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5045900 No.5045900[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's her name /lit/?
Why is she so special?
What book reminds you of her?

>> No.5045904

She's not anymore, she's changed.
She bought me Infinite Jest.

>> No.5045905

Damn nigga ain't saying her name because my friends know I trip on /mu/ and /lit/ but I'm getting obsessed over a girl I've seen like twice even though I have a girlfriend and she has a boyfriend but damn nigga she's cool; the book's glamorama.

>> No.5045907


Just because you vaguely mention books in passing doesn't mean this garbage belongs here. Take it elsewhere.

>> No.5045908

I don't get all puppy anymore, but a friend of mine recently tried to set me up with his quadriplegic daughter, who is half Brazilian and very beautiful. It's very awkward feeling attraction toward her beauty and also apprehension about, well, you can think of it.

>> No.5045909

I really need a new muse.

Reply if you want to audition to be my new muse (girls & twinks only)

>> No.5045910

"My Bitch"
She's your mom
Moby Dick

>> No.5046045

fookin qual et tee

>> No.5046078

cut a hole into a body pillow, that'll be good practice.

>> No.5046097

The pillow would need to be sloppy and warm

>> No.5046107

currently debating texting her

do i do it /lit/?

>> No.5046108

depends, show me your text first

>> No.5046111

i don't have a text already thought out, lol. just going to make awkward conversation.

>> No.5046115

if you don't tell her you want to see her tomorrow why talk to her

>> No.5046124

In the solipsistic sense, she is the only person as real as me. Not "real" as in sincere or tough, but real as in actual. I could not be a solipsist because she is without a doubt real in ways nobody else I know is.
She reminds me of The Broom of the System

>> No.5046125

to establish a vague notion of familiarity, i guess. i don't aim very high these days.

>> No.5046130

I'm sorry about your micro-penis anon :(

>> No.5046153


I feel her subjective experience aligns with my own more than others, and where we differ, are areas I'd like to change myself. Also, I don't think anyone else has ever given as much of a shit about me. Too bad I'll never see her again.

As I Lay Dying and The Sound and the Fury

>> No.5046156

I know people that come on here and she has kind of a unique name so I'm not about to say it

She's special because she gives no fucks what people think of her and can be too spontaneous and a little immature, yet overall she is very intelligent, very beautiful, creates fantastic works of art, can drink almost as much as I can, and enjoys taking psychedelics. She's also just as cold as I am, sometimes towards me, and I should hate her but it makes me love her all the more.

Any book that deals with romantic or sexual relationships in any way at all.

>> No.5046160

This familiarity would be more interesting around a coffee or a beer.

>> No.5046168

Every book, for a woman like herself, must have been the inspiration for all that anyone could ever write.

>> No.5046170

All the girls.
Theodore Dreiser's The Genius.

>> No.5046196

Text her and tell her you masturbate to her, anon. Then tell her it wasn't you. Then tell her it was you. Then hum and haw about it. BOOM. Sex.

>> No.5046216

Has anyone here ever written a story about a relationship between your dream lover and a character based on yourself?

>> No.5046218

Also, telling a girl you'll do "filthy things" to her has considerable affect. And then once you get your foot in the door, jokingly offer to murder someone for her every once in a while. This is a proven method to make a woman fall in love with you.

>> No.5046230

the dirty text followed by "that was my friend ____ he's an idiot" followed by "but i mean........." is classic. got some mad poon in late middle/early high school because of that shit

no because that shit's lame as fuck, either wallow silently in your self pity or do actively do something about it

>> No.5046231

No anon, that's pussy as fuck. I wrote a thing recently about being absolutely depraved, though.

>> No.5046233

Haha, I like this guy.

>> No.5046237

Any book with a disappointing ending.

>> No.5046244

Tsumugi Kotobuki
the purest of all maidens
idk maybe Open City or The Old Man and the Sea

>> No.5046253

so long as you don't write a book about our fictional relationship

>> No.5046254

It's amazing that all sex is fantasy, it doesn't matter who you are if you can play your part in the act well

>> No.5046260

Srs? I'd be dom as fuck in it...

