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5118975 No.5118975 [Reply] [Original]


how accurate is this article?

>> No.5119006

Please leave tumblrfag.

>> No.5119012

I like all the 'he didn't actually read it' comments which just further confirms that they don't understand or enjoy literature. How could anyone possibly read a Faulkner novel or infinite jest!?! Thats like a whole week of effort!!

>> No.5119027

>is up for a challenge

>> No.5119048


this article is repulsive, holy shit

>> No.5119051

It isn't but it is funny as fuck.

>> No.5119052

That's not an article it's just a bunch of girls opinions on what those books mean.

>> No.5119061

It's funny, i think this is the first time that almost every forum on 4chan is united.
Can you do it /lit/?

>> No.5119067

Why is Infinite Jest identified with latte leftism? DFW was apolitical verging on conservative.

>> No.5119073

They should've had one about Hemingway, that'd've been actually funny, lots of room for making fun of people who aspire to be like Hemingway in 2014, at the same time they'd look like complete idiots by writing off his considerable talent

>> No.5119091

Because the author of the list has never fucking read any of these books on this list.

>> No.5119097

Because IJ is cliche college student fare and those types tend to be latte leftists
Not to disparage the book..

>> No.5119099

There is one about A Farewell To Arms. They assume a Hemingway reader is handsome but fucked up (i.e. probably the exact type of guy these whores love.)

>> No.5119104

A Farewell to Arms is Faulker.

>> No.5119105

Ya it is just a list of what to assume from a person if they have that book on their shelf. It is mostly making fun of white men.

>> No.5119110

tumblr is seriously the worst

>> No.5119111

Oh so there is
Im surprised they're so complimentary-ish, feminists usually hate Hemingway

>> No.5119119

this is the dumbest thing i've ever read

not even mad. just kinda sad that someone wrote it

>> No.5119122
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>> No.5119125

I found it funny that a person that would be pissed to be pigeonholed this way is pigeonholing a whole bunch of people.

>> No.5119127

Ehh? The fuck are you talking about, feminists love Hemingway.

>> No.5119128

Memoirs of Hadrian
Mrs. Dalloway

Dead white lezzies can be good.

>> No.5119130

I would have been angry a year ago, now I'm just sad

>> No.5119131

>The Road
>will judge you for liking fun things like The Bachelorette.

>mfw this chick is complaining about being judged in the most ridiculously judgy thing i've read

>> No.5119132

>“Infinite Jest
>“Pissed when I ask him questions about it and/or avoids them entirely.”


>> No.5119133
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>'up for a challenge'

>Catcher In The Rye
>'stopped reading after high school'
>'is still 13'

My god who are these people

>> No.5119147
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>“LIST NOT JUST DEAD STRAIGHT WHITE DUDES. And by ‘list’ I mean ‘read’ and ‘consume’ and ‘shut up and listen every so often.’”

>> No.5119149

Come on it is funny.

>> No.5119150

>mfw these 15 y/o feminists justify not reading classics by saying "dead white straight dudes" as they laud Harry Potter

>> No.5119152

Ding ding ding.

>> No.5119153

aahaha i missed that. wtf

>> No.5119156

different experiences I guess. The ones ive talked to can't stand the hyper-masculinity of his characters, the emphasis on strength, perseverance, and whatever
Ive even had a girl tell me that the point of the Sun also rises was to 'slut-shame' Brett

>> No.5119163

What the fuck is up with the structure of this article? What's up with the quotation marks? This is so ridiculously written.

I like
>Calls soccer football, but is American.

>> No.5119164

This can't be fucking serious.

>> No.5119166

>Infinite Jest

>> No.5119171

It's a joke

>> No.5119177

Why are these women okay with making such rude generalizations about people based on their gender and sexual identity? It's a little immature, no?

>> No.5119183

These people sound mentally ill.

>> No.5119189

I actually thought the article was spot on at points.

>> No.5119191

Well I hope so. I don't like to think that people really are that silly.

>> No.5119192
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would you?

>> No.5119193

Why are internet female humanoids so interested in devaluing other social groups?
is it because they are female and thus evil?

>> No.5119196

my fucking sides

its all over people

>> No.5119199

hive mind
>Calls soccer football, but is American.
Who calls soccer american?

>> No.5119204

Pls. post screenshot of the article so they get fewer views.

>> No.5119205

If I ever become desperate enough to create an online dating profile I will forgo mentioning books altogether specifically to avoid attracting any attention from people like this.

>> No.5119207


I can't even read this shit. What the fuck is up with the format and what the fuck is the writer saying?

I mean, I get that she's a feminist SJW idiot but I can't even understand what she's trying to convey.

This is something you would see in a pre-teens journal.

It's like Faulkner gone terribly, terribly awry.

>> No.5119209

congrats on being a piece of shit and the ruination of /lit/

>> No.5119211


>> No.5119213

>The Hobbit
“Awwwwww. Lovvvvvve it.”
“Like, I would go to second base with him.”
“Truly likes reading and would be chill reading for an entire weekend with me.”
“He definitely goes down.”

“Masturbated to the Lady of Rohan character.”
“There are definitely some fetishy undertones.”
“Smells bad.”

The fuck is the double standard. Why is The Hobbit okay but not LotR?

>> No.5119214

>tfw my favorite books aren't on there

>> No.5119216

Solid 5

>> No.5119217

>infinite jest
>says race isnt real

lmao this is me

>> No.5119223

That her?

>> No.5119224

They've probably only read The Hobbit and not LotR.

>> No.5119226

Because the Hobbit is something your dad read to you when you were a kid, LOTR is what internet sperglords know an embarrassing amount about and enjoy arguing over it.

Those are the associated stereotypes, at least

>> No.5119227

tbf they called out Infinite Jest for its heavy-handed aspirations of being "deep," and for its total inability to empathize with anyone who wasn't a white middle-class male attending boarding school.

>> No.5119235

>“LIST NOT JUST DEAD STRAIGHT WHITE DUDES. And by ‘list’ I mean ‘read’ and ‘consume’ and ‘shut up and listen every so often.’”


And yet if you told a woman to read "dead white guy" authors they'd flip shit.
Seriously, what's wrong with reading a book based on its own merit and standing, not by the gender or race of the author?

>> No.5119239

>Manic Pixie Dream Girl
I wish there was a bullet that would home in on the nearest person who has ever seriously typed this phrase and hit them directly at the base of the spine so they would be paralyzed for the rest of their lives.

>> No.5119240

This could have been a funny article if it were written by someone who had actually read the books.

