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/lit/ - Literature

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5079458 No.5079458 [Reply] [Original]

What makes /lit/ laugh?

Stand-up comedians, TV Shows, prosaists/prose, poets/poetry, or any other form of writing that has been consciously designed to make us laugh is accepted.

>> No.5079471

Peep Show

>> No.5079475

Dead Jews

>> No.5079476

The edgy, smart stuff that takes glee in hurting people's feelings and calling out bullshit.

Stanhope fits that bill pretty well, although he's more edgy than intellectual.

and yes i used the word edgy

>> No.5079483

standup comedians have like one good set in them it seems

>> No.5079486

Often /lit/. Frequently the Onion. Infrequently literature.

>> No.5079487 [SPOILER] 
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This made me laugh

>> No.5079488

>often /lit/

>> No.5079497

I like various forms of comedy but for some reason I have a penchant for sit coms - family style sit coms, with barely funny jokes and corny life lessons.
The Jeffersons for example is utterly hilarious. You would be surprised, you could say things on tv in the 70's/80's you would never be allowed to say now.

>> No.5079498

Flight of the Conchords. I don't really like other comedy bands, but they just seem so genuine about what they do. It's the delivery that gets me.

>> No.5079503

Hmmm of the things that make me laugh...

Books: Confederacy of Dunces is the only book that has ever made me laugh out loud. I have smiled pretty damn big at a couple of Palanuik books though

Movies: So many to choose from, but Will Ferrell always tops my list

TV: Older Family Guy, older Simpsons. Funniest show of all time is King of the Hill though. Sitcoms aren't funny except for Frasier and Friends

Stand Up: ahhh standup honestly takes itself too seriously these days, but I like Ron White, Dave Attell, and a little of Louis C.K. but not much

These things aren't what I would necessarily call smart humor, although some are. Mostly they are just the ones that make actually laugh.

>> No.5079504

>watching All in The Family
>Archie says nigger
tok pek

>> No.5079507

>Sitcoms aren't funny except for Frasier and Friends
>except Friends

>> No.5079511
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Epic dank Facebook Shitposting groups.
pic related made me laff like a howler monkey.

Also real life.
Old People
Black People

>> No.5079524
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>/lit/ laugh?

>TV Shows

pleb, pls

>> No.5079536

>posting on 4chan
>better than watching television

>> No.5079540

not literature related.

>> No.5079545

this guy. although it might not be "consciously designed to make us laugh" as OP requested.

>> No.5079547

>TV Shows

(LEONARD enters apartment. SHELDON is on the couch, touching his two index fingers together.)

LEONARD: Hey, Sheldon.

(Uproarious laughter)

SHELDON: I'd thank you not to distract me at this moment.

(Hysterical laughter)

LEONARD: Um. Okay. But, what are you doing?

(Light chuckles)

SHELDON: If you must know, I'm trying to create an electromagnetic field using the static cling from your boxer shorts.

(Uncontrollable laughter)

LEONARD: But why my boxer shorts? Why don't you just use your own?

(Light chuckles)

SHELDON: Because the fabric softener I use is deposed in an unscientific way!

(Loud, reverberating and wall-crushing laughter lead us to the next scene.)

>> No.5079551

Not that guy, but 4chan actually is far more entertaining than, like, 90% of TV.

>> No.5079554

This. Anyway OP: Trailer Park Boys, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Parks and Recreation, The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret and Better of Ted are all great. I also love Jimmy Carr, Mitch Hedberg and especially Doug Stanhope and Patton Oswalt.

>> No.5079565

>Patton Oswalt.

Shit. How can you listen to that crap? The world doesn't need 40-minute bits on Star Wars characters and TiVo.

>> No.5079568

Peep Show and Arrested Development are as good as television gets.

>> No.5079575

Did any of you guys enjoy this?
It was the most recent comedy I've seen and it wasn't half bad. I wouldn't say most of the humour is "intellectual" but it certainly made me laugh

>> No.5079581

Yeah, minimalist stuff is pretty good.

>> No.5079588

comedy bang bang
peep show
king of the hill
curb your enthusiasm
the simpsons (2-11)
arrested development
the larry sanders show
trailer park boys
party down
archer was ok first two seasons
home movies
space ghost
tim and eric
all in the family
fawlty towers
it's always sunny (OK in small doses)

surprised by the fairly pleb shows some anons are picking

stand up is almost uniformly awful

>> No.5079643

completely pleb shows besides you dear anon

tim and eric
wonder showzen
space ghost
brak show
curb your enthusiasm
trailer park boys

>> No.5079648

>besides you
not following...

>> No.5079654

ima sayin you have good tv taste bro

>> No.5079663

Wonder Showzen
3 South was decent
Steven Wright
Farside comics

As far as movies, I don't really watch comedies.

