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5099475 No.5099475 [Reply] [Original]

Who/what is God? Where is He/it?

No pretentious bullshit, please.

>> No.5099514

he gay lol

>> No.5099516

Not real. If he were, all matter would contain infinite energy and the universe would be infinitely large, as god himself would have to be infinitely powerful to create matter from nothing. Also, shit would be a lot cooler if he was real.

>> No.5099526

le fedora tip

>> No.5099531
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Atheists have existed long before fedoras or even edgy neckbeards have, I have nothing to be ashamed of.

>> No.5099539

Its a metaphor to keep people from rampaging in the streets.

>> No.5099545

Shouldn't you be out playing with Calvin, Hobbes?

>> No.5099548

But what is it a metaphor for? Are our lives more like The Matrix than we know? What came before nothing?

>> No.5099608

the universe is huge as fuck tho

>> No.5099615

But not infinite.

>> No.5099632

Viral meme.

>> No.5099634

Prove it.

>> No.5099637

dont think god is bound by physical laws

>> No.5099647

So some le catholic scientist did already. How do you know when a scientist is catholic? Catholics will inform you of the fact.

>> No.5099648

Infinity is impossible; it's only a mathematical concept. And even if it was infinite, it would still have almost no energy through most of it.

>> No.5099657

He's a social construct, or as Einstein put it, the form of beauty in the universe. All real world laws or actions that result from literal interpretations are idiotic

>> No.5099667

The uncaused first cause.
The fount of Being.

>> No.5099677

Then where is God? Where was God before The Big Bang? And before him? This shit is driving me mad and I need to know; it's starting to inhibit my life.

>> No.5099683

Wouldn't he, if he was the one to create them?

>> No.5099693

Not many people believe in a physical God. God is spirit, but not energy or matter. The big bang was the distribution of energy and matter.

Before the big bang, God is (not was - he is not temporal).

>> No.5099705

Is it such an absurd idea to even start to think about the possibility of us living in a simulation/emulation of some sort? Something of an experiment? Perhaps administered by other humans?

>> No.5099709

Why do you think its impossible?

>> No.5099715

Because the concept of infinity is completely absurd.

>> No.5099717

You still have the same problems about what created them. Those other people need a cause. Having an infinite series of causes is illogical, therefore there must be a first cause which is uncaused. That uncaused first cause is held by most to be God.

>> No.5099723

Of course it isn't.

Matrix showcased it well.

Can you elaborate why? Is it just because you find the concept of the never ending room absurd, or?

>> No.5099725

What scientists? Give me a source. For what I know science does't have an answer for that yet.

>> No.5099733

Before the Big Bang, all matter was condensed into a single point. How could you condense infinity into something so small?

>> No.5099745

>Having an infinite series of causes is illogical, therefore there must be a first cause which is uncaused. That uncaused first cause is held by most to be God.

I would shake my head if I didn't know better.

>> No.5099751

Good question. But I think that is a question we're not able to answer yet.

That's why I'll leave it at that.

>> No.5099765

And time - forgot that one.

>> No.5099791

There wasn't "matter" before the big bang, nor time.

>> No.5099798

I'd not even say time exists now, its a just a concept to measure when the sun goes up and down, and what happens in between this.

But I might be talking gibberish.

>> No.5099802

From the big bang we pretty clearly know that time matter and energy all burst into existence simultaneously, so there is no infinite regression in the universe.

Check out Aristotle's Metaphysics, at least a sparknotes version of it.

>> No.5099825

Yes, but, to posit there was nothing before it is nonsensical -- as much as to posit there was something prior.

It's unknowable; so, to objectively state that is disproves infinite-regress is just dumb.

>> No.5099830

How can you use something which doesn't exist as a means of measure?

>> No.5099841


>> No.5099842

Because its a concept with laws.

If I didn't have the language barrier, I'd try to make it clearer, but I guess the main point of what I said is that I don't think the universe will ever stop, thus making time irrelevant in other circumstances than what we people have made it to be, which is the measurement of how many hours that are left until the sun goes down and rises once more.

Hope its not too confusing, I'm having trouble explaining this properly.

>> No.5099867

I think science would say that there isn't a "before the big bang" (you may want to check me on that) since time started as an aspect of it.

The big bang was just the beginning of everything, the event for which there is no before but there is an after.

