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/lit/ - Literature

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5118745 No.5118745[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What did /lit/ read as a kid?

>> No.5118845

All about the Redwall series yo

>> No.5118853
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>> No.5118882

umm nothing. i started when i was 20 at college.

i remember they forced a shitload of books on us but nothing remained in my mind.

fucking ignorants dont know how to show kids the wonder that reading is.

>> No.5118930

Maybe you were just stupid? Lots of kids enjoyed reading when they were young

>> No.5118931

Mostly fantasy and sci fi. Theres this one serious I loved but have completely forgotten the name of it. It consisted of two 400 pages or so books, the first a blue cover and the second in red, might've began with an "A." From what can remember of the story, a depressed seeming girl finds herself in an abandoned windmill(?) at the outskirts of town and next thing you know she wakes up in a wonderland surreal world, but darker, more sinister and impressionistic (there were two or three full page colored paintings in each book in van gogh style).
There's a Frankensteinish abomination and a cat with a lute/plays a lament (?) as far as characters I can remember go.

Anyway, after reading that most fantasy books failed to grip me and I mostly stopped reading and instead read manga/watched anime before literary fiction.

>> No.5119233
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Wow, you really read some crappy stuff..

>> No.5119248

hobbit & lord of the rings
children's versions of greek myths
>young teen
tom holt

>> No.5119283


Kid (5-12)
>Hobbit (based)
>Narnia (still fucks my shit up)
>Redwall (some overlap with this one)
>Goosbumps (later books sucked ass)
>The Wind and the Willows
>Fables and Fairy Tales

>All assigned HS texts
>Heart of Darkness

>> No.5119288

Tolkein, Grisham, Crichton, and way way way too much Star Wars expanded universe bullshit. I tried to get into Stephen King but found him terrible. Then I read Lord of the Flies at about 15 and started getting into real literature.

>> No.5119326
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Can't find a decent sized cover

>> No.5120231

well no one at my school and everyone went to stem and mocks books.

>> No.5120240

Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Joyce,

>> No.5120244
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I used to read Poe and Lovecraft.

>> No.5120252

Wrinkle in time.
I remember those hardy boy books were popular too.

>> No.5120258

do comics count?

>> No.5120260
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buying them for my kids when I have them.

>> No.5120266

Hardy Boys
Judy Blume
Sherlock Holmes
Treasure Island
Comic books

>> No.5120281

Pretty much anything I could get my hands on.

>> No.5120338

A series of unfortunate events

>> No.5120351

Besides the standard young-adult fare that was popular back then, I read a lot of science fiction--all the Asimov and Clarke and Heinlein I could get my hands on, and a smattering of other authors as well.

>> No.5120352

The Hobbit, Redwall, along with Asimov and Clarke

>> No.5120371

That edition of Moby Dick abridged? I remember reading and loving the Robin Hood one in elementary school.

>> No.5120373

Hex Hall by Richard Dawkins

>> No.5120380

>ctrl+f Phantoom Tollbooth
One of my all time favorite books and I'm looking to read it again soon. Every knowledge hungry kid should read it at some point

>> No.5120389

Anais Nin
Family Circle
Reader's Digest
National Geographic
Sherwood Anderson
Harry Potter
Charlie Bone
Artemis Fowl
Dark Tower
Greek Mythology
Rawley Silver
Psych textbooks
fucking weird new age psych textbooks I can't remember
new age parenting books
Liturgy of Nicherin Daishonen
New Century
Washington Irving
Folk Tales of Ireland
Mark Twain
The Jimmy Neutron Novelization
Sword of Shannara
Greyhawk novels
Official Playstation Magazine
Nintendo Power
Enid Blyton
The Hobbit
Lord of the Rings
Foods that Harm Foods that Heal
The Moosewood Cookbook
The Cat that Loved Christmas
Alice in Wonderland
The Wizard of Oz
Choose your Own Adventure

>> No.5120394

I tried to read The House with a Clock in its Walls a few times as a kid and always got bored. My siblings apparently loved both those books, though.

