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File: 73 KB, 498x800, american-psycho-book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5075121 No.5075121 [Reply] [Original]

What is the worst book you ever read?

Pic related, not even trolling

>> No.5075124

Plato's republic

>> No.5075131

Fuck Infinite Jest, fuck David Foster Wallace.

>> No.5075133
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That doesn't surprise me. I liked the movie because of Christian Bale's performance, but I hear that the book is unduly gruesome. Not really a gore fiend, so would probably put it down as soon as the descriptions came in.

Worst book I ever read has to be Pride and Prejudice.

>> No.5075138

god this, and western civilisation fawns over it

>> No.5075143

Nah, the novel American Psycho is pretty good. Surprised at OP>

>> No.5075150

Frederick Forsyth - The Cobra

>> No.5075172
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>Plato's Republic
>not the single greatest written work in philosophy ever

>> No.5075189

Some pulp fiction about a doctor who was kidnapped by pirates and then became one. It was the literally equivalent to Troma films.

>> No.5075193

Ready Player One
>a poor, tubby, atheist neckbear becomes famous when his knowledge of 80's trivia helps him solve a puzzle in a popular virtual reality game which could make him the richest person in the world
>he gets the money
>he gets the girl
The author sold the film rights to this abortion for major dosh years ago and it just got the green light.

>> No.5075197

The Black Lagoon of literature?

>> No.5075201

Are you baiting?

>> No.5075202

Never saw The Black Lagoon.

>> No.5075206
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>trying to read this book
>about 15 pages in
>6 pages consisting of 1 paragraph and with like 3 sentences per page

>> No.5075210

Ulysses is simultaneously the worst and (likely) best book I've ever read.

I never thought I'd make it through the doldrums (i.e. almost every chapter in the middle of the "novel"), but I was supremely grateful to find Mrs Bloom's SOC at the end.Is Joyce's masterpiece the pinnacle of literary success? Couldn't say. Many times I was convinced it was far more impressive in his head than it was on paper.

Also, OP, what da fuck? American Psycho is, IMHO, genius in its rambling, cerebral portrayal of the decadence of the late 1980s/early 1990s. BEE kills it with his descriptions of cultural icons of the day, almost as if he's inventing a new iconography.

>> No.5075214

Why didn't you like it? I thought it was pretty good, better than the movie.

>> No.5075216

i thinkt hat the book was dumb and i didnt liek it

>> No.5075239

American Psycho is nothing but a desription, there is no development in the story whatsoever. That's why I think it's pretty mediocre, no new ideas, only stating relatively obvious things.

>> No.5075268

it has nothing to say. its supposed message is just vague criticism. i'm convinced a lot of it was just an excuse for ellis to play out his woman hating fantasies

>> No.5075399

the last of the mohicans. cooper will spend ten pages describing a blade of grass

>> No.5075421

As someone who was cognizant during the 80's, I would say that American Psycho is the perfect representation of the era, but that this is not by any measure a good thing.
Why do people say "by any means?" I almost said that and then caught myself, I don't think it means anything.

>> No.5076509

Oh God, thank you for reminding me such abomination existed. Truly the worst book I've ever finished.

>> No.5076518

Fuck you bro, I loved that book.

>> No.5076532

Some terrible fucking murder mystery my mom gave me, featuring some bland pastry chef as the main character. I can't even remember the name, but the word "Tart" was in it. Mom thought I'd enjoy it because I like to cook, so I must love any book that features cooking, right? I never even finished it.

>> No.5076847

I've technically read worse books but this is definitely also the worst "real book" ive ever read

>> No.5077249
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>Atlus Shrugged in high school
didn't help that all my dumb piece of shit classmates were lazy fucks, and we had a substitute who let us read aloud and guess who fucking ended up reading that garbage to the rest of the class for an hour and a half?

>> No.5077254

No contest at all. Confederacy of Dunces.

>> No.5077260


>> No.5077264


A kid with a stutter or speech impediment?

>> No.5077287
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World War Z

>> No.5077290
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No, it was me.
Everyone else was black, dumb, or a combination of the two, so they're all lazy cunts who voted to "read aloud" in order to get someone else to do it. And the substitute being a piece of shit INSISTED that we read aloud after, and the idea of reading silently as per the rules the teacher left was impossible at that point for some arbitrary reason.

Yes I'm mad.

>> No.5077292

I've probably read worse but RPO is up there alright.

>> No.5077305

Walden, so fucking terrible

>> No.5077368
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American Psycho has its purpose, but it has the subtlety of a sledgehammer and is read by edgy teenagers instead of the targeted audience (those for whom a critique of the 80s consumer culture would be valid).

Pic is far, far worse

>> No.5077376

Why is American Psycho so discussed and famous? I liked the movie so I started reading it and by page 80 I gave up. As far as I remember there wasn't any gore at all (up to that point), it was just rich psychopaths complaining about their champagne being slightly too cold and laughing at poor people. Plus the author spends more time describing everyone's clothing than something actually useful

>> No.5077378

oh you have wronged me alright

the shit is wrong with you that book was GOAT

>> No.5077383

I agree with you but on the subject of the clothing, a persons personality (ignore the alliteration) can be expressed by what they wear. So I can understand why he did that.