But something caused the big bang to bang, something that moved without being moved, caused without being caused.

That's God.

>> No.5099887

Did you read any Kant?

>> No.5099904

>tfw that pic is actually completely true

i feel bad for you nonNEETS

>> No.5099909

"God" is one of many gods, which are beings from realms outside of our existence
God is just one that wanted all the peoples on earth for his own collection instead of the fairer one pantheon per race with reincarnationist religions used as an engine to create more souls over time in order to bolster and continue the number of souls generated by our dimension for use by gods to their own ends

>> No.5099919

in the beginning, all matter was in the same place. when this place rapidly expanded, all of the universe was made up of subatomic particles, drifting around. some subatomic particles bonded with each other and made the first hydrogen atom. you see, the universe is simply growth and development - small particles to larger particles, rocks to planets, organic matter to dna, proteins to cells. god is the presence of matter, it didn't have to be here, but it is. god is the will of the universe.

>> No.5099927

Thou art God. Do you grok?

>> No.5099937


this is the dumbest shit i ever read.

>> No.5099947


what do you mean anon?

>> No.5099955

This sounds like a two-thousand year old book I read the intro of once...

>> No.5099979

Kant went over this
So did Hume
And so did the absurdists

>> No.5099988

did you just compare my shitty post to the most influential piece of literature of all time

>> No.5100002


>> No.5100005

he didn't compare your post to infinite jest though

>> No.5100029

Success is more fun.

God means different things to different people. Your question is too broad.

>> No.5100035

God is. He is omnipresent.

>> No.5100100
File: 50 KB, 462x648, HART.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TC, if you are serious, I would strongly recommend The Experience of God by David Bentley Hart.

I started reading it today and it's great. It's an explanation of the "classical theism" notion of God that is shared among the serious monotheist traditions.

>> No.5100159

Cool, thanks. I've just bookmarked it on Amazon. Any other similar texts?

>> No.5100192

That's not how the Big Bang theory works.

>> No.5100478

nice animu, neckbeard

>> No.5100691
File: 94 KB, 575x416, 090113-big-bang-inflation-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infinity of the universe was a thing during early/mid 20th century; somewhere in 70s came an idea of dinite irregular distribution of matter; current idea is that universe is finite and expanding and becoming more and more in thermodynamic equilibrium

>> No.5100697

He is out of dimensions; people as 3-dimensional beings that perceive time linearly can't even comprehend 4-dimensional "things" let alone something that is not bounded by dimensions.

Imagine that you are drawn character living on a sheet of paper-2-dimensional world; you can't comprehend the 3-dimensional world of your creator either.

>> No.5100703
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>God comes to earth to show us the truth
>Speaks in riddles and parables
>no one gets it, everyone kills their neighbor for disagreeing

I imagine Jesus made this face when he ascended to heaven

>> No.5100706

No time is not absolute; muh relativity
Time is easily describable in modern science

>> No.5100707 [DELETED] 


Where were you before you were born? Where you nothing? How can you come from nothing?

When you die do you imagine you will be nothing?

>> No.5100711

I do; yes consciousness-wise you were nothing; you will be nothing.
"For you are dust, and to dust you shall return"

Yet I'm a Christian, but I'm highly doubtful.

>> No.5100731


i'm god
nice to meet you

>> No.5100889

I hate god. He creates thinking, feeling beings like satan and us humans, then makes us suffer and yearn for the things we can't have. He stole my brother away from me. Note: I am not a satanist.

>> No.5100890

Is the locksmith bound by the handcuffs he makes?

>> No.5100894

I agree with you on time. It's just a measurement used to mark the decay or change of things as we observe them.

>> No.5100922

God, at least the god of the Bible/Torah/Qur'an has been rendered obsolete by science. God is a place holder for all the shit people don't understand. As we understand more about our universe, we have less need to attribute things we can't currently explain to a god. He is in the bible, and that's just about it.

>> No.5101632


>> No.5101684

God is physical reality. The mind is illusion, original sin refers to this, buddha, jesus, mekkastone, giordano bruno's last words; =original sin. science 'd be in congruence only if it said 'science itself is original sin', therefore it cannot be. Psychology remains science & does not escape this, neither does neuroscience. God is not cognizeable, a buddhist would say. So what i said about buddha applies ,really, specifically to 'the western misinterpretation',which makes him into a 'jesus'. But, again, it is not 'cognizeable'. Nothing can be said, describingly, about physical reality by it itself, it'd require a parallel physical reality, which is insane to believe in imblasphemouso, just as all belief is.

