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5057415 No.5057415[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I just finished reading "Animal Farm" by George Orwell.

I understood the concept of the book, i understand why this book is considered on of the best books of all time by many "top 100 books" lists.

But IMO, it's kinda meh.

>> No.5057419

great thread

>> No.5057426

Great responce

>> No.5057431

A friend of mine said he hated the book because there are talking animals, which he thought was silly, but what's truly silly is that he never even read the book.
I enjoyed it. Its an easy read but it has some good themes which at conveyed nicely if you ask me. Just my input.

>> No.5057436

You's furry

>> No.5057451

It's "meh" because you have terrible taste and lack refinement. Fuck off.

>> No.5057456

I wouldnt call it a lack of refinement since Animal Farm isnt really refined, but his taste really is shitty.

Either a 3/10 troll or a 0/10 /lit/ard.

>> No.5057468


>> No.5057469

I read it.
I just wanted to read about silly animals, and I got what I wanted.


>> No.5057517

Here's how you do satire:

1. Take real life events

2. Change the people to animals

3. "Genius!" "A devastating social commentary!" "An insightful work of fiction!" "Harrowing!" "One of The Greatest Novel of the 20th Century!"

>> No.5057521

>I just wanted to read about silly animals

Bu they weren't silly. They were sad. A horse got sent to a glue factory or some shit. Fuck that. Fuck glue factories.

>> No.5057561

The whole book the lowly animals thought they were potentially equal to human beings. That's comedy gold right there.

>> No.5057605

My English teacher gave it to me when I was 13 and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. The writing style makes the novella easily accessible for younger children to learn about certain themes, which in turn helps them read deeper into the novels content and understand satire as a means of discussing ideas at length while making it more understandable. I think anyone interested in political satire should read it before venturing deeper and deeper into the genre.

>> No.5057626
File: 7 KB, 300x225, 142724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's satire.


>> No.5057665

Hey fuck you man I made that reference first >>5057517

>> No.5057729

"a tour de force"

>> No.5057737

>i understand why this book is considered on of the best books of all time by many "top 100 books" lists.
>But IMO, it's kinda meh.
So you don't understand why

>> No.5058322

Yes i do

>> No.5058719

Why was the one pig named Napoleon? Napoleon has nothing to do with communism.

>> No.5058748

To signify his hidden megalomania perhaps?

>> No.5058762

It was great commentary at the time, the left in the west believed communism was working and all the horrors were ignored/disbelieved. Orwell is revered now as at the time he called it out. The book also firmly refutes the entire communist ideology in only 100 or so pages.

>> No.5058763

I read this entire book during a layover between flights while I was traveling to Athens one summer.
It was pretty good, like a modern day fable I guess.
Orwell has written better, though.

>> No.5058775

I doubt that. I'll read it but I really doubt it did that.

>> No.5058802

Orwell was socialist as fuck, Animal Farm just refutes Stalinism.

>> No.5058817

>I doubt that. I'll read it
Get the fuck off /lit/.

>> No.5058933

Animal Farm is about how communism results in Stalinism naturally.

>> No.5058952

[citation needed]

>> No.5058959

>20th Century
>Book well known and praised for being first to note this development.

>> No.5058971

Do you think Orwell was that stupid? A man who got his neck shot for communism?

"communism results in Stalinism naturally"? Stalinism had nothing to do with the party-form, with conflicts within the Comintern, with Leninism? Nope, just natural communism. What does that even mean?

>> No.5058981

In a preface for a 1947 Ukrainian edition, [Orwell] stated, "... for the past ten years I have been convinced that the destruction of the Soviet myth was essential if we wanted a revival of the socialist movement. On my return from Spain [in 1937] I thought of exposing the Soviet myth in a story that could be easily understood by almost anyone and which could be easily translated into other languages."


>> No.5058984

Really? Before Bordiga in 1921, or Luxemburg with Lenin before Stalin even stumbled onto the scene.

C'mon son, if you're gonna anti-communist anti-communist well

>> No.5058991

This is not criticism this is shitposting

>> No.5058993

No, it's about the specific failings of communism in Soviet Russia.

Old Major is Lenin.
Napoleon is Stalin.
Snowball is Trotsky.

Plenty of committed socialists and communists were horrified by Stalin. Just look at Eisenstein's Ivan the Terrible.

>> No.5058994

It's worth mentioning many were even horrified by Lenin

>> No.5059020

I am a Marxist. I just really doubt that Orwell refuted the whole ideology.