>> No.5077386

>anything with zombies
pick one and only one

>> No.5077388

well I guess I'm too much of a clothing pleb to draw personality from clothing then. To me it seemed everyone had extremely expensive suits and shirts, even though the narrator liked some and not others

>> No.5077392

surely you knew the book was about zombies when you started

it's the best interpretation I've seen so far

and bear in mind I automatically block out any zombie movie or video game

>> No.5077399

That's fair enough. I think over-description tends to be a hit and miss in most cases unless its done extremely well.

>> No.5077452

Brooks is a terrible writer, literally every single character is exactly the same, nothing is interesting, everything hurts

>> No.5077490

Oh no, now you've reminded me and I'm mad. It was always me or somebody who was barely literate when I was in school.

I hated English, any book we looked at I ended up hating because of having to listen to idiots stumble through it over the course of a month rather than just read it at home because they won't.

Worst book I've ever read? I liked Eragon as a kid but looking back now it's fairly bad. Not the worst thing ever, but I've never finished anything worse.

>> No.5077495

That was exactly it. For some reason I'm socially retarded but reading aloud is really easy shit.
Everyone else who talks a million kilometers per hour stumbles over a few paragraphs like they're completely fucking braindead.

>> No.5077503

They were good, and they still can be. The problem is that they've lost their soul because a few years ago movie and vidya producers found out that there was money in it and starting cranking them out for all they were worth. And now they're trendy so all zombie crap made lately just seems to be trying to appeal to the masses more than anything else and you rarely get anything inspired from that.

But there's been good stuff in the past. George Romero's FIRST AND ONLY three Dead movies are amazing.

>> No.5077512

I don't get this, I am the most productive spaghetti producer outside of Italy but I read like a champion. People have told me I should be on Radio!

But if I try to carry on a normal conversation with normal people my power level spikes up so hard and fast that every scouter within a kilometer explodes.

>> No.5077532

The Ring - Kōji Suzuki, hated it so much for wasting my time I cant even try the movie>

>> No.5077571

I somehow for some reason read the entire Wheel of Time. It was terrible throughout.

>> No.5077602
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>> No.5077634

Surely you jest. What was bad about that book?

>> No.5077646
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>> No.5077713
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>> No.5077724
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>> No.5077822

Have you noticed that most people's selection for their 'worst' book are well known? That's because they've read it, missed the point and have been annoyed at how it has received popularity.

>> No.5077841

Oh, is that why?

>> No.5077846

The point of the clothing description is that the clothes they're wearing would look ridiculous and horribly mismatched in real life

>> No.5077849

Not him, but consistently I see readers hate on American Psycho for unsubstantial reasons. Ellis' haters are generally influenced by a bunch of interviews in which he expounded upon his "intent" with AP, so some seem to have let that ruin the book for them too.

>> No.5077898

>I bet he isn't even using axiomatic hyperbole to prove a point
>I bet he believes in a communal semen stream so no one knows their fathers
>I bet my narrow, cynical world-view is in holding with reality
Probably between Hatchet and Atlas Shrugged for me; and mind you, The Fountainhead is on my short list of favorites.

>> No.5078075
File: 149 KB, 510x680, The-Historian-vampires-667385_510_680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon, it's about Dracula!
>taking book recommendations from girls

>> No.5079491
File: 23 KB, 248x400, rebecca11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modern masterpiece
more like piece of shit.
Awful in every sense of the word.

>> No.5079517

Great Gatsby

>> No.5079620

I think it's a tie between Ender's Shadow and Beowulf but both of them I've only read some pages in.

>> No.5079623

Bleachers by John Grisham

So, so awful.

>> No.5079626

Shadow Puppets by Orson Scott Card. It's part of the Ender's Shadow series, and it's fucking awful. I read Ender's Game, Speaker, Xenocide, and Children and loved those. Then I read Ender's Shadow and thought that was great, but the two direct sequels I read were fucking awful.

>> No.5079634
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That's terrifying,. God forbid he gets another video game deal.

>> No.5079658

What I realized that book was truly irredeemable shit I was already 500 pages in. Definitely a regrettable read

>> No.5079661

>taking book recommendations from my mom and sister

Never again.

>> No.5079670
File: 35 KB, 313x475, shantaram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is so, so bad
I try not to judge people for their reading tastes but if someone enjoys Shantaram I just don't think we can get along

>> No.5079672

I was traveling just like le main characters!, with little other reading material. So I trudged through, naively hoping "it can't get any worse. Surely the payoff will be worth it!"

who knew Drac was a faggot bibliophile who would get killed so easily?

>> No.5079678

The only good thing to come out of it was writing a paper on it that was 100% bullshit and getting a really high mark. I didn't finish the book because it was so awful, just looked up various summaries and included about 3 paragraphs on feminism. My teacher loved it of course because anything even remotely good related to "feminism in literature" is like an instant turn on to her for some reason.