>> No.5119241

>>Catcher In The Rye
>>'stopped reading after high school'
>>'is still 13'
But this is correct.

>> No.5119243

So basically if you list something written by a man then you're a loser/asshole/weirdo, unless it was a popular book written by a man in the last 15 years, in which case you're relatable and cute, but if you list something written by a woman other than Zadie Smith they will immediately start squirting everywhere while yelling SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

>> No.5119244

How is Don Gately someone like that? Or half the minor characters?

>> No.5119245

Because gender is the only thing they have.

>> No.5119246

You don't want a manic pixie dream girl?

>> No.5119249

ayy lmao

>> No.5119255 [SPOILER] 
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As if there are any.

>> No.5119256


I once had a conversation with a Femanazi who tried to convince me that Flanner O'Connor wasn't a female author because she wasn't concerned with the feminist cause.

It took all my strength to restrain from ending her pathetic life.

>> No.5119259

Or someone who wasn't an unfunny moron. Actually, it might have been funny if it was written by men. Maybe /lit/ could make a response. I'm sure we can beat them at their own game.

>> No.5119261

It really isn't though. Once you're no longer a teenager you should be able to recognize that you probably were a bit like Holden. You don't have to be a rich kid obsessed with phonies but the general confusion, disillusionment and hypocrisy of the character is a pretty universal thing. Besides the book is well written

>> No.5119265

Because I don't care about art, I care about breaking perceived social norms because my Gender Studies professor told me to and collecting MGMT albums on vinyl even though I don't have a record player (I just pin them to my bedroom wall like they're posters).

>> No.5119273

>What Straight Girls’ "Favorite Books" Say About Them
Would be interesting.

>> No.5119281

I actually thought it was pretty funny.

But then again I'm a confident guy who lifts and reads 50+ books every year and not some bitter r9k antifeminist/antiwoman manchild.

>> No.5119287

I want people to stop typing the phrase. Forever. It's such a useless fucking term, doesn't serve any purpose or have any connotation other than "This is bad because...uhh...the wording is demeaning...I guess"

>> No.5119291

Good, but we need something even worse for "mansplain"

>> No.5119293

It was IQ84 she was referring to

>> No.5119297

Well? What was your rejoinder?

>> No.5119300

That's even worse!

>> No.5119308

I'm pretty sure girls read more than guys do, based on my own personal experience.

>> No.5119312

Yeah, the reason people hate this is definitely because they're misogynists, and not because the article is inaccurate and written by a retard who's probably never read anything not by John Green.

>> No.5119318


I agree that it's stupid in many ways but nothing to get so upset about. The comment section is hilarious. As one dude points out, straight white men (and I'm one) are really easy to rile up.

>> No.5119324

>implying anybody gave a single fucking shit about alice munro before she won that nobel

>> No.5119331

tumblrcunt shit

>> No.5119345

>hal is the only character

>> No.5119348

don't you fucking idiots get it? they post stupid, obviously wrong shit like this on purpose. the more pissed off you are at something, the more likely you are to talk about it, which means other people will visit the page.

>> No.5119349

I know far more girls who read than guys who do, but that's probably because I very rarely speak to guys.

>> No.5119352

everybody is easy to rile up if you make blanket statements about a group they belong to
sex, race, politics, religion, etc.

>> No.5119354

haha, lol! it's funny cause they have privilege!

>> No.5119355

if you're confident, why say it?

>> No.5119356

They're about as easy to rile up as gay black women, honestly.

>> No.5119364

Yeah, okay buddy. How's the racism treating you?

>> No.5119368

What books do intelligent girls read?

>> No.5119371

John Green and Harry Potter does not count as reading. In my opinion.

>> No.5119375

sorry, but have straight white men been getting people fired for their opinions on race and homos?

>> No.5119376

i just pointed out that if people make a blanket statement about a group you belong to it will tend to annoy you. and then i gave examples of different kinds of groups

>> No.5119380

Algebraic Topology textbook

>> No.5119383

>What books do intelligent girls read?
You're asking 4chan about intelligent girl activities?

>> No.5119384


>> No.5119385

I think you mean, "if you're not r9k-tier, why say it?" Because he went out of his way to tell us that he's not, he definitely thinks there is a risk that he is.

>> No.5119386

The average guy probably only reads shit like Dan Brown, which is no better.

>> No.5119388

Fuck yea, my dad read me the hobbit.

>> No.5119390

What's mansplaining? Obviously it's to with men explaining things but why's that a bad thing?

>> No.5119391

Yeah, that's my ponit. Most people are plebeians who read junk literature.

>> No.5119396

Something that wouldn't boost their reputation if they were caught reading it.

"That's contrarian, not intelligent." Yes, but that's what 4chan means by intelligence. Contrarian, but obscure contrarian.

>> No.5119398

Its supposedly men explaining things to women who know more about the subject than them
In practice its just another way to shut down conversations

>> No.5119399

Because instead of saying things, yourself, you should listen to what women have to say, which offers a different (the correct) perspective on things.

>> No.5119401

>Dan Brown,
I wish.
More likely it's 48 Laws of Power or The Art of War.
"B-but those are my favorite books!" I know.
You're a pleb.
Get out.

>> No.5119404

Whatever I tell her to

>> No.5119405

He's saying if you're not a male feminists you're an r9k fag
The truth is that he probably fits the bill of an r9k faggot perfectly

>> No.5119407
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>no flowers for algernon
who else was spared?

>> No.5119410

So what about guys that don't read :-)))

>> No.5119414

That was my point, goddamnit. I'm just not a very clear writer.

>> No.5119419

>who else was spared?

Not that rat.

>> No.5119420
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mfw reading this article

>> No.5119421

BotNS here, these plebs probably don't even know who Gene Wolfe is.

>> No.5119427


damn. sometimes it seems like the tumblrfied internet is turning feminism into a parody of itself.

>> No.5119433

Literally disgusting.

>> No.5119435

yeah, that's why it's tricky.
on one hand, there definitely is a passive tendency of some men to assume women are stupid and explain things away to them in a patronizing sense.
but when it comes time for actual debate and the man wants to talk point by point on something, it can be an abused term to make it seem as though the man *can't* talk to a woman without assuming she's an idiot.

>> No.5119437

>who else was spared?

No The Name of the Rose. I would love to mansplain medieval heresies to some legbeard at length

>> No.5119439

I think it's a fair enough concept if it's only used to refer to men talking over women in a conversation about female experiences, but it seems like it's now used to mean "every time a man talks".