>> No.5079668

OP's pic, although the shows they've written (Louie, Curb+Seinfled) are better than the stuff they've written for stand-up. Louie for the originality it brings to TV, Curb and Seinfeld for situational giggs. Larry Sanders Show is also pretty good situational comedy.

also, pretty much this >>5079588.
arrested development for structure;
it's alway sunny, trailer park boys, reggie watts (a very small portion of his standup, the ted stuff) and some other jash people for absurdism;
the office (US) and party for feel good lazy breakfast/dinner entertainment.

ITT: there's a close relationship between the comedy you respond to and the people you like. also some of /lit/'s tastes in comedy seem pretty disproportionate with the type of literature they claim to be connecting with.

>> No.5079694

Some of my favorite current comedians:

Itao Itsuji
Tim Heidecker
Brent Weinbach
Brad Neely

I think Million Dollar Extreme, 'Thanks, Computer', and Craig Gleason on YouTube could have futures if they'd stop acting like hipsters.

>> No.5079886
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>what makes me laugh as of late
Nathan For You
John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester
excerpts from The Spectator and The Tatler
excerpts from Rookie Yearbook One
Kyle Kinane's pancake bit
Lost Girls by Alan Moore
Metamorphoses by Ovid
some poetry here on /lit

There are way too many television shows and stand-up comedians being posted.

>> No.5079933

Youtube Poop.

>> No.5079941

the king of the hill ones make me giggle like a schoolgirl

>> No.5079946

Larry David is pretty great.
>that feel when you hear the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme playing in your head whenever something terrifically awkward happens

>> No.5079948

>that feel when you are mark corrigan but with less motivation

>> No.5079954

You think rape is funny, anon?

>> No.5079990

surreal humour and British humour. A good portion of Adult Swim's shows would make it onto my favourites list.

>> No.5080004

never really understood what British humour is... I really think it's just a label British nationalists/fanboys/girls and non-British people use to define anything that is remotely tangential to irony or deadpan humour. Very wrong.

>> No.5080011

you are such a dick

>> No.5080028


>still thinking deadpan isn't exponentially more prominent in British TV

>> No.5080037

you got me all figured out anon.

>> No.5080046


>muh snark

>> No.5080094

pretty much these shows for the most part, although theres a few I havent seen/don't enjoy in there.

Also Rick and Morty is fucking awesome

>> No.5080393

Larry David.


>> No.5080401

Catch 22 and Notes from Underground are the only books that have made me laugh. Some Infinite Jest lines made me smile but I can't say I liked the book.

>> No.5080494

stewart lee

>> No.5080520

>Jerry: “I wish that shotgun was my penis.” Beth: “If it was, you could call me Ernest Hemingway.”

>> No.5080649

Armando Ianucci
Stewart Lee
Chris Morris

The Trip
Peep Show

>> No.5080690

Seinfellllllld, and Monty Python.

>> No.5080694

Alice in Wonderland
Edith Wharton

>> No.5080836

>no Bill Burr

Sorely disappointed

>> No.5080841

sure, I'll add him to this >>5079668

>> No.5080929

Steven Wright
Dave Chapelle
Rodney Dangerfield
That Mitchell and Webb Look
This shit
Xavier Renegade Angel

>> No.5081116


Louie, the show and to a lesser extent Louies CK.

Witty prose (The Stranger, The Castle, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, some Murakami, and Candide is what comes to mind right now)

redlettermedia.com. Deadpan humor in general. Wes Anderson.

Conversations with friends that turn more and more absurd by the hour (and by the beer).

Random absurdities, my own thoughts.

Clever TV-shows like Mad Men, Deadwood and The Sopranos.

Clever, karakter-driven comedy movies like The Big Lebowski (most Coen-brothers work).

>> No.5081119

bruh-bruh knows wussup.

>> No.5081144

Brad Neely

I don't know what to call that type of comedy, but I love it, absurd humor maybe?

>> No.5081150

This fucking video:


>> No.5081163

http://ylilauta.. org/int/

>> No.5081180
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>> No.5081188


>> No.5081195

i love this guy

>> No.5081203

this man has it right

>> No.5081206



>> No.5081236

>Confederacy of Dunces
>Family Guy
>standup honestly takes itself too seriously
>Ron White
>Dave Attell
fucking kill yourself you fucking retard

>> No.5081251

Remember back when /lit/ loved Stewart Lee? This place used to be cool.

>> No.5081258
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I keep laughing.

I hate it but I keep laughing.

And I just know someday I'll end up watching the movie with a friend and they will not understand why I am cracking up so hard.

>> No.5081411
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>> No.5082076

out of all the writings that were designed to make you laugh, you find the epitome of blandness the funniest? Not saying MF is horrible, but defining what you respond to comedically with the safest, most standard, mass-public oriented, yet watchable sitcom is quite plebeian of you...

>> No.5082130

In the Thick of It made me laugh

I'm American
(it's a British comedy)
not sure if that factors in

>> No.5082134

Lately only Doug Stanhope.

