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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 64 KB, 500x378, dragondog the movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5077650 No.5077650 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ you've been sucked in the last book you've read.
How fucked are you?

>nb404 notes from underground

>> No.5077662

name other such cute german movies or we will dresden you again.

>> No.5077672

How's that movie?

>> No.5077675

I'm very fucked in this retarded world dominated by the architects of Ayn Rand... I commit sudoku.

>> No.5077685

I am stuck in the meditations of the greatest Roman emperor.

>> No.5077692


It was an essay collection, and the essays disputed each other at times. So I guess I'm in a world of paradox.

>> No.5077696
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I'm trapped in modern-day Netherlands. I don't mind one bit

>> No.5077702

>I'm trapped in modern-day Netherlands

>> No.5077707

>am a Greek god
Feels good

>> No.5077714
File: 46 KB, 398x584, rb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find myself in San Francisco in the late 1960s. On the down side, I don't like hippies. On the up side, I like drugs and free love.

>> No.5077726

The Beggar Maid, by Alice Munro.

I guess I'm somewhere between 1925 and 1975 in Canada. Economically between extremely shit and well enough off. I guess this could be worse - I always wanted to see Canada.

>> No.5077733

>I commit sudoku.

>> No.5077739

Gulliver's Travels.
This could get interesting.

>> No.5077741

Don't leave the building.

>> No.5077747
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late 1960s

>dfw you can smoke in public places

>> No.5077756


I contaminate the Irish cultural legacy with witty Australianisms then get blind, fuck a hooker and pass out, then repeat for a couple of years, then die in WWI.

>> No.5077762


>The Long Walk

I'm pretty fucking fucked.

>> No.5077766

>the monk
Pretty fucked but everyone else is going down with me, and everyone seems to speak English in Spain so I guess that's a plus.

>> No.5077769

>Discipline and Punish, Foucault.


>> No.5077773

>Confederacy of Dunces

it's ok, I guess.

>> No.5077786

maybe the US have become so mexicans that you now you speak spanish

>> No.5077789

Heart of Darkness.
I'm pretty good, given the fact I'm blue eyed and caucasian and all. I'll be having me some Nineteenth century fun shooting niggers in Leopold Land.

>> No.5077790

>Beloved by Toni Morrison

Might as well kill myself.

>> No.5077796

I'm royally fucked.

I'll be surrounded by hot furries everywhere. With this author especially, the things can't seem to keep their cum in their bodies for long.

(Waterways, Kyell Gold)

>> No.5077803

Marcin Świetlicki - Zimne Kraje (if poetry is fine), so I'm trapped in Kraków during the 80s. I don't mind it a bit, actually it'd be good for me.
If poetry isn't fine, I'm trapped in The Judgement, so I'm fucked.

>> No.5077806
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got an idea brb

captcha: stay okeylefi

>> No.5077807

I'm locked with the positivists in Vienna in the 1920s. Besides the language barrier, this is fucking awesome. I'm going to go meet Godel and Wittgenstein

>> No.5077809

>The Odyssey

poseiden a shit f this.

>> No.5077816

looks promising, title?

>> No.5077833

collected writings of epicurs

ataraxia here i come

>> No.5077835

>In Grand Purple Robes of Madness

Not really any change...

>> No.5077836

>the fall

>> No.5077840

>The Idiot
I think I've read enough Dostoyevsky now to survive Russian society. I would probably spend my time leeching off the prince and hanging out with General Ivolgin

>> No.5077842

The Bible -- so, Revelations...

>> No.5077850


>> No.5077860


Hey! Not bad at all.

>> No.5077878

>John Dies at the End
I'd probably die pretty quickly, but I can take solace in the fact that it would be in a really cool way.

>> No.5077888

postmodernist shit

>> No.5077920

travels with charely by steinbeck... i am not fucked! Lets go see America!

>> No.5077930

For Whom The Bell Tolls

I guess I can try to steal Maria from Jordan. And then kill Pablo, fuck that guy.

>> No.5077935

>How fucked are you?

Wizard of Earthsea

Fuck yea Wizards and dragons and shadow fighting. This shit is awesome.

>> No.5077938

The first was pretty good when I was younger. Not sure how it holds up. I'd imagine it's worth a watch if you're marathoning 80s movies.

>> No.5077952

>The fault in our stars

my gf made me read it i swear
guess im going to be a pretentious edgy teenager and die of bone cancer

>> No.5077956

Divine Comedy

Somewhere within the 8th circle you'll surely find me.