>> No.5119446

Because most books are written by dead white guys. The idea is to learn about other people's views, getting a broad a view as possible. What is bad about that? You know you can have this as a rule and still read books based on merit, right?

>> No.5119449
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Leftist college girls are stupid and easy

>> No.5119453

So it can be used legitimately, but can be abused by dumb people.

Just like every other buzzword

>> No.5119454

If she does whatever you tell her to, I have news about her intelligence level.

>> No.5119455

Not really, reading that book is a challenge no matter what way you look at it. Due to the shittiness and length.

>> No.5119458

So if a woman says "all men like having their butthole fingered cause their prostate" but a man says "I stuck my finger in my butt once and it hurts like hell" and the woman says "lol ur just being defensive", is she womansplaining?

>> No.5119459


this is the thing, legit issues people point out quickly turn into idiotic memes that, not only hijack and kill the initial idea, but make the whole community look really really silly.

>> No.5119462

the problem is if men are talking down to women(which they do do) the answer is to shut them up by winning the argument, not stopping the argument.
I dont really care though because I couldnt give two shits about abortion, or the wage gap or whatever, I dont engage in that stuff

>> No.5119470

>somebody talking to someone with the assumption that they're dum is a "legit issue" which must be addressed

>> No.5119472

yes, but the appropriate response to a child taunting you isn't to taunt the child back.

though at the same time it seems like arguments can only be won at that level these days

>> No.5119481

The same books intelligent men read.

>> No.5119483

>the appropriate response to a child taunting you isn't to taunt the child back.
So you're saying we should hit women?

>> No.5119485

to be fair, in any interaction between members of different social status, there's gonna be an asymmetry in what is and isn't acceptable, just cause of context. when people say men can't be sexist, i can see where they're coming from, if we consider sexism to not be just discrimination, but some form of systematic oppression (which is a word with some weight, but i can't think of a milder one that conveys the same meaning).

the problem is, especially with the modern feminist movement, probably due to its popularity, is that stupid people have been exposed to ideas that they can't appreciate the subtlety of and hijack them. inevitably, the initial message gets lost in a sea of idiotic memes and no actual discourse can take place (as with here for example - anything a man might say can be written off as 'mansplaining').

>> No.5119486

Nazi stuff?

>> No.5119489

I agree that men are oppressed, and cannot be sexist.

>> No.5119490

This list is why Eliot Rodgers.

> pretending to ge great person
> feminist to the point of irritation.
> judges people harshly and is usually wrong.
> people is code for only straight men.

it is kind of pathetic how modern culture had twisted things so that if you are white and a man, you have to either be gay or a absolute feminist in order to exist to women. Otherwise you are just judged to no end by a bunch of infantile feminist who can only live via fantasies about womens lib.

>> No.5119495

lol you said doo doo

>> No.5119498

im not sure if you're trying to imply that men talking to women as if they're dumb is acceptable behaviour, but if you are then i won't argue with you as we clearly have different standards of respect for other people.

>> No.5119499

No, you added two extra 'o's to what he actualy said, which was "do do", in an attempt to make a comic remark

>> No.5119501


I sarcastically implied that the only valid way to be a female author was to champion a feminist cause, obviously.

She became undone when I laid the realness on her and told her that Flannery O'Connor will forever be remember precisely because she wrote like a man and her art transcends petty and insignificant political concerns. She just about lost it when I told her nobody will remember or care about popular current feminist authors because they do nothing to examine the underlying spiritual, moral, and existential crisis that humanity currently faces. Shit was epic.

>> No.5119505

So... dead white guys?

>> No.5119506


>> No.5119510


>> No.5119511

2edgy5me m80

>> No.5119512

>it is kind of pathetic how modern culture had twisted things so that if you are white and a man, you have to either be gay or a absolute feminist in order to exist to women
When's the last time you interacted with a woman outside of the internet?

>> No.5119513

they're probably not white anymore

>> No.5119521

So what if a woman talks to a man like he's dumb, as happens whenever some college twat like this starts dating some MMA bro?
Is that some big societal catastrophe?

>> No.5119526

How do you feel about the fact that whites are, across the planet, the single group which is most legally discriminated against?

>> No.5119527

>in any interaction between members of different social status, there's gonna be an asymmetry in what is and isn't acceptable, just cause of context.


>when people say men can't be sexist, i can see where they're coming from,

wait wut

seems like you're implying that social status distributes itself along gender lines, which it probably does within castes, but a man of a lower caste is subject to more systematic oppression than a woman of a higher caste

>> No.5119534

It not stupid. Its their mentality. They're are taught to be "free"

Only they suddenly realize that this womens garbage theory and their ideas of freedom cannot exist in ways in which they like due to the fact that, like men, women live in a world where 70% of the people in their White dominated country are still poorly educated.

I think the most hilarious thing to come out of modern college is this idea of empathy or having it be a requirement to listen to people bitch, even if they are wrong.

You are not allowed to play devils advocate or call then out. This is a practice reserved only for women.

>> No.5119537

>systematic oppression
The Jew up the street from me lives in a mansion, but I live in an apartment! This is worse than Jim Crow!

>> No.5119542

Nah, feminism isn't really that popular with normal women. Normal women can be annoying in other ways though.

>> No.5119547

Just ignore it. Never rationalise with women or try to appease them. The feminised man is not desirable, not even to the feminists who created him. All women, without exception, want men to take responsibility for them. Notice how feminists are primarily concerned with nagging and browbeating men into pandering to them.

>> No.5119551

no it's not. i think anyone treating anyone like they're dumb out of prejudice is a bad thing. but to ignore social context in any of these interactions is naive, and only goes to reinforce existing power structures.

in the same way that it's clearly different if a white guy calls a black guy a nigger, than if a black guy calls a white a cracker. even if in some isolated microuniverse, where only those two people exist and words only have the weight of their dictionary meaning behind them where yes, the two events are identical - to treat these events as if they take place in this isolated, ideal system, is silly.

>> No.5119558

>Nah, feminism isn't really that popular with normal women.

That's true. I even meet more women who speak against feminism than women who speak in favour of it.

>> No.5119565

Plenty of times. I'm dating a few women and by God they're all insufferable hypocrites half of the time.

Women play games, men are straight to the point. This is the glaring difference in male female interaction during this period.

Men are forced to hide their power levelvor fave public humiliation from a bunch of arrogant half wit women and sadly some men. Meanwhile women are free to spout the most ludicrous things in the name of equality and feminism and we see it as ok.