>> No.5101697

Blasphemy is belief, really. Who knows the difference between mind, clinical insanity, belief, saintliness? It's one thing, which is reffered to as 'blasphemy', 'rabbidness'(""insanity"").

>> No.5101700

Pardon me ... it's 'one "thing"'

>> No.5101705

I cd use simpler, pragmatic words but i prefer to keep it in 'wide description'. If i do attempt this i cd say 'opinion', if interpreted somewhat unscholarly and in the 'largest' meaning as mind, cd be a 'modern word' for original sin/blasphemy/"clinicalinsanity, ie rabbidness".

>> No.5101717

After 4 posts you still managed to give absolutely 0 information on what "god" is. Brilliant.
"God is physical reality"
"Axkhjd is banana"
What the fuck is that supposed to bring into the discussion?

>> No.5101721

I must add. That i'm not in anyway claiming anything intellectual you know. Proscelitizing, anything really, is a disease. And i in no way urge anyone to 'have an "opinion" about 'me' stating opinion is 'insanity'', however 'hegel on crack'/intense fedora tipperery that sounds.

>> No.5101726

I formally apologize if i 'impede' on you. However, i am not legally prohibited to talk in public.

>> No.5101731

That's good.
Do you also bring useful informations or you just like to make noises?

>> No.5101736

I like to make noises

>> No.5101751

Anyway... Hell & heaven are original sin good being heaven then, hell being evil. The as above so below, trismesgustus and his son = toth, dreamtime, egodeath, all original sin/"rabbidity"-metaphors.

>> No.5101954

As to being accused of 'saying nothing', it is not up to me to be world teacher or world student. Religion rightfully uses books for that, to show 'wether you want to grow intellectually is up to you', just as science does, both espouse formal courtesy & ascertain 'freedom of the will to power'.

>> No.5101996

"Being courteous" know is called 'being a proverbial "homosexual" from the """illuminati""" / etc...'. Ready the tank, fritz ... (my apologies for people who use the holocaust as an excuse to tiranize others, and my apologies for my opinion about them. sincerely, bram duprez)

>> No.5102023

I imagine God like a petite girl with short hair on cam that takes off her shirt and says "yes, I have small boobs, stop teasing me >_<"

>> No.5102053

God is a perfected being with a body and a spirit. He is the father of our spirits and creator of our bodies.
I do not know where he lives exactly, but to be able to live with him and to live like him is the highest degree of glory we can attain.
To understand God, you must also understand the divine potential in humankind, for he is what we can be.

>> No.5102057

>Who/what is God? Where is He/it?
God is just what ever power is greater than us.
If you were some secluded Mayan tribe, and I came with the technology we have today and applied them to "wow" and "dazzle" you I would be seen as a God.

No tinfoil BS but I feel some extraterrestrial group may have influenced in the past millennium, that is why we always say that our Gods live in the sky.
>they come down
>throw around superior intellect and technonolgy
>heal come sick/preform miracles

>> No.5102066

>God is a perfected being with a body and a spirit.
What is "divine simplicity"?

>> No.5102075

A Greek influence on a Judaic religion?

>> No.5102285

Christianity predates Judaism. Do your research.

>> No.5102292
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>> No.5102295

Let me rephrase.
A Greek philosophical influence on a Isrealite religion.

>> No.5102297

Feuerbach - the essence of religion

>> No.5102568

You know right? that is why you are making fun of me because you know everything that there is to know.

>> No.5102578

>A Greek philosophical influence on a Isrealite religion.

Ok that's better.

>> No.5102624

>Here's this stupid fucking question
>No pretentious bullshit, please

>> No.5102911


>What came before nothing?

Actually stop and listen to yourself asking that question. You seem to think that 'nothing' is a tangible thing which began and which there was something 'before'. This is completely ludicrous.

Nothing is the truest essence of emptiness and void, the lowest state possible. Nothing is the void from which all 'things' begin.

