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5055562 No.5055562[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If words were like bananas we wouldn't have to eat very much, now would we? We could produce them easily, and dine just as quickly. But, would you even want to? Consider: around banana number three, bananas start tasting like you've been eating nothing but sludge, a slimy yellow tongue assaulting your stomach rather than an actual piece of fruit you'd want to eat. Any singular food to excess evokes the same emotion. Are words not the same? For example, I could lay down a whopper like “Taxidermy”, and it's a fine word. No one disagrees with that. But consider:

Taxidermy Taxidermy Taxidermy Taxidermy Taxidermy Taxidermy Taxidermy Taxidermy Taxidermy Taxidermy Taxidermy Taxidermy Taxidermy.

How disgusting.

Consider though: What if we could eat words? Would “quintessence” taste like vanilla soda? Would “Quaint” taste like its namesake, or would it taste spicy, much unlike “spicy”, which out of some strange happenstance would taste like egg salad? Consider that for a minute, and don't tell me you're not slightly hungry. Other culinary delights? Chicken. That's all. Everything else just tastes like chicken, except fish, but that's the exception that proves the rule. The main thing you hear about chicken is how versatile it is. Fry that chicken, man, that's a good chicken. Roast that chicken, man, that's a good chicken. But how restrictive, what happens when you step out of bounds? The moment you try to pickle a chicken, Oh no, you've committed a crime against humanity.

>> No.5055584
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>> No.5055727
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>Taxidermy Taxidermy Taxidermy Taxidermy Taxidermy Taxidermy Taxidermy Taxidermy Taxidermy Taxidermy Taxidermy Taxidermy Taxidermy.
>How disgusting.

What the actual fuck am I reading

>> No.5055816

>implying Taxidermy is a whopper
>implying pickled chicken isn't a delicacy

Finnegan's Wake is pickled chicken and it's Nah I haven't read it yet not gonna opine on something I haven't read.

>> No.5056089
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>Not considering taxidermy a whopper

I bet you can't finish a wank session unless you're quietly repeating 'antidisestablishmentarianism'