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/lit/ - Literature

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5055573 No.5055573[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the most /lit/ games that aren't Journey?

>> No.5055580

Planescape Torment
Baldurs gate 2
Cod 4
red dead redemption
just cause 2
Dark souls/demon souls

>> No.5055585

Journey has literally no words except the title and credits so it's probably one of the least literary games

>> No.5055590

Probably 999 and Virtue's Last Reward.

>> No.5055595

>Just Cause 2

>> No.5055596

Wrong on every single one.


>> No.5055604

Final fantasy

>> No.5055607


>> No.5055608

guitar hero 2

>> No.5055612

majora's mask lol

>> No.5055618

/v/ told me that Legacy of Kain and Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri are the most literary video games.

>> No.5055620

Shadow of the Colossus
No More Heroes
Persona 3/4
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
Cave Story
Yume Nikki
Final Fantasy Tactics
Any Fire Emblem
Dwarf Fortress
Nethack/Angband/other roguelike
Seiken Densetsu
Shin Megami Tensei
Tales of Phantasia
Chrono Trigger
Super Metroid

Though no games have really appeared with the narrative quality of great works of literature.

>> No.5055625


>> No.5055630

anon please

>> No.5055632


>> No.5055634


>> No.5055637

You could have at least included some of the more recent, rather creative interactive fiction if you think Zork is one of the most /lit/ games

>> No.5055640

Bioshock 1 and Bioshock Infinite

>> No.5055642

Wrong. MGS2.

>> No.5055643

There are a lot of other things I could have included. It wasn't exhaustive.

>> No.5055644


>> No.5055645

Absolutely not.

>> No.5055650

Both. Okay? Fucking both. They were fucking beautiful. Both of them.

>> No.5055653

Interactive Fiction is the most literary genre of games anyway for obvious reasons, so it should dominate any list of the most /lit/ games

>> No.5055659

most fucking disappointing ending of my life, turned into a generic "make a super weapon with a scavenger hunt and then kill the bad guy by shooting the glowy bits" game

>> No.5055661


KOTOR had an interesting story for a video game even is star wars is shit. The best story in a game will not be better than the worst book.

>> No.5055663

Some of those RPGs have more text than many interactive fictions.

>> No.5055666

You only got one right...
and that was Red Dead Redemption
Yeah...still likes OoT more though...but you are right. MM was more of a /lit/ game.

That's about it for you.

The first Bioshock I can comment on. Agreed. Motion passes.

To add, L.A. Noire.

>> No.5055670

Well, Mother was written by an actually decent novelist, so...

>> No.5055672

It's kind of weird how they go to the trouble of describing things that you can see right on yoru screen.

>> No.5055678

You can't see anything on the screen in fire emblem. It's chess + VN. Ditto for Persona. Nice try inventing flaws in the writing. There are plenty of actual ones without you having to make them up.

>> No.5055685

Not really lit but the civilization games were always super comfy and actually taught me some shit or made me read books about certain topics.

>> No.5055689

I was thinking about PST and similar games you retard, I've never even played those (and I'm never going to)

>> No.5055692

Everyone who uses the comfy meme should be shot

>> No.5055693

And no one cared.

>> No.5055695

No one cares that you don't care.

>> No.5055700

You seem to.

>> No.5055702

No one cares that you think I seem to care.

>> No.5055704


>> No.5055705
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>> No.5055706

And no one cares that you think no one cares that I think that you seem to care.

>> No.5055710

any grasshopper game really

>> No.5055711

Is this a troll thread made by /v/irgins?

>> No.5055712

But no one cares about what you just said, and recursion isn't funny.

>> No.5055713

That's not recursion, dumbass.

>> No.5055720

Yes it is, retard.

>> No.5055721
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This seems pretty /lit/


>> No.5055722

No it isn't, troglodyte. Recursion is self-referential.

>> No.5055728

But that's wrong, idiot.

>> No.5055729

t-the stanley parable? maybe?
PST for sure!

>> No.5055731

Skyrim is pretty much the same quality as literary sword and sorcery fiction. Probably better than most if it.

There's also a shittton of readable books in the game.

I don't know I don't play a lot of video games. Maybe Age of Empires 2, too.

>> No.5055732

I don't expect /lit/ to know what a recursive process is, but please don't pretend you do.

