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/lit/ - Literature

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5117119 No.5117119[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We sit and we talk about how stupid the guy above us is, but can we compliment each other for once?

What do you like about the average c/lit/? Why do you keep coming here, knowing he's here?

I love the fact that the majority of you aren't try-hards, but you're not afraid of being called pretentious either. We're pretty sweet.

>> No.5117124

I like that you guys actually know some shit when it comes to philosophy and literary analysis. It's criminal how I can count the number of people I know who've read more than self-help books/genre fiction on one hand. Compared to common plebs, /lit/ is made of gold.

>> No.5117144

At least the shitposting is reasonably intelligent.

>> No.5117149


>> No.5117160

I like how OP is always a fucking faggot

>> No.5117164


No, I'm kidding...I remember where I came from.

>> No.5117279

/lit/ is filled with idiots.

I like to educate them.

That is why I'm here.

>> No.5117293
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>> No.5117294

For better or worse /lit/, but really, many parts of 4chan seem to have a fairly acute sense of self awareness and even though I can't say discussions here are always of the most intelligent or educationally stimulating kind, they're always enjoyable on some level.

>> No.5117313

/lit/ is slightly better than /b/

Good job.

>> No.5117321

>a fairly acute sense of self awareness
To a certain extent, anyway.

But yes, generally I agree. You people are somewhat knowledgeable about literature and philosophy, and honestly I'm too used to it to switch to any other board now.

>> No.5117344

>To a certain extent, anyway.
More than the average internet community at the very least.

>> No.5117357

I like you guys. Being here & reading your thoughts helps me to deal with my loneliness & pain of losing my wife.

Sure, there are unrepentant assholes & those who wish to argue for no good reason, but most of you are really cool & I wish I could know you in real life.

Thank you for being here.

>> No.5117364

Sometimes I am recommended a book that I think sounds good and then I read it and most of the time it is.

>> No.5117371
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>> No.5117374

That picture is worrying, a lot of people have a very romantic view of suicide. Just watch a video like the Documentary on the Bjork stalker to see it as it truly is.

>> No.5117375

I think /lit/ is the best board on 4chan, not like that's saying much

>> No.5117378

Ahh don't be like that. It's debbie downers that allow the refuse to seep in. Have more pride in /lit/. Make more good threads and eventually people will respond.

>> No.5117381

You guys can talk about books without pandering to everyone's feelings

>> No.5117382

4chan is the only place where I've felt like I fin and I have a feeling that's true for a lot of posters here.

>> No.5117408

There's so much fag on that post...

Ugh, Anon...I agree with you, but be careful with all that cock-sucking you're spewing. Some of us have sensitive stomachs...

>> No.5118675
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The Fearless Vampire Killers is excellent

>> No.5118686

I'm mostly sick of this place and 4chan in general, but i'm also addicted and have nothing else to do, so i'm stuck here.


>> No.5118703

My fucking poor keks

>> No.5118723

I have a fairly large circle of friends and a fiance but without you guys here to laugh at and insult and make autistically meta jokes I might legitimately kill myself. In the 8 years I have been here there have been point where you god damned niggers were all I had.

I like /lit/ because like others have said even the shitposting here seems more self-aware and "better". I also hadn't read in about two years before January and when I read my new Clive Barker horror book I realized he was not a very good writer and now I'm reading and loving Pynchon.

>> No.5118736

LOL that Kerrry didn't even see what he was doing to her

>she a big girl
for you

>> No.5118752

/lit/ is my favorite board
The discussions are interesting and for the most part thought provoking. Sometimes they can be painful to read but that's to be expected on 4chan.
The book recommendations are generally pretty good too.
I also feel like there's also a lot of talented writers that frequent this board based on all the critique threads I've seen. Some people post some really cool stuff that's equal parts inspiring and demotivating.

that one guy who posted that psychedelic starfish book was pretty neat also. Anyone else remember that?

>> No.5118826

>The psychedelic starfish

Oh man I totally forgot about that. I still have to read the whole thing

>> No.5118877

This is the only place I can talk about or even just gather thoughts on literature and philosophy. I dont know many people interested in the same topics and willing to think about them as hard as I do, and even if I did, I couldn't communicate as effectively in person.

>> No.5118925

>the Bjork stalker

Yeah that poor sap

>shoot self
>die like half an hour later

>> No.5118928

This might be the only place (by that i mean 4chan) where i feel like i am meeting actual people.

>> No.5118939


holy shit

my sides, they are in orbit.