>> No.5077964
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>Battle Royale

>> No.5078143
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>Last Exit To Brooklyn

>> No.5078158

Uh, shit, it actually was Notes from the Underground.

>> No.5078165
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The last one I finished was Coraline so do I get to be a little girl?

The one I'm in the middle of though is A History Of The World In 10/2 Chapters.
I don't want to be in any of those fucking chapters man.

>> No.5078189

Nervous agitation and a horrible dyspepsia that can only be cured by boiling a beef based stew, seasoned with many different spices, then slowly strained through a cheesecloth and the contents supped until I am more at ease.
Im aight

>> No.5078191
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>tfw I can only say "slab", "beam", "pillar", "block"

>> No.5078194

>Love In The Time of Cholera

I guess I better learn Spanish.

>> No.5078195
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honestly, that sounds amazing

if i'm a god, GREAT
but even if i'm a human, it's a pretty cool world, albeit a technologically stunted one. i can go become a monk and meditate and shit

>> No.5078200

Notes from Underground is actually the last book I've read. No joke.

>> No.5078209

>the shadow over innsmouth

...ok, this doesn't seem so great

>> No.5078214
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>Left Hand of Darkness

>my feet are cold
>actually my whole body is, always
>it's snowing again
>the aliens are batshit insane
>everyone thinks I'm a pervert which is probably true, but not in the sense they think
>tfw no gf
>tfw no bf
>tfw only occasionally horny hermaphroditic aliens
>feels okay, man
Just won't go to that one bad totalitarian country, and I'll work something out, I guess.

>> No.5078215

>Inherent vice

smoke weed err day

>> No.5078223

>currently 3/4ths through The Name of the Rose
ppl dying daily
nothings safe
monks are nuts
books are fucked
i am fucked

>> No.5078225
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In the grand scheme of things I'm not all that fucked.

>> No.5078236
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Looks like I'm stuck with a bunch of hobos teaching the world how to read.
So, not that bad I guess.

>> No.5078242

>Carpenter's Gothic
I become involved in a multi-level business/charity/political scandal and either become a millionaire or am assassinated

>Reading Gravity's Rainbow
I am violently and sexually attacked by negros while using the toilet before getting hit by a rocket and seeing large robed figures snatch my soul away

>> No.5078255

>Count Zero
Considering how I read Neuromancer before that and know what's going on in the Matrix, I'm quite well.

Also, if we count how I'm currently reading Mona Lisa OVerdrive, I'm even better

>> No.5078266

work in a field throughout different seasons
mill soil, plant seeds, harvest grain
things not that bad, master is not a bad a guy.
married or going to marry a girl
being a peasant can have its own beauties.

>anna karennina

>> No.5078273

Dune Chronicles 4 - I guess the first three books would be alright, but it'd suck being a dude in Leto II's world

>> No.5078294

I'll be fine playing tennis and doing drugs the rest of my life

>> No.5078305

>the crossing

>> No.5078392
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>tfw you can never spend autumns harvesting wheat till night with Tolstoj, then rest near him on a sheaf and look the stars

>> No.5078397

>The Book of Disquiet

It is remarkably similar to my life already. I will persevere

>> No.5078402

>The Claw of the Conciliator

I'm probably imprisoned in the antechamber of the House Absolute. Maybe if I'm lucky I can escape and follow Jonas off planet.

>> No.5078473

>The Blindness

I guess I'll just kill myself right now.

>> No.5078477

> the hunger games

I don't want to die

>> No.5078508

>Terry Pratchett's Thud!

I'm okay. Gonna have a beer with Vimes and probably get killed trying to fuck Angua, but it'd be worth it.

>> No.5078534

You must be a fun buddy

>> No.5078536
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Don't know how I feel about this.

>> No.5078544

A tale of two cities.
I just better hope there is a man who looks just like me in the bookworld.

>> No.5078546

Of course I am

>> No.5078547

i'm a monk from helsinki

I hope I don't know too much about theology of laughter or aristotle's comedy so that I won't die

>> No.5078548

>Goodbye to All That

Oh shit, did Autism get you out of the draft?

>> No.5078551

>Ham on Rye - Charles Bukowski

Stuck in Los Angeles during the Great Depression. This won't be fun.

>> No.5078552

Dud autism even exist then?

>> No.5078560

Banging that prehistoric puss with my hooked up best buds Gilgamesh and Enkidu.

Life's great.