>> No.5102945

God = (Redemptive) Truth = Justice = Love = The Form of the Good

to deny the existence of God is to deny that these things exist

>> No.5102966

God is out of the physical world for he cannot be a part of his own creation. God is eternal since He created space and time. I don't even think He "exists" because existence is submitted to time. Therefore, God is but does not "exist".

>> No.5102983

Come on, man. U don't actually believe that do you. It's like oscar wilde on crack. I'm sorry for my apparent vehemence and all it's just my opinion that creator god is a misinterpretation from trismegustus ritual egodeath which utilizes it as a poetic reference and at the end as a third character when the cleansed ego "sings to said ,theoretical, 'creatorgod'". Imo there is ni creatorgod, god is physical reality and hence undescribeable, in any way shape or form. [The mind-(illusion) is simply a hypothesis to do shamanic egodeath, 'therapy' if you are to really overextend the latter term.] just my opinion, you don't have to listen to it or agree with it. Good day dude. Sincerely, bram duprez.

>> No.5102987

What you are describing is the virtues, which were first conceptualized as being 'powers of toth' and which the roman empire later stretched out into the jesus-story. Again ... imo.

>> No.5102997

He who am. The uncaused first cause. That which is supremely simple. That which is infinite.

>> No.5103017

Again ... nothing can be said of od. Not even by usage of poetic/musical terminology. The prime mover is simply a sciencizing of creatorgod, which is bs, impo. But i'm not looking for a fight over these things, i have no clue what anyone else's thoughtprocess is. But i stick to it, god cannot be described. since "he" is physical reality, and that cannot be described by the thing subjugated to it the scientific hypothesis called 'human-mind'. Just my two cents, no harm intended. Captc five esther rorsach apache4 my first band esther .... My last gf

>> No.5103019

*tips barista*

>> No.5103066 [DELETED] 

Something that we cannot understand with our limited forebrains.

>> No.5103071

“A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do.” - Bob Dylan.

>> No.5103081


he later converted to christianity.

>> No.5103091

Abstract data thrower.
Some thing must exist.
All of existence is attributed to my bone structure (the hegel).
I am seeing the only thing that can possibly be existing (the root).
I am not the thinking god.
God does not have circular thought, he is simply a notion.
God is immaterial, but is thing in itself, perhaps all phenomena them self are god.
Noumena are conciousness and existence itself.

>> No.5103489

Read the bible and pray

>> No.5103544

God is love and justice is doing for others what you would do for yourself.
Two thousand years ago the Logos, the transcendent and eternal Form of the Good, which came from God and was with God from the beginning and was God, was born a man. The man taught and lived the Good, and was then arrested and executed for this. Three days later he rose from the dead, proclaimed the end of death for all men, commanded his followers to make disciples of all nations. He will return one day, raise the dead and judge them along with the living on their love of others, and will establish his kingdom on earth, and God himself will dwell with men.
And that's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.

>> No.5104090


>> No.5106107

>trying to disprove God with science

This shows such an extreme lack of understanding

>> No.5106241


"It need scarcely be emphasized that nothing we shall have to say is aimed against the methods of Science in their proper sphere or is intended to throw the slightest doubt on their value. But to preclude any misunderstanding on this point we shall, wherever we are concerned, not with the general spirit of disinterested inquiry but with slavish imitation of the method and language of Science, speak of “scientism” or the “scientistic” prejudice. Although these terms are not completely unknown in English, they are actually borrowed from the French, where in recent years they have come to be generally used in very much the same sense in which they will be used here. It should be noted that, in the sense in which we shall use these terms, they describe, of course, an attitude which is decidedly unscientific in the true sense of the word, since it involves a mechanical and uncritical application of habits of thought to fields different from those in which they have been formed. The scientistic as distinguished from the scientific view is not an unprejudiced but a very prejudiced approach which, before it has considered its subject, claims to know what is the most appropriate way of investigating it."

The Counter-Revolution Of Science: Studies on the Abuse of Reason (1955)

>> No.5106268

Absolutely. Unquestioned tenet of Scientism = Religious tenet.

>> No.5106273

Bob Dylan, Spokesman for the Special Olympics?

>> No.5106282


>> No.5106877

Enjoy your ennui fag

>> No.5107094


Reading through your posts I can't help but come to the conclusion that you/your mind might be a bit disjointed. That aside, I think you might be on to something here as I've experienced egodeath and what you say resonates with me

>> No.5108051

You are now my child