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5072238 No.5072238 [Reply] [Original]

>Buying physical books

>> No.5072270

>not buying real books
>not collecting thousands of books
>being this pleb

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.5072276

I always wondered why more people didn't collect thousands of books.

>> No.5072277

I have about 600

inb4 pleb quantity

>> No.5072311

Books are so cheap you might as well

>> No.5072312

>not having 23,592,066 cataloged books

It's like you're not even trying, pleb.

>> No.5072313

pic, faggot

>> No.5072559


>implying you've read 600 books.

Two years to read the stack at one a day. You ain't reading one book a day, m8. Most of your stack is statistically untouched

>> No.5072564


how else do you read then? on a computer? on those kindles with all the hassle of buying stupid shit and not knowing what to read? ill stick to my books. the day physical books die is the day the novel is dead, so might as well not read anything.

>> No.5072569

do people read academic texts on their kindle or something lmfao

>> No.5072572

he/she didn't imply that they had read even one of those books wtf

>> No.5072607
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Still, he ain't off the hook: the plebbitude isn't in the quantity, it's in the percentage of read books.

Maximum overpleb

> 0.01 to 15%
Collecting books to feel superior or because hoarder. Massive pleb.

>15% to 35%
Not necessarily a pleb, but far from patrician. Get reading

>35% to 50%
Not bad.

>50 to 75%

>75 to 99%
Uber patrician or lying, which is even worse than collecting because at least book hoarders are like the english canon's equivalent of apocalypse insurance. Gigapleb.

Impossible if you're in progress on a book. Gigapleb liar or Plebesaurus Rex

>> No.5072620

>not reading an HTML version of the book then buying a physical copy for your collection

>> No.5072630

>not just reading the physical copy

You guys do know that you remember the content of physical copies better than digital ones, right?

>> No.5072631
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>> No.5072632

Enjoy your tablet-induced ADHD. Also no electricity.

>> No.5072637

Google allows you to highlight sections of digital versions and post annotations on the side. You can then click on the highlighted sections like a button and the annotations pop up. A similar feature also allows you to look up any word on a digital dictionary or research the word on any search engine. I'd rather not ruin my books with highlight marks or clumps of notepaper stored all over the book when features like these are available.

>> No.5072641

>ruin your books

What is this, some sort of notion that books last forever? Books fall apart, use them however you want. The point is, your brain's memory works best spatially, and physical books are conducive to spatial memory. eBooks are not.

>> No.5072642

Who said anything about tablets?


>> No.5072649

I want to find whoever wrote this fucking comic and every cretinous motherfucker who ever liked it or reposted it on any form of social media and rub raw fish against their face for like 5 minutes

>> No.5072652
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>not reading ebooks on your tablet underneath the blanket