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File: 171 KB, 1440x1080, ArtsAcademy-photo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5049524 No.5049524 [Reply] [Original]

When did Art die?

Did something kill it or did it simply run out of life-support?

>> No.5049530

>thinking art is dead

>> No.5049531

Art is as alive as it has ever been you dolt.

>> No.5049538

WWI put Art on Life Support, Dada tried to keep it going, but then WWII happen, which finally killed it off.

>> No.5049563
File: 23 KB, 246x262, the broad one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares as long as its dead and stays dead. Art is degenerate.

One step closer to the Republic now.

>> No.5049574

what if someone took its life support?

>> No.5049577
File: 295 KB, 339x331, The one who actually was remembered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please, find me another human activity that imitates life so well and thereby gives us a better view of nature.

Besides Plato, you're fucking retarded for thinking artists possess solely inspiration and no technical skill

>> No.5049583
File: 61 KB, 300x321, 1326615739654.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the fucking painting.

>> No.5049603

Picasso says, "Sup, dawg...just reinventing painting while I sit around with topless chicks..."

>> No.5049607


>Anything more than a propagandist artist with some style

He's was okay, but far from the sole leg upon the art-chair of the 1930's rested on.

>> No.5049616

Says the text.

>> No.5049619

Says the abstract conceptual form of an unexpressed thought.

>> No.5049705
File: 49 KB, 346x461, Cremaster_3_Apprentice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> implying art isn't better than ever

>> No.5049715

It is but that's not a good example.

>> No.5049733

Technology - the camera etc.

>> No.5049734


Are you implying that photography isn't a form of Art?

>> No.5049747

Classic /lit/ with his "art is die" bullshit

>> No.5049749


You think art is live?

>> No.5049761


>> No.5049763

Many artists after photography said that realism in figurative art wasn't worth pursuing because photography was a thing. Which makes him a little less uneducated than your average contemporary art basher, but still.

>> No.5049776

"art" wont die just as "morality" wont
theyre both expressions of emotions to function in certain language games

if you mean when did art fail to attempt to be mimetic, the answer is after photography when it was rendered useless

>> No.5049784

Art is exist, neither live nor die, like stone or a water.

>> No.5049790

>People associating a piece of Art's "value" by how closely it reflects nature

Jesus Christ, /lit/...

Art died because of corporatisation it underwent, not because there was less of an emphasis on making it look "realistic"

>> No.5049792


But Art is not feel

I no touch Art.

I touch Painting, I hear song, I taste food, but I no sensation of Art

Then how I know Art is exist or not, is live or die?

>> No.5049800

you is of use art meter

>> No.5049805


But no art meter

You say Art is exist, like stone or a water

I touch stone, I touch water, I no touch Art

Then how Art exist?

>> No.5049814

>I no touch Art
y u no? u should.

>> No.5049817


what art feel like?

>> No.5049825

Art feel like emotion, like sad or angry or haha. Feel art is not hand kind of feel, is heart and mind kind of feel.

>> No.5049826

different each time
some time feel fuzzy thing in u
other time feel spiky thing in u
no touch bad art
bad art makes vomit feel or rage feel when rly rly bad. some time make no feel
please touch ok art

>> No.5049832

>Having to resort to caveman-talk to actually get any discussion going

Well, I guess as long as it's stimulating...

>> No.5049849

so far it's better than any other "MUH 1800 ROMANTICISM" art discussion we ever had.

>> No.5050034


>says the signal in your brain

>> No.5050514



now that I look at it, it is Leonardo, isn't it?

>> No.5050536

it isn't..

>> No.5050554

It was killed by the motion picture.

>> No.5050562


Are you implying Film isn't an Art?

>> No.5050581


No, I assumed most people were talking about visual arts like painting, sculpture, photography, etc.

Film is arguably the preeminent art right now.