>> No.5055733

No it isn't. Go read a book.

>> No.5055735

It got more posts in a quicker amount of time than the threads about actual books

>> No.5055742

morrowind had better writing

>> No.5055743

Please learn basic mathematics.

>> No.5055753

Your American is showing.

>> No.5055759

To the Moon

>> No.5055764

Its mechanics really haven't held up well, though.

I re-visited it earlier this summer and clicking just wasn't as fun as it used to be.

Of course what qualifies something as being a /lit/ game hasn't been established, but if it implies the merging of story-telling with gameplay I'd stick with Skyrim.

Although Jesus Christ did they drop the ball on the College of Winterhold questline.

>> No.5055780


a definite second on majoras mask.

>> No.5055798
File: 51 KB, 200x240, 1363889056100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thirteen years ago Horse was 23, the author of two books, on his way to being named Scotland's author of the year - and in desperate need of money. Getting published (and paid) would have taken too long. His solution: create an ancient-looking, lavishly illustrated, "lost" manuscript about the days after the destruction of Atlantis, then attempt to convince an antiquarian book dealer it was genuine. It worked beyond his expectations: Christie's appraised it at $20,000 and the dealer approached a publisher.

"He thought he'd found the next H.G. Wells or Jules Verne," Horse says. "The book not only had accounts of secret ancient societies but also had startlingly accurate references to World Wars I, II and III, plus nuclear fission and the equation for relativity." But the hoax soon unraveled. By chance the dealer went to Horse's publisher, who immediately recognized his illustration style. Horne talked his way out of jail and promised never to publish the material in the book.

That would have been the end of the story, had Horse not seen two breakthrough CD-ROMs - Myst and 7th Guest - 10 years later, in 1993. "I thought, 'I can do that.' They combined my interest in puzzles and cryptograms with my illustration, writing, and story-telling skills." Horse chose to break his promise. "It wasn't worth the paper it was written on," he says. "I was only 23 then and quite frightened about going to jail."

Horse and Algy Williams, who has a background in TV production, have assembled an eclectic team: another illustrator, a sculptor, a designer of "fiendishly difficult" puzzles featured in the London Times, a graphics and programming team from Epic Multimedia, and two musicians who go by the name of Miasma. "The graphics are photo-realistic and the audio and sound effects are stunning," says Williams.

>> No.5055809

I only found about about The Man Who was Thursday by playing Doos Sex.

>> No.5055818

Gonna offer a suggestion of your own or just be a naysaying asshole?

>> No.5056062

When describing the plot of Atlus Shrugged to a friend, I just asked him if he played Bioshock, and he said yes, and i said its like a boring book version of that.

I did the same with Heart of Darkness and Spec Ops: The Line.

>> No.5056072

If you mean games that back the statement that "video games are art" Shadow of the Colossus would be one of the first games that comes to mind
Although this has fuck all to do with /lit/

>> No.5056076

None of them. The video game medium is not conducive to storytelling; in fact, they conflict with each other.

>> No.5056114

>the only means of presenting a story in a video game is through long cut scenes and long bits of dialogue.
>all video game genres are at disadvantage with their fundamental mechanics when story is included.

>> No.5056118
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The Metal Gear Solid series is the only answer

>> No.5056123

Do the games have that much depth?

I always just assumed they were stealthy action games.

>> No.5056126

Did you ever pay attention to the story, or are you just saying that?

>> No.5056138
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They are stealthy action games, but they also have great, deep plots, well-formed characters, and interesting themes

>> No.5056151

Can't believe no-one's mentioned 'Dear Esther'

>> No.5056220

because it's shit.

>> No.5056224

Kentucky Route Zero is a dialogue-heavy, simple point-and-click adventure "game." If you like MAGICAL REALISM, try it out.

>> No.5056301


For immersive and sort of seamless play that navigates a story/experience through atmospheric/cinematic modes that very much reflect on older mediums and notions of games as art:

A Story About My Uncle (although probably a bit heavy on challenging physics puzzles)
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Dear Esther
All those Penumbra games, generally anything by Frictional Games (their blog sometimes discusses the potential of games as a serious medium)
Probably more...

For speculative fiction-esque world building, plot, characterisation, (and in some cases generally more mature and complex dialogue trees than modern RPGs):

Baldur's Gate 1
Baldur's Gate 2
Fallout 1
Fallout 2
Planescape Torment
Probably more...

