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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 48 KB, 535x577, tfw crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5096161 No.5096161[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

most feelsy piece of writing you've read

>death of a salesman
shit /lit/ i wasn't ready.

>> No.5096183
File: 24 KB, 318x469, Herzen - My Past & Thoughts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Herzen made me weep with his simple stories of plight for his fathers serfs.

>death of a salesman
>Death of a Salesman
I saw Dennehy play him on stage. Tragic.

>> No.5096191

>tfw I got a 1st edition copy of death of a salesman for $1

>> No.5096206

Where the Red Fern Grows

I haven't ever read it without crying.

>> No.5096298
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Ending of Death with Interruptions by Saramago. Although those were good feels.

>> No.5096322
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When you know nobody will come to your funeral.

>> No.5096339

>except your parents

>> No.5096349

the grapes of wrath
jude the obscure

>> No.5096357

>tfw I know that no one outside my immediate family will attend my wedding
>tfw I probably won't get married anyway because why would someone marry me

>> No.5096359

i wish i were a woman

>> No.5096393

I'm probably just a bitchboi but norwegian wood was a rollercoaster of feels. There were parts that made me lol, cry and feel genuine happiness.

I know /lit/ doesn't really like it much but norwegian wood is a solid 8/10 novel.

>> No.5096403

Notes from Underground.

>> No.5096409

The Metamorphosis

>> No.5096421

Models: Attract Women Through Honesty

>> No.5096430

The fault in our stars

>> No.5096462

Obligatory Stoner mention

>> No.5096467


Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

>> No.5096472

Oh god. At the time I first read it I was such a depressed and cynical shit. It hit me so hard I had to put it down 11 pages in.

>> No.5096500

Why would you?

Also, the Nausea.

>> No.5096529
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>> No.5096543

something happened

>> No.5096558

The God Delusion

I wasn't prepared. I wasn't ready to have my sky daddy rigorously disproved by logic and science. Why didn't noboy warn me? Now I can't believe in god anymore. ;(

>> No.5096561

i don't believe you i just don't!

>> No.5096575

*tips fedora*

>> No.5096595

The Once and Future King.
Every time.
I will never be brave enough to keep the candle burning ;_;

>> No.5096605

>you will never fuck qt Guenevere behind your bro and king's back

>> No.5096631


I'm probably just a bitchboi but The Fault in Our Stars was a rollercoaster of feels. There were parts that made me lol, cry and feel genuine happiness.

I know /lit/ doesn't really like it much but The Fault in Our Stars is a solid 8/10 novel.

>> No.5096653


>> No.5096662

That book sure made me lol a lot too

>> No.5096668

i was lusting after some girl when i read the sorrows of young werther.

>> No.5096679


>> No.5096683

>that last line of the book
>tfw struggling to do whats right makes you feel like an old man just like arthur

>> No.5096702

>The part where the protagonist breaks down and rants at the prostitute about how much of a broken piece of shit he is

>> No.5096741


>> No.5096751


>> No.5096753

2666 The Part About the Crimes

>> No.5096759
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>> No.5096772

>that no being completely implied in the post
you are dumb
go away

>> No.5096774

Yep. Fuck

>> No.5096779

I wish I were in Dixie

>> No.5096859

Do visual novels count?
If so then Katawa Shoujo

>> No.5096866

Sorrow Beyond Dreams

You'll call your mom if she is still alive, if not you'll likely off yourself.

>> No.5096916

The Sound and the Fury

>> No.5096921


>> No.5096925
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>> No.5096942

Levin's plot line in Anna Karenina.

>> No.5096965
File: 89 KB, 300x425, Steppenwolf_300x425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5096974
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Kenji was right

>> No.5096981

Welcome to the NHK

>> No.5096985

I've only watched the show. Is the book better or worse?

>> No.5096993

It's better storywise and more detailed, but the lack of audio and kawaii visuals is one thing to look out for. Still a good read, especially good if you want a cathartic release.

>> No.5096999
File: 769 KB, 1600x1072, sadfrog alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay thanks. I identified too much with the main character in the show.

>> No.5097001

The show omitted the drugs

>> No.5097004

What kind of drugs?

>> No.5097024


Generic hallucinogens. It's implied in the anime but not explicitly stated that he takes them. He orders them online for direct delivery to his door.


'Flowers for Algernon' and 'The Tartar Steppe' both hit me pretty hard.

>> No.5097027

Did he use silkroad?