>> No.5046270

hence being classified as fiction
i'd smash the fuck out of you irl pussy

>> No.5046280

Pft, you'd be my bitch

>> No.5046295


>> No.5046357

She's an American expat 15 years older than me with a great body and intelligent mind, but was sometimes misguided and often a needy, unforgiving person who sought conflict.

She was one of those rare people with an extra-long tongue and a sexual oral fixation. There was also that indescribable connection.

Something edgy, sarcastic and unsympathetic. Bukowski? Nothing I've read comes to mind.

>> No.5046369

>tfw have sex with cute grill
>text her a couple of days later
>she replies with ill let you know when im free next and we can hang out as friends

kill me

>> No.5046371

she's only real in my head
all of them

>> No.5046379

dat jawline
idk I don't even know her at all lol

>> No.5046383


Words cannot capture her.

Fahrenheit 451 (the first book we ever read together.)

>> No.5046386

just keep in mind that, yes, that is a shitty situation, but at least she is still down to hang out. things can change.

>> No.5046397

i get the feeling she replied with that to sort of 'dismiss' me - like expecting i wont reply and it will be over

>> No.5046404

Well then don't let her win!

>> No.5046412


>> No.5046413

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.5046433

yeah that sounds pretty likely too, man. take her up on that offer one time and see how it goes. it'll be easy to tell.

>> No.5046436
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>some mad poon
>some mad

If you're not from the north east keep away from our slang you troglodyte

>> No.5046443
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Her name is Alison.

She was one hell of a girl and there was genius in her simplicity. Things through her eyes were so much easier, she was able to make the world so much clearer. Everything was in black and white to her, but grey? She didn't know what to do with grey.

For Christmas she got me a copy of The Catcher in the Rye, which was always on my list but I hadn't actually read up until that point. She signed the inside cover of it with a love-letter. I think I'm going to go read it now.

>> No.5046461

>The Sound and the Fury

Is she your sister, anon :3

>> No.5046469


I hope we're not thinking of fhe same person... lol

>> No.5046478
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I'm from Wisconsin and I will kick the fucking shit out of you you punk bitch

>> No.5046483

I don't have a her. I kind of wish I did, but all my previous 'hers' have been unhealthy one-sided obsessions so maybe its a good thing I don't.

>> No.5046491
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Yeah right, you and Bon Hiver? Give me a fucking break cheese head.

I'll stomp your bitchass.

>> No.5046501
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Pretty good introduction.

>> No.5046535
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Northeast US seems pretty cool so I'm not about to talk shit but fuck Justin Vernon I'm coming with Walter Ellis

>> No.5046581

my god you can smell the autism

>> No.5046668

I've been thinking about this one girl who's my sister's friend. I'm 24, shes about to be 18 in a few months. I know she likes me so I tried sending her a message saying "Hi :)". She didn't reply but sent me a friend request on fb. I'm debating on what my next move should be.

>> No.5046682

Pic of her?

>> No.5046688

>In Which the Tripfag Attempts Insight

>> No.5046707


Eh, we have the same uni courses. Not like I think about her day and night or anything, but she understands me in a rather shockingly honest way. Also she's smart. And red hair, I like red hair.

Georg Trakl's Blutschuld. Not because we're incestuous, she just really likes Trakl too.

>> No.5046729

haha, no. I'll always think of her whenever I smell Honeysuckle though...

I doubt it. But, if it clarifies anything for you, I'll admit that she just moved to NYC.

>> No.5046775

Fuck off teenager, anyone from mu is a guaranteed piece of shit just like tv

>> No.5046889

She's backing up so you don't think she's a slut. Keep calm, and recognize that "as friends" is a test to see if you actually give a care about her as a human being.

Plenty of girls will tell everyone they're not dating a guy and make out with him every chance they get. I saw it just today.

