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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 381 KB, 590x443, the-17-most-expensive-paintings-ever-sold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5056206 No.5056206 [Reply] [Original]

Are translations pure a consequence of pleb culture thinking that plot has any value? After reading many books, increasing my patrician level, and browsing /lit/ I have come to the conclusion that all translations are useless pieces of shit. It's like you don't have access to an art gallery so you send someone inside to try and paint imitations.

Also if Nabokov places importance on dat prose then why did he translate that poem in a literal way? What's the point? Was he an autist?

Also what is your honest opinion on stuff like picrelated? Is the patricianness in this sort of thing 99 % obtained by being the first/edgiest person to do it?

>> No.5056211

i don't like your attitude, young man

>> No.5056236

translation do damage 'dat prose' thing but it really depends on translator's skill
i'm russian and hemingway is translated into russian masterfully (i've read both translation and original) - his prose in russian sounds as chopped and accurate as ernest put it originally
not a fan of Pollock but i kinda like it - it's dynamic and chaotic

>> No.5056267

you are kinda right about pollock in that the context of his art is pretty important, but it also contains profound, self-contained artistic statements

>> No.5056268

Reading for word arrangement is the same as being a fucking lego architect.

>> No.5056275

In some cases, plot is all that really matters. The Karamazov Brothers doesn't suffer deeply in translation

>> No.5056281

>plot is all that really matters

>> No.5056287

a good translator will provide excellent prose of their own
it's not the original author's, but they can shade it with a similar tone and it can be a rewarding work of art in its own right, a synthesis of the original and the translator's perception of it

>> No.5056292

That painting is scribbles.

>> No.5056313

Translations are a necessary evil, and it usually depends on what sort of work is being translated (prose, poetry or anything else). For example, I've noticed that whilst Nietzsche aphorisms usually translate very well, his poetry comes out horribly, and loses all of its dynamism. It's luck of the draw, really, even if you have a great translator.

>> No.5056332
File: 60 KB, 400x325, Jorge-Luis-Borges[1].jpg_itok=79Ta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Borges wrote and lectured extensively on the art of translation, holding that a translation may improve upon the original, may even be unfaithful to it, and that alternative and potentially contradictory renderings of the same work can be equally valid.

>> No.5056348

OP jerking it to redtube.

"Son, what the hell are you doing on the family computer? That's disgusting. I can't believe you're masturbating to porn"

"I'm not masturbating to pornography, father. Only plebs masturbate to pornography"

"Son, I can see the screen, and I can see what you are doing. You are pleasuring yourself while watching people have intercourse"

"quite so, father. There is pornography on the screen, and my penis betwixt my fingers. However, only plebs believe the sex has value. I'm masturbating to the cinematography."

>> No.5056362

The good translator is the only person who truly reads a text. Everyone else is at a remove, including the author. If they're great they can make a book better, actually. (Strachey's Freud, for instance). Think of it as a great reader of that language describing the book to you in near perfect detail.

>> No.5056365
File: 63 KB, 757x430, 1385327271279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>penis betwixt my fingers

>> No.5056382

i lold hard

>> No.5056711
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 1403154942057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Increasing my patrician level

Please fuck off you miserable autist.

>> No.5056732

So you don't like Beckett?

>> No.5056746

If the person is a professional painter of highly regarded quality and thoroughly versed in the era the painting in the museum was created in and the materials and techniques, seems fair enough.

>> No.5056767
File: 29 KB, 300x450, odd_ecce_homo_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't paint over it