>> No.5082139

Shit, I forgot Snuff Box. Matt Berry is the greatest.

>> No.5082199

I really like Mitchell and Webb.

>> No.5082223

funny things

>> No.5082228

this is good

i agree

>> No.5082249


>"muh humour can't be defined, funny is funny"

that's why the point of this thread isn't to define funny, but share any form of writing that was consciously created to make you laugh and was successful at it

>> No.5082251

I already said I like Edith Wharton.

What more do you want?

>> No.5082258

Maybe he means the movie?

>> No.5082259

sorry, I was unaware of your tripfaggotry, so I take it back

>> No.5083008


>> No.5083045

Bill Burr is the only comedian who can make me laugh. Some old Dave Attell stuff, too.

>> No.5083076
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Check it Out With Doctor Steve Brule makes me laugh like nothing else. I literally start laughing during my normal day-to-day routine when I think about some scenes.


>> No.5083090
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>Camus, Kafka, Voltaire
>Mad Men, The Sopranos

god-tier taste, anon

>> No.5083101


ppffff it's not a comedy it's educational ya dingus

>> No.5083110
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>> No.5083146
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>> No.5083169

These days? .mp3s of Patrice and Colin on O&A.

I can't stand most standup comedy anymore. I'd rather just listen to comedians riff and trash on each other.

>> No.5083216
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thanks anoramus yer a hunk

>> No.5083227

bill burr, stewart lee, daniel kitson, demetri martin

pointing out funny movies and books just seem like a waste of time because there are so many out there

>> No.5083245


>> No.5083305

post more bro

i spend nearly two hours a day traveling by bus i need to step my podcast game up

>> No.5083315

Sorry, I'm not really a podcast fan. I just watched that one because it had Tim Heidecker in it.

>> No.5083358

I'm sincerely disappointed with your Comedy tastes /lit/ more references to It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia than Monty Phyton. What have you become??

>> No.5083366

>Bill Cosby-Bukowski
is that some sort of real life internet nickname?

>> No.5083430

If you want Monty Python hit up /g/ or /tg/, my good gentleman sir! *tips fedora while smacking coconuts together*

>> No.5083456

the post ironic life has given us access to the communal, breh. it's more whitebread to post something like monty python than it is to laugh along with the bros and basic bitches to charlie day's funny antics

>> No.5083461

>i need to step my podcast game up

fuck that. 90% of podcasts suck. use that time for immersion for a new language.

>> No.5083476

I hate shock-comedy stuff, but I pretty much always laugh when I watch 30 Rock. I also enjoy Top Gear.

>> No.5083535

I'm a pretty big fan of dark humor and non-sequitur humor. I especially love Mitch Hedberg's stand up specials and George Carlin, even if a lot of his fans are edgy teens.

>> No.5083560

A good joke

>> No.5083581

the films of whit stillman and todd solondz

...and wet hot american summer

>> No.5083614

TV: Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Seinfeld, Home Improvement, Top Gear, Blackadder, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Bottom (RIP Rik Mayall), old Simpsons and Family Guy, Space Ghost Coast to Coast

Movies: Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, Airplane!, Caddyshack, anything by Mel Brooks

Books: Hitchiker's Guide can be so surreal that it's funny in a cosmic way. New Rules by Bill Maher (sort of an anthology of the best segments from his show)

Standup: Stephen Wright, Doug Stanhope, Greg Giraldo, George Carlin, Patton Oswalt, Lewis Black, Bill Hicks

>> No.5083706

+1 for Brent weinbach. He's hit or miss for me, but the hits are pretty strong.

>> No.5083707

am i being rusled

>> No.5083711

my thoughts exactly

>> No.5084017

too much tuna
dr brule
tim and eric
peep show
tim heidecker russel trussel lavender family hour

>> No.5084061

pretty much this

>> No.5084071

Space Ghost Coast to Coast

>> No.5084073

Bo Burnham. What is pure genius.

>> No.5084093

His new special is shitty and gay

>> No.5084163

comedy songs are occasionally amusing but never funny

I know this is b8 but what do people see in Stanhope? I don't find any of his work funny, just edgy dribble

Though /lit/ seems to be ignoring all posts mentioning him, I think Stewart Lee is fantastic. I can't bear to watch almost any standup after seeing him deconstruct/riff/mock (whichever word you find least pretentious) the bulk of their material

>> No.5084171

>Top Gear

>> No.5084188

Good thing the majority of "What" is not comedy songs.

>> No.5084191

Too smart for you?

>> No.5084194

the onion articles, if they're funny in any way it will only be due to the title. they can never hold a joke for long, just rewording and trying to mooch the one joke they could come up with in the body of the text

>> No.5084205

Oh man you sure burned me

>> No.5084207

I sure did. Need some ointment, bitch?

