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5065528 No.5065528 [Reply] [Original]

what's the funniest book you've ever read?

>> No.5065532

Thus Spoke Zarathustra because of how stupid it was.

>> No.5065546

Jam by Yahtzee Croshaw
It was quaint.

>> No.5065551
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Why won't he write new books?

>> No.5065559

A Saki shirt story collection. Brit humor can be bretty good.

>> No.5065565

Laura Warholic

Anything by Wodehouse

>> No.5065584

Naked Lunch. Shit's hilarious

>> No.5065982

story of the eye

>> No.5065988

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.5065993

The Hitchhiker's Guide was hilarious when I was 13. I'm scared to reread and see how it holds up.

>> No.5065998

The shit in self published threads

Particularly The Cools Brothers and Goodnight Kiss

>> No.5066179

I just read it and it was great.

>> No.5066206
File: 572 KB, 2400x3028, Thomas_de_Quincey_by_Sir_John_Watson-Gordon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really a full book, but "The English Mail-Coach, or The Glory of Motion" by Thomas De Quincey is full of 10/10 keks.

>> No.5066211

Me talk pretty one day

>> No.5066333

I'm just going to cover the obligatory "Mein Kampf" and "The Bible" now so we have this out of the way.

Seriously though (hah!): Some of the Discworld novels are fantastic.

>> No.5066346

Why do descriptions of "X crossed with Y filtered through Z" never provide even an iota of actual information?

>> No.5066354

Truly the lowest form of description. It's even worse for music reviewers.

>> No.5066367

been thining about reading this but never read anything by him before, is it a good choice to?

>> No.5066374

the bible

And the funniest thing about it is the fact that some people actually believe all that garbage.

>> No.5066394

chekhov's stories are hilarious and somehow depressing at the same time

>> No.5066405

The Rules of Attraction
>He's never going to sleep with you, you know?

>> No.5066485

It's still great but Dirk Gently is better

>> No.5066498
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You said funniest book, not funniest piece of literature.

>> No.5066499

A confederacy of dunces.

>> No.5066503

catch 22

>> No.5066519
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"A victim of a series of accidents, are you?" said Rumfoord in his treetop. "Of all the accidents, which one would you consider the most significant?"
The Space Wanderer cocked his head. "I'd have to think," he said.
"I'll spare you the trouble," said Rumfoord. "The most significant accident that happened was you being born."

fucking R E K T

>> No.5066538
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These 3

>> No.5066567

portnoy's complaint

>> No.5066589

Riotous Assembly/Indecent Exposure by Tom Sharpe.

So good the South African government kicked him out of their country.

>> No.5066609

He's such a fascinating person in a really morbid way.

I loved his stuff when I was sixteen (around the time the first book came out) but I realised as I got older that despite the target audience being early to mid twenties, no self-respecting twenty-something could possibly enjoy his stuff.

Although I do think he talked a lot of shit I don't think he's clever enough to invent a character like Slingblade. Out of curiosity I read his first book again a few months ago and I just found myself getting increasingly pissed off. Sure, some bits made me laugh, but not like they used to and I actually felt slightly ashamed that I used to like him.

Oh well, live and learn.

>> No.5066641

WOW you are such an edgy person.
>Tips fedora

>> No.5066667


>> No.5066675

Dirk Gentley's Holistic Detective Agency

I'm in the same boat as >>5065993
but I am still confident.

>> No.5066677

I had a feeling it was going to be that before I clicked it. The thing is, if he didn't try so desperately to convince people that the stories were true people would probably be more likely to believe them, or better yet, if he tried to write them as a satire of frat culture with fictional characters people would probably think his work was quite good.

He at least does a good job of making me hate everybody but Slingblade and some other guy i forget.

>> No.5066691

book one is still top tier

I read the other books two and they're ok

>> No.5066699


>> No.5066706

It always struck me as odd that Maddox stood up for Tucker. Tucker seemed to be the exact person Maddox used to bitch about and on the radio show they did he was basically sucking his dick for two hours.

>> No.5066723

Cat's Cradle, but right now I'm reading GR and I think it will take the crown.

>> No.5066776
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I can't even remember what this book is about, I just remember I've never laughed so hard.
I read it about two years ago, it took me the morning to read it.

>> No.5066794 [SPOILER] 
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Yeah, I think I might have to read it again.

>> No.5066806

>getting drunk enough to give away oil wells

>> No.5066834

Haha, added that to my list.

>> No.5067030

ben stop plugging your shit books on /lit/ you absolute cunt

>> No.5067047
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You have a point, I think he fits the edgy 4chan type.