>> No.5050586
File: 319 KB, 586x514, oyb4Jdd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take a guess

>close ups of hairy anuses is now art

>> No.5050589

What's wrong? Not a fan of realism?

>> No.5050594


Can you make an argument for why it isn't?

>> No.5050632



>> No.5050649

we have to go deeper

>> No.5050653

>It's not dead but it is shit
>emphasis on the shit

>> No.5050703

any good overviews on 20th ce art?

>> No.5050712



>> No.5050763

>says the linguistic construct

>> No.5050771

Am I allowed to have a real opinion here?

it's not dead, but in my opinion has gotten significantly note saturated with bad. I'm not saying that art is worse than it was in the past, I just think there's more of the bad. the good is still really really good, and the bad still really bad, but now everyone has the means to make the bad quickly, and dub it art. and some people, because of the speed of the internet and sharing this badness, will inevitably like it and validate it.

Before, it was near impossible to market your badness, and so your shitty art would get drowned out by the market. it needed to impress a lot of people to "make it". now, you can self-publish some garbage novel on amazon, ten people will praise you, and you'll keep writing absolutely horrendous drivel.

also, parody has become so popular I'd argue it's the majority. Everyone seems to be making fun of something. I don't really get it, but the ever-popular "society as a scapegoat" has gotten so out of hand that it looks like a bunch of rebels are chilling in the throne room bitching about how shitty the king is, despite the fact that he's visibly dead. Go on Facebook and look at all this weird self-referential memey shit and clickbait headlines. It's all oddly hostile towards "society" or "the government" or "the man" and our art is reflecting that oddness.

>> No.5051076


So DeviantArt is the harbinger of the death of Art?

>> No.5051085

I love that song too, OP


>> No.5051112

The metaphysical debate in a nutshell. Nice one, anon!

Who would come after Aristotle to say art creates life - romanticism?

>> No.5051114

Mainstream art

>> No.5051120
File: 192 KB, 1025x1441, terry-richardson-photo-man-and-his-camera-mark-fisher-nyc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you wanna be in some art OP?

(BTW, do a google image search of Terry Richardson and look at all the first pictures -- somebody's up to something)

>> No.5051126
File: 66 KB, 954x954, I think this bitch just implied that I shouldn't be able to read the bible in my own fucking language.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fine Art was mainstream

>> No.5051189


I normally don't like Comedians because they have, at most, two or three hours of material and just repeat it over and over for decades.

Bo made me think he was different.

I still feel betrayed that he's not...

>> No.5051532


There's a difference between fine art being mainstream and fine art being the only thing allowed into the academies for the longest time.

There's a HUGE fucking difference.

>> No.5051601

art is not dead. although, art that is truly creative and explorative has been obscured and damaged. i personally blame commercialism. commercialism made it easy for someone to make ridiculous amounts of money by making easily digestible and highly accessible art. the more accessible the art was, the more people would enjoy it, and the money-grabbing contest began - true art was trampled on in the process, and large crowds moved to a small group of artists (think top 40) that were already popular, further obscuring other art.

honestly, many problems today are caused by the current economic environment - it's extremely competitive and everyone in it will compromise their ethics and health in order to come out on top. i'm just waiting for the world economy to collapse, then maybe people will stop fighting tooth and nail to get iphones

>> No.5051610

Idk Stanhope is pretty solid

>> No.5051645

Photography got it in life support, video killed it.

>> No.5051788

not that guy but it is art and it is fucking boring, tacky and disgusting

>> No.5051809

No - the camera just destroyed the notion of indexicality.

>> No.5051812

same time as God

>> No.5051845

the fuck is "true art"?

>> No.5051942

as i said, art that is creative and explorative

>> No.5051960
File: 19 KB, 300x300, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's an article exactly on this subject on my sixthform journal blog called the price of art


>tfw dfw quote ;_;

>> No.5052514

I normally don't like Musicians because they have, at most, two or three hours of material and just repeat it over and over for decades.

