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5053610 No.5053610[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tips for writing noobs?

>> No.5053625

Watch the original not rebuild.

>> No.5053610,1 [INTERNAL] 

hahah warosu

>> No.5053947

I own the original + EOE.

>> No.5054007

Don't watch any of that stupid crap, actually.

>> No.5054016

/m/ please go

>> No.5054169

Read a lot.

>> No.5054174

What the fuck is that supposed to mean.

>> No.5054184 [DELETED] 


what the fuck does that have to do with mu

mu does not hate anime... look at yung lean and similar artists. their aesthetic is pretty much anime+drugs

>> No.5054192

He's talking about the Mecha board, which apparently hates Evangelion because I guess they prefer Gundam or whatever

>> No.5054200


i'm retarded and didn't even see that it was /m/ and not /mu/


>> No.5054202

Read a lot.

Write original things. If you take the exact story to something, and just change one small detail like making a character black, thats not original.

If you are just going to steal ideas, at least steal from a good book. Protip: Game of thrones isnt good.

>> No.5054212
File: 183 KB, 716x494, 1372569869307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to get into Neon Genesis Evangelion but I'm having trouble keeping interest.

I've only watched like one twenty minute anime film in my life and I've never read a manga.

what do?

>> No.5054213

Think up ideas, write them down.

Ok, is your idea about a casino heist or a hitman? Stop, think up a better idea.

>> No.5054218

so does your subtext usually develop after the story is thought up or do you think of what you're trying to communicate first and then write the story about that?

>> No.5054234

I dont know. I heard an idiot say one time that there's two types of writers, there's architects and sandbox writers. Architects think of everything before they write it down. Sanboxers have to be physically writing to think up ideas.

I tend to think everyone is a little of both, but whatever.

>> No.5054260


i know everyone says to just start writing

i have an idea for a story but i'm not sure how to articulate what it means and it hasn't even really crystallized in my head yet so i feel like i can't start it

basically a suicidal depressive is standing on some rooftop threatening to jump to his death and when no one looks his way or pays him any mind, he climbs down and goes home

something about isolation, futility etc but obviously that's a little too simple and probably insulting to the reader at this point

>> No.5054266

I tend to advise people to think more and write less. But some people think the opposite. Just depends on how your brain works i guess.

>> No.5054268


Learn about meter, grammar, especially sentence structure, and rhetorical and literary devices.

Read every day. Write every day.

The rest is time and luck.

>> No.5054269

Just start writing. You'll find that ideas will come out of the text naturally.

>> No.5054284


maybe i just needed someone to tell that to me directly. i guess it wouldn't hurt to try. thanks guys

>> No.5054314

If you don't like it, just don't watch it. It's no towering artistic achievement; Shinji is a bitch nigga, Rei is bland, Asuka is a cunt, and the plot is 7deep22u. Although, I did personally like it, while still accepting that it does kind of suck.

>> No.5054318

What if we've written something? How do you know if it's good? Do you give it somebody? I've been sitting on something and I have no idea

>> No.5054325

b-b-but they're 14 yrs old so it's ok for them to be worthless pieces of shit, right..?

>> No.5054345

Shinji is such a bitch nigga that at one point he refuses to pilot the EVA, well knowing that millions will probably die, just because "muh father" or some bullshit. If the fate of Earth didn't depend on his piloting ability, I would probably tell him to kill himself.

>> No.5054351

Yeah a 14 year old boy with a dead mother and no father figure doesn't want to be put through incredible physical and emotional pain and no-one appreciates him when he does anyway. What a pussy.

>> No.5054360
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No one appreciates him because he sucks at his job, bro. Imagine everyone depending on you to prevent aliens from killing them and you opt out because your father was a dick. Yeah, not only is Shinji a bitch, but also an egotistical bastard too.

>> No.5054367


Start with the letter N.

>> No.5054368

You're ridiculous, he didn't sign up for it.

>> No.5054370

Sit on it for at least a month and go back, print it out, and re-read it, then read it out-loud -- if you haven't already, read it out loud.

>> No.5054384

Can it, Adam Jensen. Refusing to save others (Huge amounts of them at that) when you're the only one who can is downright evil.

>> No.5054387


Gotta agree with anon here. Shinji was a pussy ass bitch and I could never believe once throughout the series that we were meant to identify with his struggle. He just felt like such an utter milquetoast.

>> No.5054511
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Sometimes I wonder what past figures would think of modern works.

Like if you showed Kierkegaard Evangelion, what would he think of it?

>> No.5054536

It's funny because you haven't a clue what you're talking about.

>> No.5054543
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You're all talking about EVA. Any idea of what make Hideaki Anno's style unique? Is it possible to write something in his style?

>> No.5054545


>> No.5054553

Nothing really. He said himself he just added in whatever he thought sounded cool.
Like all the religious symbolism for example, is totally meaningless.

Like that other anon said, its really not that profound, but its still awesome :D

>> No.5054560

The appeal of mecha suits is incredibly basic, it's pretty much the same thing you got back in the day with H.G. Wells and all the fancy contrivances he gave his characters to play with. Same shit as Harry Potter, too, basically, and everybody loves that shit. Heck, it's the same shit that has us dreaming up gods, so uh, Kierkegaard? I bet he'd be like, "hnnnnggghh."