>> No.5084846

my current taste has been covered by some of the anons here, but I remember I used to eat this shit up when I was in my teens


>> No.5084934
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Pic related. One of the greatest (anti)war novels of all time, mystifyingly subversive, and funny as fuck at the same time. /lit/ should learn to love Jaroslav Hasek more.

>inb4 butthurt czech libertarians say it's detrimental to their national image

>> No.5084999

>I can't bear to watch almost any standup after seeing him deconstruct/riff/mock (whichever word you find least pretentious) the bulk of their material

yeah probably the comedian who changed my taste in comedy the most.

although the 'morose politically incorrect comic cleverly trangressing social boundaries' gimmick has already exhausted itself to the point that i doubt i'd still care for it even if i had never seen lee

i also somewhat agree with you on stanhope. i think he's funny but his rants go way beyond his capacity of articulating them. when i listen to the guy i just want to place punctuation marks over his jokes

>> No.5085038

>I think Million Dollar Extreme, 'Thanks, Computer', and Craig Gleason on YouTube could have futures if they'd stop acting like hipsters.

In what way do they act like hipsters?

>> No.5085045

Something that hasn't been mentioned: Spaced.
TV starring simon pegg and the fat guy from shawn of the dead etc.

I think Limmy is pretty underrated so check him out:


>> No.5085135

Frisky Dingo (I doubt I will laugh as hard at anything else)
John Mullaney
Nathan for You
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip
China IL
Tim and Eric
Check it OUT
My Name is Hannibal
Lucy, Daughter of the Devil
Carl from Aqua Teen
The Life and Times of Tim
Dana Gould
Jon Benjamin has a Van
And while I don't find his type of jokes that funny, Anthony Jeselnik knows how to write a joke.

>> No.5085140
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>not one single reference to Alan Partridge

>> No.5085161

spaced is just 2comfy

too bad the second season sucked

>> No.5085310

also, the mighty boosh

>> No.5085331

I wish 4chan was still "edgy" and that the word "edgy" as an insult word hadn't caught on when the redditors and antifa flocked in

>> No.5085337

I fucking hate Comedy Bang Bang

>> No.5085428

wow. hate. try explaining why you 'hate' comedy bang bang. I think your answer will render some interesting things about culture and yourself, anon.

>> No.5085444
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>> No.5085451


>> No.5085461

Self published books

>> No.5085464

I never really got all the love that arrested development got. I do like it but I just don't see it being as perfect as some people make it out to be. Only a few of the characters are actually worth the screentime (will arnett, tambor etc.) The weaker characters' scenes (buster, lucille atc.) just weigh it down too much for me

I love the peep show though

>> No.5085490

Monty Python
Marx Brothers
Buster Keaton
Charles Chaplins
George Carlin
Ricky Gervais and The Office (didn't watch the American version, though)
The old British comedies (Ladykillers etc.)
Sex jokes among friends, specially if drunk
Funny youtube videos of soccer players making silly mistakes, tv bloopers, accidents etc.
/b/-like humour
Woody Allen

>> No.5085497
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I love alot of comedians so heres the ones I despise:

Louis C.K
Sarah Silverman
Woody Allen
Bill Cosby
REGGIE WATTS(fucking cocksucker)
Doug Benson
Ari Shaffir

I just blow lines of adderal and listen to Hedberg, if one stupid joke about a cake being a candleholder can make me cry then he's doing something special.

>> No.5085505

Stewart Lee obligatory
Dylan moran
Daniel Kitson
A bit of louis c.k every now and then

30 rock
scrubs used to
Always sunny now and again
Rick and morty
Brass eye never to be bettered
The thick of it just for tucker the fucker and roger allam's dulcet tones

Withnail and I
Office Space
The Big Lebowski
Bringing up baby it's just too fun

>> No.5085517

Thrown in charlie brooker and alan patridge too actually

>> No.5085826

I have never laughed harder than when Louie finally showed his wife in season 3. That is not true. Wizard People Dear Readers made me laugh so long and hard my face hurt the next day.

>> No.5086474
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Hegel being the idiotic fucktard sophist he is

>> No.5086486

>Sarah Silverman
I will never understand the love for her so many liberals have. She's a decent comedian at times, I'll give her that, but nothing to warrant the amount of attention she's received.

>> No.5086520

embittered /r9k-tier virgins are often amusing too

>> No.5086525

Indeed they are, my dear, but hegel was a sophist and nothing is more hilariously stupid.

>> No.5086564
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Some stuff in Twin Peaks is very funny, Lynch's delivery here is perfect:
Ben Horn is another great character, the scene that has him and Jerry gorging themselves on sandwiches is hilarious.

>> No.5086834

Peep Show is quite bad, really, especially in the later seasons.

>> No.5086844

Is this a joke?

>> No.5086845

lit and fit can make me laugh at times. I find Family Guy genuinely funny, as pleb as that makes me. Jim Gaffigan's alright

>> No.5086894

Marc Maron is who I find funny at the moment. He's got a weird Pagliacchi thing going on.

