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/lit/ - Literature

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5087437 No.5087437[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Remember when we used to talk about books?

I sure am happy we've mutated into the best version of /b/ on this website.

>> No.5087451

i think if we could somehow exclude all of the philosophags, /lit/ would be bearable.

>> No.5087453

>doesn't understand I wasn't being ironic

>> No.5087455

So... read any good books of late?

>> No.5087461

I listened to All You Need Is KILL the other day.(I refuse to read a BOOK off a screen)

I really need to get around to listening to Breakfast of Champions, but it's not nearly as easy to listen to as the pulp was.

>> No.5087490

Sadly, the Bruce Willis movie of Breakfast of Champions strays from the original plot, but, if you have genuine objections to reading books, it could work for you. Why not just read the book, though? I'm not familiar with the other book, but I do find the lack of quality audiobooks saddening: sometimes I just want someone thoughtful and soft spoken to read to me. ;_;
I'm procrastinating on reading because the descriptions of the conclave to elect Urban VIII in my current book were kind of reminding me of poop jar shut in threads.

>> No.5087504

I'm a poorfag or I'd have LOTS of books

>tfw you've lost your sociology anthology, history of mathematics, and your copy of bhagavad gita as it is...

Life is mean.

>> No.5087511
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OP comes to the rescue with an amazing metathread!

>> No.5087545

Try second hand book shops? Or you could borrow it easily from a hipster grill and just never give it back if you'd like to read it again. I have an inordinate amount of books for a poorfag despite selling my entire collection at one point. That said, there's an illustrated Euclid with a ~30€ price tag I want and will probably never afford because I'd fritter that amount away on 2€ books over fifteen purchases.
I've ordered a couple of sociology studies off book depository, and they've all been discounted but still closer to a novel than a university press pricing, and without shipping. It's the only way I can afford my nonfiction selection, which is pretty paltry.

>> No.5087556

Are you reading interactive metafiction, anon? Calvino kind of screwed me up for a while too.

>> No.5087558

I spend the little bit of money I do get on cigarettes and fun with the love of my life.

>> No.5087565

Try buying a few books instead of one pack a week. If I'm seriously cash poor any month, I'll spend the money from a pack or two on four books that will keep my mind occupied from the nicotine downturn I'm going to feel anyway.

>> No.5087588
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>Krautchan has a philosophy board and 4chan doesn't
For what reason

>> No.5087610

German philosophy is unreadable in English?

>> No.5087614

/pol/ is controversial enough
Imagine the insane shitflinging that /phi/ and /hist/ boards would be here
It works on KC because KC outside of /int/ is like 5 pedophiles

>> No.5087626

This is 4chan. Go somewhere else if you're afraid of a little shit.

>> No.5087636

So, what are your favourite philosophy, history, or paedophilia books, anon?

>> No.5087638

I [I]love[/I] shit; I'm just about reasons as to why such boards may not have been implemented despite everybody wanting them.

>> No.5087650
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>Remember when we used to talk about books?


>> No.5087664

Do people actually have favorite history books?

>I'm quite fond of the McGraw Hill US History 17th Edition


>> No.5087692

>tfw I like Herodotus because I imagine him saying to himself "lul wait, what? Is this true?!"
For modern history though it's easy to pick up something that suits bias with better sourcing, so I don't see why he gets such flack when that kind of histiography is all over the social sciences now. My m8 once told me is one of the best kinds of history, the foundation of all those stories about Lucretia Borgia and your high school gf. How could you not have favourites?

>> No.5087694


>> No.5087700

It was never like that. It was all
>What will /lit/ memes be?
>Huge Orson Welles lol
and ironic Ayn Rand Shitposting. From day 1.

>> No.5087704

/lit/ has ALWAYS been a book themed /b/

>> No.5087968

No it hasn't. Not the Phil threads anyway. Though I imagine we get trash like first responder because they want /lit/ to be a book themed /b/ then get mad when people talk dryly of abstract topics.

>> No.5088045

>Remember when we used to talk about books?
Was there ever such a time?

>> No.5088056

We can start now, anon. What are you reading?

>> No.5088059

>No it hasn't. Not the Phil threads anyway
-Help, I'm having an existential crisis.
-Who is your favorite philosopher?
-Is objectivism good?
-How do I nihilisms?
-Is X a spook?
-How do I into philosophy?
-Why Rand bad?
-Is art relative?
-Why can't I just kill people?
-How do I start Ubermunching?
-How do I know anything exists and this isn't the matrix?
-Can we ever have objective morality?
-Is aesthetic value completely subjective?
-Why Bert Camels like killing Arab?
-Is philosophy just linguistic games?

>> No.5088066

>typing all this out

>> No.5088070

Philosophy threads used to be pretty interesting with lots of well thought out discussion, of course this was 3-4 years ago.
Now there are almost no book threads and its people flinging shit over wiki definitions
We need a containment board for philosophy

>> No.5088259

>You guys -- the philosophy thread defenders -- have been typing it out at length for years.

>> No.5088273

what if I told you that Russian 2ch imageboard has philosophy board, religion board, self-publishing and critique board, history board, book-discussion board and a separate board for sci-fi, because the wannabe-patricians on book board got fed up with sc-fi-fags apparently yet it's still shite and I come here, because here both discussion and shitposting are better

>> No.5088278

>I'm happy we mutated into the best iteration of /b/

It's the end game. At least we're better than /x/ /pol/ /r9k/ /v/ and /mu/ at being /b/.

>> No.5088281
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Because kc is a serious place for serious discussion.

>> No.5088306

>is x a spook
kek. yeah this is pretty much it.

>> No.5088668

I'm actually proud we can claim that fact.

There's nothing wrong with the concept of /b/, it's just the actual /b/ is filled with children and...I hate to say it...newfags.

>> No.5088878

I've frequented /lit/ for over 2 years...

We DID used to talk about books more.

>> No.5088879

you were sarcastic ya dingus

you're free to walk away from /lit if you don't like it, you know?
>top kek, i know you can't walk away

>> No.5088894

No bro, you're still wrong.

I was being sincere.

>> No.5089517

I'm a ridiculous poorfag. I'm a janitor and I eat rice, ramen, and peanut butter sandwiches for upwards of 90% of my meals... But even I can go to half price books or an independent equivalent and come home with 6 months worth of reading.

Go to the clearance section...
Maybe you're too picky?

>> No.5091644
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I should've repainted that bucket before posting, but I was like "nahh, whatever, I'll fix it later. Maybe. It's obviously not done yet anyway". And now it ends up on a different board.

>> No.5091711

I liked it enough to save it. Would you finish it? I'd be ever so happy.

>> No.5091738

Yeah, sure. Tomorrow or so. I'll post it in the wizard thread.

>> No.5092118
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>mfw /sci/ and /lit/ are only one on Hispachan.