>> No.5067080

he speaks about 4chan in one of his books, possibly lolito? there was even some guy on lit about a month about claiming to be him

>> No.5067140
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If I enjoy Grow up enough on this second time around I might check out his other shit.
Also, kek

>> No.5068108

if eliot rodgers manifesto counts, that shit was hilarious.

>> No.5068131
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Atonal novelist's adventures by Alberto Laiseca

>> No.5068143

>ctrl F "Suttree"
>0 of 0 results
>absolutely disgusting

Also Not taco bell material voiced by adam carrola was really good

>> No.5068164

worst thing I've ever read

>> No.5068188



>> No.5068289

i can't believe that reviewer didn't get the fucking joke

>> No.5068301

my novel.

>> No.5068302

I'm interested if anything because he's alive and he actually looks like someone I'd read in that picture.

What are, respectively, his easiest and his funniest novels? I'll be going to BSB once this World Cup madness is over, will I have any trouble finding his works?

>> No.5068338
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You make it very obvious that you have never read Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

I was such a great die hard Christian and then I read the Bible. Threw away the faith immediately. It was such bullshit.

>le buttmad biblethumpers "praise da jesus"

Very funny.

It was funny in a pathetic way.

My choice.

>> No.5068353

>I was a die hard Christian until I read the bible
>Implying Christianity is Biblical Literalism
I don't understand American Christianity at all. It's like Christianity over there is a bunch of Anabaptists/Evangelicals who pretty much threw out even the last strains of liturgical practice remaining in mainline Protestantism. The impression I get from 4chan/the internet in general is that Christianity in the US is vehemently anti-intellectual, anti-cultural and hell anti-historical.


>> No.5068364

American Christianity is def weird, but that fundamentalist evangelical Christian movement is certainly not all American Christians or anything. I think there are a lot of people on the Internet who come from places / social groups, in the suburbs of the South and the Midwest especially, where it IS culturally dominant, and they tend to be the most vocally anti-Christian for that reason, and so you get a very specific impression of it from those people.

I'm an American and I was raised Christian and although I don't believe in it any longer, I have no problems with the religion and had generally positive experiences with it.

>> No.5068514

They're like Star Trek movies to me.
Odds are good, but Even's are GREAT.
My fave is So Long and Thanks for all the Fish.

>> No.5068561

A Confederacy of Dunces
Catch 22
Sick Puppy

>> No.5068579
File: 341 KB, 911x1500, puckoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read this last week and it is by far the funniest thing I've ever read. There was a funny book thread yesterday and some other anon was shilling it so you should definitely give it a shot.

>> No.5068608

1 was best
2 was great
3 was ok
4 was good
5 was good

>> No.5068633

Story of the Eye

>> No.5068673

If it's a book, Restaurant at the End of the Universe.

But the funniest thing I have ever read was the following scene in The Brothers Karamazov.
>"Don't be afraid, apothecary, my dog won't bite you," Kolya rapped out loudly, noticing the doctor's rather uneasy glance at Perezvon, who was standing in the doorway. There was a wrathful note in Kolya's voice. He used the word apothecary instead of doctor on purpose, and, as he explained afterwards, used it "to insult him."
>"What's that?" The doctor flung up his head, staring with surprise at Kolya. "Who's this?" he addressed Alyosha, as though asking him to explain.
>"It's Perezvon's master, don't worry about me," Kolya said incisively again.
>"Perezvon?"* repeated the doctor, perplexed.
>* i.e. a chime of bells.
>"He hears the bell, but where it is he cannot tell. Good-bye, we shall meet in Syracuse."
>"Who's this? Who's this?" The doctor flew into a terrible rage.
This sends me into paroxysms of laughter for some reason. And also
>"There is only one man in the world who can command Nikolay Krassotkin- this is the man," Kolya pointed to Alyosha. "I obey him, good-bye!"

>> No.5068716

At Swim Two Birds

>> No.5068735

>tfw ·

>> No.5068736
File: 23 KB, 333x500, dq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you pronounce 'quixotic'?

>> No.5068746

The Third Policeman was 2pomo4me, should I give this a shot?

>> No.5068826

It has meta fiction and absurdity but the witticism made it all worth it for me. Maybe try The Best of Myles no Gopaleen to sample his humour without having to read entire stories.

>> No.5068942

[doŋ kiˈxotJk]

>> No.5068964

key hoe tick

>> No.5068994

It's pronounced Keeshy.