>> No.5086899


I don't find him funny at all, but his interviews are great because of how intimate they are

>> No.5086911

Yeah, I agree his stand-up act could be completely replaced by his T.V. show and I'd be fine with that.
I was surprised the first time I saw his interview list, he's managed to get so many people on his show that one wouldn't expect. He doesn't hold back either. One of his best moments was when he gave Joe Rogan shit for using human growth hormones.

>> No.5086979

Moms one was funny, don't have time to try the others

>> No.5086984

Stuff like this


>> No.5087007


I really fucking hate the 15 minutes of inane rambling at the start of every podcast.

>> No.5087024

I always fast forward through that, unless he decides to talk about the guest instead of how he misses getting fucked up and hates his family/ex-wives.
My favorite part of every podcast is when he gets hyped up when his guest implies that they smoke weed or do hallucinogens.

>> No.5087032

1) Brass Eye
2) The Thick of it
3) It's Always Sunny
4) Only Fools
5) Peep show

These are my top 5 tv shows in order.

>> No.5087080

A while ago I farted and it scared my mother, that still makes me laugh.

>> No.5087116

Nathan For You


>> No.5087194

Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law
Daily Show
Colbert Report
Bill Mahr
very few SNL Skits
Bo Burnham
Boy Meets World
Drunk History
All I can think of that genuinely makes me laugh.

>> No.5087218


>Bo Burnham. What is pure genius.

Ugh. Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.5087336

100% chance you have not even seen it. Just a fedora core cunt who assumes it sucks because he is popular.

>> No.5087339

Did you get that thing I sent you?

>> No.5087343

I followed Bo when he was still on MySpace trying to make bucks, the dude is funny, but he's not comedic genius

>> No.5087357

His specials "Words words words" and "what" are absolutely genius. Best since Carlin

>> No.5087413

Young Carlin. Period.


>> No.5087438


I get how you could appreciate this, but I don't get how you could honestly find this material genuinely funny in 2014 without being a massive fucking dork.

Same as people finding Bill Hicks genuinely funny in 2014. Fuck off.

>> No.5087447


>> No.5087454

Best one imo


>> No.5087456

Not that guy, but he just tries so hard to be funny. It's disturbing to watch him bend over backward for a chuckle.

>> No.5087467

He doesn't have to try


>> No.5087473

Dr. Katz, Morel Orel, Bill Bryson, old Simpsons. I don't know loads of other stuff I just can't think of right now.

>> No.5087476

>He doesn't have to try

Yet still does? That's weird.

>> No.5087483

this is so aggressively lame

>> No.5087484

Nah, it's natural. Maybe actually watch his stuff. .


>> No.5087487

Well, yeah. A fedora ninja such as yourself won't like it.

>> No.5087489

This is horrible.

>> No.5087492

People are so close minded nowadays. No matter how great something is they will not budge from their pre conceived notions due to their massive insecurity.

>> No.5087494


>> No.5087496

You're not smart enough, don't hold it against yourself.

>> No.5087502

Guess he's just too smart for most. Go back to your Kevin Hart's and George Lopez

>> No.5087503

It's funny, because you're the one who isn't smart enough to see the artifice of it all.

>> No.5087505

do you really think that this is sophisticated and smart humor or something

>> No.5087506


>Bo Burnham fans getting emotional

Board is 18+ you little fuccboi.

>> No.5087507

He is funny, but what you have to understand is that this is /lit/ He is young and far more successful than the neckbeards who dwell here. Of course they are going to hate him.

>> No.5087509

I genuinely think Jane Austen is one of the funniest novelists I've come across.

Also Chuck Klosterman, although I completely understand why a lot of people hate him.

>> No.5087510


>> No.5087512

I like America's Funniest Home Videos
Wonder Showzen/ Horse Apples
Eric Andre
The Hound from GoT
some Thomas Pynchon characters
Derek on netflix

>> No.5087513


>He is young and far more successful than the neckbeards who dwell here. Of course they are going to hate him.

This is the teenage girl equivalent of defending your favorite popstar from all "tha h8rz" by saying they're all jealous of how rich and famous they are.

>> No.5087519


it's cool that you took the time to highlight the sections that hurt you most but you need to try and forget about the pain

>> No.5087521

Except based on the people /lit/ hates it is 100% true in this case. Anyone with any amount of popularity is a shithead in these parts. This place is filled with miserable, cynical people whose only friends are books

>> No.5087522

Leave it be. Time won't remember this kid.

>> No.5087525

>Calls someone fuckboy spelled out as fuccboi
>expects to ever be taken seriously again.

>> No.5087527

that was even worse than I was expecting

>> No.5087529

If you feel this way, why are you here exactly?
for tha lulz?

>> No.5087530
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>all this frustrated confirmation bias

Tell me more about these "miserable, cynical people" you clearly differ from so much.