>> No.5046909

What exactly did you see?

>> No.5046921
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>> No.5046930

well should i reply to her? i havent yet

>> No.5046981

jes do it. let us know how it turns out. also, how cute is she? a that would be an important factor

>> No.5046984

Yeah dude. Just do it to have fun.

Always put yourself in the mood to have fun, and then every now and then, the sexy.

If they put you off, just laugh it off. Theyre saving you time in the end by putting you off.

>> No.5046989

i replied with 'that sounds good'
physically shes my type 100%, trying to be objective id say 7-8/10
ok thanks for the advie

>> No.5046995

>okay sounds good
I'd like to commend you for mastering the hyper-casual lingo required for modern normo interactions.

>> No.5046997

ok thanks

>> No.5047000

*that sounds good
Bonus points if it was written without caps

>> No.5047007

it was indeed

>> No.5047012

One last thing.

If she gives you the cold shoulder and for whatever reason you cant get over her, just do this so you can get over it. Say youre going to go do something fun, whatever it is and just you or with other people, and ask if she wants to come along.

Just remember to have fun dude. Try not to fantasize too much.

>> No.5047038

yeah ive been trying to recently

when i was younger i always fantasised excessively to the point where i convinced myself i was in love
ive sort of gotten over this - hopefully things work out for the best

>> No.5047042

Good job

From the looks of it, he's got things under control and doesn't need your second-hand advice

>> No.5047045

btw if anyone has any ideas on what to say here
I'm all ears

>> No.5047050

Is there any response to this but to delete the number and forget she exists?

>> No.5047053

add her and talk to her

>> No.5047054

>What's her name /lit/?


>Why is she so special?

She has infected me, It is terminal.

>What book reminds you of her?

None. No character, no other person I've met in real life. I'm not sure I could write her. I still struggle to get into her head because it's difficult to believe that someone like her could be real.

>> No.5047055

Sure, but it's obvious that she's not all that interested in him. Right now she wants to keep him around as an ego boost

>> No.5047056

not that guy but ive had experiences like that before, sometimes it means shes insecure and wants to know whether you like actually like her and you dont just want to fuck her
the important thing is to get caught up with the one girl - especially if you are young - because when this sort of thing happens you can just shrug it off

>> No.5047057

This guy knows about life.

as does


I don't have that kind of time
probably Le Vicaire des Ardennes?
We read it to each other in the park on the first day of spring.

>> No.5047059
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>What's her name /lit/?

>Why is she so special?
Shares my fetish and postes in the same board as I

>What book reminds you of her?
None, and that is sad.

>> No.5047060

not get caught up* kek

>> No.5047064


>She is everything I'm looking for in a girl and we love each other

>The Necronomicon because she's indescribable and her beauty is incomprehensible.

>> No.5047066
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>>The Necronomicon because she's indescribable and her beauty is incomprehensible.
>The Necronomicon

>> No.5047067

>i replied with 'that sounds good'
yeah thats a decent reply
just make sure she replies next, if she never does then its definitely over
in the meantime find another girl :) life goes on

>> No.5047070

I added her but after she didn't reply to my message I'm at a loss of what to say

>> No.5047071
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That's what I said nigger.

>> No.5047074

Sure, I don't doubt that happens, but it's still always depressing when she doesn't show that carnal attraction or even infatuation

That's why I stick to casual sex, I live one night in a fantasy and then dump the person off. I almost always have the upper hand after, and I don't reply once or twice, to solidify my position

>inb4 sociopath

Women do this to guys like us all the time

>> No.5047078

I don't like unsure replies, and I'm sure other people don't like then either. People like a person who can be the executor, and this is amplified in male/female relationships

Well, on second thought, homosexual male relationships are usually far more about dominance that female ones..

>> No.5047080

>I don't reply once or twice
do they even text back afterwards?