>> No.5078563

or you can start to selling corpses

>> No.5078568

Wery gud m8.

>> No.5078577

>Moll Flanders
Well, it's time to prosper in the New World.

>> No.5078586
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>> No.5078590

All 4chan and no reading makes anon a dull boy.

>> No.5078591

I predict tough times man

>> No.5078593

I'm in France during the revolution and beginning of the napoleonic wars. Hell yeah motherfucker.

>> No.5078600

La Guillotine vous attend

>> No.5078601

>It's 1981
>John Lennon has just been shot
>I can't listen to the Beatles anymore
>tfw I'm a woman
>tfw my husband just killed himself
>My father-in-law (the bishop) is questioning his faith
>What to do?

>> No.5078608

>you spawn directly under her charging stream of piss

>> No.5078624

I am stuck in mid-60's California and I am surrounded buy muted horns and LSD. I am losing my mind.

>> No.5078635

I'm playing a 15 year old Bobby Fischer for the US national championship. He makes fun of me because I am Jewish.

>> No.5078643

All quiet on the western front. I hope I am not one of those Russian prisoners.

>> No.5078655

>man and hhis symbols

i think i'm already in it

>> No.5078663

Magic Mountain
I don't know how fucked I am, just finished first chapter of it. I'll die of boredom or reach nirvana

>> No.5078684
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Very fucked.

For now.

>> No.5078685

The man who mistook his wife for a hat.

Alright I guess. About half of them seem to live very good lives.

>> No.5078690


>> No.5078770

le coiffeur national

>> No.5078786

I'm currently reading Paradise Lost. Guess I'm going to hell.

>> No.5078803
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Not sure how I feel about this.

>> No.5078918

just keep going, and then...keep going

>> No.5078931

that book was boring beyond my dullest imagination

>> No.5078982

Hmm the dark tower, not sure how that will play out for me

>> No.5078990

>ham on rye

>> No.5078995

>I am in a Peruvian military academy
>Nothing to do but rape chickens and murder classmates to pass the time

>> No.5078998

Hey, at least I'll get a snappy nickname

>> No.5078999

>Third reich
>No twin sister GF

>> No.5079015
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oh dear...

>> No.5079024

on the plus side, free truffles

>> No.5079025

Nothing changed, really. I was sucked into Stan Rogal's As Good As Dead.

>> No.5079031
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Road to Wigan Pier. I accompany Orwell through 1930s England and we discuss how both the proles and Bourgeoise are utterly contemptible and how everything is shit except our love.

>tfw dreams come true

>> No.5079033

>American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson

As a black man, I don't know how I feel about this.

>> No.5079084

I'm trapped in a mindfuck where fishes and slugs rain by the command of an old man that can communicate with cats.

>> No.5079111

Which pit ?

I'm caught between the thoughts and characters of various French literary figures. Could be worse but it's fucking ocnfusing.

>> No.5079128


>> No.5079149

>literature of the western world volume 1: ancient world through the renaissance

this is basically an anthology of every good piece of literature from the old testament to john milton's last poem. I will be living the dream OP

>> No.5079161

you get to fuck the mom and then you know how to escape so you can

>> No.5079164
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Well, I'm fucked.

>> No.5079172

all you can do is feel about this anon

>> No.5079230

Bernard Cornwell's 1356.

I'm fucked, I don't know how to survive in medieval France.

>> No.5079231

the communist manifesto
feels good man

>> No.5079239

>Crime and Punishment

Im already poor.

>> No.5079279
File: 247 KB, 675x1013, 676f02e5-f859-4f72-9c60-05871d11b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming I become a superhuman, #SWAG

>> No.5079282
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>Brave New World
I'll probably end exiled on za Falklands

>> No.5079283

>John Steinbeck's The Pearl
I'm fine because I'm white. But I don't speak Spanish.

>> No.5079284

How is this book and all of his stuff?

I like sci fi, let m know what I'm in for please.

>> No.5079292

Valéry's literary studies. Stylistic and literary comments on Villon, Stendhal, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Hugo, Baudelaire, Mallarmé and a few others. Also, a praise of Emile Verhaeren (Belgium's top poet) and of Goethe. We can discuss it if you want. I finished it last week.

That must be a fucking huge tome.

>> No.5079305

>What is the What

Yeah I'm pretty fucked

>> No.5079314

>he doesn't realise the islands are death camps

>> No.5079327
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>One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

>> No.5079342
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>Pax Britannica

I'm not really sure how that would work. I mean if I was suddenly in 19th century Britain that would suck but if I was being teleported around the world witnessing all the events in the book it could be fun.

