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/lit/ - Literature

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5069824 No.5069824 [Reply] [Original]

Keep it clean /lit/

>> No.5069830

>having a "top" anything
>not turbo pleb

bitch please

>> No.5069833

Personally, probably:

1.) The Fall by Camus
2.) The Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas
3.) V. by Pynchon

>> No.5069845

Fifty Shades of Gray
Finnegans Wake

>> No.5069850

dem three twilight books <3<3<3

>> No.5069862

seconding this

>> No.5069869
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>> No.5069904

Catcher in the Rye
Storm of Swords
Lord of Flies

>> No.5069924
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Absalom, Absalom
To the Lighthouse
As I Lay Dying

>> No.5069940

Good man.

Absalom, Absalom!
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Brothers K

>> No.5069963

Don Quixote
Brothers Karamazov

>> No.5069991

I love you both

Abosalom, Abosalom!
One Hundred Years of Solitude
The Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.5069998

The God Delusion
The Selfish Gene
The Moral Landscape

>> No.5070005

10/10 quality taste

>> No.5070010

1. Crime and Punishment
2. No Longer Human
3. The Catcher in the Rye

I'm new to /lit/, so please no hate.

>> No.5070011
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Thanks guys :)

>> No.5070013


>> No.5070018

I said "please".

>> No.5070022

The Magus, John Fowles
Ficciones, Borges
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead, Tommy Stoppard

In no particular order.

>> No.5070023
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The Savage Detectives
Train Dreams
The Crossing

>> No.5070026

1. The Long Walk
2. Flowers for Algernon
3. To Kill a Mockingbird

>> No.5070050

No particular order:

Narcissus and Goldmund
The Screwtape Letters
Sirens of Titan

p.s. this list is actually quite arbitrary. If you ask me again tomorrow, I might give you three different books.

>> No.5070065

les chants des maldoror
the elementary particles/atomised
tomb for 500,000 soldiers


don't get all of the faulkner praise itt either, he was always an incredibly boring read for me

>> No.5070074

Seconding this

>> No.5070085

> The Crossing

Nothing could have prepared me for what the end of part one was going to do to me.

>> No.5070091

The Sound and the Fury
The Name of the Rose
Moby Dick

>> No.5070098

The Trial
Snow Country
Mason & Dixon

>> No.5070102

The Recognitions
Malone Dies
To The Lighthouse

>> No.5070112

A True Novel
All Quiet on the Western Front
Beware of Pity

>> No.5070122

The actual ending, with Billy sobbing in the middle of the road, is what destroyed me.

>> No.5070123

Beyond Good & Evil
Simulation and Simulacra
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.5070128

The Count of Monte Cristo
Moby Dick
The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.5070141

Nathanael West - Day of the Locust
Mark Danielewski - House of Leaves
Marshall McLuhan - The Medium is the Message

>> No.5070171

Iron heel
Don Juan
Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.5070180

don't see Stefan Zweig mentioned here much. also the film version of all quiet is one of my fave war movies. I've not heard of a true novel.

my list
Don Quixote
The Silent Cry
Wise Blood

>> No.5070198
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1.mein kampf
3.infinite jest

>> No.5070273

1. Kim
2. Invisible Cities
3. The Jungle Books

I really need to start keeping a list of books i've read

>> No.5070276

>Simulation and Simulacra
pretentious wanker detected

>> No.5070279

Seven Pillars Of Wisdom - T.E. Lawrence
Homage to Catalonia - George Orwell
The Temple of the Golden Pavilion - Yukio Mishima

>> No.5070298
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1. The Coran
2. Koran
3. Holy Qu'ran

>> No.5070336

1. Insatiability
2. White Fang
3. Mad wolf (Atsiz)

>> No.5070358

The sound and the fury
Moby dick
.....umm... I can't think of any other books that I consider great.. But I don't read a lot

>> No.5070421

>thinly veiled recommendation thread #1093490231


>> No.5070433

The Good Earth
The Planisphere

>> No.5070443

Not the anon you're replying to but have you read Zweig's Schachnovelle? Best short story that was ever written.

>> No.5070498

It'c certainly the most exciting shortstory I have ever read. Reading it made me almost feverish with expectation.

>> No.5070515

I kind of gave up on Malone dies at some point, after the narrator goes on and on about his room, and the way he uses his stick to push shit around. Does it get better at some point?

>> No.5070524

If you haven't already, you should read some Cormac McCarthy.

>> No.5070597

mrs. dalloway
invisible cities

>> No.5070602

infinite jest
east of eden
four quartets

>> No.5071001

Infinite Jest
Das Kapital vol 1

>> No.5071011

Europe Central
Gravity's Raibow
Underworld or Tree of Smoke or 2666

>> No.5071236

Picture of Dorian Gray
Sirens of Titan

>> No.5071259

Brideshead Revisited
Babylon Revisited
100 Years of Solitude

>> No.5071273

Cat's Cradle
Watership Down
The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.5071446

Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe
The Monk
The Witch of Ravensworth

>> No.5071468

-Shadow and Claw
-Sword and Citadel
-The Urth of the New Sun

>> No.5071525

Flowers for Algernon
Battle Royale
Fahrenheit 451

>> No.5071697

you guys must have read fuck all books to be able to make a top 3

fucking newfags/plebs/ please leave
and get some taste and maybe some braincells while youre at it

>> No.5071713

One hundrer years of solitude
Wuthering Heights

>> No.5071765

1. Notes from Underground
2. The Stranger
3. Animal Farm

I have just gotten into reading and have a huge list so I'm sure this is subject to change.

