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5095543 No.5095543 [Reply] [Original]

What's a postive, happy, yet deep religion/philosophy that is life affirming but not deluded and simply hedonistic

>> No.5095547
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your mom

>> No.5095599
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>> No.5095602


>> No.5095608

kid named Christophocles who posts around here from time to time has some virtue ethics, they're bretty gud


>> No.5095631


>> No.5095632
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Secular Humanism

>> No.5095640

I don't get that screenshot, please explain. Why would anyone ask for a "trending" dead person?

>> No.5095643

Secular Hedonism
Hedonistic Secularism
Secularistic Secularism
Hedonistic Revisionistic Secularism

Tragedy comedy history pastoral scene
individable or poem unlimited

*bows and runs off the stage*

>> No.5095677

The way

>> No.5095678


>> No.5095689
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>> No.5095698
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>Secular Humanism


>> No.5095701

>postive, happy, yet deep religion/philosophy

does not exist

>> No.5095709
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A religion like that doesn't exist.
There is a philosophy (Is there more than one?) that is positive, life affirming and not deluded or "simply hedonistic"

>> No.5095711

Mustache man

>> No.5095741

Oh what about Transcendentalism??

That's a good one, Postive? check. Life affirming? check. Deluded? um...not check???

Go forth now young one! Become one with nature!....No that sounds like Stoicism....Maybe Transcendentalism is like Stoicism?

>> No.5095748

But no that can't be true...I always pictured Emerson as someone who would smoke a joint...I can't see a Stoic doing that.

>> No.5095754

Eat shit

>> No.5095761


>> No.5095774


Aristotelian ethics.

>> No.5095796
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>> No.5095798


How about I just keep reading posts on 4chan?

I think that will be an equivalent

>> No.5095851
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eastern orthodoxy
german romanticism

>> No.5095854

Stay negative and unhappy, following a shallow religion/philosophy that is not life affirming but is deluded and complexly hedonistic.

>> No.5095884

>eastern orthodoxy

the whole jesus cult worship is kinda weird, and the OT is deluded

>> No.5095918

There's shintoism

>> No.5095977

The one you reach yourself

>> No.5096009
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learn you a book

>> No.5096017


>> No.5096159


Zen Buddhism is very much all those things

>> No.5096167


that doesn't resolve the problems of the OT or jesus cultyness

>> No.5096170

Murdering people. Srs, it lends huge perspective.

>> No.5096192
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>Every moment matters.

Damn, strong opening.

>> No.5096873

There is none.

Madness, mayhem, erotic vandalism, devastation of innumerable souls - while we scream and perish, History licks a finger and turns the page.

>> No.5096887

National Socialism

>> No.5097022

how the fuck is buddhism life affirming?

>> No.5097039

Agnostic humanism

>> No.5097052

There we go.

>> No.5097072

That's the joke.py

>> No.5097108

lol'd but you're somehow right.

>> No.5097114

>Agnostic humanism

>Not being a theistic relativist.

>> No.5097116


>> No.5097121

>Not taking cocks directly into your ass without cheap justification attempts like "I'd suck a cock, b-but this doesn't mean I'm gay!".

>> No.5097144





>> No.5097151
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>What's a postive, happy, yet deep religion/philosophy that is life affirming but not deluded and simply hedonistic
Sounds like deluded shit.

>> No.5097254


Buddhism IS life affirming. (Zen especially so) People always think of the ascetic monks. Enlightenment comes when you realize that you are already the buddha. Your everyday life with it's joy, pain, and annoyances is exactly the same thing as Nirvana. It's just your viewpoint on your experiences has shifted. There is no need to attempt to reject the world in order to 'reach' nirvana once you have acquired this state of mind.

"Joyful Participation in the sorrows of the world" this is nirvana.

>> No.5097303

>Enlightenment comes when you realize that you are already the buddha.

this is wrong view, if you were "already buddha" you wouldn't be suffering and you wouldn't have "lost" anything. The idea of "inherent Buddha nature" as an awakened state of mind is a misleading addition that was added later, not part of Buddha's teaching.

>There is no need to attempt to reject the world in order to 'reach' nirvana once you have acquired this state of mind.

That's not how it works. It's a really westernized consumerist bastardization of Zen.

>> No.5097337


"Life affirming" is Nietzschean and typically hedonistic. It means saying YES! to rebirth, reincarnation, and possible future lives. It is saying YES! to living this life again, forever.