>> No.5054564

He's incredibly visual so its like asking to translate Lynch or Kubrick into prose, although you could argue the surreal internal monologue scenes work better in writing. All of the latter half ofEoE would lose everything in translation though.

>> No.5054567

Yes, really.

>> No.5054585

There's more to the mechs in eva than the genre fiction sort of appeal you're referring to. I wrote an analysis for /tv/ a few days ago and ill post it again once I get home. But basically the Eva's seen just for action, they are an essential motif in developing the overarching themes of human connection.

>> No.5054588

He's be super adorable and try to discern meaning from the religious symbolism.

>> No.5054592

>the Eva's seen just for action
Aren't just for action*

Although they do justice to that in an innovative way, which I will also explain.

>> No.5054597

I'm not saying there's not more to the show, anon, but that shit like that makes magic appeal for shows. Pretty much the whole world reads for escapism, and they want to escape into something better, where they're more badass, have more control, etc.

>> No.5054598

I know the "symbolism" with the cross shaped explosions and crucifixion imagery is totally meaningless, but I think there is something to be said for the representation of the Kabbalah and the Adam/Eve/Lilith business.

>> No.5054601

The James Joyces are done, to be honest. They're never again going to reach huge audiences. The day of the fucking mecha-alien-Tyrannosaurus-sexmachine is now.

>> No.5054606
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Like this?

>> No.5054625

i havent read kierkegaade so i cant contribute to that, but I would only say the mark of "high art" is not in content but arrangement. So sure mech, magic girls, and wizards are genre fodder, but someone like anno with something say can come along and use that genre vocabulary to express something meaningful.

The human instrumentality project is the rebirth of the world, so yes it is a reference to genesis

>> No.5054627

Pokemon pretty much marked the beginning of the apocalypse.

>> No.5054636

>i havent read kierkegaade so i cant contribute to that, but I would only say the mark of "high art" is not in content but arrangement. So sure mech, magic girls, and wizards are genre fodder, but someone like anno with something say can come along and use that genre vocabulary to express something meaningful.
And that's what's happening. I'm just saying we've gone through a phase shift.

>> No.5054643

Unfortunately then you get things like Pokemon, which you're not going to call "high art," but mental rape . . . and yeah, the world is fucked.

>> No.5054648

And it slips in unnoticed, too, because nobody has a fucking clue what its appeal is. The retardation is too strong, we cannot win.

>> No.5054651

Oh ok. I only got the point about escapism in your post. But I wouldn't say people are more inclined to escapism either, but that its been the most natural appeal of fiction as always, but that now we live in a productive society capable of mass entertainment and thus commercialize fiction. But a work like NGE shows that you can oppose escapism by its very content, which is the only way to return to reality. This is all very zizekian territory.

>> No.5054653

And would you look at that, I'm a fascist.

>> No.5054657

I bet when you were in the back seat of a car or whatever as a child, you used imagine a little man running along with the car, jumping over shit or whatever. Same shit that has you checking for magical powers, too. And same shit that has little bitches telling others to kill themselves. Everyone just wants total control of the world. That's pretty much the only thing you have to appeal to to succeed, pretty much the primary drive in man.

>> No.5054663

I don't get it. What makes pokemon more worrisome to fiction than GI Joe, Comics or any other mass consumption game/show?

>> No.5054674

I dont know whats taken you on this track but youre dead right I did all of those. It might not be the only drive in man, but imagination as you describe is certainly the driving force of creative writing, to bring this back to OP

>> No.5054676

The hidden message behind Pokemon is, "Fuck everyone else, your skills will be your friends in this world." It's pretty much completely contrary to any spiritual or philosophical growth or whatever you'd call it. It tunes the child into, "Me, me, me, me, me!"

>> No.5054680

I just hate the fucking world, anon, lol.

>> No.5054686

Not that that's not already where the child is, of course, but it really drives it home. And hey, maybe that's correct, maybe it's ridiculous doing anything else, but wow that's a load of absolute cunt.

>> No.5054692

And of course I'm only yearning for something different because I got a taste of something different and it's all more of the same, but we could be less of cunts about it.

>> No.5054697

I'm laughing now because everything's fucking crazy. And now I'm going to masturbate.

>> No.5054745

I wouldn't start with EVA, that's one thing, dunno if you mean /m/ shit or just anime in general.

>> No.5054757

He was a pretty competent pilot anon, even if the most ass he's ever kicked was due to his mother's soul taking over and going RIP AND TEAR mode, and not really him having anything to do with it.

>> No.5054762

Shit, that's even what Hitler did. Dude snapped one day after being a vegetarian and everything, and was like "FUUUUUUUUUUUUU," and wrote up a book and rallied all the Germans towards that total control of the world.

>> No.5054764

And I fucking get it.

>> No.5054771

I'm literally this fucking close to going full Hitler.

>> No.5054781

It's like what I was saying in that other thread about how the most severe reactions come between opposites. Well, shit. We need to kill goodness because it might turn into really-badness, guys.

>> No.5054798

Christianity is such fucking genius, to be quite honest. Anyone with a brain should henceforth identify as Christian.

>> No.5054809

I hate you all, lol.