>> No.5047081

what did the message say

>> No.5047083

well it seems like the girl was the executor there anyway

>> No.5047085

Maria Victoria
My fiance. We got engaged before she got into a car accident. Still comatose.
The Time Traveler's Wife. We would make up scenarios where both Henry and Claire lived happily ever after.

>mfw I kind of feel what Claire's feeling now

>> No.5047086

She says her name is Laure. I don't believe her. She doesn't have any name.
Words don't touch her. And I won't be pathetic like poets trying to orbit around her with long sentences in order to "give an idea" how she is. There somethings that – even with all the poetry in the world – must be lived in order to be known. Sensed if you prefer.
Yep I'm getting crazier and crazier as my desire is becoming a remembrance.

>> No.5047087

Kafka Tamura

>> No.5047090

Yes. It's all about who detaches from the fantasy first

Yes, she was. If a female is executing plans to a male, then the relationship will not be fun. I used to get extremely infatuated in high school and get enveloped in fantasy, so much that I learned to delete people's numbers so I wouldn't text them too much. I learned that after a good encounter I had to delete their number so I couldn't text then first. It works out usually

But seriously don't think about texting too deeply. If your life is so boring that you have time to dwell on texts then you need to figure something new out for yourself

>> No.5047091

Just the "Hi :)" nothing too spergy

>> No.5047095

act like it never happened, just start talking to her like you would anyone else

>> No.5047097

>Maria Victoria

Where are you from?
That sounds a bit like a BR name.

>> No.5047098
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Why is he so perfect /lit/?

>> No.5047099

That's the thing, I don't tend to start conversations with people I don't already know, so I'm unsure what would be a non-autistic way to do it

>> No.5047109

just a casual conversation man

hey hows it going or something along those lines, you cant start off with anything too suggestive or she wont reply

>> No.5047110

We're both from Sydney m8. Although she's of Hispanic decent, hence the name.

>> No.5047112

You should learn how to do that, it's a useful skill

>> No.5047120


She loves life and those around her so much, and she won't let anything stop her getting what she wants. She always does the right thing and she's so smart and mature and wild but at the same time so innocent and sweet and pure. Everything she does is so genuine and well intentioned and she's so witty and funny. She is the most special woman in the world to me.

For some reason she still loves Harry Potter, so that reminds me of her.

>> No.5047124


r u fkin 4 reel m8

>> No.5047129

I had never fell in love before her (and she makes excellent pancakes)
L'enchanteur, by Barjavel, because she matches his description of Viviane.

>> No.5047228
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I don't know anon, I don't know
(who is he?)

>> No.5047415
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>having a her in your life
>loving these hoes

Board full of betas.

Here is a short poem by the great poet Lil Tunechi.

I wan't born last night.
I know these hoes ain't right.
You were blowin' up her phone last night
But she ain't have her ringer nor her ring on last night.

>> No.5047447

Why does he make the music cum with his serpent tongue?

>> No.5047450
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>What's her name /lit/?
>Why is she so special?
I don't know "why".
>What book reminds you of her?

>> No.5047451

>tfw no meaningful relationship with member of opposing sex

>> No.5047465

Used to namefag on /mu/ and was famous from what I take it though I've been long gone so I won't say her name

Everything I wanted in a girl -- you know those dreamgirl photos? Yeah everything there, favorite records, books, appearance was 10 to me with all its flaws

Turned out a lot of that's fantasy and a person is more than interests and scenester ethics which was what a lot of that turned out to be

Still very strange and I don't know what to pine over

Right now everything reminds me of her but she's happily moved on.

Keeps a little memento of me on her shelf she said last time we talked?

I kind of miss her spooning me and spooning her among other things but it had to end.

>> No.5047559

>tfw when all the pretty girls I've encountered and been involved with so far have been nothing less than vacuous.

Does this change at University? I'm hoping to not come across to many

Does this change when I get to university or what?

>> No.5047576

You might be a misogynist

>> No.5047581

It's like you go through your life just purposefully denying what's right in front of your eyes.