>> No.5120401

Sorry, didn't realize those books aren't related. Not sure why I associate them.

>> No.5120407

5-8: Grimms[abridged], Aesop, Dickens, Dumas, Seuss, Christian bible
8-13: homer, sophocles, virgil, ovid, anonymous, dante, shakespeare, cervantes, goethe, doestoevsky, melville, joyce
13-16: joyce, voltaire, proust, plato, aristotle, boethius, augustine, descartes, kant, hegel, marx, stirner
16-18: nietzsche, kafka, joyce, dante, shakespeare, homer, bible,

>> No.5120410

Wtf is that?

>> No.5120422

the samefag that is plaguing lit has been detected
it is likely that the majority of this thread is one fag


>> No.5120424

forgot to mention wittgenstein after "bible,"

>> No.5120434

>read joyce at 13

>> No.5120451

clearly a 16 year old who thinks his the smartest thing going on
clearly skipped a year in high school and now thinks his the best

>> No.5120459

If any of you have genuine questions to ask, I will answer them. But knee-jerk resentment like these two posts shall be ignored, gleefully.

>> No.5120467

I got one for you: Why do you think anyone wants to ask you questions?

>> No.5120475

clearly you didn't read those books but someone read them to you until you were at least 15

>> No.5120479


My parents read to me until age 5 and I took over from there. I dislike audio books also.

>> No.5120489
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>> No.5120498

You got me. So clever.

>> No.5120499


Why the hate? Stay on topic.
When I was a kid I remember reading Artemis Fowl, Harry Potter and the old Greek mythological stories. When I was around 14 started really getting into religious stories and mythological stories.

>> No.5120508

The Chocolate War was prober lay the most memorable book of my adolescence. A few years later we watched the film in class and I felt it didn't give the book enough justice.

>> No.5120524

The world your looking for is probably.

>> No.5120535

>the world
I want to go there.

>> No.5120545

>Child (Age 2-8)
Harry Potter
Folk Tale Anthologies (Andersen, Grimms, Cole)
The Bible
Artemis Fowl/Redwall/Hardy Boys/Bailey School Kids etc.

>Preteen (8-13)
Dad's old noir books (Cain, McCoy)
Louis L'Amour
Stephen King
Chernev and Reinfeld
Game Informer/Mad Magazine
More Bible
More Tolkien
Douglas Adams

>Teenager (13-16)
Eugene O'Neill
A lot of Pynchon
Reinfeld's biographies
More Shakespeare
More Homer
More Bible

>Young Adult (currently 17)

>> No.5120546

>attempts to be grammar nazi

>> No.5120562

>posting personal information
>telling everyone his underage

watch out for mods

>> No.5120578

I'm pretty sure they're all abridged. Not just abridged but adapted for children. Basically cutting out all the cetology and devil worship. I read that one when I was little and didn't even realize they were adaptations til later in high school, I was so proud of myself for already having read Moby Dick haha. I finished the big boy version earlier today though so there's that.

>> No.5120582

Saying that your currently 17 isn't against the rules. Obvious troll is obvious.

>> No.5120590


Global Rule 2

>> No.5120650

I need to reread it, definitely one of my favorite books.
All these anons have been bringing it up lately, so I'm inclined to take a detour from my current reading list.

>> No.5120697

is anyone still here?
why do so many threads have to get derailed...

As a kid i didnt read much but I distinctly rember enjoying the books we had to read for middle school (i know most people hate reading books for school) including holes and deathwatch by robb white.

>> No.5120700

>as a kid

oh my god youre a bunch of fags

>> No.5120705

Go back to /b/ and your cancer

>> No.5120716

deathwatch was shit it had the biggest deus ex machina ending ever. its even worse then hatchet winter.

>> No.5120736

Do you even know the defintion of deus ex machina?

>> No.5120755

This entire thread reeks of samefagging.