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/lit/ - Literature

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5095793 No.5095793[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

f you owned a private school and could run it any way, then what would it look like, /lit/?

Doing a comparison here. Corollary thread on /pol/

>> No.5095797

Was it a deliberate choice to make the lips look like an anus?

>> No.5095801

Probably a building with very fit legs.

>> No.5095803


>> No.5095805

It depends on how old the girls are

>> No.5095819


>> No.5095822

5 years, Year round, mandatory athletics including weights and aerobics, super healthy high protein meals, evening lecture series from ivy professors, mandatory foreign languages (Chinese, Russian, Spanish, French, Arabic, Hindi, your choice of two), choice between business and accounting math or higher science based math curricula, English and foreign lit depending on year, ethics and classics depending on year, computer sciences and languages based on year, university level sciences curriculum, 5th year internships and foreign travel, and stark black uniforms for all.

>> No.5095827

this is a /lit/ board, sugar

>> No.5095829

Where's my music and history classes?

>> No.5095837

Fair enough, I think instruments are important, and nitty gritty history as well.

>> No.5095843

lol, yeah, better offer hindi

waste of time

>> No.5095853

I don't know how I'd fund it, but I'd like well paid/respected staff of competent teachers and tutors, with all the computer and cell phone connections to allow more freedom of movement. Miss a day of class, np, turn in your work via computer. Some students are going to bring some bad habits, so their curriculums would differ from student to student. Perhaps a different division of staff to evaluate this and keep in contact with parents.

Anal dentata?

Where's your thread(s)?

>> No.5095868

Lasts forever or as long as you want, attendance is optional, beds are provided, school is self sufficient so all students will have to help produce food and water, classes are in whatever you want. I am absolute dictator though and kick out anyone who disrupts the harmony of the school.

>> No.5095878

>I am absolute dictator though and kick out anyone who disrupts the harmony of the school.

You'd have to kick yourself out.

>> No.5095892

plus one grappling art (wrestling, judo, ju-jitsu)
and one striking art (boxing, karate, kung fu)

Also basic scripting, at least html, css and js.

It isn't really smart to face the world these days without at least a basic understanding of the web.

>> No.5095905

I would immediately convert it into a senior's education center.
I would rent out each room to instructors who could teach whatever course they wanted.
I would run publicity at the local nursing homes, preferable it would be nearby, otherwise I'd have to spring for a shuttle bus or something.
I would organize group deals.

There would probably be painting, yoga, jazzercise, pilates, but all adapted to the unique needs of senior citizens. I wouldn`t give less of le fuck.

I would ride out the end of the baby boom like a fly ass muthafucka.
When they all died off and no one could afford it anymore I would convert it into a Victorian style workhouse for poor citizens to do penance and pay off their debt. By now the economy would be completely down the shitter and the welfare state wouldn`t be a reality and child labor laws would probably be relaxed a little, considering the realities of the time.

I don`t know what I`d manufacture, I don`t know what would be the most profitable.
Probably barbed wire.

>> No.5095920






>> No.5095928


Or I could preserve harmony by kicking everyone else out and just having myself left.

>> No.5095929

Driveway gravel for all the horse drawn carriages that the wealthy will have to ride in since there's no more tarsands

>> No.5095954

I'm gonna assume this is basically a private highschool.

We would focus on the mastery of elementary and fundamental skills troughout, without ever diverging into something that remotely looked like specialisation (not mandatorily, at least).

This basically means that the curriculum would entirely consists of logic, grammar, and mathematic.

Grammar would be decomposed into different sub-section such as reading comprehension and writing. The logic, reading and writing course would eventually merge together so that logic could be applied to the latter. Class would consist, at the advanced level, of daily debates supplemented with essays, the debate part being graded by other students, who would select a winner of the debate.

The mathematics course would focus on applied math at an elementary level. Ultimately, math games, with winners and loosers, would determine a student's grade. He would have to compete with others.

No attempt would be made to fill up student's time. If the curriculum calls for 4 hour of material a day, then so be it. If it can be convered in three years time, then, again, so be it. No attempt would be made to control student's life, manage their schedule, their meal, their physical routine etc. Pedagogical gagdgetery would be kept to a minimum.