>> No.5079345

>sci fi setting
>bronze age fashion
I love shit like this.

>> No.5079367

Franny and Zooey. I'm in Salinger's Manhattan.

>> No.5079391
File: 94 KB, 500x750, 35a71c8a-748b-461e-b97b-1a5797acf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit's great; if you don't want to invest in a huge series give Robert E. Howard's Almuric a try for a taste for the sword and planet genre. If you like that, I highly suggest ERB

>> No.5079413

tell me more, i'm interested. 1/4 of my library comes from '800 france

>> No.5079454

It's a collection of essays Valéry wrote on other writers. Some were discourse or praises he had to write as a representative of the French academy. Others were simply motivated out of personal for those writers.

They are extremely interesting essays, not least because Valéry was a man of relentless curiosity, a serious intellectual discipline, with a knack for the precise, the exact, the scientific (he had read Cantor's foundational works on set theory and Maxwell treatise on electromagnetics when they were cutting-edge) . He was also more bent on poetry than novels, which in our times seems refreshing.

The author he considers, if I recall, are, in order:
>Pontus de Tard
>father Cyprian
>La Fontaine
>Mallarmé (the essays on Mallarmé and symbolism makes up for a quarter of the whole thing)
>Emile Verhareren
>Henry Brémond

If you're specifically interested in any of these authors, I currently have the book in front of my eyes

>> No.5079469

I forgot there is also a very unconventional essay about Pascal.

>> No.5079494

>tfw italian so i can't buy that collection of essays translated in my language.

I'm, for the most, interested about (in order) Hugo-Proust-Racine

>> No.5079499

Living in Henry Miller's house in Big Sur, soundds like a good place

>> No.5079500

which book

>> No.5079525

I'm trapped in dialectic materialism!

>> No.5079531

The Bell Jar.

I am fucked.

>> No.5079558

It's not impossible it has been translated in Italian. Valéry was of Italian descent, and an Italian speaker himself. He could very well have encouraged such a thing.


The title of Valéry's essay is "Hugo creator through form". At some point, he notes that any classicism (that is to say, in the general definition he gives of it, any explicitation of rules) comes as a reaction to a romanticism (i.e a sponteneous, unregulated poetical production, where poets experiments freely with little clarity about what exactly they're doing), is an attempt to discipline it, to make it more powerful by the power of rules.

Hugo is stated to be the starting point of such a classicism towards French early romanticism. For Valéry, what ensures the duration of a poem, what makes it compelling even when the spirit of the era it captures has faded, is the strenght of its form: a poem that rely on the structure of the language it uses, on the characteristics of human speech and of the human ear, will stay relevant as long as the language doesn't change past the point of recognition. This is why we can still find Villon charming, after five centuries, because his flow is attuned to his ear, and our ears aren't so different from his.

So (to get back to the point), the early romantics (Lamartine, Vigny, Musset) had little care for form. There were all about pure, unrestrained expression of their sensitivity. It seems that Valéry considers the ethos of early romanticism as little more than a wasting of talent, namely, that Lamartine and his kin were great poets who doomed themselves by being sloppy in their form, thus allowing their poem to age rather fast.

>> No.5079566

But Hugo came as a reaction to that. He was a keen Latinist, and he picked his masters among the likes of Thucydides and Horace. He worked relentlessly on his form, seven hours a day (from 5 am to noon) every day for sixty years. As Valéry puts it, Hugo's work are the products of talent and hardwork, talent times hardwork. Through his daily discipline of writing and rewriting, Hugo eventually came to submit himself to nearly all possible hurdles of versification, and to solve them all. Thus he became the French poet with the greatest ability to deal with anything in his writing, to be compelling on every subject, under almost any constraint. His excesses, that are often decried, are the results of his excessive mastery, and as Valéry puts it: "like Shakespeare, Hugo felt too much his power over language not to overuse it". Despite still being a romantic, Hugo induced a schock in the literary world, and every single French poet after him was inspired by his commitment to form. Because for all his excess and heavy-handedness there is, in about one or two hundreds thousand published verses of Hugo, not a single formally flawed one.

According to Valéry, Hugo's later poetical works, which were published after Flowers of Evil, and for most of them even after Baudelaire's death, are "infinitely above whatever else he wrote". The point of Valéry here is that until his very last years Hugo kept improving, innovating, and daring more in his verses. And here lies his relevance. Valéry even quotes some of the verses Hugo on the death of Théophile Gautier, near the end of his life, calling them "the most beautiful Hugo ever wrote, perhaps the most beautiful ever written".