>> No.5052654


That's a pretty legitimate complaint for most indie songwriters.

>> No.5052694

Now that's just like shooting on the red cross.

>> No.5052718

Carlin, CK, and others have/had a policy of doing one big show and then throwing out all of their material and working toward the next big show on a yearly basis.

>> No.5052747

Art culture is too focused on novelty. Related to this they're too preoccupied with precocious young talent and don't supply a solid art education to anyone who doesn't already show a predilection for it. Middle school and high school art classes in the US are a complete joke and kids may as well be finger-painting. But even within those classes extra attention and inordinate praise are heaped upon whoever happens to be marginally better than the rest even if they're not objectively very good. This leads to a situation where the "talented" think the sun shines out their asshole while no one else is willing to put in the effort to improve their skills because they believe they don't have the talent for it.

Walk next door to the music room however and you'll see kids of all ability levels being drilled on the basics until even the slowest dullard can wrap his head around it. I'm not going to say music doesn't have a similar bias but it's far less severe, and there's a much larger focus on learning the fundamentals than cultivating natural gifts.

>> No.5052773

It's all about TV shows and videogames now. No painting or sculpture is ever again going to stand out.

>> No.5052809
File: 19 KB, 700x479, 1369072748867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, these days everyone only cares about money. People live to work, not the other way around. Bunch of fucking bydlo.

>> No.5052836

This talk I've commonly-seen of art having "died" merely translates into: why don't I like contemporary art?

Art is not dead; as long as there is a working hand, art exists.

Please, overthrow the idiotic notion of art = good. Art is alive now; art was alive then; art will continue to live despite your aesthetic reservations.

>> No.5052840

The moment it became hugely accessible to create.

The standard dropped like a rock through the ocean.

>> No.5052859

This anon's the closest to what I think.

There's always been shitty art in the past; we just didn't memorialize it. And why would we? It was shit. When you go into an art gallery of 1800's paintings and think "wow, art was so much better back then!", you're not actually correct because what you're seeing is an infinitesimal slice of a much larger body of work, most of which was shit. What you're seeing is what survived the passage of time.

Because of this, contemporary art is ALWAYS the worst overall body of art, regardless of era - because it's being made now, and hasn't been looked at with a critical eye over the years. 99.9999% of what is now contemporary art will be forgotten in a century, and what's good will live on. And then contemporary art a century from now will be the worst overall body of work.

Such is life.

>> No.5052876
File: 123 KB, 774x1032, venus_of_willendorf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's always been shitty art in the past; we just didn't memorialize it.

That's wrong though.

We've even got whole periods such as the Early Christian era where art went downhill compared to its Roman predecessors and we memorialized almost all of it that survives.

>> No.5052877

>says the spook

>> No.5052878


But what if that rock was actually made of pumice?

>> No.5052905


A legitimate tactic for getting westerns out of your country?

Everyone does that now-a-days, just look at Iraq, they can't get their hands on Americans so they go for Red Cross workers and foreign press.

>> No.5054250

how the fuck does that make it "true"?

>> No.5054273

Saying art is dead is like saying you know what all 6.7 billion people do with their free time.

>> No.5054292
File: 87 KB, 576x590, charlemagne_coronation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we just didn't memorialize it

>> No.5054293

pumice is a type of igneous rock

>> No.5054321

yeah that whole thing is a fun where's waldo isn't it?

>> No.5054336

kekked irl at those faces

>> No.5054362

Dada tried to completely erase art, you fucking nitwick

>> No.5054380


>> No.5054413

Not him, but pummice floats. That's what he was trying to say.

>> No.5054475

art swings in quality all the time, across time and space. "golden ages" imply that there are ages that aren't golden, etc.

i somewhat agree with what you say, but certainly one can at least try to rank eras.

when you think about it, the other way sounds just as weird: that the Human Species, by law, always produces art of equal quality at any given year.