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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 14 KB, 111x113, Feels_good_man.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5101438 No.5101438 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw german
Tfw i can read the works of kafka kant schopenhauer hegel nietzsche hesse heidegger etc. in their original language

>> No.5101441

i'm not german but I can do that too

what's your point?

>> No.5101443

And yet you have no gf

>> No.5101472

Well I bet you're too stupid to understand them

>> No.5101486

Best thing about being german is to be able to read Zettels Traum.

>> No.5101491

philosophy is a language too. one has to learn it first in order to be able to understand it, even if one can read the text.

anyway yeah im jelly of that possibility cause we have to learn two for that, philosophy and german.

>> No.5101494

goethe hesse

>> No.5101505

these are the 2 authors i mite give a fuck about. idgaf about muh philosophy bullshit and kafka is horrible

>> No.5101520
File: 44 KB, 473x372, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Anglo
>tfw I can read Locke, Hume, Russell, Smith, Singer, P. Hitchens etc. in their original language

>> No.5101524

everyone knows english idiot

>> No.5101536

Continentals can read it, but they don't understand it.

>> No.5101625

Except for Kafka none of them is worth reading.

>> No.5101657

kafka is the worst from the list though

>> No.5101689


I'm so sorry.

>> No.5101876


>> No.5101893

>DFW American
>Fur funf jahre, ich habe deutsch gelernt
>kann lesen nichts ;_;

3 years of those was in an extremely easy German course even by high school standards but still man

>> No.5101902



>> No.5101939

>tfw i can hide and report your post
feels goodman

>> No.5101968

I can't even imagine how Kafka's works can be translated without losing the feel of his stories.

>> No.5101989

>i-i swear he's better than this guys
>it's the t-translator fault!
>k-kafka is a genius
>germany power!!!

>> No.5101991

Knowing you guys feel that way makes me want to cry more than The Bucket Rider did.

>> No.5101998

>Your head

>> No.5102004

I can't read German, but I definitely feel his style in the translations. So my guess is maybe there's a Kafkaesque for his translated works, and a better Kafkaesque for the original.

>> No.5102009

feel *a* style, I should say

>> No.5102012


>> No.5102021

Hey John,

I emailed you those documents last week and I was wondering what you thought of them?


P.S. How are the kids?

>> No.5102022

It's cute when Johnny Foreigner thinks he understands Shakespeare.

>> No.5102032

Yes, we'll always have that. I don't think it makes up for it though (which I admit that if there is some kind of "objectively best" it would be him, so the position is silly)

>> No.5102039

>these guys

>> No.5102041

Apart from Heidegger, none of these lose much in translation.

If you listed Hölderlin, Rilke, Arno Schmidt it would've made more sense.

>> No.5103079
File: 21 KB, 600x600, Oui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw french speaker at birth
>tfw can read Joann Sfar's work in its original language

>> No.5103639

>tfw shitty third world country native language and only bilingual

Plebistan, dear home of mine!

>> No.5103661

That lists makes me hate Anglos
It's a race of people with no soul. No same person would eat English food

>> No.5103695

Pretty sure saperlipopette is singular mon ami.

>> No.5103741

>tfw Swiss
>tfw French, German and English are taught in school
>tfw currently learning Spanish and Russian
And yet I can only find shitty translating jobs

>> No.5104002

confirmed for Nazi
Besides, the best part of being German is being able to read Dietmar Dath

>> No.5104074

Jelly as fuck man. I'm american and it took me a month to get through Sein und Zeit. French is a lot easier, but goddamn it's like 20 pages a day or something with german. Do you have any of these problems with english, deutsch-fag?

>> No.5105064
File: 134 KB, 670x1000, Dante_Alighieri_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw italian

>> No.5105071


terribly sorry for your loss

>> No.5105078

Bet you're one of those poor bloody Catholics.

>> No.5105087

Luckily all of the best works are English.

>> No.5105088

Mamt a'nud.

>> No.5105092
File: 78 KB, 800x1133, strindberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw Swedish


>> No.5105100


I meant with your being born italian.

>> No.5105105

>Be German
>Read Dietmar Dath
>Renounce German, immediately start to think, count and speak only English

Close call!

>> No.5105122

Typical "cannot know nuthin" pseudo-epistemologist who can't into ethics either.

Bitter depressed virgin crying about women.

Ugly motherfucker spouting trivial tautologies about "dialectics" but then applying the concept incorrectly in the context of metaphysical nonsense.

Fedora tipping edge lord who copied platitudes from others and has a wrong conception of morality.

Spiritual pseudo-buddhist nutcase.

Deluded nazi dwelling in nonsensical metaphysical existentialist fantasies.

>> No.5105125
File: 43 KB, 477x588, Caligrama bolaño.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best language coming throught! From Spains golden age to Latinoamerican boom!
Don't forget Borges or Bolaño.
Who am I kidding, for literature, french is the best.

>> No.5105128

you sure convinced us with those hot opinions

>> No.5105132

This reductionist bullshit can be done with anyone, kill yourself.

>> No.5105144

>Fedora tipping edge lord who copied platitudes from others and has a wrong conception of morality.
haha the fedora pic got another!

>> No.5105147

Christian pls

>> No.5105151

intended for>>5105122

>> No.5105158

lol, I'm a nihilist

>> No.5105163
File: 26 KB, 523x391, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little shitpost and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a 4chan pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the routine. The "epic" philosopher guy, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on 4chan posting about a philosophical tradition. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a writer or a professor or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic il/lit/erate NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "X is illogical X is edgy X is bullshit." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.