>> No.5070377

Jorge Ibarguengoitia is really good

>> No.5070948

What's that one Isaac asimov story where the guy "reverse engineers" math? The one where in the future, no one can do math without a computer, and when one guy figures out how to do it on paper, it's like an industrial revolution and the guy gets super rich.

>> No.5071336

That sounds hilarious. I love his short stories but I haven't read very many of them. Can anyone rec a good collection?

>> No.5071464

Bartleby the scrivener, the stranger or the castle

>> No.5071688

The complete Robot

Nightfall and other Stories

>> No.5071761

It's still hilarious but you'll quickly notice that the plot actually there isn't one. Adams himself never though he was much of a writer. The fact that it's an unapologetic exercise in dada literature is great though.

>> No.5071762

What was that author called whose writingstyle is seemingly deliberately terrible? the name escapes me, but you guys talk about him all the time. fuck

>> No.5071769

> inplying the bible isn't the most badass and slightly goofy book ever

>> No.5071774

Okay, no trolling, is this person actually funny or is he just "lmfao i was just pretending to be retarded u got rused stay mad fagt" funny? Like, would someone who thinks Andrew Dice Clay is idiotic laugh at Max?

>> No.5071777

Seriously guys I need this.

>> No.5071778

Maddox is pretty funny but taking his ideas seriously is retarded. I notice he's less intentionally inflammatory in the rare posts he actually makes now though.

>> No.5071781

You mean Cormac McCarthy?

>> No.5071786

I think he's younger. Does some drugs. His name might be asian? but he's american. fuck.

>> No.5071791

Tao Chang

>> No.5071794

Johnathan Franzen

>> No.5071796

tao lin, yes!

>> No.5071798

You're thinking of Tao Lin.

>> No.5071800

You're probably thinking of Tao Lin.

I personally don't think his style is terrible, intentionally or otherwise. It's spare is what it is.

>> No.5071803

Well yeah, I don't even agree with it myself. But it is peculiar to read, and since many people here hate him, I figured phrasing it that way would make me more likely to get his name.

>> No.5071810

Yeah, I found Eeeee Eee Eeee pretty funny and sometimes sad. Taipei was mostly sad but sometimes funny. Those are the only ones by him I've read if you don't count online stuff he's posted.

>> No.5071816

Yeah, I find yahtzee (as a writer, not as a critic) very funny.

>> No.5071817

It bugs me when people say Tao Lin's writing/stories/style is "deliberately terrible". Sure, it (can be) simple, sparse, repetitive, even boring, but that's mostly always in service of creating some tone or feeling that's way deeper than just being "deliberately terrible". That's like calling Cormac McCarthy's writing "deliberately terrible" just because it doesn't conform to the standard perception of "good writing". "Deliberately terrible" would be something those joke fanfictions where the main joke is that they're ridiculous and the spelling is all wrong. There's way more to Tao Lin than that.

>inb4 go to bed tao

>> No.5071827

Anthony Fantano, the internet's busiest music nerd

>> No.5071837

>Eeeee Eee Eeee pretty funny and sometimes sad. Taipei was mostly sad but sometimes funny.
I agree 100%. That scene in Eeee Eee Eeeee where they all stand in the office and turn off the lights and no one knows why they're there is honestly the most I've laughed at a book in ages. I've only read those two as well and honestly I love them both. I love the way he portrays how disconnected people are from each other, like those scenes in Eeee Eee Eeeee where you have two people talking and nothing anyone says is related to what the other was saying. It's like they're just throwing stuff out there to desperately try and find connection in other human beings but are too scared to ever accept that connection when they're offered it, and how he portrays it is beautiful and original and funny and sad all at once.

>> No.5071848

This. I've only read Taipei and Shoplifting, but you guys are selling me on this book. Taipei made me laugh out loud, and Shoplifting was funny, but both of them made me feel really empty and lonely at the end. It hits you really hard for some reason when you're laughing the whole time.

Actually a really interesting style which comes off as sophomoric and lazy.

>> No.5071855

Finalmente, alguien que ha leído a Laiseca. Mi trabajo aquí ha terminado.

>> No.5071882

i like the idea of light from a window lying across the tarmac like the bodies of naked angels.

i admit the other one doesnt quite hit the mark the author was no doubt intending

however i highly doubt anything he wrote is as poorly worded as anything in the 5 lines of that review

>> No.5071890

fuark, terrible and hilarious at the same time.

am considering reading

>> No.5071911

i found the scene where ivan talks to the devil, and the devil recalls wanting to publicly commend a certain doctor but is advised to publish anonymously by the newspapers as they know it will otherwise be received as satire

>> No.5071952

>inb4 go to bed tao
This is exactly what Tao Lin would say.