>> No.5079706

A Song of Ice and Fire

>> No.5079721

>l'edgy opinion
>guaranteed replies

>> No.5079744

The Descent by Jeff Long. A slightly more retarded World War Z.

>> No.5079751

Angels and Demons. Yeah, that crap by Dan Brown.

>> No.5079763
File: 96 KB, 450x665, CatsCradle(1963).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was seventeen and got really hyped to read Vonnegut so I could impress a girl.

Both were disappointing.

>> No.5079776


Captain Blood? If so, it's not great literature, but it's decent for a light read.

>> No.5079778

we share both those things in common, but I really like Vonnegut.
cat's cradle is filth

>> No.5079779

>disliking a series is edgy

>> No.5079783


Hah, I remember this as a prime example of a woman author that can't write male characters. There's a part where a straight bookish but manly professor thinks of another man 'he must have looked magnificent on horseback' about halfway through the book. Put that shit down, and have happily avoided it ever since.

>> No.5079789

the alchemist is the worst book with the most cliche ending

>> No.5079795
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It's not about social commentary. It's actually fairly rare that that is the exclusive point of a novel, because often an essay is better for that kind of thing.

It's an intentionally hysterical story about egotism, appearance, being desensitized to violence, and the relationship between a character and his environment (both in a perception of the world sense and in a metafictional sense). It's about them, it's a novel where they interact with each other, not just a list of stances on each.

This is in a sense why novels exist, because if you think of literature in a utilitarian way, essays are the only thing that should exist, but also by this thinking, most poetry doesn't make any sense at all.

It's an art form, you have to remember. This standard of a direct message is held only to literature, and arbitrarily. There aren't many paintings about how socialism is a natural conclusion, or music compositions about the catholic church being corrupt.

>> No.5079796

I'd give him another try, what's one of his better novels?

>> No.5079800

if that's your worst book, good job. from a narrative point of view it got tedious but i liked how discriptive it was

>> No.5079807

this book is legit bad, why would you read it

>> No.5079822
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the point of the clothing description is to point out that that's one of Bateman's obsessions. Caring only about the clothes people wear is extremely superficial. AP is full of patterns formed by the various things Bateman is hung up on, like clothing, Les Miserables, restaurants and reservations, etc. Part of the irony is that blood and gore are in these routines as casually as any other element of the list.

Like the music chapters, these are elements of the story that are ostensibly repetitive and tedious. The familiarity with the routine puts you into Bateman's shoes. There's great contrast between tedium and violence, and one of the most striking parts of the novel are that those two are not mutually exclusive.

These patterns are also important when they are played off of and disrupted in the later part of the novel when Bateman begins to snap.

>> No.5079847
File: 125 KB, 327x500, Inherent_vice_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in terms of expectations/disappointment

how did this happen?

>> No.5079916

You know that's not the worst book/series you've ever read. You wrote it to troll.

kek, (thankfully) I don't remember that.
the book is just a travelogue for bookish girls who think they're above Twilight, but really aren't.

>> No.5080057

This was the first Pynchon book I read, still haven't read his other works, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I wonder if my liking it will dissipate after reading Gravity's Rainbow and The of Crying of Lot of 49 of.

>> No.5080063

Ever compared AP's structural elements to those found in Moby Dick?

>> No.5080116
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>> No.5080122
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godfucking awful

>> No.5080138


>> No.5080173

Well, he surely an hero'ed.

>> No.5080177

i thought it was p goos

>> No.5080181

I remember reading that hunk of shit in sophomore English and for the rest of the year it became an in-joke for me and my friends to try to walk like Ethan Frome

>> No.5080194

he purposefuly avoided his grandiloquent narratives and themes to write a late 60s pulp novel, that's all, really

>> No.5080215
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Posted this in another thread.

Holy shit this was just awful. It was so full of "Murrica numba 1" but without even a hint of irony. or self awareness. Muh small Texas town, muh Texas pride, Texas this, Texas fucking that. After I read this I remembered why I fucking hate Texans.

Not to mention the guy who ghostwrote it, Patrick Robinson, is obviously a total hack. The structure of the book is terrible. He goes for the Full Metal Jacket approach and starts with grooming and training before getting to the meat. Problem is it's just not very interesting. It takes 200 pages to even get to where they start operating and by then you really couldn't give less of a fuck. I haven't seen the movie but I can only imagine that it's much better. It just felt like I was reading written by a modestly talented high school senior.

>> No.5081538


No I just bought it!! Is it really that bad?

>> No.5081580

naw man that was good

>> No.5081616
File: 23 KB, 320x475, Wizard's_First_Rule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't even finish it. EBay bothers me more is that I cannot fully articulate everything I dislike about it so much.

>> No.5081619

*What (not EBay)

>> No.5081641

This. All that plagied bullshit.

>> No.5081653

It's just Vonnegut doing his thing, satirizing religion, science, banana republics. Read it, it's pretty amusing.

>> No.5083433

reamde... fucking SUCKED

>> No.5083483

American Psycho? Closer to the best book I ever read.

>> No.5084161

it wasn't amazing, but I liked it. It was alright.