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5066762 No.5066762 [Reply] [Original]

I assume most of you, like me, order books online. Is anyone else irrationally embarrassed of the packages you receive? I can't look the delivery man in the eye and I get this feeling he and all my neighbors are judging me, but I don't even know what on.

>> No.5066781

Let me guess. You're NEET

>> No.5066786

Nope. University student, though living at home during the summer.

>> No.5066787

You can make a deal with your post office to deliver your packages without you needing to sign if you agree to take the responsibility for any damages. Just set up a big box on your property and tell them to drop it there. They don't like to talk about because then everybody might do it, but you're allowed to do it.

>> No.5066789

Why would I be embarrassed? You are receiving mail. I don't understand at all.

>> No.5066793


>> No.5066796

Nobody knows exactly what is in the package. You can order condoms from Amazon and no one would know.

>> No.5066802

Excellent blog post, OP.

>> No.5066803

Well, no, since packages aren't see through.

Otherwise I'd be answering some weird questions about the Tropic of Cancer cover.

>> No.5066808

Oh, the mailman knows. Also the x-ray shit. You seriously believe they don't open the packages? Happens all the time. If only you knew.

>> No.5066810

Mr. Pinecone?

>> No.5066814

>Mr. Pinecone
I don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.5066816

I had the mailman hand me a envelope full of DMT that had clearly been torn open and say "there's something dodgy going on in your house".

>> No.5066821

You don't fool me, Tom.

>> No.5066829

Man, don't underestimate the postal service. If there are humans involved there's fuckery afoot. They can tell by looking at you and the weight of the package alone.

>> No.5066831
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>> No.5066844

No because I don't order weird shit.

>> No.5066847

How was it still full if the envelope had been torn open?

>> No.5066856

It was in a ziplock bag in the envelope. Or did you think they'd just put powder straight into the paper?

>> No.5066862

I get embarrassed because I'm always in my dressing gown when he knocks at 11am. I sometimes fake a sniffle.

>> No.5066903


oh god this

>> No.5066939

>go to local bookstore
>purchase Mein Kampf, The Satanic Bible, and Lolita
>qtπ cashier shakes uncontrollably as she scans the books
>later find her w4m post on craigslist
>hit her raw and successfully pull out
being this alpha

>> No.5066957
File: 35 KB, 300x300, 1402974093451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dafuq is a dressing gown?

>> No.5066972

No, I figured if they ripped it open to see what was inside, they would just take whatever was in there.

>> No.5066993

No, because I seriously DGAF.

I open the door in my pyjamas even at 6pm, still DGAF.

Pleb tier NEETs here.

>> No.5067036

Nah the UPS guy that delivers everything down here is nice.

Dunno why you have this problem. He doesn't give a shit about you, he probably sees dozens of people every day in their pajamas or half naked. He's just doing his job and is used to it.

Also who gives a shit if he does anyway?

>> No.5067042

I haven't signed for a package in 10 years.

The delivery peeps around here don't give a fuck and will leave anything and everything on the doorstep. At most they'll knock.

>> No.5067073

> still buying books

kindle master-race reporting