Then there's Interactive Fiction, but a lot of works (and, moreover, the tools to create works) are shit for various reasons... The biggest problem is that people don't know how to create satisfying interactivity (maybe because of a lack of conventions and a not-completely-modernised medium)- or are too lazy to put the work in -so even in its supposed app/twine induced renaissance, IF is often mediocre, and attracts social justice warriors of various ilks trying to use it as an experience sharing medium. The best I know of are:

Rat Chaos
And probably more... idk

>> No.5056312



>> No.5056329

The series overall has a strong emphasis on story. the second game is probably the most /lit/. It is completely absurd and once you understand that is the point it becomes one of the best stories ever constructed for a video game.

>> No.5056334

I'd imagine /lit/ would like Thomas Was Alone?

>> No.5056349

>Dark Souls/DeS
I love the series, but c'mon. Purposely vague as fuck story and world building. There ain't much that got written when they made those. Most of the stuff comes from fans.

Cheese fantasy, yeah.

>literally someone wrote the story
>n-n-ot literature
Kill yourself.

Some weird ass fucking elitism going on ITT for no particular reason.

>> No.5056353

I mean some retard, probably OP thinks, that anything involving anything other than Journey's muh pace and muh slow burning and muh no action can't be fucking 'literature' which is juvenile as fuck definition for it.

Goddamn STALKER is just as much 'literature' as it

>> No.5056359
File: 81 KB, 1278x799, Gemini rue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I'd consider it /lit/, but I loved the narrative in Gemini Rue. It also gets huge points for atmosphere.

>> No.5056363

>Strong emphasis on story.
Yeah that's why Kojima doesn't know what the fuck to do with the story, has retconned quite a few parts of it, is ultimate clusterfuck because 2 & 4 exist?

>It's point is to be absurd.
That's a cop out if I ever saw one for it.

Fucking Max Payne is better written than it and it's just a piece of pulp fiction.

>> No.5056367

MGS1+2 are a great narrative. MGS3 is pulpy if meaningless. MGS4 is terribad. Everything from that point on is way past the point by which the franchise should've ended. Kojima only continues to make them because the franchise would just get handed off to someone else.

>> No.5056368

>The first Bioshock I can comment on
why does Far Cry never get any credit for having the original story tht bioshock then stole

>> No.5056372

>Lusty Aronian Maid

most lit thing about a vidya game ever

>> No.5056378

Decent for a video game. I dont really see what is so great in them. MGS3 is far from meaningless, since the main character of the series is Snake and that is the first time we get to see him in the series, in a game, playable, only his story.

MGS1-2 are like the aftermath of his actions, much like 4.

Cant just say MGS3 is pulpy when the 1 & 2 are just as much.. still, decent pulpy.

>> No.5056383


>> No.5056387


>> No.5056392

All fantasy is cheesy to me.

That's why I like it.

>> No.5056396

The first two games are some of the only titles out there that, together, explore their own meaning as military-focused shooter games, the importance of fiction in peoples' lives, and the malaise of post-1991 humanity in very interesting ways. They're not exactly high literature, but they're a decent attempt for a medium that so far hasn't striven for much artistically at all. MGS3 is meaningless because although it ties in very loosely to the themes of the first two games, it's pretty much standalone. That's why it's about Big Boss - specifically so it can be meaningless. It's a game of retcons and empty elaborations and although it's very fun and a classic game, it's not got half the narrative punch that the 1/2 duology carries.

>> No.5056397

>Max Payne
was gonna say Max Payne II bc that story really had me

also this tv is lit as fuck
Addres Unknown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUXUyItb1ys

>> No.5056416

Both Max Payne's are really good noir/pulp stuff.

You can't call a game that is centered around the MGS-series main character a meaningless in my opinion. It is very relevant for the story of the game. Or are you saying when it started to be about its main character it lost its quality?

>, together, explore their own meaning as military-focused shooter games, the importance of fiction in peoples' lives, and the malaise of post-1991 humanity in very interesting ways
Can you elaborate more?