It's amusing (and rather sad) that Hugo is only read for his Miserables (at least outside of France). He's such a formidable poet that despite his deliberate confusion of thought, a lover of scientific accuracy like Valéry can still admire his poetry.

>> No.5079571

it's nonfiction

>> No.5079584


pls no

>> No.5079589

Thebes during the siege of the seven

hoping oedipus' prophecy comes through before i get impaled.

also having difficulty coming to terms with all the difficulty my city has been going through over the past years

>tfw not athenian

>> No.5079593


>The book contains strange repetitions ...and twice Goldstein tells us that her New York apartment has only one bathroom (p. 140, 184).

How was the book? I read Nagel's book, but it was mostly about Godel's proof and did little to situate it in a historical context. I wouldn't mind learning about Vienna circa 1920.

>> No.5079595

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers
>this is literally the worst possible book for this thread

>> No.5079612
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Welll shit.

>> No.5079619

scariest one itt

>> No.5079632

>gravity's rainbow
>tons of willing girls
>tons of drugs
>plenty of ways to off myself while having fun
>rocketman is on the loose
oh fuck yes

>> No.5079649

trapped in every form of historical prison and psychiatric institute simultaneously

>> No.5079665
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Oh lawd.....

>> No.5079685

Arthur Rimbaud - Complete Works


>> No.5079865

>Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
>either really boring or really bad

>> No.5079876

>For whom the bell tolls.

In the middle of Spain's civil war with no training? I wont last three days.

>> No.5079894


>> No.5079921
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Invisible Man

..But am I the lead character now?

>> No.5079927

The Sun Also Rises. I get drunk all day and watch bull fights. I'm in love with some floozey but she fucks Jews and Spaniards instead of me.

>> No.5079934

You, sir, should unmask.
Indeed it's time. We have all laid aside disguise but you.
I wear no mask.
No mask? No mask!

I'm fucked one way or another.

>> No.5079949

Lord of the Flies
I'd beat the shit out of Jack so fucking hard

>> No.5079951

>not that fucked because suicide

>> No.5079953

you're just a hobo that was there the whole time who eats rats and collects newspapers

>> No.5079956
File: 43 KB, 355x600, 355px-Second_Foundation_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Second Foundation
Nice, and the Mule is already long dead so I can take part on some good old science espionage against the Second Foundation.

>> No.5079959
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>mfw I read Lone Survivor because it was on sale at the airport
Fucking awful book by the way. Holy shit that motherfucker was so brainwashed he must have been leaking bleach out of his nose and on to the pages when he wrote it.
Anyways as long as I get to be the survivor I don't care.

>> No.5079961
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>A Dead Man's Memoirs
I barely know Russian and I'm terrible at writing plays.


>> No.5079977

I'm 2 pages into IJ. How fucked am I?

>> No.5080061

I guess after the Clone Wars I have about another 24 years to suffer under the burdensome tyranny of the Galactic Empire. That is even if I make it past the era of total war with the Seps.
Yeah, The Galactic Civil War was a bitch.

>> No.5080176
File: 5 KB, 79x144, 2014-05-01_21.50.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> biography of vincent van gogh

I'd quite like it. Id try to convince him to cut down on the hooker sex so as to save his ear some trouble later down the track, as well as beating the shit out of that cretin gauguin

>> No.5080188
File: 19 KB, 315x475, period.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

I'm essentially trapped in Arcadia, California, a place that is apparently full of psychopaths, drug addicts, child-rapists, dead spirits talking through computers and Satanists.

I'd say I'm fucked if it weren't for the ridiculous abundance of drugs. So I've that going for me.

>> No.5080190

The last book you finished reading, you fucking illiterate.

>> No.5080212

>The Road
Well. I'm sure it could be worse, just got to carry that fire.

>> No.5080217

>Infinite Jest

Shit. I suck at tennis...
pretty good a drugs, though.

>> No.5080440

Well I'm Armenian too so I can have a conversation with Rabo but other than that there ain't much to do.

>> No.5080513

Ah, Kafka On The Shore. Good times.

>> No.5080721


>The Running Man


>> No.5080731

>The Unconsoled
i feel like this has already happened

>> No.5080738

The Last Wish.
This would actually be pretty fucking cool.

>> No.5080752

Journey to the End of the Night.