>> No.5071770

All novellas... I'll swap Animal Farm with Crime and Punishment lol

>> No.5071785

a separate peace
jim the boy

>> No.5071790

favorite = / = best

>> No.5071815

The Corrections
Notes from Underground

Did you really think The Fall was that good? I've only read The Stranger and The Fall by Camus, but I've heard the Plague is his main/best/magnum opus piece and I didn't think The Fall was particularly noteworthy except for the part where he talks about Jesus, hold on wait let me quote it I dont remember it for some reason...okay here it is "[Jesus] knew he was not altogether innocent...He was at the source, after all: He must have heard of the Slaughter of the Innocents. Why did they die if not because of him? That's the only part that really made me think.

>> No.5071866

thats not the argument here you feeble minded philistine

>> No.5071922

I'm not who you asked but I thought the fall was excellent. I found it instinctive and easy to identify with a lot of the scenarios that clamence recounted so clamence's reveal at the end was particularly staggering and stimulating. I think it's the best composed of his books as well. good pacing and, at the very least, interesting in concept

>> No.5071931


Much love for No Longer Human

>> No.5072184

screw you, i post as many as i want

>la batalla del calentamiento
>the magicians
>this book is full of spiders
>a series of unfortunate events
>el aleph
>his dark materials
>there is one more im missing and is going to bether me all night

>> No.5072190

>Crime and Punishment
That book really is amazing.

>> No.5072316

Gravity's Rainbow
Infinite Jest

>> No.5072329

two against one - frederick barthelme
the moviegoer - walker percy
and for some reason
remains of the day - kazuo ishiguro

>> No.5072337

But seriously:

The Rings of Saturn : W.G. Sebald
Stoner : John Williams
Tamarisk Row : Gerald Murnane

>> No.5072833

>Don Juan
by who ?

>> No.5072905

Voyage au bout de la nuit - LF Celine
L'oeuvre au noir - M Yourcenar
Der Zauberberg - T Mann

>> No.5074563

>Wuthering Heights
My fucking nigga

>> No.5074595

I love all three of you.

Absalom, Absalom!
The Possessed
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow

>> No.5074612

Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut
Trout Fishing in America by Richard Brautigan
The Illustrated Bhagavad Gita by Ranchor Prime

>> No.5074630

> trout fishing

I read it as throat fisting

>> No.5074648

I'll never understand this mentality.

>> No.5074658

>the moviegoer - walker percy
Malick was supposedly making this with Tom Cruise and Julia Roberts (?!) many years ago, after Thin Red Line

>> No.5074673

the baroque cycle
portrait of the artist as a young man
la vida es sueno (do plays count?)
the satanic verses

>> No.5074718

The Republic By Plato

1984 by George Orwell

The Great Gatsby

>> No.5074802


Catcher in the Rye.
I read it by candle light in the basement one hot summer during a 3 day blackout when I was 13. My brother had given it to me and when he killed himself 15 years later he had a copy of it by his bed with the bookmark halfway through. I've never re-read it. I can't for a lot of reasons. I've read stuff like 9 Stories in the last year or two though and I still think Salinger is great.

I feel like people are going to start turning on this one soon because of how popular it's gotten. They'll probably use similar critiques they use on Holden and aim them right at Stoner himself. "Oh he's so impotent he's such a bitch blah blah blah." Because apparently everyone makes six figures and is having a totally awesome time all the time. Fuckers. I don't know. It's the only book I've read in a long ass time that made me feel so deeply.

The Plague.
I read this when I was going through nursing school which was super fucking stressful. And right about the time my grandpa died from Alzheimer's in winter 2011 which sucked too. I liked the more stoic and optimistic tone this book seemed to have from the slightly more cerebral feel of Camus' other stuff. Even when everything is going to shit and people keep dying the way the doctor keeps going through the motions and they all diligently take care of the bodies and keep holding on. Fuck man, it honestly brings to my eyes,

>> No.5074818


Holy shit I gotta read Absalom, Absalom! apprently. I loved The Sound and the Fury and As I Lay Dying. I ordered The Unvanquished to get my next fix. I heard Absalom was his hardest novel in a bad way so I'm reluctant but fuck it. I'll read that next. Maybe A Light in August too.

>> No.5074828

1. Infinite Jest
2. The Tractatus Logico Philosophicus
3. Le Médecin de campagne

>> No.5075498

an introduction to zen buddhism
the dharma bums

any recs?

>> No.5075649

1. Siddhartha
2. Brave New World
3. The Sun Also Rises

Any recs? Pretty new into literature, all the stuff I read was for AP English but I genuinely enjoyed it.

>> No.5075710

>On the Road
>Cat's Cradle
Honorable mentions; Pillars of the Earth, The Drifters, Life of Pi, Ender's Game, Grapes of Wrath, the Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, Be Here Now

>> No.5075792


>> No.5075794


>> No.5075808

19 bruh

>> No.5075818

As I Lay Dying
Dante's Inferno
Human, All Too Human

Off the top of my head, I've probably got stronger feelings for others but its hard to recall.

>> No.5075826
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Personal Favourites:
-Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction

>> No.5075857

>I don't know how to spell the name of my favorite book

>> No.5075875

Big Dick, Little Butthole
Dante's Paradiso
Rape Party on the Sunset Strip

>> No.5075889

Portrait of Dorian Grey
The Little Prince

>> No.5075900

The Brothers Karamazov
A Portrait of The Artist as A Young Man
Anna Karenina

>> No.5075903

>The Holy Bible
>Moby Dick
>Watership Down

>> No.5075933

Lie Down in Darkness
Anna Karenina
The Leopard

>> No.5075940

norwegian wood
the stranger

>> No.5077851

Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea

>> No.5077916

The Hobbit
Also Sprach Zarathustra
Look Homeward, Angel

>> No.5077936

The Brother's Karamazov
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
The Waves

>> No.5078220

1) The lord of the Rings
2) 1984
3) Lolita

>> No.5078234


>> No.5078315