We're normalizing a sort of womens vegence and allowing the feminist movement among young people to bring ordinary people to their knees or nonsense.

Recall the anti shaming policies of feminism. Now go and check out what they do to those who disagree with them. Dragging them through the mud is not even an adequate term

>> No.5119569

>sarcasm instead of an argument

oppression comes down to a limitation of options (freedom to do things). the poor man can rise above his situation, but systematic elements make it harder, ie needing money to the point of preferring paid activity to luxurious activity (don't go to school, work). can't get a decent job without a degree, but can't pay the bills while going to school full time. add kids into the mix and it gets even harder.

>> No.5119571
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>Is Woody Allen
Alright, this made me laugh.

>> No.5119578

presenting your own opinions as fact doesn't really get us anywhere, does it?

of course, social status is not exclusively determined by gender. a white woman is probably more highly respected than a black man, in the US. probably. but then it's the black man's blackness, that is the reason for this - not his manhood. i would argue that the black man cannot be racist, and that the white woman cannot be sexist.

what this highlights to me is that racism and sexism are problems. just as considering only the gender is unfair, as you point out, not considering it is equally unjust.

>> No.5119582

I'm sorry but those two words havevthe same intent. I wouldn't call a black man a nigger but calling me a cracker or making some other kind of remark specifically to criticize my whitness is wrong and of equal meaning to my use of the nigger.

>> No.5119583

So if a white guy in a 90% black neighborhood is called a cracker, it's as bad as a black guy in the south being called a nigger, right?
What about a white guy being told he has to get off his land because white people are the biggest problem in Zimbabwe, is that as bad as calling a black person a nigger, or no because white people have power?

>> No.5119584

why? it's the most obvious joke you could make.

>lolita? lol obvious pedo...hmm keep it relevant...woody allen!

>> No.5119587

black men are absolutely fucked in America and always have been
Thats really the only social justice I can get behind, those guys just have no fucking hope

>> No.5119595

Yeah, m8, not being able to afford a vacation is the same thing as slavery

>> No.5119605

You know they've got smaller brains, right?

>> No.5119614

why are you equating oppression with slavery?

>> No.5119617

I never understood this. Its like they try to castrate people and make them subservient. Then discard them.
> Women can't be sexist
> a black man can't be racist.

>> No.5119619

>infinite jest
>"tells me race isn't real"

It isn't though. Any biologist or anthropologist in the world will tell you that.

>> No.5119623

but social justice isn't making niggers more white, it's making whites negrified

>> No.5119624

A black man can be racist, but only against other minorities.

>> No.5119630

Except for the ones who aren't Richard Lewontin

>> No.5119631

that's not social justice, that's the media

and there's a reason for that: masculinity is only acceptable in ebonics or a russian accent

>> No.5119632

I always laugh internally when someone doesn't scoffs at the notion that believing in race is racist itself.

>> No.5119642

i completely agree. not just black men, but the women as well. this is actually why i like zora neale hurston so much. she's so antifeminist! and white people just don't get it. but they try so hard to like her because she's a female black author. it's fantastic to watch them squirm haha.

i disagree, i think a black guy being called a nigger is much worse than a white guy being called a cracker. because there's the uncomfortable truth of the better part of the three decades of active, systematic and malicious degradation, dehumanisation, and destruction of culture by the white man against the black man. even the word "cracker" refers to the crack of the whip. i really don't understand how this historical and social context can be ignored. what's even more fascinating to me is how then we marvel at the violence and crazed attempts at hyper-masculinity seen in black communities and culture - when if you consider the fact that for literally centuries black people were completely stripped off their manhood, it's no wonder that they will aggressively attempt to reclaim it. what we see today is a reaction, not an action.

similarly, as you probably guessed, i really completely understand zimabwean campaigns against white people. i don't thin they're the right thing to do.... i guess i wouldn't say they are "justified" either. but i would be very very surprised if it WASN'T happening. of course it was going to happen - what else could?

>> No.5119648

>"In the United States both scholars and the general public have been conditioned to viewing human races as natural and separate divisions within the human species based on visible physical differences. With the vast expansion of scientific knowledge in this century, however, it has become clear that human populations are not unambiguous, clearly demarcated, biologically distinct groups. Evidence from the analysis of genetics (e.g., DNA) indicates that most physical variation, about 94%, lies within so-called racial groups. Conventional geographic "racial" groupings differ from one another only in about 6% of their genes. This means that there is greater variation within "racial" groups than between them. In neighboring populations there is much overlapping of genes and their phenotypic (physical) expressions. Throughout history whenever different groups have come into contact, they have interbred. The continued sharing of genetic materials has maintained all of humankind as a single species."

>> No.5119660

Please find a new word for your meaning. Systematic oppression needs to find its own word. Racism is not systematic oppression. Please find your ownvword and stop trying vto hijack an existing one.

>> No.5119667

You don't even need to bring in genetics, races are defined by similarities and differences found between groups of people and a racist by definition sees differences between races.

>> No.5119668

This explains the entire article to be honest

>> No.5119678

So how much bending over, exactly, needs to be done by white men before it's not okay to steal their farms anymore?

>> No.5119684

ive come to think that a lot of women perceive feeling free to say/do crazy/selfish shit as some kind of right that comes as a reparation for something. i dont really get it though. is that really how a strong woman feels ?

>> No.5119685

>similarities and differences found between groups of people

Technically by definition this is what we call "ethnicity".

Ethnicity exists, race on the other hand does not. Technically a "racist" is anyone who believes in the concept of race, though today it really means someone who both believes that and has prejudices as a result of that belief.

It's often used to describe people prejudiced against ethnicities too, yeah.

>> No.5119686

This doesn't mean that there couldnt be specific genes that all members of a race have and other races don't

>> No.5119687

>i think a black guy being called a nigger is much worse than a white guy being called a cracker. because there's the uncomfortable truth of the better part of the three decades of active, systematic and malicious degradation, dehumanisation, and destruction of culture by the white man against the black man.

black is just a team you happen to play for. you aren't a part of its history. no point in getting upset by the same scars as your grandparents.

all words have etymologies. we generally dont try our hardest to constantly emphasize them. let the word become more casual and the awful roots will becom irrelevant

>> No.5119690

i know you're taking the piss, but he truth is there isn't much, in my opinion, that can't be changed. trying to appeal and atone for the crimes of people that are long, long dead, is pointless. but it's not like they're going to disappear. it's just something we have to accept and acknowledge and live with.