Well shit.

>> No.5080756
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The Old Man and The Sea.

1) Never forget Lemon, and splash seawater on the stern to make salt.
2) Don't go crazy, but think about baseball and bonespurs.

>> No.5080768


I wouldn't wanna be you. I can't see myself beating and killing fucking SHARKS with a wooden stick. That old man was a badass.

>> No.5080782

Scientific theory everywhere

God help me

>> No.5080796
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Stop hitting yourself

>> No.5080816

no i'm suicidal

>> No.5080846

American Gods

so basically I'm stuck in the rural Northeast and nothing of note happens

>> No.5080924


Amazing, I will try to find an Italian version of that book or others from Valéry.

>> No.5080925

I'm in the Sahara dessert enjoying nothing because I'm with two obnoxiously sheltered and histrionic americans.

The Sheltering Sky - Paul Bowles and I'm still in the middle of it

>> No.5080933

Blood Meridian.


>> No.5080940
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>> No.5080946

The Trial. Eugh.

>> No.5080949


So you get buttmad at being NTR'd? Sounds like another day on 4chan to me.

>> No.5080950

Les Miserables
Since I live in France, not much would be different.

>> No.5081098

I guess I'm okay. Was reading Thomas Merton's autobiography. Could_be_worse.jpeg

>> No.5081103

sucked into the 41st millenium
yep, fucked to death by sexy, sexy slaanesh daemons

>> No.5081109

I'm on the field at Gettysburg, probably dying slowly from a blown apart hip or infected wound.
The Killer Angels

>> No.5081135


>> No.5081229

>reading Sade

>> No.5081235
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might be neat

>> No.5081238

>crying of lot 49
I'm only on page 33
Am I gonna cheat on my partner by fucking a lawyer assigned to help me dispatch my old lovers will?

>> No.5081252
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>tfw your only preocupation in life is to dress and speak well in front of the prince
>tfw loving mistress awaiting you every night in her palazzo
>tfw white horse to ride the whole afternoon
>tfw you talk about your last parties and fuckbuddies with your bro the Marchessino Fabio de la Roverre
>tfw fuckin rich
>tfw contessa milfs staring at you at the opera craving your attention
>tfw you can fuck every bourgeoise you want since they all lose their shit in front of your noble dick
>tfw I'll never be a highborn italian during the IXX century

>> No.5081308

>Life and Fate
I would not ask if I am fucked, and how. The question to ask here is, what will fuck me? Will it be the Germans, the NKVD, the commissar for a petty comment I made about Stalin, my gun jamming, the lack of judgment from my superiors, or this fellow Russian who hates me for being Jew?

>> No.5081321

Dark tower book 2.
I'm fucked

>> No.5081328

>Farewell To Arms
wine, cheese, and broken bones please

>> No.5081338

Have you finished reading it? Because wine, cheese, and broken bones won't be the worst suffering for you to experience.

>> No.5081340

>Reading Soul Surfer
>Get to go surfing with Bethany Hamilton

Love it.

>> No.5081371


>> No.5081403

Dark tower book 5, I could fit in with some villagers with their lack of old/modern knowledge and be potentially successful and fulfilled, but if I had to travel with Roland I can't say how it'd go.

>> No.5081413

>On the Road

>> No.5083753

Actually is notes from underground. Not too much different.

>> No.5083823

geoff dyer's the colour of memory, fuck yes

>> No.5083834


All the Pretty Horses...

Well time to fuckin chill out on a ranch and live a simple life

>> No.5083856
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>The Trial

You won't take me alive.

>> No.5083870

>The tar-aiym krang
I'm fucked.

>> No.5083879
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He's in for a shock. Hemingway is a sadist.

>> No.5083982

>Child of God

Lester probably shot up me and my girl when we was down by the mountain screwin in her daddys pickup

>> No.5083985

>How We Die


The fact that I'm angsty enough to read it probably means I deserved this.

>> No.5083990
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Socrates about to die and a slave appears out of nowhere.

>tfw could never travel through time because white's are evil

>> No.5084223



>> No.5084571

aye say thank ya, commala big-big

>> No.5084606


>> No.5084615

Game of Thrones.
Well I guess it's time to dig a hole and hide in it.

