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/lit/ - Literature

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5083096 No.5083096 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Authors who have never made a bad book

>> No.5083105

how could you know without reading each of their books?

did you read finnagens wake? chamber music?

>> No.5083117

>finnegans wake

that thing is just a bookcase decoration and even Joyce knew it.

>> No.5083121


You must be a sad person

>> No.5083124

so it's not "reader friendly." although it is because it's rewarding. so joyce expects the reader to do put in some work. why do we, why are we literate? why did we invent the printing press?

>> No.5083132


more like why did we let the printing press invent us

>> No.5083143

that's deep man, you should write a book of puns just puns

>> No.5083145

>so joyce expects the reader to do put in some work.

That is one hell of an understatement. Joyce expected you to either be a masochist or masturbate to his prose.

>> No.5083152 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5083155

neither of you got through the book
and neither of you understood a word of it

have fun with your wiki synopsis

>> No.5083156

Clearly you have never read Exiles, Pomes Penyeach and Chamber Music

>> No.5083161


Yes but in his defense he did write the best prose you can expect from a human being

>> No.5083162
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>> No.5083167

So its like he made the most beautiful wire that I will wrap in black plastic and shove under my floor boards, never to be seen again.

>> No.5083170

I found "The Adolescent" subpar actually

>> No.5083171

why do you resent me for enjoying finnagens wake?

>> No.5083175

Actually no, this isn't even correct. Its more like he could have made the best wire ever but he cut up all the pieces of it and tossed them in a pool of broken glass and battery acid, then ate the schematic. He expects you to die an awful death or get professional help to even begin to uncover these little bits of wire that do nothing but act as an efficient conduit for electricity.

>> No.5083176

There are no bad books, only bad readers.

>> No.5083178
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>> No.5083205


Yes but you must acknowledge that that's not the case

>> No.5083206

Philip K. Dick

>> No.5083213

is the man in the high castle representative of his work?

>> No.5083214

There is no bad

>> No.5083220


>> No.5083223


Why not?
I perceive it just as I perceive anything else

>> No.5083229

>this much sophistry

>> No.5083253


Why, you call that sophistry when you use 4chan's classical rhetorics yourself, i.e.:

>this much X

>> No.5083262

>this much assblast

>> No.5083265

you mean e.g.

>> No.5083280
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Prove me wrong

>> No.5083281


>> No.5083283


Nah I think i.e. is fairly accurate

>> No.5083291

ie -- that is
eg-- for example

so it is fairly wrong

>> No.5083292
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>> No.5083295

I think you meant 'completely'

>> No.5083296
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>> No.5083301

Everything but Harrison Bergenon in Welcome to the Monkey House was awful

>> No.5083312

he was intentionally mimicking the previous mistake of the other anon saying "fairly accurate"

>> No.5083313
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>> No.5083317
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Dante, Homer, & Virgil.


>> No.5083322

Dude the Zweites Buch sucked.

>> No.5083330


Try harder, please.

>> No.5083332

>implying it's not his best work

>> No.5083340

"Why, you call that sophistry when you use 4chan's classical rhetorics yourself, that is:

>this much X "

Well anon it reads perfectly fine for me, since I provided the formula for internet argumentation that I was denouncing. Put a "for example" and you'll change the meaning of the whole thing

I feel it's silly having to justify myself over something so simple. Perhaps ie wasn't the best choyce, but it's much more appropriate than e.g.

>> No.5083346

Because you didn't enjoy anything. You just like the image of having read the book.

>> No.5083353

No, not that is as in to clarify. When yo say ie youre equating.So 4chab rhetoric is >this much x. But really thats just a part of it. Like saying youre a globular fruit ie a watermelon. But thete are other globular fruits, even other melons

>> No.5083357
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I know /lit/ has a huge boner for dostoevsky, but Lev, unlike the former, never sunk below 7/10 in his oeuvre (although I'm not all that fond of To the Lighthouse, I'll acknowledge its contextual merit)

>> No.5083363

oh do please stop projecting (if you are)

It's possible to enjoy finnagains wake, I assure you. Even more than ulysses.

>> No.5083364

>no Hermann Hesse

What the fuck /lit/?

>> No.5083367

Why do yo think so? why is it upsetting to think that someone could enjoy something you dont have the faculties/refinement to enjoy

I am quad lingual, so maybe that helps

>> No.5083370
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And he's still alive too.

>> No.5083373

Steppenwolf is mediocre.

>> No.5083375

He's probably written way too much for you to have realistically read it all.

>> No.5083384

Except I'm serious. A bunch of hyper-sexual gigantic women who are all virgins, only seeing the light when some criminal forcibly fucks them? It's absurd, and not in an interesting way.

>> No.5083400

Kakfa's style made it so it was not possible for him to make a bad book

>> No.5083403

How much of Vonnegut's have you read? Because Slaughterhouse Five, Sirens of Titan, Cat's Cradle, Breakfast of Champions, et al. are all exceptionally good.

>> No.5083406

PKD is one of my favorite writers, but he definitely wrote some stinkers.

>> No.5083411

this meme really doesn't work

>> No.5083412

The only good book Steinbeck wrote was Mice of Men and that was a novella.

Grapes of Wrath was just bad all around and East of Eden was good up until when the ending made me want to go back in time and rape his children. Fuck that stupid fucking ending.

>> No.5083414

george rr martin

>> No.5083415

Only that collection of short stories. Had to read harrison bergeron in high school, and I enjoyed it. Decided I'd try out his other stuff, and what better than the collection which contained that story. Read everything in WTTMH, and was not fond of most of it. To be fair, I have not read any of his novels - but the point remains - not everything of his is so stellar.

>> No.5083420

Stirner Check mate

>> No.5083428


>> No.5083448

Never read him, despite having read all of Dostoevksy, and many other Russian authors.

Where do you think it's best to start with the Count?

>> No.5083453

the death of ivan ilyich -> war and peace -> anna karenina

>> No.5083570

Charles Portis

>> No.5083713

What was so bad about the ending?

>> No.5083770
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>> No.5084083
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>> No.5084146

Easy, read Player Piano.

So bad not even infographics care about it