>> No.5119692

That doesn't make much sense. Is a sexist someone who believes in sexes

>> No.5119696

That's not how it works, google what a phenotype is. This is something you should have learned in middle school biologically.

So called "races" only differ from each other phenotypically, not genetically.

>> No.5119697

entertaining which is weird cause it's buzzfeed

>> No.5119699

No Eco at all, was a bit disappointing.

>> No.5119702

A sexist is someone who believes there's some sort of distinction between the two biological sexes that warrants prejudice. It's a similar concept yeah.

>> No.5119704

The Unpossessed by Tess Slesinger, a dead white woman. She doesn't get enough credit.

>> No.5119705

>Technically by definition this is what we call "ethnicity".
Syllabification: rac·ism
Pronunciation: /ˈrāˌsizəm /

1. The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

>> No.5119708

Shove your historical context. Both are mostly used for the same reason. 99 percent of the people who use the word nigger are not intent on enslaving African Americans. Histroy has come and gone and blacks are free to pursue what they want.

We do this sob story about poor minority this and that. Have you ever been a white person in the minority?

Where I grew up people excluded me because of my ethnicity, spoke in other languages, turned me down because I had no grown up bilingual, scoffed at me for being a part of their culture and not sharing their skin color.

>> No.5119710

>that warrants prejudice
Itd seem that thats the important bit

>> No.5119715

What is your definition supposed to prove? Yes to be racist you have to believe that these arbitrarily defined "races" have different biological characteristics that warrant prejudice.

Doesn't change the fact that race doesn't actually exist and that what people usually think of as "race" is usually just ethnicity.

>> No.5119717

i dont like that you found it entertaining

>> No.5119718

Do the descendants of any other empires need to atone of their sins, too? Should Mongolians be forced to suck Persian dick all day?

>> No.5119721

>Yes to be racist you have to believe that these arbitrarily defined "races"
You're missing the whole point, even believing in race is racist.

>> No.5119722

absalom absalom is a much harder read than the sound and the fury

>> No.5119727

i agree, getting upset about it doesn't achieve much. but you can understand, surely, why people do, and why nothing can be done about it.

regarding the etymology, i wasn't saying it has much of an effect on the use of the word today. only that it perfectly displays the asymmetry of social power that in my opinion does affect the use of the word.

>> No.5119731

That's literally what I said in the post you were responding to, I don't understand your point.

>> No.5119736

The younger leftist in college right now have no idea how hilariously they act.

They enforce their ideas via public body facism. They're facists of a different breed.

>> No.5119739


>> No.5119740

Hence the differences in height, genetic diseases, cranial characteristics, alcohol processing abilities etc

You fucking moron

>> No.5119741

i dont like the fucking disingenuous pandering it does to that awful hilton als book

this could be read as a guide to the new symbols of pretentious fuckdom.

>> No.5119742

The word ethnicity as it's used today is relatively new, and the word race used to cover both the unified "white race" and the smaller Italian, Irish, etc. races.

Both words are kind of a clusterfuck

>> No.5119751

>what are phenotypes I never graduated high school

ok bro

>The word ethnicity as it's used today is relatively new

Yeah but it's the accurate word and description. The concept of "race" that people believed in for so long doesn't exist.

It's confusing though yeah and a lot of people either don't know the difference or just refuse to acknowledge it.

>> No.5119761

i grew up as a white minority. growing up i had one teacher that ever bothered to ask me how my name is pronounced and replicate it (it's not difficult, all the sounds are contained within the english language). i've been bullied for not being english, i've been bullied for having a weird name, my mum has on numerous occasions broken down in tears because she regularly gets treated worse cause she talks with an accent.

so i have been a white person in a minority. and it doesn't really change how i feel. and im not really sure what point you're trying to make.

yes, discrimination is bad. yes people who discriminate others are dickheads. so what? how does that magically make power structures based on race, gender, sexuality, etc. disappear? it doesn't. so how can you declare them irrelevant when discussing race, gender or sexuality?

>> No.5119768

The point being that phenotype, ethnicity, etc. are nuvo-words which seem to exist specifically because the word "race" became unfashionable.
And there are some scientists and anthropologists who disagree about the idea of race not existing, m80. I assume you're a sociology major?

>> No.5119780

>phenotype is a politically correct word

holy shit dude I was joking about you not graduating from high school earlier but now I think it might be true. you don't even understand the most basic fundamentals of biology

>> No.5119781

None of those power structures exist :-)))

>> No.5119787

maybe you're confused, cause i accidentally wrote "can't" when i meant "can". sorry about that. but i thought it was obvious that i was saying that any atonement is pointless - or to elaborate, there is nothing that can be done to make up for it.

you mention other empires. perhaps chinese and koreans ought to forget japanese war crimes. i imagine there's barely anyone alive in japan that has anything to do with them. but they happened and they were awful, and the chinese and the koreans aren't going to forget about them, and really why should they?

it happened. there's nothing we can do about it. and we probably would be happier if we just forgot about it. but it's ridiculous to EXPECT anyone to forget about it and not be angry for it. it's impossible to pretend like it never happened.

>> No.5119793

good1 m80 you know best my bad.

what do you mean?

>> No.5119794

Explain the power structures, faggot
Do it

>> No.5119806

Oh, so racial revenge stuff is okay, then?
That I can get on board with. When do we get to hang all the Jews for what they've done to Western civilization?

>> No.5119813

what do you need explaining, exactly? do you dispute that there is an unequal distribution of power in our societies, and everywhere in the world, this power distribution correlates with race and gender? please, show me this ideal society where we all have equal power and voice. if you can do it without being a dickhead that would be great too, but no pressure.

>> No.5119816

>so racial revenge stuff is okay, then?

what's that?

>> No.5119823

He means he has a tenuous grasp of what the term "fascism" means, and likes to use it as a generic "bad" ideology, rather than understanding it for what it is.

>> No.5119837

Let's do it.

>> No.5119841

It's called going back to your own country, nerd
Blacks get preference in Africa, Arabs get preference in Arabia, Chinese get preference in China
I see nothing wrong with that. I think it's healthy, and makes for a more beautiful world.
As for gender, I think the differences in male and female "power" are entirely caused by differences in the male and female psyche, period.

>> No.5119844

>when if you consider the fact that for literally centuries black people were completely stripped off their manhood, it's no wonder that they will aggressively attempt to reclaim it. what we see today is a reaction, not an action.

or maybe because they're violent fucking retards, as evidenced by Africa. the people that were enslaved are not alive today, stop thinking that works as an excuse.

