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5107674 No.5107674[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you subscribe to the idea that the Western world as we know it is in a state of cultural decline? With all the things going on politically and socially, one can't help but think that the West as a culture has aged, and is now a mere shadow of its former self.

The evidence for this phenomena can be found with our replacing of religion for materialism. Modern man believes that the holy trinity of Democracy, Materialism, and Equality will usher in heaven on Earth, but in reality when an entire society chases Utopian dreams it is a sign of senility. On top of this, there are many active forces that are pushing us towards Totalitarianism, Caesarism, etc. as power is being concentrated into the hands of fewer and fewer people. I predict this trend will continue for as long as western civilization exists, until one man controls all, as has happened many times to numerous civilizations.

Decline of the West summarized:

"Inverted Totalitarianism":

Subversive Tactics Against Western Society

1. Demoralize:
• Takes 15-30 years
• About 2-3 generations.
• To revert it back takes 15-20 years.

(Began in the 1960's a.k.a the "Counter Culture")

2. Destabilization: 2-5 years to destabilize a nation.
• Introduce Marxist Ideology into the following...
• Economy.
• Foreign relations.
• Defense.

(Influenced members of the 1960's counterculture gradually made their way into the government and education system.)

3. Crisis: 6 weeks

• Violent change of power.
(This is unnecessary since the United States is a federal republic. The change in power can be gradual over time.)

4. Normalization: Maybe indefinite.
• Promise paradise.
• Destabilize economy.
• Eliminate free market competition.
• Put big brother government in power.
• Have a benevolent dictator. (Political puppet)
• False illusions that situation is under control.
• Media and education trains another generation who think they are living in peace time which is false.
• Country is in the middle of an undeclared war against the basic foundations of the system.

• Must educate and inform people against the dangers of a socialist welfare state, big brother government. People who fail to grasp the impending dangers will witness freedoms vanish.

Source: http://youtu.be/y3qkf3bajd4

If I were the devil:


Your thoughts?

>> No.5107683

>like spengler a lot
>think his thesis is underappreciated
>see threads semi-commonly


>> No.5107685

how did you deduce that from my post? All I'm saying is that the west is declining and on the path to totalitarianism just like Rome did or Arabia or China

>> No.5107692

I think the correct word is Decadence, which can be argued sure.

>> No.5107699
File: 56 KB, 300x400, oswald-spengler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A QUESTION haunts America: Is it in decline on the world scene? Foreign-policy discourse is filled with commentary declaring that it is. Some—Parag Khanna’s work comes to mind—suggests the decline is the product of forces beyond America’s control. Others—Yale’s Paul Kennedy included—contend that America has fostered, at least partially, its own decline through “imperial overstretch” and other actions born of global ambition. Still others—Robert Kagan of the Brookings Institution and Stratfor’s George Friedman, for example—dispute that America is in decline at all. But the question is front and center and inescapable.

It may be the wrong question. America is a product of Western civilization—part and parcel of it, inseparable from it. Thus, no serious analysis of America’s fate as a global power can be undertaken without placing it within the context of the West, meaning primarily Europe.

Kagan disputes this. In his influential little book of 2003, Of Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order, he famously suggested Americans are from Mars whereas Europeans are from Venus. “They agree on little and understand one another less and less,” he wrote, adding, “When it comes to setting national priorities, determining threats, defining challenges, and fashioning and implementing foreign and defense policies, the United States and Europe have parted ways.”

Perhaps. But they share the same cultural heritage, and their fates are bound together, whether they like it or not. Think of Greece and Rome, both part and parcel of the classical civilization. They honored the same gods, pursued the same modes of artistic expression and viewed politics in largely the same way during their periods of greatest flowering. And their fates were intertwined—enforced with brutal finality by Roman military potentates Mummius on the ground and Metellus at sea even as the younger Scipio was destroying Carthage in a way the Greeks never experienced because, unlike Carthage, they didn’t represent an alien civilization. Will Durant pegs the end of Greek civilization at ad 325, when Constantine founded Constantinople and Rome took a decisive turn away from its heritage—and that of Greece.

>> No.5107700

You have a lot of ideas but none of them are really very cohesive.

>> No.5107708

muh grand narratives

>> No.5107715
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>OPs face

>> No.5107728

Decline of the West is actually the very first post-modern account of history ever written. It's quite the read if you can actually understand it (protip learn german)

>> No.5107733

You seem confused as fuck and notoriously simple-minded. I suggest you train yourself into intellectual discipline. You are the decline, sir.