>> No.5087533

A cord has been struck

>> No.5087539

Oh, you sold 5 million copies of your book? You must be a piece of shit. lol, look at that prose....hurrrrrrdurrrrrrr Fucking hipsters everywhere

>> No.5087547

Best comedy on TV

>> No.5087550

No, not really. I was just curious about his resentment towards the place where he is posting, that's all. Is it so hard to elaborate on the feelings behind one's statements?

>> No.5087552


>just some kid who misappropriates even the most basic of idioms

Sometimes I forget how young most posters are here.

>> No.5087557

You don't sound smart. Keep trying, though.

>> No.5087561


>nerve hit

made it 2 da top

>> No.5087570

It's like some sort of hyper super-self-aware po-mo meltdown.

>> No.5087702


next time you say you hate someone I'll screencap this post and show it to you. Oh wait, you don't hate any comedians? you love every comedian unconditionally? what a saint.

someone who uses ad populum shouldn't be posting on /lit/, just an FYI

>> No.5087710

Everything else

>> No.5087726

>someone who uses ad populum shouldn't be posting on /lit/

He didn't use ad populum

>> No.5087737

Maybe if /lit/ didn't hate EVERY popular author you would not see ad populum arguments.

>> No.5087740
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do you guys watch this show it's funny as fuck

>> No.5087741

This is /lit/ where Tolkien is "pleb shit"

>> No.5087747

Yes, it's incredible. Has been posted a couple times. see


>> No.5087752


how do people watch that shit and not realize how dated it is?

It's worse than buying the fran lebowitz reader.

>> No.5087754


why don't you reread his post? it's heavily implied if not explicitly stated.


>dickens, dostoevsky, mevlville, salinger, PKD, kafka, DFW, nabokov

/lit/ only likes popular authors actually. are you trying to say contemporary authors? because that's a pretty important distinction to make

>> No.5087793

I would argue that /lit/ likes Salinger.

Contemporary may be a better way to put it. If they are popular, but not yet dead, /lits/ stance is fuck 'em

>> No.5087812

What the hell is wrong with that you mean?

>> No.5087907


TV (in order of hysterics):
>Father Ted
>Black Books
>Mr Bean
>Fawlty Towers

These have made me laugh at different stages in my life for different reasons. Laughter and love are two good reasons as to why you shouldn't just give up.

>> No.5087915

>one, specific TV show

>> No.5087919



>> No.5087970

This is a good example of someone with a bad taste in comedy who thinks he has a sophisticated taste in comedy

>> No.5088064

arrested development, Nathan for you, Chappelle show, Seinfeld, curb your enthusiasm, east bound and down
Chappelle, Louis ck, ron white, Chris rock, john mulaney
>Comedy movies
Super troopers, step brothers, old school, Friday, grandmas boy

It doesn't take much to make me laugh.

>> No.5088081

Cause jimmy kimmel

>> No.5088115

She glamorizes abortion and we all know how hard abortions makes the average liberal.

>> No.5088151

Is it okay to feel...odd and I suppose empty...after paying for an abortion? Help me out /lit/

>> No.5088159

Sure. Abortion is a terrible thing, though it is also necessary is some cases. My problem is how feminists glamorize it. They talk about it as if it is a noble act. At best it is a necessary evil.

Sterilization > Abortion.

>> No.5088160


>> No.5088176

It's one of those things I've been told to "just get over" but it's stuck in my mind. I know what I did was necessary, but the thought of it still makes me not feel right. Thanks guys.

>> No.5088199

Dane Cook

>> No.5088207
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This. I'm pretty far on the 'liberal' side of the scale but I can't fucking stand abortion, hate feminism, and think Sarah Silverman is an insufferable bitch.

Unfortunately necessary at times, for various reasons.

>> No.5088208

You will probably get over it but yeah it's pretty awful

>> No.5088219

Well, it's been over two years now. My memory of being in the procedure room with my ex is dim and fragmented. It used to make me depressed, but now it just makes me feel odd.

I watched the movie Enter the Void a couple weeks ago which has an abortion scene in it (like they show the procedure and the aborted fetus close-up) and I started to gag. Which sounds stupid, I know, but the scene just brought a lot of unpleasantness to my mind.

>> No.5088244

That whole movie is unpleasant. Can't stop thinking about it.

>> No.5088253

You and me both, I had no idea what I was in for beforehand. My friend who recommended it's only word was "It's weird, man. You should watch it."

>> No.5088257

My fiancéehad an abortion 8 years ago (before we met) and she still has problems with it. It's really hard to talk to her about it.

I am "pro" abortions, but they do take a large toll on your psyche.

>> No.5088269

My ex wasn't the same after it, and it definitely was a factor in our break up. We don't talk anymore, but I am curious to know if she still thinks about it, or if it still affects her.
Sounds like you're understanding of her situation though, so good on you anon.