>> No.5119845

show me where i said that or don't chat shit.

i'm saying that

a) there's a reason why it is happening
b) the reasons for why it is happening aren't going to disappear.
c) there's not much that can be done about it

i'm not sure why so many white boys struggle with this. a little bit of compassion and empathy would really go a long way. instead we get cries of muh racism every time they get frightened by a black man in a hooded jumper.

>> No.5119856

Oh god, you think the Zimmerman case wasn't self defense, don't you?

>> No.5119866

(Not that guy but) the >implication I'm getting is that you think height differences between ethnic groups are environmental, please set me straight?

Yes "race" "doesn't" "exist" (please god don't cut my funding!), but there are genetic differences between the various peoples of the earth, let's finish off a bottle of scotch while we hash out how the fuck that works so we can be spared a public burning.

>> No.5119869

I can figure out the reasoning behind most of their opinions, but I'm confused by some of the ones that go against the trend.

Why are Joyce and Faulkner apparently exempt from the curse of white men, and why does Zadie Smith appear to be an honorary white man?

>> No.5119872

wow. ok. um... i really don't know what to say to you. if you really think that ethnic groups can be summarised with "blacks in africa" "arabs in arabia" and "chinese in china" then you are really not grasping a lot of the subtleties of what makes an ethnicity and a culture and the really huge amount of differing ethnicities in all of these places... a lot of these groups hating each other.

and even if you accept there is a difference in power held by different genders, even if this difference is biological, do you expect the gender with weaker status to accept that? perhaps they should. but don't you think it's naive to expect them to?

>> No.5119874


but Woody has made movie after movie of strong female characters, and Diane Keaton's Annie Hall fashion really brought a new androgyny to 70s American fashion for women. Do they hate a man who devoted a lot of effort to glorify women JUST because he probably diddled his step-daughter?

Lolita isn't even really about pedophilia, it's a deeply ironic look at male sexuality, justification and the belief that if one is likeable enough anything is ok. The old word/new world criticism in it is ripe too.

>> No.5119877

But they said they would definitely pass on someone who lists that as their favorite.

>> No.5119879

Was I the only one who was really confused by the bit about IJ and feminism?

>> No.5119884

gr8 deb8 m8 u rly showed me there damn.

>not understanding the fundamental difference between explaining and excusing an action
>or maybe because they're violent fucking retards

i think you should just stay in /pol/ m9

>> No.5119889

A lot of guys who like Zadie state that she understands the male mind. The implication being most female authors, (hell most females) do not.

>> No.5119892

>tfw 4chan is everything these people despise
>tfw the one book they don't hate on is GR

>> No.5119893


>not understanding the fundamental difference between explaining and excusing an action

you're walking that line pretty hard kid

explain Africa, if you're so bent on claiming black violence stems from years of oppression then why is South Africa rape capital of the world?

>> No.5119899

What do you want me to say Igbo in Nigeria and give an individual breakdown of every little shitdick group of people nobody cares about on earth? Suck my balls, fag

And women themselves aren't really fighting any major gender struggle, it's just leftists doing that and stoking it to get votes, in my opinion. Plenty of women, seemingly the majority, aren't feminists.

>> No.5119900

we all worship the same god

>> No.5119907

No but you really think the Zimmerman case wasn't self defense? Because that's some next level delusion right there, m8

>> No.5119916

how is it delusion? your ideology gives you one version of omniscience, his ideology gives him another. either way, none of you know for sure and the only reason you talk about it is ideological

>> No.5119918

>man starts following teen
>instead of calling authorities or getting away from the man the teen starts attacking the man
Trailing Trayvon was pretty retarded but attacking Zimmerman was more retarded.

>> No.5119921


that was one of the most awful things I have ever suffered through in my life

>> No.5119923

Google what the difference is between phenotypes and genotypes you fucking moron I'm not going to do your high school biology homework for you. No it's not environmental you retard. There is very little genetic difference between the different "races" of humanity.

And yes there is an overwhelming scientific consensus amongst anthropologists that race doesn't exist, though if you don't know what a fucking phenotype is I can't expect you to understand how scientific consensus or the scientific community in general works.

>> No.5119928


the sentence was already passed, right? the justice system isn't infallible but it's certainly more knowledgeable than any keyboard warrior

>> No.5119938

You should watch your language, pal

>> No.5119939

>wow. ok. um
go back to tumblr, faggot

>> No.5119944

>walking home at night
>creepy middle aged man with a gun starts following you

I'd be scared too. Just the fight-or-flight response in action I guess, and he chose the wrong option. Can't really blame him though.

>> No.5119945

this guy is right, the scientific consensus, among biologists and geneticists and others, is that the concept of 'race' as we understand it is essentially meaningless

simply google it

in fact this position has existed since the 1970s

>> No.5119949

He didn't know that Zimmerman had a gun but the legal response would have been flight.

>> No.5119950

>all black people are the same
>all crimes have the same cause

come on dude, is it really not clear that i am arguing that violence and discrimination shown by black people in western countries, especially the USA, is a result of oppression? this isn't even my main point, which was that these unequal power structures in our western societies are a key context to understanding any disorder. furthermore, i am arguing that these distributions of power are why it is really not the same thing for two people of different social status to be hateful to each other - and i used the example of black and white people using racial slurs.

i really don't understand what the issue is here. i'm not saying these power structures are good or bad. i'm not saying any of the actions being discussed are good or bad. i'm saying that the power structures exist and ignoring them or declaring them irrelevant is silly - they are key to understanding social interactions. what about this do you disagree with?

i don't have a clue how different african societies and cultures work. i don't have a fucking clue why people in south africa are raping each other. i literally know nothing about this. and it's not what i am or was talking about.

>> No.5119955




what is wrong with you

>> No.5119957
File: 10 KB, 250x250, le shig man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this position has existed since the height of the cold war
I bet you believe in global warming, too

>> No.5119962

I'd just like to remind you that "ironic" shitposting is still shitposting, mate.

>> No.5119964

Even if he didn't know he had a gun being followed by an older man in the middle of the night is still probably pretty frightening.

Yeah he definitely made the wrong choice confronting Zimmerman but I mean in the heat of the moment he probably wasn't thinking that clearly cause his fight-or-flight response activated. I'd say it was still way less stupid than following someone you suspect is a dangerous criminal around in the middle of the night.

>> No.5119966

lol gr8 comeback m8

to be honest i really don't want you to say anything at all....

i literally have no opinion on the zimmerman case. im not american. i heard that somewhere some mexican shot a black dude. thats all i know about it. why is this so important to you?