The buddhist ideal is the exact opposite of this. It says NO! to rebirth, NO! to living this life again. And in most ways it says NO to pleasure seeking, sex and desires for fine things.

>> No.5097341
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>> No.5097386
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>dunno how to discuss this topic, so here is a pic

thnx, here is one for u

>> No.5097461

Gracing things ... Like animals help eachother when they're physically hurt.

>> No.5097493


Please realize the absurdity of glossing the entirety of Buddhism into one ideal. You're talking about the Theravada which isn't even the dominant school - it's just the one the West likes best because it promises DIY enlightenment.

Moreover, it sounds like you've read Nietzsche on Buddhism but not the texts themselves.

>> No.5097682

I've read both. Buddhism is more akin to Theravada than this hippy western zen ppl assume it is.

Go read the suttas .... Buddha was not a life affirming nietzean at all. And spoke against sensual and bodily pleasures all day.

>> No.5097811

... living how exactly you describe right there in your sentence that you wrote.

try this on for size. DOING THINGS that you FEEL and THINK are what you would LIKE to see your SELF Doing and Thinking because you already have an idea of how YOU want to DO them.

so in other words. make shit up as you go and just do it how you want.
>BE positive
>BE happy
>dont be hedonistic
>dont delude yourself
>and contemplate deeply what makes you feeeeeeeeel

then just keep doing that.

>my face when this thread is a "how do i get into philosophy" thread

>> No.5097875

Psychological egoism

>> No.5099307


now this is over simplified

>> No.5100155

seems like a personal problem to me. maybe you're brain is simple.

>> No.5100614
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>If it was pulled off would she die?

>> No.5100624


not really, simply commanding: "don't delude yourself" or "be happy" isn't how the brain or reality works.

Sure you need to have some intention in mind at first to help yourself, but the process is much more complicated.

You need frames of reference and context, instructions, a method, definitions, etc

>> No.5100645

>You need frames of reference and context, instructions, a method, definitions, etc

YOU need frames of reference, context, instructions, etc., everyone does not. If they did, there would be no instructions, no method, no definition. If everybody needed somebody else to do the hard work for them, there'd be no hard work to draw from. Sounds like the retard who can't into homonyms has your number, pal.

>seems like a personal problem to me. maybe you're brain is simple.

>> No.5100651

>YOU need frames of reference, context, instructions, etc., everyone does not.

they do, they either need to develop them or discover them...simply saying "dont delude yourself" is a nice sentiment but nothing concrete.

and your list of sentiments is just an oversimplification of a lot of work and inquiry that needs to be done.

>> No.5100952
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Nietzschean Doctrine

>> No.5100959

help those who want to help themselves.

>> No.5100960

that's weird

what if they help themselves incorrectly

>> No.5101107

The Carvaka sect of Hinduism is hedonistic, but it's a dead sect and has been dead for a thousand years (maybe more)

Maybe you could revive it by reading their texts and gathering followers

>> No.5101164

underrated post

>> No.5101167

Official philosophical ism power ranking

⇒high IQ tier:
scientism, hylicism, gnostic atheism, capitalism, moral nihlism, emotivism, egoism, positivism

⇒average IQ tier:
hylopathism, ignorantism, antilapsarianism, autosoterism, indifferentism, dualism

⇒low IQ tier:
anarchism, agnosticism, secular humanism, asceticism, eidolism, utilitarianism, moral prescriptivism

⇒fucking retarded tier:
anti-natalism, racism, gnostic theism, solipsism, communism, transhumanism, subjectivism

Any addenda? Should I make an infographic for the newfags? I'm in the mood to produce informative OC today.

>> No.5101189

I'd rather see pictures of your supposed beauty. That'd be some informative OC.

>> No.5101191

>/lit/ has so few posters that we can distinguish each other by retarded ways

I love it

>> No.5101199


>> No.5101210

add buddhism and taoism under low IQ tier

>> No.5101287 [DELETED] 


>> No.5101298

>implying Asceticism isn't god tier

>> No.5101729

>seems like a personal problem to me. maybe you're brain is simple.

did you you just use my very words to counter my statement about his brain being too simple?

seems like a personal problem to me, you're brain might be too simple.


>> No.5101881

I would have read it if the website wouldn't look absolutely disgusting.

>> No.5101935

>needing a philosophy to live
try discordianism fag

>> No.5101941

⇒fucking retarded tier:

>> No.5102365
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>add buddhism and taoism under low IQ tier