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5067067 No.5067067 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ what are some good books with drug centric themes.
Im open to any suggestions.

>> No.5067069

Have you tried any of the books in your picture, maybe?

>> No.5067097

The Cure For Modern Life by Lisa Tucker

>> No.5067106

The Contortionist's Handbook.

>> No.5067122

I was planning on buying Fear&Loathing, Scanner Darkly, and maybe the Aldous Huxley books. Unfortunately I honestly have no clue which of the other books on the list are worthwhile since

>> No.5067133

Most of them, which is why we made the list to begin with.

They're hand-picked choices by /lit/izens compiled from every other thread we've had asking this same question.

I specifically recommend Opium and Other Stories.

>> No.5067142

Read Psychedelic Information Theory if you want to know how psychedelic drugs actually work on the chemical and cellular level, instead of esoteric or "shamanistic" explanations.

>> No.5067148

Used to be interesting in the intellectual and philosophical side of psychedelics (I know, I know) in my mid-teens, so I've read a decent amount. My LT girlfriend's dad is very famous in the psychedelia counterculture and an avid reader, so he's lent me all of the essentials.

I'll highlight the best of the books in your pic for you (in no particular order):

->Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas & Hell's Angels
Obvious staple, although interesting for far more than the bare fact that there is an excessive amount of drug use depicted in it.

>Doors of Perception & Island
Both interesting and worth reading

>Food of the Gods
An interesting theory and a fun, quick read. Archaic Revival is far more interesting for somebody who wishes to really probe the psychedelic, otherworldly mindset. True Hallucinations is also fun. Never read The Invisible Landscape but I was always under the impression is pure garbled psychobabble (I mean, even more than his other work...)

>On The Road
Staple, regardless of anyone's opinion on it it's an important book to read.

>The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross
Not too many people are aware of this book, but I personally find it the most interesting read of that entire infographic. It takes to long to explain it, so I'll just say I highly recommend it.

>Confessions of a Mask
Great book, don't really think of it for it's inclusion of substances.

>Naked Lunch
see: On The Road

>A Scanner Darkly & The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
Philip K. Dick's always good, although A Scanner isn't one of my favorite novels by him. Never read The Three Stigmata, although it sounds interesting.

>Daniel Pinchbeck
Very basic introduction into psychedelic culture, with some fun anecdotes. Very light reading, decent.

>The Psychedelic Experience
If you're interested in psychedelic culture, obviously Leary is a must.

>DMT: The Spirit Molecule
see above

>Clockwork Orange
Another essential, not really drug-centric.

>Infinite Jest

Good book, essential.

>Don Juan

>> No.5067162

My friend, you are a prince.