>> No.5088765

way to pick the two worst comedians ever to start us off

>> No.5088776

I tried watching it whilst high. Had a panic attack when he got shot and spent the rest of the day in bed trying to clean my mind with whatever shit I could find on my phone.

>> No.5088780

feeling bad about it for a while is normal, but 8 years is a bit much, time to move on at that point. We as a society need to force more mental fortitude on women.

>> No.5088785

hey kid. I think you should leave and come back 5 years later. then you'll be old enough to post with the big boys, you little shit

>> No.5088805

Flight of the Conchords, It's Always Sunny, Curb Your Enthusiasm, early Peep Show, Fresh Meat, Malcolm in the Middle, Seinfeld, Green Wing, some of Community, Parks & Rec, The Office (British, when it originally aired), Nathan Barley, some of The Mighty Boosh, Garth Marengi.

Three Men in a Boat, Catch 22, Dostoevsky in places. This is a difficult category. There's humour in almost all literature, but there are very few books to which it is central.

I've been watching Modern Family recently and I have to say, that although it is very accessible, and the humour isn't particularly broad, it's still pretty entertaining. Contrarily I think that to assume that because something is accessible it is plebeian is, in itself, a 'plebeian' outlook.

Simon Pegg is an insufferable cunt.

>> No.5088901

>I've been watching Modern Family recently and I have to say, that although it is very accessible, and the humour isn't particularly broad, it's still pretty entertaining. Contrarily I think that to assume that because something is accessible it is plebeian is, in itself, a 'plebeian' outlook.

I agree. Not liking a cultural product just because you don't like a segment of the people who like it is something /lit/ does all the time. Whether it's things that are known to be appreciated by hipsters, sjw or whatever. While I do agree that Modern Family is entertaining and well written for a sitcom that targets a mass-audience, I feel that it blends in with the other stuff that's out there and doesn't really stick out too much. Each character has noticeable pun patterns, plots have stencilled which leads to a stencilled structural comedy and while I would probably say MF is better than other sitcoms aimed at mass-audiences I would still have trouble to see how a person with a more sophisticated intellect, who's been exposed to many forms of literature and would use it as familiar with plot and aesthetic devices, would use it as their go-to definition for the comedy they respond to. So I meant 'accessible' in the way that I can't understand how a person who has 'access' to more innovative and heavier cultural products would place MF at the top of their list.

It's also a case of 'why are your tastes so different than mine/why don't you like the things I like most?' which I think is a valid question that deserves answers.

>> No.5088910

same fag >>5088901. my cursor jumped all over the place and I'm working with a small screen so disregard my former post.

I agree. Not liking a cultural product just because you don't like a segment of the people who like it is something /lit/ does all the time. Whether it's things that are known to be appreciated by hipsters, sjw or whatever. While I do agree that Modern Family is entertaining and well written for a sitcom that targets a mass-audience, I feel that it blends in with the other stuff that's out there and doesn't really stick out too much. Each character has noticeable pun patterns, plots have stencilled rhythms which leads to a stencilled structural comedy and while I would probably say MF is better than other sitcoms aimed at mass-audiences I would still have trouble to see how a person with a more sophisticated intellect, who's been exposed to many forms of literature and is familiar with plot and aesthetic devices, would use MF as their go-to definition for the comedy they respond to. So I meant 'accessible' in the way that I can't understand how a person who has 'access' to more innovative and heavier cultural products would place MF at the top of their list.

It's also a case of 'why are your tastes so different than mine/why don't you like the things I like most?' which I think is a valid question that deserves answers.

>> No.5088920

I had an abortion with an old girlfriend like three years ago and I still have nightmares about it from time to time

>> No.5088976

holy shit you people are middle class af

>> No.5088997


>> No.5089000



>> No.5089131

Dude what, I'm watching Enter the Void because you made it sound interesting. I'm one hour in and I hate it so far, wtf?

>> No.5089142

Peep show, Seinfeld2000, 4chan, Hannibal Burress, Seinfeld, Ren and Stimpy, Old Simpsons, et. al

>> No.5089149


i fucking hate that movie

>> No.5089154

Brad Neely is a funny guy

>> No.5089214

Painfully unfunny.

>> No.5089218

Comedy music is so bad.

>> No.5089220

A mediocre pianist and singer makes stupid jokes that are supposed to be genius because he sings in a whiny voice and curses sometimes.

>> No.5089260

Like all of Noe's films, it's a cinematic masterpiece. If you're the type to like Hollywood blockbusters, though, you will probably hate it.

>> No.5089266

I'm just going to shill for milliondollarextreme
Go watch milliondollarextreme videos on youtube

>> No.5089277

>Better Off Ted

Mah nigga for life

>bear stuff

>> No.5089530
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>> No.5090116

not all are favourites, but they're all funny in different ways. also, good talk.

>> No.5090125


My own capacity for self-delusion is the funniest thing I experience.

