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/lit/ - Literature

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5113949 No.5113949 [Reply] [Original]

Has there ever been a fantasy novel/serie with actual literary merit? Because I would be really interested in something that has been evolved from the endless sword and sandal cliches.

>inb4 Tolkien
>inb4 Borges
Fantastic, but not exactly what I mean.

>> No.5113956

the castle

>> No.5113969

not really
fantasy is by it's nature 'fantasy' and therefore escapism, pure entertainment escapist lit. there's stuff that uses fantastical tropes and isn't shit, but is generally then categorised as magical realism, surrealism, satire, etc. to avoid the stigma of being associated with such a lousy genre

>> No.5113973
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all writing is fantasy because the world cannot be adequately summarised in language.


>> No.5113981

But it's all just a bunch of categorization and grey area.

>> No.5113983

Jonathan Strange?

>> No.5114034
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>Literary Merit

>> No.5114039

Harold Bloom likes Little, Big and The Left Hand of Darkness. The latter is mostly called sci-fi because it takes place on a planet, but it plays more like a fantasy.

>> No.5114050

Seconding Little, Big. Also, Greenwillow, Topper, The Night Land, and The Worm Ouroboros.

>> No.5114054


>> No.5114318

fuck The Night Land, hundreds of pages of purple prose and killing monsters and then dying but not really and beating the love of your life into submission

>> No.5114331

Poul Anderson
Fritz Leiber
Robert E Howard

>> No.5114337


stories, dude, stories.

>> No.5114380

Does once and future king count

>> No.5114400

Grendel, The Dwarf, Waiting For the Barbarians,

>> No.5114416


A friend of mine has been harassing me with requests that I read the Dresden Files series. I'm a bit hesitant because just on the face of it, it seems like the kind of book you only read while taking a shit. Has anyone here read any of the books?

>> No.5114438
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>This pizza is tasty because i have a comfortable chair.

>> No.5114472

Tolkien and Borges.

>> No.5114487

I got halfway through the first book. Its horrible. Unless your 13 then it might be ok.
Does this friend of yours by chance own a fadora?

>> No.5114514


Nope. He said the first book wasn't really that good but that the series gets better. In the spirit of Schopenhauer, I just don't think I want to waste my time reading putrid shit unless it gets my dick hard.

And if you by fedora mean Atheist then yes, we're both Atheists - but no fedoras!

>> No.5114615

points for posting an amazing Album,

the last song on the album is and untouchable trip. the production is flawless and these guys are so tight

>> No.5114624

I tried reading them, got to the 3rd because everyone said it got better but they really weren't that great. They were ok, just nothing special, though i did think that perhaps being a brit i was missing out on something in the sub text or whatever by not being from the US. They are aimed at a 13-25yr old audience starting at upper end of regular book readers and ending at the lower end.

>> No.5114626

y not write ur own fantasy op?

>> No.5114637


Shit, opinion discarded. Try not to be such a terrible person next time.