>> No.5097041
File: 29 KB, 325x364, penny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right in the Fucking Feels

“The internet is public space, real space; it’s increasingly where we interact socially, do our work, organize our lives and engage with politics, and violence online is real violence. The hatred of women in public spaces online is reaching epidemic levels and it’s time to end the pretense that it’s either acceptable or inevitable.”
-- Laurie Penny

>> No.5097044

> 2014
> "*tips fedora*"

You earn +100 experience points. You achieved Autistic lvl 50.

>> No.5097046
File: 49 KB, 625x352, monarchy-20090520132534_625x352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this jumped-up public school girl all over /lit/ today?

>> No.5097047

Isn't there hatred against all different groups, including men, online?

>> No.5097050

Stop the violence!

>> No.5097054

Would you recommend the book? I have le morte d'arthur but have not read it yet.

>> No.5097056

>That piece of crap.

You must be new on /lit/

>> No.5097061
File: 259 KB, 500x375, 1364330506138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can appreciate masterpieces for their qualities but you cant stop piece of crap from getting you feel.s

>> No.5097065

But anon, we are talking here about books.
Books != Visual Novels.

>> No.5097069

What are visual novels but picture books with sound?

It's not like they're video games.

>> No.5097085

>violence online is real violence
If that were true I would have been dragon roasted and had a head full of Waffen SS bullets.

>> No.5097088

Physical violence =/= verbal and emotional violence.

>> No.5097095

They are the same thing. Emotional violence causes physical damage to the brain.

>> No.5097102

That explains a lot.

>> No.5097118

Did daddy shout a lot then?

>> No.5097126

For sale: babby shoes, never worned ;_;

>> No.5097131

>emotional violence.

You don't know how close I came to liberating Stalingrad from the Fascist invaders and you speak to me of emotional violence.

>> No.5097146


I don't think it's mentioned where he gets them from even in the novel. He just orders drugs online.

>> No.5097172

>for sale
>not "4 sale"

>> No.5097197
File: 15 KB, 281x450, 9781590173244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know enough to know how you feel is senseless, but you don't know enough to know why.

who put this sand into my eyes

>> No.5098384
File: 28 KB, 310x450, absalom51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't hate it!
>I don't!
>I don't!

Quentin holy fucking shit I cannot hold any of the feels goddammit I thought Sound and the Fury already emotionally numbed me this is too fucking much to bear

>> No.5099123


>> No.5099152

I swear you've posted this before

>> No.5099168

that book is posted often now. it's probably the same person. i want to read it now myself anyway.

>> No.5099258

Not that guy but I have posted that book and the crushing feels it created. Don't read the intro until after you have read the book.

>> No.5100242


>> No.5100255

I know that feel.

>> No.5100264
File: 96 KB, 878x585, 1386408057306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A farewell to arms
Literally most Hemingway books

>> No.5100265

It's entirely possible that I posted this before, I put this quote into my notes.. I can't remember if I posted this quote before here.

>> No.5100268

Cheer up, anon, life can be better but it sure could be a lot worse

>> No.5100276

Jeez, a Farewell to Arms came out of nowhere. I was expecting a happy ending but Hemingway threw that all away. I've only read the Sun Also rises and the Old Man and the Sea by him, can you rec me something else?

>> No.5100299

>when you want no one to come to your funeral, but you know they will

>> No.5100312

Is he fucking someone?

>> No.5100324

Oh man, that got me good when it came out I'm physically handicapped; I've seen it brought up now a few times on different boards over the past week, weird

>> No.5100330

Fathers and Sons
DoaS too but OP already posted it

>> No.5100377

I started crying in the theatre at the end of All My Sons, it just fuckin overwhelmed me

>> No.5100434

The end of Karamazov when Ilyusha's funeral is underway and Snegirov is following the casket like a puppy, picking up flower petals and putting them back on the casket. And then he stands around uncomfortably during the procession and can't figure out where to sit and just sits there wringing his hat. And then he goes home and sees his son's boots and just starts weeping.

And now I'm crying like a little bitch

>> No.5100457

Johnny Got his Gun

My body could never have been ready

>> No.5100460

The Evolution of Bruno Littlemore. Poor guy.

>> No.5100499

H-have you seen the music video for Metallica's One yet?

>> No.5100969

House of Leaves affected me really deeply. I read it in the two weeks after my brother died. I would read it every night and then get drunk. It started to make my depression worse. I played around one night, blind drunk, sticking the barrel of my shotgun against different parts of my head. The book deepened my depression, but I kept reading, and as the book transformed from a black story to a white story, or at least a gray story, it began to help me cope. I read it once a year.

>> No.5101017

The Crossing.
Kind of an unrealistic amount of shit goes wrong for Billy, but still...the fact that he's left to blame himself.

>> No.5101079

Is this for real?