>> No.5090200

pretty good taste

>> No.5090212 [DELETED] 

>What makes /lit/ laugh?

most of the dickheads who take themselves way too seriously on 4chan. like 90% of /lit/ at least.

>> No.5090224

It's definitely not a movie for everyone. Sorry trip, didn't mean to lead you astray.

>> No.5090481

I love Rick and Morty and Harmon himself
but the fans make me embarrassed to say this out loud

>> No.5090486

>>What makes /lit/ laugh?
>most of the dickheads who take themselves way too seriously on 4chan. like 90% of /lit/ at least.

Why did you delete that anon

>> No.5090502


>> No.5090505

Anything Karl Pilkington. Hearing him reason things out in his strange way is always entertaining.

>> No.5090506

Wait, so are you embarrassed by your own conduct, assuming your a fan of Rick and Morty and Harmon.

>> No.5090526

no you fucking retard

>> No.5090529

your taste

>> No.5090563

Come to think of it, I don't laugh anymore, I watch comedy shows and find them funny but I don't lol at them, I never really did. Maybe has to do something with me having insecurities and being shy and stuff.
I just keep watching comedy, maybe because it makes me comfy and lets me forget about being me. Probably.

>> No.5090564

hee hee

>> No.5091135

that sucks heavily. sorry to hear that anon.

>> No.5092336

Muh fookin nigga

>> No.5092368

i love to laugh but my asshole friends always make fun of my laugh

>> No.5094085

bamp for potentially more laugh inducing recs.

>> No.5094152


Get Dave Attell's new special, it's bretty gud

>> No.5094157

Recently, only Don Quixote could make me laugh. Is my life mournful?

>> No.5094187


No, you're just not absorbing much humorous material.

And if you think Don Quixote is funny, you read a heavily altered version because that shit is impossible to read these days

>> No.5094286
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/fit/ feel threads

>> No.5094339

Humour=low art

>> No.5094340

>king of the hill
>curb your enthusiasm
>the simpsons (2-11)
>arrested development
>trailer park boys
>archer was ok first two seasons
>space ghost
>tim and eric

>surprised by the fairly pleb shows some anons are picking

kill yourself

>> No.5094341



>> No.5094344

it's in-fact the lowest of low arts

even statistics, the liest of lies, know this to be a fact

>> No.5094413
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Every fucking time. 80% of posters can't be serious in those feel threads.

>> No.5094423

humor isn't art...it's a meta-linguistic symbolic representation of absurdity.

>> No.5094431


you're an absurdly-meta, symbolic representation of failure

>> No.5094432

>Doesn't like King of the Hill or Trailer Park Boys

Sheltered suburbanite/autistic shut-in pls did

>> No.5094436

there's nothing absurd or meta about my failure.

>> No.5094437

hmmm. I like your definition. I don't think it's complete, but I think it touches upon the essence. don't know about the absurdity part.

aaanyway, your point does not contradict the fact that humour can be regarded/is art.

>> No.5094452


meta as in you're a pathetic male

>> No.5094459

>humor isn't art

things only tourists say.png

>> No.5094480

are games art? humor is a game. it is a concerted effort to derive laughter from others. but what makes a person laugh depends upon several factors. some of it is conditioned, some natural. you can achieve laughter by relying upon known absurdities or known reflexes (certain rhythms, faces, etc.). occasionally a novel phrase will do it. attempts to frame it like it is an art are hyperbolic. it's a very simple game.

>> No.5094548
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>> No.5094560

>simple game

how do you know this? are you a comedian with a decent number of followers?

>> No.5094563

and games are art, they offer me a narrative and the ability to be immersed in a world not my own.

opinions stay the same, I'll defend comedy and some games(like 5) as Art.

>> No.5094569

>humour is art

things only under 23 year olds say

i'm only going to say this once: make sure you are a full grown adult before you make aesthetic judgments. i don't care how smrat you believe yourself to be you're a fuckin pipsqueak

>> No.5094584

I'll be 24 in a month and so I pass your criteria for making aesthetic judgements.

comedy is art.

>> No.5094605

>I'll be 24 in a month

>> No.5094623

so are you gonna substantiate those claims or let >>5094584 blow you the fuck out?

>> No.5094629

>ctrl+f Norm
>0 results

Jesus christ /lit/.

>> No.5094662

Don't worry I gotchu man



>> No.5094700

>being 23 and mad as fuck

>> No.5094729

This. The ridiculously subtle jokes kill me. It's kind of painful to watch with those who don't catch references or watch/listen closely. So many say "this isn't funny." This is one of the few shows where you can say "you just don't get it." and aren't being a dick.

>> No.5094790

'male' is now an indictment. /lit/ really is a dump

>> No.5094956

Trailer Park Boys

>> No.5095210

>doesn't like seinfeld or curb
fuck you

>> No.5095292

This. I laugh more at this than anything else.