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/lit/ - Literature

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5065690 No.5065690 [Reply] [Original]

>a young adult novel is from what I can tell a regular novel...that people actually read

litfags btfo
john green patron saint of this board


>> No.5065691

>John Green
Epic, simply epic.

>> No.5065694

I never claimed to be a person.

>> No.5065698
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>more people read a book
>this means said book is good

>> No.5065699

john green looks a lot like stirner sketch

>> No.5065705

Would you hang out with John Green?
Take writing tips from him?

He's a multimedia vlog artist.

>> No.5065715


meta meta meta meta
meta meta
mo betta

>> No.5065721

I'd happily listen to his writing advice and adapt it to my own style but he's not the sort of person I'd get on with brilliantly.

>> No.5065723

Why are Americans so loud?

Every time something happens they start screaming and clapping. This even happens in real life when their air planes land and such things.

>> No.5065728

nah just for tv purposes so people think that john green is actually has fans

>> No.5065758

Whoa I'd never heard him talk before but his voice sounds nothing like I imagined.

He seems like he was probably that vaguely autistic nerdy kid that nobody talked to when he was in high school.

>> No.5065771

Do we dislike Colbert now?

>> No.5065817

I've always disliked Colbert.

>a reality television program is from what I can tell a regular television program...that people actually watch

>> No.5065831
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>I've always disliked Colbert.

>> No.5065863

A young adult novel is a novel with no subtext, no symbolism or one instance of super obvious symbolism, 5th grade vocabulary, no moral ambiguity or ambuguity of any kind because that would require the reader to ponder the book for a moment and fuck that shit, and characters that fit snugly into assigned roles and never break the mold.

It's like a literary safe-fit.

>> No.5065865

btfo by that nasally voiced turbo nerd?

>> No.5065871


strangesr with candy and birdman are the only good things he was involved with. colbert report was funny for the first few years but now it doesn't work since liberals are more absurd than conservatives.

>> No.5065873

>Do we dislike Colbert now?
>implying there's a 'we'
I barely watch television and I despise Colbert.

>> No.5065884

Truth be told, I'm only familiar with the work he's done on the Daily Show and the Colbert Report, and I don't like either show. But he seems like a nice guy.

>> No.5065887

high school mentality abt literature

>> No.5065888

Yep. That's exactly how the pleb mentality works.

>> No.5065903
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>> No.5065926

I hate how Americans say tube ugh

>> No.5065956

>now it doesn't work since liberals are more absurd than conservatives


>> No.5065980


is one example supposed to disprove me?

>> No.5065991

I'd rather have a high school mentality about it than a grade school mentality.

>> No.5066008


>> No.5066020


>implying Colbert's brand of "liberalism" is more absurd than the conservatives he makes fun of
>implying you aren't just a biased butthurt conservative incapable of appreciating anything that harms the republican party's electoral projections


>> No.5066034

You can find hundreds of examples of well known American conservatives saying things just as stupid with just a google search.

Even if you don't agree with the Democratic party politically you have to admit that they never really get as stupid as this.

>> No.5066056

Says the fag who provided no examples...

>> No.5066091

>I like being a pop writer
Fucking... fair enough.

>> No.5066096

John Green looks exactly like a popular Youtuber who I can't recall.

>> No.5066099

i would rather have a grade school mentality at least theres no pretense

>> No.5066109

Wait, what the hell. They're the same person, lol


>> No.5066114

he is a popular youtuber

>> No.5066121


>> No.5066144
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literary hacks general?

>> No.5066149

If pretense is pretending your escapist fantasy drivel should be taken seriously despite its lacking qualities then YA readers have it in spades.

>> No.5066152

Colbert makes extremely biased satire and people treat it like actual news.

>> No.5066185

Why would you expect satire to not be biased?

>> No.5066189

My problem is like people treat his show like actual news. I know dozens of people who watch it and say it's where they get all of their information on politics.

>> No.5066195

And how does the fact that watchers of the Colbert Report and the Daily Show are generally more knowledgeable about current events than Fox News or MSNBC watchers affect how your viewpoint?

>> No.5066197

This. A couple I knew got all of their information about the world from him and John Stewart and pot documentaries on netflix

>> No.5066261

>implying I watch Fox News or MSNBC
Anon, I'm strictly nonpartisan. Stop being buttblasted.

>> No.5066303

TDS has a higher information content in a half hour minus the obligatory interview segment than most network news can squeeze out in an entire broadcast day.

But they crack jokes as they report and so people assume that dilutes the actual information somehow.

>> No.5066318
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> I know dozens of people who watch it and say it's where they get all of their information on politics.

>> No.5066328


I think the point is that there is no way. television program as the sole source of information can be conducive to an informed citizenry

>> No.5066337

So? It's impossible to make people WANT to become informed.

>> No.5066407


>hey I think you missed the point, consider this: ______

only on /lit/

>> No.5066412

>only on /lit/

I...don't think you've looked around very well.

>> No.5066439

It's the opposite for me. I think he seems like a nice enough guy, if a bit of a persona tryhard, but I'd never take his writing advice.

>> No.5066445

I always kind of thought he was a less funny Jon Stewart, but I've never had much of an opinion on him

>> No.5066460

Jesus, Colbert said that. Based on OP's post I thought it was Green. I never clicked so angrily on a video before.

>> No.5066477

Their style of humor is very different. I'd really, really recommend watching some Strangers With Candy since Colbert's pretty much still using the same writing team as back then and it's a great show in its own right.

>> No.5066539

"When was the last time the GIRL every kissed the BOY in a teen romance? Ever? I seriously don't think it has happened ever."

- John Green, referring to the Fault in Our Stars movie

>> No.5067001

For some reason I can't wait until 30 years from now when Colbert gets senile and scared of the world and turns into an actual conservative.

>> No.5067004

Not every old person in the world is conservative.

>> No.5067010
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>implying Colbert won't become an old deviant like Lloyd Kaufman