It would be a minimalist school, offering optional courses in specialized branch for interested student, but I would try to have as little of it be mandatory as possible.

>> No.5095960

Guess what every student in the school would start his first year with.

go on, guess what they'd start with[/spoiler[

>> No.5095965


>> No.5095975

Maths, literature, and philosophy.

>> No.5095982

you arent even aryan yourself pleb

>> No.5095986
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grappling is the thinking mans fighting art, pugilism just doesnt have the same level of depth (and also head contusions).

>> No.5095989

are you?

>> No.5095995
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>> No.5096019

You seem to have high neanderthal admixture, therefore you're probably not aryan...

Also, we don't exactly know REI's heritage, so you can't know if he's aryan himself or not.

>> No.5096023

>You seem to have high neanderthal admixture

>> No.5096024

He's not, he's half Mexican and half Filipino.

>> No.5096030


high neanderthal admixture would mean hes even more mustard rice.

>> No.5096031
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Pic related.

>> No.5096033

lol so ugly

>> No.5096035

>sloping low forehead
>slightly snubbed nose
>slight prognathism

But that's wrong, retard.

>> No.5096039

Nice try

>> No.5096041

>But that's wrong, retard
Are you upset that your lover isn't blonde haired and blue eyed? He's Mexican, get over it.

>> No.5096049

>Mexican means he's brown, fat and short

No, Johnnie, you are the dead

>> No.5096065

Mexican and Asiatic descent means he's not Aryan.
Tell me, do you masturbate while reading his tumblr. Do you also print out his posts, draw a heart around his trip, and then pin them to your wall?

>> No.5096082

>Mexican and Asiatic descent means he's not Aryan.

Oh yeah? Explain how. You seem mad for some reason. Did he humiliate you once upon a time??

>> No.5096103

I think that we can create a new system of education. Check it out. First of all, there should be a wikipedia-type database that's funded by the State and moderated by the universities. On this site, anybody can educate themselves on any topic. With that, there should be a standard certification exam for each and every field of knowledge, divided into three levels: level one is a bachelor's equivalent, level two is a master's equivalent, level three a doctorate equivalent. Naturally, these tests must be taken in person at state testing facilities to crush cheating. The upshot is:
that on this system, we will no longer need to spend exorbitant amounts of money and time getting degrees that, without fine standard, do not even communicate competency for employment.

Access to this database should be made available to citizens through a private "digital citizenship page". This page would be a conduit to private internet access, protected by the State. Every citizen should have a device with which to access the internet, so we'll have to see about that. On top of digital education, certification, and citizenship, I think that we should go digital with currency. The State would know the precise location of every dollar. Taxation would accordingly be made simple. As a bonus, I think that this could hypothetically safeguard individuals from theft: transactions are authorized by a digital citizen only on their own device, and we could have very nice identification using fingerprints and location services. Also, in case of emergency, the individual could instantly stream their device's camera to the authorities.

These are just a few ideas. I can't pretend to have conclusive answers to our problems of education, privacy, economics… but, I think that if we start collaborating on this, we can synthesize a new system that would undo all of the undue suffering we've caused ourselves.

>> No.5096104

I'd sell it. Or turn it into an Epicurean commune. I don't want a school, Feminister.

>> No.5096110

>You seem to have high neanderthal admixture
That would make him more Aryan. Do you know who have little to no Neanderthal genes? Sub-Saharans and Australian Aboriginals.

They're the most pure homo sapiens around.

>> No.5096119

He's brown, mate. He mentioned he's brown.
We both know you're the mad one here.
I've actually got on quite well with him in the past, and haven't talked to him recently.

>> No.5096126

You can only be Aryan if you're from Iran, that's why.

>> No.5096147
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Fine, forget ownership. How would prefer the education system be?
A more grandiose scenario than the OP

>I don't know how I'd fund it
Upon further reflection, I have decided to make a deal with the local community and have them own/fund it. Whoever lives closest regardless of income.