>> No.5119970

Just kill yourself.

>> No.5119973


> is it really not clear that i am arguing that violence and discrimination shown by black people in western countries, especially the USA, is a result of oppression?

my point is refuting that exactly though. if they are already violent in their home country, then why is the default position to assume that the violence in western countries is due to oppression? it may have a minor influence but it's fallacious to cling to this as the sole cause in spite of evidence that contradicts it.

>> No.5119974

nice argument, thats sure to change a lot of minds. you should write that on your high school english essay. im sure your teacher will be impressed.

>> No.5119976

Yes, we know mate, it's worse for a white person to call a nigger a nigger than it is for a nigger to rape and murder a white person because of THE HISTORY AND CULTURE OF OPPRESSION

>> No.5119982

that's actually how black people work. they're paranoid and if they feel threatened they go on the attack immediately.
hood black people at least.

>> No.5119984

>i literally have no opinion on the zimmerman case

Then why fucking mention it? Use some damn caps lock as well, you don't look "hip" by lacking any semblance of grammar.

>> No.5119985

Although, Ender's Game can be lumped in with Catcher.

>inb4 he hasn't read since middle school

oh I have. but I was much more emotionally receptive back then, to the point where I could actually call a book "my favorite".

>> No.5119987

So why are niggers more stupid and violent than, say, Native Americans? Don't you think the Native Americans suffered a little worse?

>> No.5119991

(not him)

1 - someone else mentioned it first

2 - i personally don't view this thread as worthy of even the minute effort required to use grammar

>> No.5119992

implying (>implying) that people who read Lolita are in some sense perverted or pedophiles is the most absurd, reductionist interpretation of the text possible

>> No.5119993

Because whitey da Devil and I need dem reparations for dem spinnin' rims, nigga.


>> No.5120001

except your argument is retarded, because firstly it presupposes that there is a 'they' composed of all black people in the world, which is ridiculous given the 100s of different ethnicities that happen to share the trait of darker skin, and secondly it that 'they' are violent, with which i don't know if you're trying to suggest that every single person belonging to this group is inherently violent (which a. is fucking crazy and b. you've shown no evidence for), or if you're only saying that some of this group of people is violent, in which case i don't see how that would differ from literally any group of people you could possibly conceive of.

>> No.5120008


i didn't mention it. and drawing attention to my laziness in typing doesn't refute any of what i've said.

it just makes you look bitter.

>> No.5120019

Getting a little mad there bro

Slow down and try again

I know what a phenotype is, I'm trying to figure out if you do lmao

>> No.5120026

He's only saying that blacks in the west commit a disproportionate amount of crimes in comparison to, say, everybody that's not black, and that Africa, being more violent and stupid than, for example, every place but Africa, seems to paint a picture worldwide that people belonging to the black races are, in fact, primitive niggers with small brains

>> No.5120032
File: 234 KB, 480x480, 1404907570468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool refutation to my argument you sure showed me.

>> No.5120033

that kind of nigger is a hood nigger and it's because they never went to school because they live with an aunt that doesn't give a shit and would rather put them to work so they wont get kicked out on the street so they start slinging drugs because it's an easier buck but they get sucked into all the violence and paranoia and by age 16 they're sizing up every single motherfucker they see on the street afraid of being jumped or narc'd on and even something so much as a goddamn hello will set them off they're so tightly wound

>> No.5120035

Oh, god, it's an anime faggot, too

>> No.5120037


>intentionally playing dumb

you know what people mean when they say blacks are violent; that they're more so than other races. you've failed to explain why blacks have high crime rates in every country they reside in, whether they be the majority or a minority. Look at Jamaica or England or anywhere they have a presence, there's absolutely no denying it.



>> No.5120042

>Use some damn caps lock as well


>> No.5120046

I didn't know white males liking Zadie Smith was a "thing"
I guess I have to stop enjoying her
those comments about Faulkner were hilarious though, because clearly nobody ever reads works that are moderately challenging

>> No.5120051



>> No.5120052

If you use capslock but hold down shift wherever you don't need a capital you can type normal. I'm doing it right now

>> No.5120056


>aunt that doesn't give a shit

and is she not black and at fault? blaming family doesn't work in this case if they're also of the same race.

nice job constructing such an elaborate fantasy though.

>> No.5120074

I don't really give a fuck about whatever racial argument you guys are having, but you keep crowing about phenotypes, so I'd just like to point out that phenotypic differences can be and often are linked to genotypic ones.

>> No.5120075

I'm saying it's a self perpetuating cycle of assholes being assholes because they never learned not to be assholes. being black is incidental and has no relevant bearing on it. some people are just born doomed. and by some I mean the people born in the hood. See: all the latinos born in the hood.

>> No.5120076


>So why are niggers more stupid and violent than, say, Native Americans?

More violent? Okay.

Stupider? No. While it's rarer for blacks to be intellectually accomplished than whites or Asians, there are definitely some who are. Native Americans, despite having the firmest of affirmative action, almost never leave the reservation.

Seriously, what Native Americans can match guys like Wole Soyinka, John Dabiri, Jim Gates, Hubert Henry Harrison, or Jessi Wilkins?

>> No.5120077
File: 73 KB, 524x468, 1359764844377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“Has used the word ‘Oriental’ or phrase ‘East-meets-West’ in actual unironic conversation.”

What's the problem with using Oriental?

Like, serious genuine question here. I'm not trying to be clever and defy political correctness I'm just genuinely curious.

>> No.5120079

But then they didn't say anything about Ulysses' difficulty, which makes no sense.

>> No.5120084

This faggot probably knows about as much about genetics as his sociology professor felt was necessary to teach him in order to make him a leftist twat

>> No.5120085

I'd say being East Asian is the worst. You get actual racism for being brown and reverse racism for coming from a group so overachieving that affirmative actions actually hurts you more than whites.

>> No.5120087

>He's only saying that blacks in the west commit a disproportionate amount of crimes

nah, he just stated his opinion. you're the one who's trying to justify it, saying black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime, hence they are more violent. except that there's no evidence that black people commit more crime. there is evidence that there is a disproportionate amount of black people being arrested and in prison. but if you actually approached this statistic with your prejudices aside, you would be forced to admit that this really only proves that more black people are arrested and in prison - something that could be explained by

a) black people committing more crimes
b) more black people being arrested for crimes they commit or
c) black people being targeted more by police.

to conclude that a is the only possible explanation, without considering the other two, is disingenuous. and either you're interested in truth, or your own prejudices.

anyway, i have work tomorrow, so i'm gonna go.