>> No.5107740

But ad hominem is a logical fallacy

>> No.5107747

Get with the times grandpa. It's all about social justice and feminism and post-modernism now. Enjoy being on the wrong side of history loser

>> No.5107749

It's not really a decline. More like we're in a limbo state, initiated by the long-awaited overthrow of primitive religions; this was a good thing, but we're still in a godless, nihilistic age where people are still ass-backwards and confused, and the only true "god" anymore is money. Give it a couple hundred more years and I believe a new, proper authority better than the pseudo-authority that primitive religions established will exist.

>> No.5107756
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r.i.p. in pepperoni west, you will be missed, sweet prince

>> No.5107757

you are a logical phallass

>> No.5107759

>Do you subscribe to the idea that the Western world as we know it is in a state of cultural decline?

>> No.5107764
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It's probably not happening, but i like to buy into this narrative because it's fun.

>> No.5107782
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>couple hundred years

But the time is basically up for the West. According to the spenglerian model of history, each organic culture lasts about 1000 years, and then after it may fade away like Byzanitum or continue to exist in a sort of "phantom-like" state like China or the middle east.

>> No.5107795

It'll still be a culture based on western principles.

>> No.5107806

Spengler was pretty genius in how he tied a cultures development to its mathematical worldview. Pretty genius if you ask me

>> No.5107811

Western culture is in a transition phase from old-style culture to being totally subsumed by technology.

>> No.5107817

This also goes into the mix. Is there a neo-feudalistic technocracy in the works? Will it be the thing that restores the "natural order" back?

>> No.5107820

>OP gives reasons as to why he thinks the west is in decline
>respond with "nah"

Excellent argumentation brahs

>> No.5107824

>restores the "natural order" back
Let's hope not. We must finish what we started.

>> No.5107830

>Sheldon Wolin

My nigga!

>> No.5107835

By that I mean that the people who control the technology would use it for evil to bring back a sort of feudal caste system where humans become biological robot slaves and the .0001% get to enjoy their Elysium, if you catch my drift

>> No.5107847

whats ethical socialism

>> No.5107853

But that's true

>> No.5107863

go back to /pol/ you slimy cunt

>> No.5107867
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>that feel when shrooms
>yfw everything in nature is cyclical
>yfw you realize history is cyclical because humans make history and humans are products of the natural world and therefore succumb to its laws and regulations

>> No.5107868

In all honesty all that queer shit won't last long.

>> No.5107869

he should add feminism to that list

>> No.5107871

go back to revleft you flaccid dick

>> No.5107873

>implying it won't be shoved down our throat for years to come
>implying we wont keep electing presidents based on identity politics from this point on
>muh female president
>muh gay president
>muh trany president
>muh fat positive gender aneutral binary zeezizozum pro furry president
>if you dont vote your racist/misogynist

>> No.5107886

If they can make us into biological robot slaves, then they can just as well switch off our negative emotions. In which case I won't care.

>> No.5107887
File: 70 KB, 500x557, tumblr_muf2p25poa1r5dalro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western culture is suicidal at the moment. I believe in the darkness Russia will be a beacon of light to millions of disillusioned westerners for 2 reasons

a.) Russia has already gone through the feminism/liberalism shit with its soviet era, and can be described as a post-liberal country which is why it is reacting hard against western degeneracy by adopting traditional values
b.) russia is still a young culture, it was subverted by marxism but is back on path to becoming the Solzhenitsyn/Dostoyevsky-ian Tzarist empire

Russia will save us all

>> No.5107891


>tfw we'll never have an openly atheist president
>tfw we'll never have an openly pedosexual president

>> No.5107893

but why would you give up your humanity and what makes you a individual soul to be a dead robot? why live to be dead?

>> No.5107897

The fun thing about fascist ideology is its circular logic. Like society is degenerating, right? Maybe true. But what is ideology but a self-reflection of society, and how then is fascist ideology immune to degeneration itself (protip, it's not; it's getting worse and worse.

>> No.5107901

nah, its more liek your blood and fingerprints will be hooked up to the internet straight into the government database and if you ever do anything to upset the government they'll shut down your biometric identity so you cant get a job or buy anything

>> No.5107908

>switch off our negative emotions
That's as silly as biological robot slaves.

>> No.5107915

No where in my post did I say fascism is the answer to degeneration. Try again. What may be deduced is that fascism could be a consequence of current social and economic trends. I believe we will witness Euro-Fascism and ethno-nationalism among the White peoples of the world within our lifetime, as foreign populations continue to grow exponentially caused destablization in democratic institutions as muslims and europeans try to compete in the political sphere (and perhaps the US and Mexicans)

>> No.5107930

Ideology can be a reaction to something too. The direct opposite of another ideology.

>> No.5107940


>> No.5107944
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why couldnt I have been born in a more noble time

>> No.5108136

I've never used drugs, but I think you're on point.