>> No.5118950


That was actually very similar to a book by goethe.

>> No.5119155

Is it bad that I find this kind of sweet? He managed to Banepost while still being comforting.

The only bad guy here is Kerry for using her 16 year old sister's death as a means for online attention.

>> No.5119430

Though ye may think this voice is not for your years, to me thou art a table of the gods, for divine dice and dice-players.

>> No.5120620

I would love for you to elaborate on this.

Seriously, I would be absolutely charmed.

>> No.5120730

I like you guys just cause you make me feel dumb and ineffectual. I thrive off self deprecation and insecurity.

>> No.5120786

I don't get offended easily by /lit/, as I feel that the insults and put-downs are signs of social insecurities that we all possess. Anonymity is a beautiful segue to honest conversations.

>> No.5122056

Anonymity has its benefits. Feels like I am meeting people without their persona up. You guys don't know me and vice versa. So we are free to say what we really free, consequences free.

>> No.5122158


The fact that we're giggling about a dead disabled girl and her grieving relatives makes it pretttttttty damn hard.

>> No.5122229

I like that I can be honest about things.
Sure, this results in a lot of internet fights, but when you meet another person on here who legitimately shares your interests it becomes worth it.
Also, the few times I posted original work on here I've received some valid criticisms that I wouldn't have gotten by myself.
As a pretentious knob in a small town, this is the only place I can talk about the things I enjoy. So, thanks, I guess.

>> No.5122242

no fuck you

>> No.5122628


>> No.5122633


>> No.5122636

I missed that she was actually dead until now and feel subsequently pretty bad. Fucking bane.

>> No.5122640

It's gotten worse in the past half year or so but it's still the only place on 4chan where a view can be presented and we can trust (most) poster's to actually engage with the substance of the view and, if they disagree, articulate why they disagree for non-retarded reasons.

>> No.5122644

>free to say what we really free, consequences free.

Consequences will never be so free

>> No.5122647

yes tred wher we av fun yes

>> No.5122652

I like the fact you're not as plebian as /sp/ and /tv/

>> No.5122709

gtfo tripfag. Tripfagging ruins anonymity.

>> No.5122713


make me

>> No.5122731

>Pay attention i am retarded. Please please please i am such a loser that i need to taunt someone i never met nor care about

This is my last shiver of attention. Seek help. You need it

>> No.5122741


Stop derailing the thread.

>> No.5122970

I really like all of you guys. I dont know people that really are interested in literature and philosophy, so it
is nice to be able to talk about these things. And one thing I like especially about the "discussions" here
is that nobody tries to be the superficial sort of nice, which you find in other parts of the Internet like forums
or whatever. If somebody here wants to express his opinion, he simply does it without caring about the
feelings of others or shit like that.
The people here say what they think (even though it is often retarded shit) and I really appreciate that, even if
it results in an argument that destroys the thread.
Thank you all for being here.

>> No.5124783
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No, he's right...gtfo.

This is my thread to derail, and I'll gladly make it about how much we hate tripfags.

Leave 4chan, forever.

>> No.5124841

I discovered pretty cool stuff here.

Like www.historyofphilosophy.net, Christophocles (at least it seems so), Tallis and a few anonymous poets, plus Pynchon and Wittgenstein.

>> No.5125208

Great board, slow as a forum so you only have to go here like twice a week and still be pretty much up to date, since good threads (200+ post ones) tend to stick around for a week or so.

Kind of bothered that other board culture has gotten into it, but I can't complain since it's /phi/, /lit/, /psy/ and /ratemyshit/ all in one.

>> No.5125241

Agreed. I like Reddit for the breadth and specificity of topics, but 4chan is the only place, virtual or not, that I feel I can comfortably express myself and interact honestly with other people.

>> No.5125260

Getting attention when something bad has happened can be comforting. If it helps after she lost her daughter I don't see what's wrong with it.

>> No.5125270

Sister apparently, still though.

>> No.5125278

God you're an idiot

>> No.5125279

It's different to different people. Some people suffer their entire lives and are relieved when they finally accept that suicide is a way out.

>> No.5125343

Yeah. Fuck you. Im not even that guy

>> No.5125661
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Blame the faggot hot-pocket eaters.

>> No.5126824


>> No.5126852



tripfags. not even once

>> No.5128842

The guy above me is borhered to know all these modern nonsense words. He is a serious person, i wish him a broken leg. He has mastery of a cpukeyboard.

>> No.5130387


Fuck you, guys. That was some hardcore gay shit.

I fuckin wuv you guys.