, deconstruction is not a method.

Just finished reading that on the actual thread. I laughed so hard I fell out of my chair. Even the smartest people on /a/ are fucking retards.

>> No.5128000


It's a principality.

>> No.5128009

But that line is actually correct. Nietzsche doesn't deconstruct and Derrida's deconstruction is a textual even wherein the text actually undermines it's structure or the author's intention.

>> No.5128025

Idiots confirmed for neither reading nor understanding Derrida and Nietzsche

>> No.5128036

I disagree with you on some points and would argue, but that's not even the fucking hilarious part. Saying that deconstruction isn't a method and saying that this >>5126053 wasn't a deconstruction really made me fall off my chair.

>> No.5128056

Well it's not a method and >>5126053 is not deconstruction.

That post is a nietzschean analysis of the anime. A very simple deconstruction would be "Gurren Laggan wants to propose us a nietzschean view of morality, yet this character's words and this character actions clearly show the errors and limitation of nietzsche's view, opening up the possibility for a morality which is neither slave nor master"

>> No.5128116

Refer to my post on /a/ (>>>/a/110277666)

Also, trips on that post.

>> No.5128471

you can't tell it's satire? 99% of this thread is satire

>> No.5128569


>> No.5129659

Not to be rude but this attempt at analysis is very weak and shallow with no real explanation to why this view runs corollary.

>> No.5130215
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the funposting and b8 get a lot less witty and subtle when you actually start to read

that being said, I still love stirner memes

>> No.5130297

I'm glad one of you gets it.

Especially so if Rob Ford, personally or politically, spites bureaucracy.
Bureaucracy is a familiar foe to all Canadians.

>> No.5131412

not him but I wrote about Arcanum for my HSC, and wrote material for Deus Ex: HR and Pathologic

I like it. A lot of effort goes into games but they remain largely outside of 'formal' criticism