>> No.5059027

Like the others said; he was a soc...
Wait why the fuck am i wasting my time correcting you? So i can help plebs who dont do sufficient research on the author?
Fuck plebs (that includes you too, faggot).

>> No.5059036

>something *cant* find flaws in the ideology I use to feel superior to others!
You are no better than a rand drone

>> No.5059044

or you know... it could be because of homage to catalonia, but nobody reads on this board anyway

>> No.5059054

>I understood the concept of the book, i understand why this book is considered on of the best books of all time by many "top 100 books" lists.

Ugh,are you 13?

>> No.5059058

I admit that my position is stupid. Is it possible to 'retract' your opinion on something until you've read all opposing views in immense depth?

>> No.5059074


>> No.5059077

>Give personal view on theme from how I experienced it when reading at the time

>Get called a pleb

fuck you too

>> No.5059089

your view is wrong you fucking pleb

>> No.5059129

"owrell literlly disproved communism in less than 100 pages"

your read was pleb and you should feel pleb

>> No.5059131

I know. People acted this way when I told them how Ayn Rand's entire body of work is actually satire intended to show the inherent failings of self interest and valuing individualism over collectivism.

>> No.5059158

Are you familiar with Stewart Lee?

>> No.5059168

I can't tell if this is a satire of the other poster's obliviousness.

That said, regardless of Rand's intents, I suppose her work did largely culminate in that.

>> No.5059176

I think that the point of the book was just to show that the Soviets were bad and that we should never allow them to try and take over another country and let them become under Stalin's rule

>> No.5059209

Not him, but I like to think that Ayn Rand was a Soviet agent. Her task being to foster market fundamentalism and destabilize America.

>> No.5059233

It criticizes Soviet Russia, and so western authority loves it.

>> No.5059235

napoleon rose as a dictator from a revolution against the aristocracy

>> No.5059243

Many revolutions are started by middle-class or lower bourgeois men who want to take control for themselves

>> No.5059266

The fact that the book was even published is a huge accomplishment in of itself. The publishing industry back then (and to a certain extent still is today) is so pro communist and pro soviet that the only reason the book was published as we know it is purely due to Orwell being such a big name.

>> No.5059275

You do realize that it was thought to be a children's book and it was put on children bookshelves at stores right?

>> No.5059276

What delusional fairy land do you live in? Orwell originally wrote a preface to the story that criticized the west in their censorship, and this preface was censored by western publishers. Western authority approved of the book because it demonized the Soviet movement and compared it to monarchical rule.

>> No.5059296

Regrettably, seeing as we're in the golden age of global, laissez-faire capitalism and do-as-you-feel individualism, it would seem double-agent Rand failed miserably.

>> No.5059305

>implying [finish your own greentext]

>> No.5059306

You have the right to do as feel on the condition that what you feel to do is buy things and work to make others money.

>> No.5059314

>publishing industry... is so pro communist and pro soviet

Right. During the red scare when you could be blacklisted just for being accused of being "pink".

>> No.5059335

He's an idiot, he surely doesn't know that the red scare was strongest in the 1920's.

>> No.5059340

completely false

What fairly land do YOU live in? The reason the book was published was because Orwell convinced his publishers that the book was anti-monarchical and not anti-communist like the book is seen as now. He did a fast one of them and profited from it. You are right, western publishers were/are known for their censorship, including any criticism of Communism. The US government at the time was even clamoring down on anti-communist sentiment due to WW2. Learn some fucking history.

>le trole faec ಠ_ಠ !Avm1fqtITk
Oh my bad, I didn't realize I was talking to a retarded tripfag/troll. My bad.

Just like there were no communist in the film industry during McCarthyism right? You fucking moron.

>> No.5059345

Okay, well if you're so sure then you must have a good source for this knowledge. Show me where you learned these facts

>> No.5060106

fucking this

>> No.5060125

I dont think its about the writing, its about how orwell made it possible to understand how a society like that is gradually created

>> No.5060139

I doesn't make it any less true, and if you really think that all of those "New York Time Top 100 Books" means nothing then you're an idiot

>> No.5060144

Yup, except, you have to be the first.

>> No.5060917

I don't think anyone is implying it means nothing; they're just implying it doesn't mean what you think it means.

>> No.5060923

> the left in the west believed communism was working and all the horrors were ignored/disbelieved
No it didn't, there is a reason why all entente nations attacked Soviet Russia during the Civil War.

>> No.5060942

baby's first post

>> No.5061008

I wasn't too fond of Brave New World and 1984 either. I mean they're an interesting read. But it wasn't a pageturner in any sense of the way for me. More like a 6/10 even though the information in it is really important and interesting