>> No.5120089

"Brian, buddy where you been? The term is Asian-American."
"I know you are no intending to be, but calling me oriental offensive to me."

>> No.5120092

The left doesn't like it for one reason or another

>> No.5120106

>if you actually approached this statistic with your prejudices aside
Then you'd take it at face value :-) You're approaching the issue with anti-cop and anti-white prejudices :-)))))))))

>> No.5120107

This and like why is the Hobbit ok at all. They drop the "he probably doesn't read a lot" description at every opportunity but I doubt someone who has such a soft spot for Tolkien is such a highbrow reader.

>> No.5120123

I know what you're doing but it really doesn't apply for that post you replied to.

>> No.5120124

Yeah I didn't really get that at all, the only conclusion I could draw is that they didn't read either of them

>> No.5120126

What I'm doing?

>> No.5120131


>> No.5120137

This is highly confusing to me.

Who are these people?

Have they read all of these books, or are they just scanning Wikipedia, guessing at stereotypes and adding 'feminist' buzzwords? Is this some new faux intelectual zeitgeist that I was previously unaware of?
What's mansplaining?
Why do I have to read living non-heterosexual, non-white women?

>> No.5120150

>I don't really give a fuck about whatever racial argument you guys are having
>Expects me to go through some websites about the racial argument they're having

Can you read?

>> No.5120155

pretty much

>> No.5120156

Here's one where one scientist defends race and the other says it's shit

Read it and fuck off, faggots, let's talk about how dumb fags who read certain books are

>> No.5120159

>I don't want to actually do any research on this j-just believe me please my uninformed opinion is right guys ok?

>> No.5120164

>Why do I have to read living non-heterosexual, non-white women?
cause u gotta check that priv, kid

>> No.5120181



>> No.5120183

shes making fun of a guy who would say he read zadie smith to impress her

i guess that is a thing, a guy who would try to impress a liberal girl

>> No.5120184

>my uninformed opinion
What uninformed opinion? The only opinion I expressed was that phenotypes can be and often are linked to genotypes. That's a pretty much indisputable fact, and insofar as it's my opinion, it's informed by that middle school biology you like to talk about so much.

>> No.5120187



>> No.5120193

But why is that more of a thing than someone doing the same with the authors she seemed to approve of? I mean, Murakami or Munro are much trendier than Zadie Smith; wouldn't they be the targets for that?

>> No.5120220

You clearly don't understand what that actually means though and the articles I linked explained in detail how race does not exist biologically in relation to phenotypes and genotypes.

>This result indicates that studies using genetic clusters instead of racial/ethnic labels are likely to simply reproduce racial/ethnic differences, which may or may not be genetic. On the other hand, in the absence of racial/ethnic information, it is tempting to attribute any observed difference between derived genetic clusters to a genetic etiology. Therefore, researchers performing studies without racial/ethnic labels should be wary of characterizing difference between genetically defined clusters as genetic in origin, since social, cultural, economic, behavioral, and other environmental factors may result in extreme confounding

Thanks for helping me prove my point.

>> No.5120221


I like how they needed a fucking squeegee for a guy who reads Margret Atwood yet in previous entries derisively mentioned guys into feminism.

>> No.5120227


Guess Faulkner and Beckett stopped reading after high school? Crazy.

>> No.5120235

yeh B)

>> No.5120253

>You clearly don't understand what that actually means though and the articles I linked explained in detail how race does not exist biologically in relation to phenotypes and genotypes.

I never claimed race existed biologically, though. You seem to think I'm trying to sneakily undermine you or something. I literally just wanted to say what I said. I had/have no secret agenda about races.

>> No.5120263

>but I was much more emotionally receptive back then, to the point where I could actually call a book "my favorite".

Ouch, that's so true. I enjoy books but I rarely enjoy them on a deep emotional level these days. I still consider Catcher to be one of my favorite novels even though I read it 13 years ago when I was 13. I'm so scared of it not having the same magic. That or it'll be even more potent with the added factor of nostalgia and I'll end up sobbing. Either way I'm scared of that book now.

>> No.5120291


this is whats know as an 'aside' anon, here, let me help you highlight the salient point.

>Genetic cluster analysis of the microsatellite markers produced four major clusters, which showed near-perfect correspondence with the four self-reported race/ethnicity categories.

>Of 3,636 subjects of varying race/ethnicity, only 5 (0.14%) showed genetic cluster membership different from their self-identified race/ethnicity.

>> No.5120298

That doesn't seem to prove your point at all, it just says there are some environmental factors which can alter behavior, which is kind of a given

>> No.5120310

And check out their conclusion bro, you didn't even read the link you gave me lol it actually supports what I was saying.

No it doesn't prove it but it helps.

And I gave you links that explained how what you said did nothing to prove the existence of race.

>> No.5120335

>I never claimed race existed

>And I gave you links that explained how what you said did nothing to prove the existence of race.

I'm about sixty percent sure you're trolling now.

>> No.5120347

You made a statement and I pointed out why that statement was irrelevant and misleading. This isn't difficult to understand.

>> No.5120372

It wasn't irrelevant. You were implying (or at least saying things that could reasonably be taken as implying) that things like different reactions to alcohol were unrelated to genetics, which isn't true. I was addressing a smaller point about the way the discussion was going, not the larger topic.

Also, you implied that I was claiming race existed at various points and kept supplying me with data to support arguments to the contrary, even though I clarified multiple times that I wasn't claiming that, so let's not act like I'm the one being irrelevant here.

>> No.5120391

>You were implying (or at least saying things that could reasonably be taken as implying) that things like different reactions to alcohol were unrelated to genetics

No I was implying that phenotypes are an incredibly unreliable and unscientific way to group people, which is true as the links I gave to you explained.

>> No.5120409

Every time anyone mentioned something that could be classified as a phenotypic difference, you were saying "learn what a phenotype is" in a way that seemed to imply that what they cited couldn't count as evidence of genotypic differences because it was a phenotypic one.

>> No.5120416

They weren't citing anything dude, go back and read this thread. I told them to learn what a phenotype is because at first they literally though a phenotype was a fucking buzzword invented to be politically correct.

>> No.5120550

I really wish your methods for baiting tumblr could be less cringeworthy somehow.

"le africans in africa"

Jesus Christ.

>> No.5120556

>No Ruggles
>No Delillo
It's like they want to not be taken seriously.

>> No.5120733

It's buzzfeed

>> No.5120775

>Lady of Rohan character
her name is eowyn ya cunt