>> No.5084616


>> No.5084620

120 Days of Sodom

fuckin fucked and sodomized

>> No.5084697
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finished it

>> No.5084720

>a non fiction study of japan

I wonder how the fuck I teleported to asian then probably head home

>> No.5085274

and being unable to express yourself and eating mold

>> No.5085279

Mine's a complete history of the 30 years war

I think I'm thoroughly fucked, mates

>> No.5085281

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

I'm in for one hell of a trip

>> No.5085288
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>live near rouen
>marry a simpleton
>have affairs
>mfw i realise i live in a romantic dream
>yum arsenic

>> No.5085309

Sire, by Jean Raspail.
France now have a King and it might be saved after all.

>> No.5085329

Night Watch by Terry Pratchett

I guess I'm probably going to die trying to hold the line. Either that or get mixed up in some time-travelling bullshit and end up teaching myself how to be a copper so that I can teach myself how to be a copper ad infinum.

>> No.5085340

royaliste pls go

>> No.5085754

>La Nausée
Welp, nothing new under the sun.

>> No.5085786

>Ciaphas Cain
>in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war
And yeah, I'm 2000% fucked.

On the other hand, I could be in Mostly Harmless, where everyone dies. And Another Thing never happened, that book was shit.

>> No.5086052
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>Elective Affinities by J.W. von Goethe

Spending all my time in a German country manor house can't be so bad.
as long as I'm not any of the characters

>> No.5087464


>> No.5087474

The Grapes of Wrath.

oh my

>> No.5087526

>Sucked into 1970s Louisiana.

Well, I guess I'll wait for the internet to be invented and invest as much as possible in Microsoft and Google and Apple (eventually).

Also, try not to get drafted.

>> No.5087596

>God Bless You Mr. Rosewater
I'm okay with this

>> No.5087629

Now I have to listen to young Werther whine all say.

>> No.5087633


>> No.5087683

>Rudyard Kipling - Kim

Set in the peak of Colonial India. As a white Brit, I'm okay with this. I'll shoot Gandhi to make sure he doesn't ruin everything too.

>> No.5087787

Well, the last book I read was a collection of Hemingway's short stories, so I guess I'm doomed to live a modesty discontent life full of alcoholism and purposelessness that ends in an unfortunate death or suicide.

>> No.5087792

I'd be in the middle of the Russo-Japanese war. I'd be pretty boned

>> No.5087794 [SPOILER] 
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That's not so bad, you only have to listen to him for a few months

>> No.5087897

I get to fuck Nana, i'm okay

>> No.5087924
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Children of Dune; we God-Emperor now

>> No.5088077

Don Juan

So the Sultan's Seraglio. Sounds breddy gud.

>> No.5088087

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

>> No.5088105

pillars of the earth

I just hope I'm noble and not a peasant.

>> No.5088107

>All You Need Is Kill
>dat time loop

Not even mad.

>> No.5088141

Guess I'll be fighting alongside Colonel Aureliano Buendia

>> No.5088143

>The Road

Fuck. I guess I freeze and/or am raped and killed.

>> No.5088152

>How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching

Stuck in an abstract, peer-reviewed universe that is obsessed with giving adult students a good education

>> No.5088166

The horror.

>> No.5089297

>I like drugs and free love.
Then why don't you like hippies.

>> No.5089300

Because I like washing and being educated.

>> No.5089303

I am the happiest person in world.
Might die of hunger or sword quite soon though.

>> No.5089305

>As a white Brit, I'm okay with this. I'll shoot Gandhi to make sure he doesn't ruin everything too.

Shoot him before he goes to South Africa please.

>> No.5089316

Infinite Jest

So not too different

>> No.5089326

It's actually really bad. If you get past the casual racism and sexism (eh, it was the times I guess), you're really not left with much other than a very rambling plot and a protagonist who actually is an enormous asshole even though he's supposed to be a hero.

>> No.5089592

The Star Wars guy?

>> No.5089597


>The Idiot

well i'm not a kind and noble epileptic so I think I'm fucked.

>> No.5089624

>Another Fine Myth

I think I would really enjoy learning magic the way as its portrayed in this book.

>> No.5089696

>As a black man
pics or your full of shit, mate.

>> No.5089798

So fucked its not even funny... at least until I go to jail

>> No.5089858

top fucking lel

>> No.5089937
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>tfw in the early days of American civil war

brb dying for darkies or rednecks

>> No.5089944

The place is Dublin. The date is June 16th, 1904.

Could be worse.

>> No.5089948

I'm obsessed with my position on the compass and the time; I also feel obligated to shove animals into my Glad bag and let them die, literally got chased the other day for doing such a thing, luckily the guy who runs my rehabilitation center there to get those thugs off my back, he's a big tough dude, but would never actively engage in combat these days, not after the whole AA thing.