>> No.5105166


>> No.5105196

>tfw German
>tfw I understand all the joges of Mario Barth
>tfw I can watch the Bundesliga and read the Bild
yeah. That is actually the only bonus. You can also read Nietzsche, Hölderlin and Rilke to find out that translations are better indeed.
also: i speak raschkan and fronsä
rashkan: perfect grammar and orthography. reading speed ~2 words per minute. fuck you, cyrillic.
french: i read it alright. but french people are so insufferable i wished i learnt to beat people up with baguettes, living fish (which they sell in their hypermarkets) and with pieces of designer furniture instead.

>> No.5105249

Seems accurate I guess. Also he probably has nobody to talk about his bullshit opinions other than the internet and so he developed a delusional superiority complex as an excuse of muh true opinions that nobody understands because they are way too stupid whereas he's actually just too dumb or ugly to make any sort of social interaction.

>> No.5105265

>I'm a nihilist

As already has been, said kill yourself. You're contributing nothing, please die

>> No.5105267


He stated in a previous thread that he was a sociopath in a pretty honest (and what seemed to almost be half-bragging) way.

I seriously think this guy might be a sociopath.

At the very least he does have some sort of genuinely fucking up pathology going on.

>> No.5105271

Stop enabling him, retard.

>> No.5105276

Don't be so jelly just because she's smarter than you.

>> No.5105279


No one is enabling this idiot.

His mediocrity is self-motivating.

>> No.5105283

Sorry mate but you can watch the Bundesliga without learning German fluently, it's easy to pick up on football terms. It's better to know German but not really necessary. And Bild is hardly a bonus.

>> No.5105330
File: 1.98 MB, 400x219, gta-the-joke[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like you have a very German sense of humor.
The point was: everything else you can get without any German at all.

>> No.5105334

except Marcel Reich-Ranicki, his essays are still mostly untranslated

or Karl Kraus, that one murican has a huge boner for him

>> No.5105345

>philosophy is a language too


>> No.5105373

Someone get this hothead outta here.

How about you stop projecting, Mr Samefag? If you disagree with my summary of popular german philosophers, then why don't you post reasonable criticism instead of infantile insults? Are you even familiar with their metaphysical, ethical and epistemological views?

⇒he, him, his
you must be new here

>> No.5105379

You post shit you get shit criticism, don't expect anything else

>> No.5105384

Learn to debate, you clown.

>> No.5105389

But why would you read Kraus? It's Publizistik. What's more it is OUTDATED Publizistik. It's like translating H.L.Mencken or George Eliot for the modern German public. It's not the language that is foreign. The issues are foreign. What did you have in mind of Kraus? Also: what's so good about Ranicki? He's a television star and what I have heard of him on Brecht, on love and on other such triffles were platitudes; eloquent platitudes but platitudes nevertheless.

>> No.5105401

arrows pls go
you're derailing (bumping) shit threads again

>> No.5105408

Reich-Ranicki's auto-biography is beautiful ("Mein Leben" - no clue as what it was translated)

He was one of the best Verreißer German literature ever had: read this old one http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/print/d-9208344.html

>Natürlich zitieren Sie Fontane ausgiebig - und so, wie die Dinge liegen, muß ich sagen: Je mehr in Ihrem Buch von ihm stammt, desto besser für uns und für Sie.

I can't find a particularly beautiful "positive" essay online right now. And he died last year ;_;

I wouldn't know why you'd read Kraus, I just checked, Jonathan Franzen has translated some essays in "The Kraus Project" - I think Franzen thinks he found a friend in Kraus in his derision of modern life, but Kraus is worlds apart from Franzen. And I agree, the majority of Kraus' writing leaves the modern writer hopelessly confused.

>> No.5105469
File: 4 KB, 200x200, 1387948739910s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Russian immigrant in Germany
>tfw I read Hesse and Dostoevsky in their original language
>tfw my French is good enough to understand Camus

>> No.5105470

this + English is all you need actually

>> No.5105477

what sane person would even watch Bundesliga or WM for that matter

>> No.5105485
File: 19 KB, 512x323, 1403172177575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Irish
>tfw my German lecturer speaks better Irish than I do
>tfw he's apparently notorious in the German historical circuit for being a massive Eireboo

>> No.5105500

Problem is the sensibilities and interests of a foreign public are wildly different from those of the Germans. New York likes Hilsenrath. It isn't interested in a moderately conservative critique of Günter Grass.
I'd love to hear the Polish opinions about Stanislaw Lem and Czech ones about Hacek, Hrabal and Kundera but that's just me. Because I have read them. To sell translation it has to appeal to broader interests than that.
I will look into Franzen and Kraus.

Do you want to try translations? Also where are you located right now?

>> No.5105501


>not latin
>not greek
>"into literature"

>> No.5105505

Let's make a reading club, guys. I do want to improve my French.

>> No.5105534

Now, where did everybody go? We even had a Russian dude here.

>> No.5105555


>Not Gaelic

come on man, apply yourself

>> No.5105578


>Not bogtrotters


>> No.5105610

It's Irish. 'Gaelic' can refer to Scottish Gaelic, Irish or Manx.

>> No.5105838

Live currently in Düsseldorf, will move either to Stuttgart or Berlin next year. I'm to lazy and not confident enough in my skills to do translations.

>> No.5105848

why just heidegger

>> No.5105855

Why are there so many FUCKING pieces of shit on this fucking board.
I come to this fucking board because literally all other boards are infested with scat loving japanophiles sucking cock of jewt and you are all not taking any thing fucking seriously.
Seriously. Fuck this shit. Fuck.

>> No.5105865

>not dead language
>not obsolete language

To you study medicine? Are you Greek? No? Then don't bother.

>> No.5106873

hmm... let's do a reading group then to improve the French.

>> No.5106962

did you read it?