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5075074 No.5075074[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where do ideas exist?

In the platonic realm of the noosphere. Humanity continually takes metaphors literally.

>> No.5075085

ideas belonged to the non-time universe long before she and the time universe crashed together and became the cosmos. all of our ideas still rest with her. she is just lending them to us so that she has stories to watch.

>> No.5075086


>> No.5075108

where is this coming from?

>> No.5075113

Is she hot?

>> No.5075116
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>> No.5075157


I read a summary. Lots of ideas to chew on there.

>> No.5075242

In electrical impulses in the brain :^)

>> No.5075277


>> No.5075280

she's translucent energy wafting around in space, so in a manner of speaking.

>> No.5075282

>I read a summary.
Typical /lit/ user, everyone

>> No.5075304

Then their patterns would equate mental viruses, ideas become a form of life, no?

>> No.5075332

Congratulations, you just discovered the actual definition of the word "meme."

>> No.5075335

Meme's live in the noosphere, no?

Memes are merely forms.

>> No.5075353

>merely forms
choose one and only one

>> No.5075360

I believe that Plato was describing the same phenomena.

>> No.5075375

well, where I'm from you're free to believe whatever you want.

you're certainly correct in thinking that there is overlap between dawkins' memes (especially the later thought virus version of it) and plato's ideas. but this isn't necessarily a good thing. 'cause the problem is: 1) show me a meme (you can't) and 2) platonic ideas are not supposed to have an origin in time

>> No.5075402

Say we imagine the noosphere as another plain, the one that our consciousness exists on, that we inhabit two places at once.

>> No.5075411

Maybe memes are liek the sephiroth.

>> No.5075419

say you take it easy on the dooby snacks there. I don't think a wholesale dualism like that is the way to go here.

that a pokemon or something?

>> No.5075430

Tell Pynchon to lay off the doobies and I will.

What I propose is similar to Alan Moore's model of the mind in Promethea.

>> No.5075527
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Oh well, how fucking scientific of you.

>> No.5075695


You mean positivist materialism?
No, I think of that as superstition.

Not that science isn't useful. I reject it's claim to sole originator of truth.

>> No.5075885

So what is the originator of truth then?

>> No.5075917

He doesn't want there to be one because then his pomo polyphonic novel wouldn't work.

>> No.5077048

>positivist materialsm

Not that I know of no, I simply mean controlled inquiry.

It is funny, though, that you advocate a frm of platonism whilst rejecting positivism. DOn't you know both claim to be able to uncover the immanent logos that structures reality?

>> No.5077067

the forms

>> No.5077202
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Not everything needs spatial coordinates in order to exist.

>> No.5077204

Isn't that a short story?

>> No.5077531

Lemme guess: love.

>> No.5077534

Truth is a form/spook (depending on your level of charity)

>> No.5077552

Ideas exist between things not in them

>> No.5077555

Read the Ever Present Origin by Gebser

>> No.5077558

The Idea is a collaboration with the observer and the observed.

>> No.5077589

Not what I had in mind, but yeah, why not.

>> No.5077601

Hah, it was a trap. Love is anchored within a spatio-temporal location, e.g. physiology and human interaction.

>> No.5077614

ideas are spooks

>> No.5077618

In your brain, in texts, clay slabs, filmrolls, paintings, dance, architecture, sculpture, etc.

Parcimony, use it wisely.

>> No.5077727

Only if you think of love as being inherently human.

Perhaps we merely interact with something that already existed?

>> No.5077735

I feel like I'm watching the shitposting olympics

>> No.5077780
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>interact with
>not a spatio-temporal event

>> No.5077895

Nah this thread is fun. It's like a Linklater movie.