One of the few romance plots that aren't written like dogshit forcefeed in video games. And goddamn if that overblown noir/pulp feel of it doesn't hit me

>> No.5056426


>> No.5056438

Both MGS1+2 are games to a large extent about the end of the Cold War and the concept of the "American century" very in vogue from the 1990s to now. MGS1 presents Metal Gear as a straight-up attempt by the military-industrial complex, represented by DARPA and ArmsTech, to continue their growth and expansion even in a world with a reduced need for American militarism, and it and MGS2 portray casts of people alienated by society who've found solace in violence and war, from Otacon to Big Boss to Snake to 2's ex-Soviet mercenary enemies, who all live artificial existences, whether as soldiers or as video game characters. Both games directly address the player through Snake and Raiden, offering means to avoid killing enemies and criticizing them for not doing so. And 2, with its VR theme, is even more about the role simulated events such as fiction (or war) can take in shaping people.

3 does address some of these themes, and it does them well, even, and its adding to Big Boss's character is a worthy thing. But to me at least it's just a side-game. The Metal Gear Solid games, despite what might've happened after 2, are about Solid Snake.

>> No.5056451

>Are about Solid Snake.
No, no. You might play him, but everything in those games is related to what Big Boss did earlier, his actions, their aftermath, and BB/Snake is the main character of the game. Just because you as observer aren't him, yet, doesn't mean he isn't the MC in every form.

I see where you come from. It's been time since I played them (when MGS4 was released, I played them through and through from Metal Gear to MGS4).

the VR parts of the MGS2 were too ambitious I fear and caused way, way too much wreckage in the overall story of the series for what it tried to achieve and basically ruins it (MGS2 & 4 as stated).

>> No.5056454
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>> No.5056462
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Lost Odyssey has short stories (like 30ish?) that you read as you progress through the game. I Liked them. Made me feel a lot more empathy for Kaim (?) and Seth. I wish they would release those stories in a physical release :(

Alan Wake had a book that was made for its special edition. It gave more background on Alan. I just love the idea that they made a book for the special edition. It has a nice build and design to it too.

>> No.5056463

If you cannot see that mgs2 is absurd on purpose then you are missing the main themes behind the game.
Kojimas biggest problem was his constant sequal baiting and constant return to the series despite saying he was finished with it. Since he usually finishes every metal gear thinking it will be his last its best to look at them separately, that way you can avoid his horrible retconning. Kojima likes to use MGS as a vessel for new ideas rather than creating a whole new story. MGS is a clusterfuck but it aint because 2 and 4 have crazy ass convoluted stories.

>> No.5056468
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>implying these threads don't always turn into a discussion about MGS

>> No.5056472

That is definitely not speaking in favor of MGS2

>> No.5056477

But the focus on Big Boss is a post-3 thing. His significance as a character was retconned in.

>> No.5056478

I disagree.

Anyways, enough about MGS.

Give me a romance that is better written than Max Payne & Mona Sax.

I am waiting and you can't answer it.

>> No.5056489


stay pleb

>> No.5056494
File: 146 KB, 610x343, Metal-Gear-Solid-5-The-Phantom-Pain-Spiel-kommt-mit-Online-Multiplayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greates clusterfuck of a story in existence. Love it!

>> No.5056512

Why is Journey considered to be so exceptionally deep? There are a lot of games like it in he mobile app stores.

>> No.5056526

Because some hipster fuck experienced first slow paced story (meaning, no 'action') and thinks its the best ever.

That about it.

>> No.5056539
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I'd go with Nier.

>> No.5056547
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Don't Starve

It gives you time to read at night.

>> No.5056566

Journey isnt even Jazz, what the hell.

>> No.5057045
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>Since he usually finishes every metal gear thinking it will be his last
Wrong. He didn't say that after 4 or Peace Walker, and Peace Walker was clearly created with MGSV in mind.
>MGS is a clusterfuck
No it's not. The story is pretty easy to follow, it's just more complicated than a Final Fantasy of Call of Duty so a lot of gamers just throw up their hands and give up

>> No.5057094

Huh. this story of the fraudulent Atlantis book reminds me of "S." by J.J.Abrams. This "book" is a fictional library book with notes by multiple people written in the margins, plus various postcards, receipts, etc. stuck in at various pages. Altogether it forms a complex narrative about the relationship between the margin writers, who only interact through this library book.

>> No.5057107

first one was way too deep for me the first time i played it.

>> No.5057278

Barbie Horse Adventure for sure