>> No.5089975

Last I finished?
I'm some alcoholic in SC working shit jobs. Sorta fucked? Unless I'm the main character, then I'm fucked, literally.

>> No.5090594

>Driver's theory test handbook

umm.. well.. at least I'm in a world where good driving is revered above all else..

>> No.5091439
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I'm an invisible asshole running around Victorian England robbing and killing people for my own selfish purpose.

>> No.5091458
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I'm a small child in semi-rural Alabama who doesn't know how to act like a lady, and I don't know what 'nigger' means.
My daddy is Gregory Peck and I'm in love with a midget.
>Them rednicks er comin' to get us, Atticus. Good thing you can kill dogs.
I'm fuckeed.

>> No.5092313

Just make sure to get the fuck out of Macondo as soon as you can.

>> No.5092377

I'm stuck on a whaling ship with a cannibal who's gay for me and a captain who is crazy because he's missing a leg
i didn't finish it yet

>> No.5092420
File: 974 KB, 780x1156, The+Fellowship+Of+The+Ring+by+Phil+at+Pasta+Soup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LOTR - Book 1/6 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Getting drunk with the Gaffer, talkin shit about those Sackville-Bagginses.

>> No.5092438

I'm a Slav wrongly imprisoned and stuck in a Gulag in Kazakhstan.

>> No.5092441

Moy zek.

>> No.5092455

April Light by Faulkner.

No computer and no Internet; you work horrible jobs until you die; you can't get drunk; bigoted, insane and racist society... But it's not so bad after all because at least I'm not black.

>> No.5092463

>April Light
Holy shit, I'm so retarded, it's Light in August.

>> No.5092563

>Wise Man's Fear

Guess I'm going to the University and teach them how to make a fucking steam engine.

And build a nuclear bomb to wipe the shitty Adem off the face of the planet.

>> No.5092603
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>The Corrections

lol no prob I live in Indiana

>> No.5092637

go to the teilaxu and become a grand master so you can live for eternity..

>> No.5092675


Lolita... oy. Getting fucked by a guy three times my age.

>> No.5092838

The Immoralist

Does this mean i have to fuck Arab boys or do I have to toil on some shitty farm in Normandy?

>> No.5092843

what book is this?

>> No.5093191

Kafka on the Shore - Murakami

Demn all these falling tuna from the sky

>> No.5093214
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>implying Valis isn't just Rome in the future

I hate the cops and I know they hate me. I have to smoke hay so I won't shoot at police.

>> No.5093787

>Krechatovka Station, circa 1943

>> No.5094338


"...Kyell Gold is the pen name of a Californian novelist who is chiefly known for writing male homosexual romance literature for the furry fandom.."

Can you imagine him explaining to father how he can afford a new boat.

>> No.5094347

>Either I'm a boring Bret Easton Ellis esque ripoff.
>I'm in a fucking house that wont stop fucking growing oh fucking christ help me.

>> No.5094368

Glass Bead Game. I'm honestly pretty happy about it.

>> No.5094393

The HOUSE responds to human emotion, apparently

you could probably master your internal state and create anything you want as long as it's made out of chalky gray shit

>> No.5094398

Same here. A sun like un petit vin blanc.

>> No.5094402

>Post Office by Bukwoski

Well I get to drink heavily, screw cheap women, and deliver mail. Not bad/10

>> No.5094471

>Catch 22

Could be extremely fun or pretty shitty. Most likely shitty.

>> No.5094697
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>mfw the last book I read was notes form underground

>> No.5094710
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>screw cheap women

I don't think you know quite what this entails.

You're legit better off just keeping dry.

>> No.5094736


>> No.5094740

You will die, along with almost everyone else.

>> No.5095049

fuck, that is NOT what I pictured any of the women to look like.

>> No.5095102
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>Piers Plowman

I'm not happy about this.

>> No.5095275

100 years war, better get my bow

Heretic, Bernard Cornwell

>> No.5095290

Women... yeah.

>> No.5095293

Chewing CAN-D so high right now lmao

>> No.5095719

>Justine, by De Sade

How fucked am I? Quite literally, actually. Especially if I replace Justine.

However, if I don't, I could be the fucker - not the fuckee. Might be fun.

>> No.5096370

>tfw the last thing I read was On Certainty
>tfw trapped in a world of automatons who are indistinguishable from people by appearance and spherical aliens